#!//opt/bin/lv_micropython -i import utime as time import lvgl as lv import display_driver from imagetools import get_png_info, open_png # Register PNG image decoder decoder = lv.img.decoder_create() decoder.info_cb = get_png_info decoder.open_cb = open_png # Create an image from the png file try: with open('../../assets/img_hand_min.png','rb') as f: img_hand_min_data = f.read() except: print("Could not find img_hand_min.png") sys.exit() img_hand_min_dsc = lv.img_dsc_t({ 'data_size': len(img_hand_min_data), 'data': img_hand_min_data }) # Create an image from the png file try: with open('../../assets/img_hand_hour.png','rb') as f: img_hand_hour_data = f.read() except: print("Could not find img_hand_hour.png") sys.exit() img_hand_hour_dsc = lv.img_dsc_t({ 'data_size': len(img_hand_hour_data), 'data': img_hand_hour_data }) def set_value(indic, v): meter.set_indicator_value(indic, v) # # A clock from a meter # meter = lv.meter(lv.scr_act()) meter.set_size(220, 220) meter.center() # Create a scale for the minutes # 61 ticks in a 360 degrees range (the last and the first line overlaps) scale_min = meter.add_scale() meter.set_scale_ticks(scale_min, 61, 1, 10, lv.palette_main(lv.PALETTE.GREY)) meter.set_scale_range(scale_min, 0, 60, 360, 270) # Create an other scale for the hours. It's only visual and contains only major ticks scale_hour = meter.add_scale() meter.set_scale_ticks(scale_hour, 12, 0, 0, lv.palette_main(lv.PALETTE.GREY)) # 12 ticks meter.set_scale_major_ticks(scale_hour, 1, 2, 20, lv.color_black(), 10) # Every tick is major meter.set_scale_range(scale_hour, 1, 12, 330, 300) # [1..12] values in an almost full circle # LV_IMG_DECLARE(img_hand) # Add a the hands from images indic_min = meter.add_needle_img(scale_min, img_hand_min_dsc, 5, 5) indic_hour = meter.add_needle_img(scale_min, img_hand_hour_dsc, 5, 5) # Create an animation to set the value a1 = lv.anim_t() a1.init() a1.set_values(0, 60) a1.set_repeat_count(lv.ANIM_REPEAT.INFINITE) a1.set_time(2000) # 2 sec for 1 turn of the minute hand (1 hour) a1.set_var(indic_min) a1.set_custom_exec_cb(lambda a1,val: set_value(indic_min,val)) lv.anim_t.start(a1) a2 = lv.anim_t() a2.init() a2.set_var(indic_hour) a2.set_time(24000) # 24 sec for 1 turn of the hour hand a2.set_values(0, 60) a2.set_custom_exec_cb(lambda a2,val: set_value(indic_hour,val)) lv.anim_t.start(a2)