mirror of
synced 2025-01-28 07:03:00 +08:00
lv_ta: refresh only the cursor area on cursor blink
This commit is contained in:
@ -121,10 +121,10 @@ void lv_vdb_flush(void)
/* With true double buffering the flushing should be only the address change of the current frame buffer
* Wait until the address change is ready and copy the active content to the other frame buffer (new active VDB)
* The changes will be written to the new VDB.*/
memcpy(vdb[vdb_active].buf, vdb[(vdb_active + 1) & 0x1].buf, LV_VDB_SIZE_IN_BYTES);
# endif
#endif /*#if LV_VDB_DOUBLE*/
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ void lv_txt_cut(char * txt, uint32_t pos, uint32_t len);
* Give the size of an encoded character
* Give the size of an encoded character
* @param str pointer to a character in a string
* @return length of the encoded character (1,2,3 ...). O in invalid
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#if USE_LV_TA != 0
#include "../lv_core/lv_group.h"
#include "../lv_core/lv_refr.h"
#include "../lv_draw/lv_draw.h"
#include "../lv_themes/lv_theme.h"
#include "../lv_misc/lv_anim.h"
@ -50,6 +51,8 @@ static void pwd_char_hider_anim(lv_obj_t * ta, int32_t x);
static void pwd_char_hider(lv_obj_t * ta);
static bool char_is_accepted(lv_obj_t * ta, uint32_t c);
static void get_cursor_style(lv_obj_t * ta, lv_style_t * style_res);
static void refr_cursor_area(lv_obj_t * ta);
@ -483,7 +486,7 @@ void lv_ta_set_cursor_pos(lv_obj_t * ta, int16_t pos)
@ -497,7 +500,8 @@ void lv_ta_set_cursor_type(lv_obj_t * ta, lv_cursor_type_t cur_type)
if(ext->cursor.type == cur_type) return;
ext->cursor.type = cur_type;
@ -536,6 +540,8 @@ void lv_ta_set_pwd_mode(lv_obj_t * ta, bool en)
ext->pwd_mode = en == false ? 0 : 1;
@ -568,6 +574,8 @@ void lv_ta_set_one_line(lv_obj_t * ta, bool en)
lv_obj_set_height(ta, LV_TA_DEF_HEIGHT);
lv_obj_set_pos(lv_page_get_scrl(ta), style_ta->body.padding.hor, style_ta->body.padding.ver);
@ -601,8 +609,9 @@ void lv_ta_set_text_align(lv_obj_t * ta, lv_label_align_t align)
lv_style_t * bg_style = lv_ta_get_style(ta, LV_TA_STYLE_BG);
lv_obj_set_width(label, lv_obj_get_width(ta) - 2 * bg_style->body.padding.hor);
@ -652,6 +661,7 @@ void lv_ta_set_style(lv_obj_t * ta, lv_ta_style_t type, lv_style_t * style)
ext->cursor.style = style;
lv_obj_refresh_ext_size(lv_page_get_scrl(ta)); /*Refresh ext. size because of cursor drawing*/
@ -929,129 +939,53 @@ static bool lv_ta_scrollable_design(lv_obj_t * scrl, const lv_area_t * mask, lv_
/*Draw the cursor*/
lv_obj_t * ta = lv_obj_get_parent(scrl);
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
lv_style_t * label_style = lv_obj_get_style(ext->label);
lv_opa_t opa_scale = lv_obj_get_opa_scale(ta);
if(ext->cursor.type == LV_CURSOR_NONE ||
(ext->cursor.type & LV_CURSOR_HIDDEN) ||
ext->cursor.state == 0 ||
label_style->body.opa == LV_OPA_TRANSP) {
ext->cursor.state == 0) {
return true; /*The cursor is not visible now*/
lv_style_t cur_style;
if(ext->cursor.style != NULL) {
lv_style_copy(&cur_style, ext->cursor.style);
} else {
/*If cursor style is not specified then use the modified label style */
lv_style_copy(&cur_style, label_style);
lv_color_t clv_color_tmp = cur_style.text.color; /*Make letter color to cursor color*/
cur_style.text.color = cur_style.body.main_color; /*In block mode the letter color will be current background color*/
cur_style.body.main_color = clv_color_tmp;
cur_style.body.grad_color = clv_color_tmp;
cur_style.body.border.color = clv_color_tmp;
cur_style.body.border.opa = LV_OPA_COVER;
cur_style.body.border.width = 1;
cur_style.body.shadow.width = 0;
cur_style.body.radius = 0;
cur_style.body.empty = 0;
cur_style.body.padding.hor = 0;
cur_style.body.padding.ver = 0;
cur_style.line.width = 1;
cur_style.body.opa = LV_OPA_COVER;
get_cursor_style(ta, &cur_style);
uint16_t cur_pos = lv_ta_get_cursor_pos(ta);
const char * txt = lv_label_get_text(ext->label);
uint32_t byte_pos;
#if LV_TXT_UTF8 != 0
byte_pos = lv_txt_encoded_get_byte_id(txt, cur_pos);
uint32_t letter = lv_txt_encoded_next(&txt[byte_pos], NULL);
byte_pos = cur_pos;
uint32_t letter = txt[byte_pos];
lv_coord_t letter_h = lv_font_get_height(label_style->text.font);
/*Set letter_w (set not 0 on non printable but valid chars)*/
lv_coord_t letter_w;
if(letter == '\0' || letter == '\n' || letter == '\r') {
letter_w = lv_font_get_width(label_style->text.font, ' ');
} else {
letter_w = lv_font_get_width(label_style->text.font, letter);
lv_point_t letter_pos;
lv_label_get_letter_pos(ext->label, cur_pos, &letter_pos);
/*In one line mode the cursor can be only in the first line */
if(ext->one_line && letter_pos.y > letter_h) return true;
/*If the cursor is out of the text (most right) draw it to the next line*/
if(letter_pos.x + ext->label->coords.x1 + letter_w > ext->label->coords.x2 && ext->one_line == 0) {
letter_pos.x = 0;
letter_pos.y += letter_h + label_style->text.line_space;
if(letter != '\0') {
byte_pos += lv_txt_encoded_size(&txt[byte_pos]);
letter = lv_txt_encoded_next(&txt[byte_pos], NULL);
if(letter == '\0' || letter == '\n' || letter == '\r') {
letter_w = lv_font_get_width(label_style->text.font, ' ');
} else {
letter_w = lv_font_get_width(label_style->text.font, letter);
/*Draw he cursor according to the type*/
lv_area_t cur_area;
lv_area_copy(&cur_area, &ext->cursor.area);
cur_area.x1 += ext->label->coords.x1;
cur_area.y1 += ext->label->coords.y1;
cur_area.x2 += ext->label->coords.x1;
cur_area.y2 += ext->label->coords.y1;
lv_opa_t opa_scale = lv_obj_get_opa_scale(ta);
if(ext->cursor.type == LV_CURSOR_LINE) {
cur_area.x1 = letter_pos.x + ext->label->coords.x1 + cur_style.body.padding.hor - (cur_style.line.width >> 1) - (cur_style.line.width & 0x1);
cur_area.y1 = letter_pos.y + ext->label->coords.y1 + cur_style.body.padding.ver;
cur_area.x2 = letter_pos.x + ext->label->coords.x1 + cur_style.body.padding.hor + (cur_style.line.width >> 1);
cur_area.y2 = letter_pos.y + ext->label->coords.y1 + cur_style.body.padding.ver + letter_h;
lv_draw_rect(&cur_area, mask, &cur_style, opa_scale);
} else if(ext->cursor.type == LV_CURSOR_BLOCK) {
cur_area.x1 = letter_pos.x + ext->label->coords.x1 - cur_style.body.padding.hor;
cur_area.y1 = letter_pos.y + ext->label->coords.y1 - cur_style.body.padding.ver;
cur_area.x2 = letter_pos.x + ext->label->coords.x1 + cur_style.body.padding.hor + letter_w;
cur_area.y2 = letter_pos.y + ext->label->coords.y1 + cur_style.body.padding.ver + letter_h;
lv_draw_rect(&cur_area, mask, &cur_style, opa_scale);
/*Get the current letter*/
#if LV_TXT_UTF8 == 0
char letter_buf[2];
letter_buf[0] = txt[byte_pos];
letter_buf[0] = txt[ext->cursor.txt_byte_pos];
letter_buf[1] = '\0';
char letter_buf[8] = {0};
memcpy(letter_buf, &txt[byte_pos], lv_txt_encoded_size(&txt[byte_pos]));
memcpy(letter_buf, &txt[ext->cursor.txt_byte_pos], lv_txt_encoded_size(&txt[ext->cursor.txt_byte_pos]));
cur_area.x1 += cur_style.body.padding.hor;
cur_area.y1 += cur_style.body.padding.ver;
lv_draw_label(&cur_area, mask, &cur_style, opa_scale, letter_buf, LV_TXT_FLAG_NONE, 0);
} else if(ext->cursor.type == LV_CURSOR_OUTLINE) {
cur_area.x1 = letter_pos.x + ext->label->coords.x1 - cur_style.body.padding.hor;
cur_area.y1 = letter_pos.y + ext->label->coords.y1 - cur_style.body.padding.ver;
cur_area.x2 = letter_pos.x + ext->label->coords.x1 + cur_style.body.padding.hor + letter_w;
cur_area.y2 = letter_pos.y + ext->label->coords.y1 + cur_style.body.padding.ver + letter_h;
cur_style.body.empty = 1;
if(cur_style.body.border.width == 0) cur_style.body.border.width = 1; /*Be sure the border will be drawn*/
lv_draw_rect(&cur_area, mask, &cur_style, opa_scale);
} else if(ext->cursor.type == LV_CURSOR_UNDERLINE) {
cur_area.x1 = letter_pos.x + ext->label->coords.x1 + cur_style.body.padding.hor;
cur_area.y1 = letter_pos.y + ext->label->coords.y1 + cur_style.body.padding.ver + letter_h - (cur_style.line.width >> 1);
cur_area.x2 = letter_pos.x + ext->label->coords.x1 + cur_style.body.padding.hor + letter_w;
cur_area.y2 = letter_pos.y + ext->label->coords.y1 + cur_style.body.padding.ver + letter_h + (cur_style.line.width >> 1) + (cur_style.line.width & 0x1);
lv_draw_rect(&cur_area, mask, &cur_style, opa_scale);
return true;
@ -1105,6 +1039,8 @@ static lv_res_t lv_ta_signal(lv_obj_t * ta, lv_signal_t sign, void * param)
lv_obj_set_width(ext->label, lv_obj_get_width(scrl) - 2 * style_scrl->body.padding.hor);
lv_obj_set_pos(ext->label, style_scrl->body.padding.hor, style_scrl->body.padding.ver);
lv_label_set_text(ext->label, NULL); /*Refresh the label*/
} else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_CONTROLL) {
@ -1197,8 +1133,15 @@ static void cursor_blink_anim(lv_obj_t * ta, uint8_t show)
if(show != ext->cursor.state) {
ext->cursor.state = show == 0 ? 0 : 1;
if(ext->cursor.type != LV_CURSOR_NONE &&
(ext->cursor.type & LV_CURSOR_HIDDEN) == 0) {
(ext->cursor.type & LV_CURSOR_HIDDEN) == 0)
lv_area_t area_tmp;
lv_area_copy(&area_tmp, &ext->cursor.area);
area_tmp.x1 += ext->label->coords.x1;
area_tmp.y1 += ext->label->coords.y1;
area_tmp.x2 += ext->label->coords.x1;
area_tmp.y2 += ext->label->coords.y1;
@ -1276,4 +1219,129 @@ static bool char_is_accepted(lv_obj_t * ta, uint32_t c)
static void get_cursor_style(lv_obj_t * ta, lv_style_t * style_res)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
lv_style_t * label_style = lv_obj_get_style(ext->label);
if(ext->cursor.style) {
lv_style_copy(style_res, ext->cursor.style);
} else {
/*If cursor style is not specified then use the modified label style */
lv_style_copy(style_res, label_style);
lv_color_t clv_color_tmp = style_res->text.color; /*Make letter color to cursor color*/
style_res->text.color = style_res->body.main_color; /*In block mode the letter color will be current background color*/
style_res->body.main_color = clv_color_tmp;
style_res->body.grad_color = clv_color_tmp;
style_res->body.border.color = clv_color_tmp;
style_res->body.border.opa = LV_OPA_COVER;
style_res->body.border.width = 1;
style_res->body.shadow.width = 0;
style_res->body.radius = 0;
style_res->body.empty = 0;
style_res->body.padding.hor = 0;
style_res->body.padding.ver = 0;
style_res->line.width = 1;
style_res->body.opa = LV_OPA_COVER;
static void refr_cursor_area(lv_obj_t * ta)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ta);
lv_style_t * label_style = lv_obj_get_style(ext->label);
lv_style_t cur_style;
get_cursor_style(ta, &cur_style);
uint16_t cur_pos = lv_ta_get_cursor_pos(ta);
const char * txt = lv_label_get_text(ext->label);
uint32_t byte_pos;
#if LV_TXT_UTF8 != 0
byte_pos = lv_txt_encoded_get_byte_id(txt, cur_pos);
uint32_t letter = lv_txt_encoded_next(&txt[byte_pos], NULL);
byte_pos = cur_pos;
uint32_t letter = txt[byte_pos];
lv_coord_t letter_h = lv_font_get_height(label_style->text.font);
/*Set letter_w (set not 0 on non printable but valid chars)*/
lv_coord_t letter_w;
if(letter == '\0' || letter == '\n' || letter == '\r') {
letter_w = lv_font_get_width(label_style->text.font, ' ');
} else {
letter_w = lv_font_get_width(label_style->text.font, letter);
lv_point_t letter_pos;
lv_label_get_letter_pos(ext->label, cur_pos, &letter_pos);
/*If the cursor is out of the text (most right) draw it to the next line*/
if(letter_pos.x + ext->label->coords.x1 + letter_w > ext->label->coords.x2 && ext->one_line == 0) {
letter_pos.x = 0;
letter_pos.y += letter_h + label_style->text.line_space;
if(letter != '\0') {
byte_pos += lv_txt_encoded_size(&txt[byte_pos]);
letter = lv_txt_encoded_next(&txt[byte_pos], NULL);
if(letter == '\0' || letter == '\n' || letter == '\r') {
letter_w = lv_font_get_width(label_style->text.font, ' ');
} else {
letter_w = lv_font_get_width(label_style->text.font, letter);
/*Save the byte position. It is required to draw `LV_CURSOR_BLOCK`*/
ext->cursor.txt_byte_pos = byte_pos;
/*Draw he cursor according to the type*/
lv_area_t cur_area;
if(ext->cursor.type == LV_CURSOR_LINE) {
cur_area.x1 = letter_pos.x + cur_style.body.padding.hor - (cur_style.line.width >> 1) - (cur_style.line.width & 0x1);
cur_area.y1 = letter_pos.y + cur_style.body.padding.ver;
cur_area.x2 = letter_pos.x + cur_style.body.padding.hor + (cur_style.line.width >> 1);
cur_area.y2 = letter_pos.y + cur_style.body.padding.ver + letter_h;
} else if(ext->cursor.type == LV_CURSOR_BLOCK) {
cur_area.x1 = letter_pos.x - cur_style.body.padding.hor;
cur_area.y1 = letter_pos.y - cur_style.body.padding.ver;
cur_area.x2 = letter_pos.x + cur_style.body.padding.hor + letter_w;
cur_area.y2 = letter_pos.y + cur_style.body.padding.ver + letter_h;
} else if(ext->cursor.type == LV_CURSOR_OUTLINE) {
cur_area.x1 = letter_pos.x - cur_style.body.padding.hor;
cur_area.y1 = letter_pos.y - cur_style.body.padding.ver;
cur_area.x2 = letter_pos.x + cur_style.body.padding.hor + letter_w;
cur_area.y2 = letter_pos.y + cur_style.body.padding.ver + letter_h;
} else if(ext->cursor.type == LV_CURSOR_UNDERLINE) {
cur_area.x1 = letter_pos.x + cur_style.body.padding.hor;
cur_area.y1 = letter_pos.y + cur_style.body.padding.ver + letter_h - (cur_style.line.width >> 1);
cur_area.x2 = letter_pos.x + cur_style.body.padding.hor + letter_w;
cur_area.y2 = letter_pos.y + cur_style.body.padding.ver + letter_h + (cur_style.line.width >> 1) + (cur_style.line.width & 0x1);
/*Save the new area*/
lv_area_t area_tmp;
lv_area_copy(&area_tmp, &ext->cursor.area);
area_tmp.x1 += ext->label->coords.x1;
area_tmp.y1 += ext->label->coords.y1;
area_tmp.x2 += ext->label->coords.x1;
area_tmp.y2 += ext->label->coords.y1;
lv_area_copy(&ext->cursor.area, &cur_area);
lv_area_copy(&area_tmp, &ext->cursor.area);
area_tmp.x1 += ext->label->coords.x1;
area_tmp.y1 += ext->label->coords.y1;
area_tmp.x2 += ext->label->coords.x1;
area_tmp.y2 += ext->label->coords.y1;
@ -66,8 +66,10 @@ typedef struct
uint8_t one_line :1; /*One line mode (ignore line breaks)*/
struct {
lv_style_t *style; /*Style of the cursor (NULL to use label's style)*/
lv_coord_t valid_x; /*Used when stepping up/down in text area when stepping to a shorter line. (Handled by the library)*/
lv_coord_t valid_x; /*Used when stepping up/down in text area when stepping to a shorter line. (Handled by the library)*/
uint16_t pos; /*The current cursor position (0: before 1. letter; 1: before 2. letter etc.)*/
lv_area_t area; /*Cursor area relative to the Text Area*/
uint16_t txt_byte_pos; /*Byte index of the letter after (on) the cursor*/
lv_cursor_type_t type:4; /*Shape of the cursor*/
uint8_t state :1; /*Indicates that the cursor is visible now or not (Handled by the library)*/
} cursor;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user