/** * @file linked_list.c * Handle linked lists. * The nodes are dynamically allocated by the dyn_mem module, */ /********************* * INCLUDES *********************/ #include "misc_conf.h" #if USE_LINKED_LIST != 0 #include #include #include "lv_ll.h" #include "lv_mem.h" /********************* * DEFINES *********************/ #define LL_NODE_META_SIZE (sizeof(ll_node_t*) + sizeof(ll_node_t*)) #define LL_PREV_P_OFFSET(ll_p) (ll_p->n_size) #define LL_NEXT_P_OFFSET(ll_p) (ll_p->n_size + sizeof(ll_node_t*)) /********************** * TYPEDEFS **********************/ /********************** * STATIC PROTOTYPES **********************/ static void node_set_prev(ll_dsc_t * ll_p, ll_node_t* act, ll_node_t* prev); static void node_set_next(ll_dsc_t * ll_p, ll_node_t* act, ll_node_t* next); /********************** * STATIC VARIABLES **********************/ /********************** * MACROS **********************/ /********************** * GLOBAL FUNCTIONS **********************/ /** * Initialize linked list * @param ll_dsc pointer to ll_dsc variable * @param n_size the size of 1 node in bytes */ void ll_init(ll_dsc_t * ll_p, uint32_t n_size) { ll_p->head = NULL; ll_p->tail = NULL; if(n_size & 0b11) { n_size &= ~0b11; n_size += 4; } ll_p->n_size = n_size; } /** * Add a new head to a linked list * @param ll_p pointer to linked list * @return pointer to the new head */ void * ll_ins_head(ll_dsc_t * ll_p) { ll_node_t* n_new; n_new = lv_mem_alloc(ll_p->n_size + LL_NODE_META_SIZE); if(n_new != NULL) { node_set_prev(ll_p, n_new, NULL); /*No prev. before the new head*/ node_set_next(ll_p, n_new, ll_p->head); /*After new comes the old head*/ if(ll_p->head != NULL) { /*If there is old head then before it goes the new*/ node_set_prev(ll_p, ll_p->head, n_new); } ll_p->head = n_new; /*Set the new head in the dsc.*/ if(ll_p->tail == NULL) {/*If there is no tail (1. node) set the tail too*/ ll_p->tail = n_new; } } return n_new; } /** * Add a new tail to a linked list * @param ll_p pointer to linked list * @return pointer to the new tail */ void * ll_ins_tail(ll_dsc_t * ll_p) { ll_node_t* n_new; n_new = lv_mem_alloc(ll_p->n_size + LL_NODE_META_SIZE); if(n_new != NULL) { node_set_next(ll_p, n_new, NULL); /*No next after the new tail*/ node_set_prev(ll_p, n_new, ll_p->tail); /*The prev. before new is tho old tail*/ if(ll_p->tail != NULL) { /*If there is old tail then the new comes after it*/ node_set_next(ll_p, ll_p->tail, n_new); } ll_p->tail = n_new; /*Set the new tail in the dsc.*/ if(ll_p->head == NULL) { /*If there is no head (1. node) set the head too*/ ll_p->head = n_new; } } return n_new; } /** * Remove the node 'node_p' from 'll_p' linked list. * It Dose not free the the memory of node. * @param ll_p pointer to the linked list of 'node_p' * @param node_p pointer to node in 'll_p' linked list */ void ll_rem(ll_dsc_t * ll_p, void * node_p) { if(ll_get_head(ll_p) == node_p) { /*The new head will be the node after 'n_act'*/ ll_p->head = ll_get_next(ll_p, node_p); if(ll_p->head == NULL) { ll_p->tail = NULL; } else { node_set_prev(ll_p, ll_p->head, NULL); } } else if(ll_get_tail(ll_p) == node_p) { /*The new tail will be the node before 'n_act'*/ ll_p->tail = ll_get_prev(ll_p, node_p); if(ll_p->tail == NULL) { ll_p->head = NULL; } else { node_set_next(ll_p, ll_p->tail, NULL); } } else { ll_node_t* n_prev = ll_get_prev(ll_p, node_p); ll_node_t* n_next = ll_get_next(ll_p, node_p); node_set_next(ll_p, n_prev, n_next); node_set_prev(ll_p, n_next, n_prev); } } /** * Remove and free all elements from a linked list. * @param ll_p pointer to linked list */ void ll_clear(ll_dsc_t * ll_p) { void * i; void * i_next; i = ll_get_head(ll_p); i_next = NULL; while(i != NULL) { i_next = ll_get_next(ll_p, i); ll_rem(ll_p, i); lv_mem_free(i); i = i_next; } } /** * Move a node to a new linked list * @param ll_ori_p pointer to the original (old) linked list * @param ll_new_p pointer to the new linked list * @param node pointer to a node */ void ll_chg_list(ll_dsc_t * ll_ori_p, ll_dsc_t * ll_new_p, void * node) { ll_rem(ll_ori_p, node); /*Set node as head*/ node_set_prev(ll_new_p, node, NULL); node_set_next(ll_new_p, node, ll_new_p->head); if(ll_new_p->head != NULL) { /*If there is old head then before it goes the new*/ node_set_prev(ll_new_p, ll_new_p->head, node); } ll_new_p->head = node; /*Set the new head in the dsc.*/ if(ll_new_p->tail == NULL) { /*If there is no tail (first node) set the tail too*/ ll_new_p->tail = node; } } /** * Return with head node of the linked list * @param ll_p pointer to linked list * @return pointer to the head of 'll_p' */ void * ll_get_head(ll_dsc_t * ll_p) { void * head = NULL; if(ll_p != NULL) { head = ll_p->head; } return head; } /** * Return with tail node of the linked list * @param ll_p pointer to linked list * @return pointer to the head of 'll_p' */ void * ll_get_tail(ll_dsc_t * ll_p) { void * tail = NULL; if(ll_p != NULL) { tail = ll_p->tail; } return tail; } /** * Return with the pointer of the next node after 'n_act' * @param ll_p pointer to linked list * @param n_act pointer a node * @return pointer to the next node */ void * ll_get_next(ll_dsc_t * ll_p, void * n_act) { void * next = NULL; if(ll_p != NULL) { ll_node_t* n_act_d = n_act; memcpy(&next, n_act_d + LL_NEXT_P_OFFSET(ll_p), sizeof(void *)); } return next; } /** * Return with the pointer of the previous node after 'n_act' * @param ll_p pointer to linked list * @param n_act pointer a node * @return pointer to the previous node */ void * ll_get_prev(ll_dsc_t * ll_p, void * n_act) { void * prev = NULL; if(ll_p != NULL) { ll_node_t* n_act_d = n_act; memcpy(&prev, n_act_d + LL_PREV_P_OFFSET(ll_p), sizeof(void *)); } return prev; } void ll_swap(ll_dsc_t * ll_p, void * n1_p, void * n2_p) { } /********************** * STATIC FUNCTIONS **********************/ /** * Set the 'pervious node pointer' of a node * @param ll_p pointer to linked list * @param act pointer to a node which prev. node pointer should be set * @param prev pointer to a node which should be the previous node before 'act' */ static void node_set_prev(ll_dsc_t * ll_p, ll_node_t* act, ll_node_t* prev) { memcpy(act + LL_PREV_P_OFFSET(ll_p), &prev, sizeof(ll_node_t*)); } /** * Set the 'next node pointer' of a node * @param ll_p pointer to linked list * @param act pointer to a node which next node pointer should be set * @param next pointer to a node which should be the next node before 'act' */ static void node_set_next(ll_dsc_t * ll_p, ll_node_t* act, ll_node_t* next) { memcpy(act + LL_NEXT_P_OFFSET(ll_p), &next, sizeof(ll_node_t*)); } #endif