def set_angle(obj, v): obj.set_value(v) # # Create an arc which acts as a loader. # # Create an Arc arc = lv.arc(lv.screen_active()) arc.set_rotation(270) arc.set_bg_angles(0, 360) arc.remove_style(None, lv.PART.KNOB) # Be sure the knob is not displayed arc.remove_flag(lv.obj.FLAG.CLICKABLE) #To not allow adjusting by click a = lv.anim_t() a.init() a.set_var(arc) a.set_time(1000) a.set_repeat_count(lv.ANIM_REPEAT_INFINITE) #Just for the demo a.set_repeat_delay(500) a.set_values(0, 100) a.set_custom_exec_cb(lambda a,val: set_angle(arc,val)) lv.anim_t.start(a)