.. _tick: ============== Tick interface ============== LVGL needs a system tick to know elapsed time for animations and other tasks. If you want to use a custom function to :cpp:func:`lv_tick_get`, you can register a "tick_get_cb" with :cpp:func:`lv_tick_set_cb`. For example: .. code:: c lv_tick_set_cb(SDL_GetTicks); You need to call the :cpp:expr:`lv_tick_inc(tick_period)` function periodically and provide the call period in milliseconds. For example, :cpp:expr:`lv_tick_inc(1)` when calling every millisecond. :cpp:func:`lv_tick_inc` should be called in a higher priority routine than :cpp:func:`lv_task_handler` (e.g. in an interrupt) to precisely know the elapsed milliseconds even if the execution of :cpp:func:`lv_task_handler` takes more time. With FreeRTOS :cpp:func:`lv_tick_inc` can be called in ``vApplicationTickHook``. On Linux based operating systems (e.g. on Raspberry Pi) :cpp:func:`lv_tick_inc` can be called in a thread like below: .. code:: c void * tick_thread (void *args) { while(1) { usleep(5*1000); /*Sleep for 5 millisecond*/ lv_tick_inc(5); /*Tell LVGL that 5 milliseconds were elapsed*/ } } API --- .. Autogenerated :ref:`lv_tick`