#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os def process_index_rst(path): # print(path) with open(path) as fp: last_line="" line="" title_tmp="" line = fp.readline() d = {} while line: if line[0:3] == '"""': title_tmp = last_line elif line[0:15] ==".. lv_example::": name = line[16:].strip() title_tmp = title_tmp.strip() d[name] = title_tmp last_line = line line = fp.readline() return(d) h1= { "get_started":"Get started", "styles":"Styles", "anim":"Animations", "event":"Events", "layouts":"Layouts", "scroll":"Scrolling", "widgets":"Widgets" } widgets = { "obj":"Base object", "arc":"Arc", "bar":"Bar", "btn":"Button", "btnmatrix":"Button matrix", "calendar":"Calendar", "canvas":"Canvas", "chart":"Chart", "checkbox":"Checkbox", "colorwheel":"Colorwheel", "dropdown":"Dropdown", "img":"Image", "imgbtn":"Image button", "keyboard":"Keyboard", "label":"Label", "led":"LED", "line":"Line", "list":"List", "meter":"Meter", "msgbox":"Message box", "roller":"Roller", "slider":"Slider", "span":"Span", "spinbox":"Spinbox", "spinner":"Spinner", "switch":"Switch", "table":"Table", "tabview":"Tabview", "textarea":"Textarea", "tileview":"Tabview", "win":"Window", } layouts = { "flex":"Flex", "grid":"Grid", } def print_item(path, lvl, d, fout): for k in d: v = d[k] if k.startswith(path + "/lv_example_"): fout.write("#"*lvl + " " + v + "\n") fout.write('```eval_rst\n') fout.write(f".. lv_example:: {k}\n") fout.write('```\n') fout.write("\n") def exec(): path ="../examples/" fout = open("examples.md", "w") filelist = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for f in files: #append the file name to the list filelist.append(os.path.join(root,f)) filelist = [ fi for fi in filelist if fi.endswith("index.rst") ] d_all = {} #print all the file names for fn in filelist: d_act = process_index_rst(fn) d_all.update(d_act) fout.write("```eval_rst\n") fout.write(".. include:: /header.rst\n") fout.write(":github_url: |github_link_base|/examples.md\n") fout.write("```\n") fout.write("\n") fout.write("# Examples\n") for h in h1: fout.write("## " + h1[h] + "\n") if h == "widgets": for w in widgets: fout.write("### " + widgets[w] + "\n") print_item(h + "/" + w, 4, d_all, fout) elif h == "layouts": for l in layouts: fout.write("### " + layouts[l] + "\n") print_item(h + "/" + l, 4, d_all, fout) else: print_item(h, 3, d_all, fout) fout.write("")