Similarly to many other parts of LVGL, the concept of setting the coordinates were inspired by CSS. It doesn't mean a perfect copy of the standard but parts that are reasonable were adopted in LVGL.
It shorts it means:
- the set corrdintates (size, position, layouts, etc) are stored in styles
- support min-width, max-width, min-height, max-height
- have pixel, percentage, and "content" units
- a subset of felxbox and grid layouts are supported by default
### Units
- pixel: Simply a position in pixels. A simple integer always mean pixel. E.g. `lv_obj_set_x(btn, 10)`
- percentage: The percentage of the size of the obejct or its parent (dependeing on the property). The `lv_pct(value)` converts a value to percentage. E.g. `lv_obj_set_width(btn, lv_pct(50))`
-`LV_SIZE_CONTENT`: Specai lvalue to set the width/height of an object to involve all the children. Its similar to `auto` in CSS. E.g. `lv_obj_set_width(btn, LV_SIZE_CONTENT)`.
The border is drawn inside the bounding box and doesn't take an extra space. (It's different from CSS in which increasing the border width makes the object larger.)
To simple set the x and y coordinates of an object use
lv_obj_set_x(obj, 10);
lv_obj_set_y(obj, 20);
lv_obj_set_pos(obj, 10, 20); //Or in one function
By default the the x and y coordinates are measured from the top left corner of the parent's content area.
For example if the parent has 5 pixel padding on every side, the above code will place `obj` to (15, 25) becasue the content area starts after the padding.
If percentage values are calculated from the parents content area size.
lv_obj_set_x(btn, lv_pct(10)); //x = 10 % of parant content area width
In some cases it's convinient to change the origin of the positioning from the the default top left. If the the orogin is changed e.g. to bottom-right, the (0,0) positon means: align to the bottom-right corner.
To change the origin use:
lv_obj_set_align(obj, align);
To change the alignment and set new coordiantes:
lv_obj_align(obj, align, x, y);
The following alignment options can be used:
It quite common to align a children to the center of its parent, tehre fore is a dedicated function for it:
Not that - unlike with `lv_obj_align()` - `lv_obj_align_to()` can not realign the object if its coordinates or the reference object's coordinates changes.
Size setting supports a value: `LV_SIZE_CONTENT`. It means the object's size in the respective direction will be set to involv its the children.
Note that only children on the right and bottom will be considered and children o nthe top and left remains cropped. This limitation makes the behavior more predictible.
Object with `LV_OBJ_FLAG_HIDDEN` or `LV_OBJ_FLAG_FLOATING` will be ignored by `LV_SIZE_CONTENT` calculation.
The above functions set the size of the bounding box of the object but the size of the content area can be set as well. It means the obejct's bounding box will be larger with the paddings than the set size.
lv_obj_set_content_width(obj, 50);
lv_obj_set_content_height(obj, 30);
The size of the bounding box and the content area can be get with the following functions:
Under the hood the position, size and alignment properties are style properties.
The above described "simple functions" hide the style related code for the sake of simplicity and set the position, size, and alignment properties in the local styles of the obejct.
However, using styles as to set the coordinates has some great advantages:
- It makes easy to set the width/height/etc for several obejct togother with ease. E.g. all make all the sliders 100x10 pixels sized.
- It also makes possibel to modify the values in one place.
- The values can be overwritten by other styles. For example `style_btn` makes the object `100x50` by default but adding `style_full_width` overwrites only the width of the object.
- The object can have different position or size in different state. E.g. 100 px wide in `LV_STATE_DEFAULT` but 120 px in `LV_STATE_PRESSED`.
- Style transitions can be used to make the coordinate changes smooth.
Here are some examples to set an object's size using a style:
static lv_style_t style;
lv_style_set_width(&style, 100);
lv_obj_t * btn = lv_btn_create(lv_scr_act());
lv_obj_add_style(btn, &style, LV_PART_MAIN);
As you will see below there are some other great fetures of size and position setting.
However, to keep the LVGL's API lean only the most common coordinate setting features have a "simple" version and the more complex features can be used via styles.
### Translations and transformations
### Translation
Let's say the there are 3 buttons next to each other. Their position is set as described above.
Now you want to move a buttons up a little when it's pressed.
One way to achive this is setting a new Y coordinate for pressed state:
It workes but it's not really flexible becasue the pressed coordinate is hardcoded. If the buttons are not at y=100 `style_pressed` won't work as expected. To solve this translations can be used:
Translation is applied from the current position of the object.
Perecentage values can be used in translations as well. In this case the percentage is releative to the size of the object. For example `lv_pct(50)` will move the object with half of its wifth/height.
The translations is applied when the layouts are calcualted. Therefore, even the layouted objects' position can be translated.
The translation actually moves the object. It means it makes the scrollbars and `LV_SIZE_CONTENT` sized objects react on the position change.
### Transformation
Similarly to the position the size can be changed relative to the current size as well. The transformed width and hight is added on both sides of the object. That is 10 px transformed width amkes the object 2x10 pixel larger.
Unlike position translation, the size transformation doesn't make the object "really" larget. In other words scrollbars, layouts, `LV_SIZE_CONTENT` will not consider the transformed size.
Hence size transformation if "only" a visual effect.
This code makes the a button larger when it's pressed:
Similarly to CSS, LVGL also support `min-width`, `max-width`, `min-height` and `max-height`. These are limits preventing an obejct's size to be smaller/larger then these values.
They are espically useful if the size is set by percentage or `LV_SIZE_CONTENT`.
static lv_style_t style_max_height;
lv_style_set_y(&style_max_height, 200);
lv_obj_set_height(obj, lv_pct(100));
lv_obj_add_style(obj, &style_max_height, LV_STATE_DEFAULT); //Limit height to 200
Layouts can update the the position and size of an object's children. They can be used to automatically arrange the children into a line or column, or in much more complicated ways.
The position and size set by the layout overwrites the "normal" x, y, width, and height settings.
There is only one function that is the same for every layout: `lv_obj_set_layout(obj, <LAYOUT_NAME>)` sets the layout on an obejct.
For the further settings of the parent and children for a specific layout see the documentions of the given layout.
Both are heavily inspired by the CSS layouts with the same name.
### Flags
There are some flags that can be used on object to affect how they behave with layouts:
-`LV_OBJ_FLAG_HIDDEN` Hidden object are ignored from layout calcualtions.
-`LV_OBJ_FLAG_IGNORE_LAYOUT` The object is simply ignored by the layouts. It's coordinate can be set as usual.
-`LV_OBJ_FLAG_FLOATING` Same as `LV_OBJ_FLAG_IGNORE_LAYOUT` but the object with `LV_OBJ_FLAG_FLOATING` will be ignored from `LV_SIZE_CONTENT` calculations.
These falgs can be added/remoevd with `lv_obj_add/clear_flag(obj, FLAG);`