#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import re import argparse from collections import defaultdict style_properties_type = { "LV_STYLE_BG_COLOR": "LV_PROPERTY_TYPE_COLOR", "LV_STYLE_BG_GRAD_COLOR": "LV_PROPERTY_TYPE_COLOR", "LV_STYLE_BG_IMAGE_SRC": "LV_PROPERTY_TYPE_IMGSRC", "LV_STYLE_BG_IMAGE_RECOLOR": "LV_PROPERTY_TYPE_COLOR", "LV_STYLE_BORDER_COLOR": "LV_PROPERTY_TYPE_COLOR", "LV_STYLE_OUTLINE_COLOR": "LV_PROPERTY_TYPE_COLOR", "LV_STYLE_SHADOW_COLOR": "LV_PROPERTY_TYPE_COLOR", "LV_STYLE_IMAGE_RECOLOR": "LV_PROPERTY_TYPE_COLOR", "LV_STYLE_ARCH_IMAGE_SRC": "LV_PROPERTY_TYPE_IMGSRC", "LV_STYLE_ARCH_COLOR": "LV_PROPERTY_TYPE_COLOR", "LV_STYLE_TEXT_COLOR": "LV_PROPERTY_TYPE_COLOR", "LV_STYLE_TEXT_FONT": "LV_PROPERTY_TYPE_FONT", "LV_STYLE_LINE_COLOR": "LV_PROPERTY_TYPE_COLOR", } class Property: def __init__(self, widget, name, type, index, id): self.widget = widget self.name = name self.type = type self.index = index self.id = id def find_headers(directory): if os.path.isfile(directory): yield directory return for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for file in files: if file.endswith('.h'): yield os.path.join(root, file) def read_widget_properties(directory): def match_properties(file_path): pattern = r'^\s*LV_PROPERTY_ID2?\((\w+),\s*(\w+),\s*(\w+)(,\s*(\w+))?,\s*(\d+)\)' with open(file_path, 'r') as file: for line in file.readlines(): match = re.match(pattern, line) if match: id = f"LV_PROPERTY_{match.group(1).upper()}_{match.group(2).upper()}" yield Property( match.group(1).lower(), match.group(2).lower(), match.group(3), match.group(4), id) def match_styles(file_path): pattern = r'^\s+LV_STYLE_(\w+)\s*=\s*(\d+),' with open(file_path, 'r') as file: for line in file.readlines(): match = re.match(pattern, line) if match: name = match.group(1).upper() id = f"LV_PROPERTY_STYLE_{name}" yield Property("style", match.group(1).lower(), "style", match.group(2), id) properties_by_widget = defaultdict(list) for file_path in find_headers(directory): for property in match_properties(file_path): properties_by_widget[property.widget].append(property) for property in match_styles(file_path): properties_by_widget[property.widget].append(property) for widget, properties in properties_by_widget.items(): # sort properties by property name properties.sort(key=lambda x: x.name) properties_by_widget[widget] = properties return properties_by_widget def write_widget_properties(output, properties_by_widget): # Open header file for update. with open(f'{output}/lv_obj_property_names.h', "w") as header: header.write(f''' /** * @file lv_obj_property_names.h * GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT IT! */ #ifndef LV_OBJ_PROPERTY_NAMES_H #define LV_OBJ_PROPERTY_NAMES_H #include "../../misc/lv_types.h" #if LV_USE_OBJ_PROPERTY && LV_USE_OBJ_PROPERTY_NAME ''') for widget in sorted(properties_by_widget.keys()): properties = properties_by_widget[widget] file_name = f'lv_{widget}_properties.c' output_file = f'{output}/{file_name}' count = len(properties) if widget == 'style': include = "lv_style_properties.h" guard = None elif widget == "obj": include = "../../core/lv_obj.h" guard = None else: include = f'../{widget}/lv_{widget}.h' guard = f"#if LV_USE_{widget.upper()}" with open(output_file, 'w') as f: f.write(f''' /** * GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT IT! * @file {file_name} */ #include "{include}" #if LV_USE_OBJ_PROPERTY && LV_USE_OBJ_PROPERTY_NAME {guard if guard else ""} /** * {widget.capitalize() + ' widget' if widget != 'style' else 'Style'} property names, name must be in order. * Generated code from properties.py */ /* *INDENT-OFF* */ const lv_property_name_t lv_{widget}_property_names[{count}] = {{ ''') for property in properties: name = property.name name_str = '"' + name + '",' f.write(f" {{{name_str :25} {property.id},}},\n") f.write('};\n') if guard: f.write(f"#endif /*LV_USE_{widget.upper()}*/\n\n") f.write("/* *INDENT-ON* */\n") f.write('#endif\n') header.write( f' extern const lv_property_name_t lv_{widget}_property_names[{count}];\n' ) header.write('#endif\n') header.write('#endif\n') def write_style_header(output, properties_by_widget): properties = properties_by_widget['style'] output_file = f'{output}/lv_style_properties.h' with open(output_file, 'w') as f: f.write(f''' /** * GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT IT! * @file lv_style_properties.h */ #ifndef LV_STYLE_PROPERTIES_H #define LV_STYLE_PROPERTIES_H #include "../../core/lv_obj_property.h" #if LV_USE_OBJ_PROPERTY /* *INDENT-OFF* */ enum {{ ''') for property in properties: name = property.name id_type = style_properties_type.get(f"LV_STYLE_{name.upper()}", "LV_PROPERTY_TYPE_INT") f.write( f" LV_PROPERTY_ID(STYLE, {name.upper() + ',' :25} {id_type+',' :28} LV_STYLE_{name.upper()}),\n" ) f.write('};\n\n') f.write('#endif\n') f.write('#endif\n') def main(directory, output): property = read_widget_properties(directory) write_widget_properties(output, property) write_style_header(output, property) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Search files and filter lines.') parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory', help='Directory to lvgl root path') parser.add_argument( '-o', '--output', help='Folders to write generated properties for all widgets.') args = parser.parse_args() # default directory is the lvgl root path of where this script sits if args.directory is None: args.directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../") if args.output is None: args.output = os.path.join(args.directory, "src/widgets/property/") # create output directory if it doesn't exist os.makedirs(args.output, exist_ok=True) main(args.directory, args.output)