/** * @file lv_gauge.h * */ /*Search an replace: gauge -> object normal name with lower case (e.g. button, label etc.) * gauge -> object short name with lower case(e.g. btn, label etc) * GAUGE -> object short name with upper case (e.g. BTN, LABEL etc.) * */ #ifndef LV_GAUGE_H #define LV_GAUGE_H /********************* * INCLUDES *********************/ #include "lv_conf.h" #if USE_LV_GAUGE != 0 #include "../lv_obj/lv_obj.h" #include "lv_rect.h" #include "lv_label.h" #include "lv_line.h" /********************* * DEFINES *********************/ #define LV_GAUGE_MAX_NEEDLE 4 /*Max number of needles. Used in the style.*/ /********************** * TYPEDEFS **********************/ /*Style of gauge*/ typedef struct { lv_rects_t rects; /*Style of ancestor*/ /*New style element for this type */ color_t mcolor_critical; /*Top color at critical.*/ color_t gcolor_critical; /*Bottom color at critical*/ /*Scale settings*/ uint16_t scale_angle; /*Angle of the scale in deg. (~220)*/ lv_labels_t scale_labels; /*Style of the scale labels*/ cord_t scale_pad; /*Padding of scale labels from the edge*/ uint8_t scale_label_num; /*Number of scale labels (~6)*/ /*Needle settings*/ lv_lines_t needle_lines; /*Style of neddles*/ color_t needle_color[LV_GAUGE_MAX_NEEDLE]; /*Color of needles*/ color_t needle_mid_color; /*Color of middle where the needles start*/ cord_t needle_mid_r; /*Radius of the needle middle area*/ opa_t needle_opa; /*Opacity of the needles*/ /*Value text settings*/ lv_labels_t value_labels; /*Style of the value label*/ uint8_t value_show :1; /*1: draw a label woth the most critical value*/ }lv_gauges_t; /*Built-in styles of gauge*/ typedef enum { LV_GAUGES_DEF, }lv_gauges_builtin_t; /*Data of gauge*/ typedef struct { lv_rect_ext_t rect; /*Ext. of ancestor*/ /*New data for this type */ int16_t min; int16_t max; int16_t * values; uint8_t needle_num; uint8_t low_critical :1; /*0: the higher value is more critical, 1: the lower value is more critical*/ }lv_gauge_ext_t; /********************** * GLOBAL PROTOTYPES **********************/ lv_obj_t * lv_gauge_create(lv_obj_t * par, lv_obj_t * copy); bool lv_gauge_signal(lv_obj_t * gauge, lv_signal_t sign, void * param); lv_gauges_t * lv_gauges_get(lv_gauges_builtin_t style, lv_gauges_t * copy); void lv_gauge_set_value(lv_obj_t * gauge, uint8_t needle, int16_t value) void lv_gauge_set_needle_num(lv_obj_t * gauge, uint8_t num); void lv_gauge_set_range(lv_obj_t * gauge, int16_t min, int16_t max); void lv_gauge_set_low_critical(lv_obj_t * gauge, bool low); uint8_t lv_gauge_get_needle_num(lv_obj_t * gauge); int16_t lv_gauge_get_value(lv_obj_t * gauge, uint8_t needle); bool lv_gauge_get_low_critical(lv_obj_t * gauge); /********************** * MACROS **********************/ #endif #endif