/** * @file lv_chart.c * */ /********************* * INCLUDES *********************/ #include "lv_conf.h" #if USE_LV_CHART != 0 #include "lv_chart.h" #include "../lv_draw/lv_draw.h" /********************* * DEFINES *********************/ #define LV_CHART_YMIN_DEF 0 #define LV_CHART_YMAX_DEF 100 #define LV_CHART_HDIV_DEF 3 #define LV_CHART_VDIV_DEF 5 #define LV_CHART_PNUM_DEF 10 /********************** * TYPEDEFS **********************/ /********************** * STATIC PROTOTYPES **********************/ static bool lv_chart_design(lv_obj_t * chart, const area_t * mask, lv_design_mode_t mode); static void lv_charts_init(void); static void lv_chart_draw_div(lv_obj_t * chart, const area_t * mask); static void lv_chart_draw_lines(lv_obj_t * chart, const area_t * mask); static void lv_chart_draw_points(lv_obj_t * chart, const area_t * mask); static void lv_chart_draw_cols(lv_obj_t * chart, const area_t * mask); /********************** * STATIC VARIABLES **********************/ static lv_charts_t lv_charts_def; static lv_design_f_t ancestor_design_fp; /********************** * MACROS **********************/ /********************** * GLOBAL FUNCTIONS **********************/ /*----------------- * Create function *-----------------*/ /** * Create a chart background objects * @param par pointer to an object, it will be the parent of the new chart background * @param copy pointer to a chart background object, if not NULL then the new object will be copied from it * @return pointer to the created chart background */ lv_obj_t * lv_chart_create(lv_obj_t * par, lv_obj_t * copy) { /*Create the ancestor basic object*/ lv_obj_t * new_chart = lv_rect_create(par, copy); dm_assert(new_chart); /*Allocate the object type specific extended data*/ lv_chart_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_alloc_ext(new_chart, sizeof(lv_chart_ext_t)); dm_assert(ext); if(ancestor_design_fp == NULL) { ancestor_design_fp = lv_obj_get_design_f(new_chart); } ll_init(&ext->dl_ll, sizeof(cord_t *)); ext->dl_num = 0; lv_obj_set_signal_f(new_chart, lv_chart_signal); lv_obj_set_design_f(new_chart, lv_chart_design); /*Init the new chart background object*/ if(copy == NULL) { ext->type = LV_CHART_LINE; lv_obj_set_style(new_chart, lv_charts_get(LV_CHARTS_DEF, NULL)); ext->ymin = LV_CHART_YMIN_DEF; ext->ymax = LV_CHART_YMAX_DEF; ext->hdiv_num = LV_CHART_HDIV_DEF; ext->vdiv_num = LV_CHART_VDIV_DEF; ext->pnum = LV_CHART_PNUM_DEF; } else { lv_chart_ext_t * ext_copy = lv_obj_get_ext(copy); ext->type = ext_copy->type; ext->ymin = ext_copy->ymin; ext->ymax = ext_copy->ymax; ext->hdiv_num = ext_copy->hdiv_num; ext->vdiv_num = ext_copy->vdiv_num; ext->pnum = ext_copy->pnum; } return new_chart; } /** * Signal function of the chart background * @param chart pointer to a chart background object * @param sign a signal type from lv_signal_t enum * @param param pointer to a signal specific variable */ bool lv_chart_signal(lv_obj_t * chart, lv_signal_t sign, void * param) { bool valid; /* Include the ancient signal function */ valid = lv_rect_signal(chart, sign, param); /* The object can be deleted so check its validity and then * make the object specific signal handling */ if(valid != false) { cord_t ** datal; lv_chart_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(chart); switch(sign) { case LV_SIGNAL_CLEANUP: LL_READ(ext->dl_ll, datal) { dm_free(*datal); } ll_clear(&ext->dl_ll); break; default: break; } } return valid; } /** * Allocate and add a data line t the chart * @param chart pointer to a chart object * @return pointer to the allocated data lie (an array for the data points) */ cord_t * lv_chart_add_dataline(lv_obj_t * chart) { lv_chart_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(chart); cord_t ** dl = ll_ins_head(&ext->dl_ll); cord_t def = (ext->ymax - ext->ymin) >> 2; /*1/4 range as default value*/ if(dl == NULL) return NULL; *dl = dm_alloc(sizeof(cord_t) * ext->pnum); uint16_t i; cord_t * p_tmp = *dl; for(i = 0; i < ext->pnum; i++) { *p_tmp = def; p_tmp++; } ext->dl_num++; return *dl; } /** * Refresh a chart if its data line has changed * @param chart pointer to chart object */ void lv_chart_refr(lv_obj_t * chart) { lv_obj_inv(chart); } /*===================== * Setter functions *====================*/ /** * Set the number of horizontal and vertical division lines * @param chart pointer to a graph background object * @param hdiv number of horizontal division lines * @param vdiv number of vertical division lines */ void lv_chart_set_hvdiv(lv_obj_t * chart, uint8_t hdiv, uint8_t vdiv) { lv_chart_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(chart); ext->hdiv_num = hdiv; ext->vdiv_num = vdiv; lv_obj_inv(chart); } /** * Set the minimal and maximal x and y values * @param chart pointer to a graph background object * @param xmin x minimum value * @param xmax x maximum value * @param ymin y minimum value * @param ymax y maximum value */ void lv_chart_set_range(lv_obj_t * chart, cord_t ymin, cord_t ymax) { lv_chart_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(chart); ext->ymin = ymin; ext->ymax = ymax; lv_chart_refr(chart); } /** * Set a new type for a chart * @param chart pointer to a chart object * @param type new type of the chart (from 'lv_chart_type_t' enum) */ void lv_chart_set_type(lv_obj_t * chart, lv_chart_type_t type) { lv_chart_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(chart); ext->type = type; lv_chart_refr(chart); } /** * Set the number of points on a data line on a chart * @param chart pointer r to chart object * @param pnum new number of points on the data lines */ void lv_chart_set_pnum(lv_obj_t * chart, uint16_t pnum) { lv_chart_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(chart); cord_t ** y_data; if(pnum < 1) pnum = 1; LL_READ_BACK(ext->dl_ll, y_data) { *y_data = dm_realloc(*y_data, sizeof(cord_t) * pnum); } ext->pnum = pnum; lv_chart_refr(chart); } /** * Shift all data right and set the most right data on a data line * @param chart pointer to chart object * @param dl pointer to a data line on 'chart' * @param y the new value of the most right data */ void lv_chart_set_next(lv_obj_t * chart, cord_t * dl, cord_t y) { lv_chart_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(chart); uint16_t i; for(i = 0; i < ext->pnum - 1; i++) { dl[i] = dl[i + 1]; } dl[ext->pnum - 1] = y; lv_chart_refr(chart); } /*===================== * Getter functions *====================*/ /** * Return with a pointer to a built-in style and/or copy it to a variable * @param style a style name from lv_charts_builtin_t enum * @param copy copy the style to this variable. (NULL if unused) * @return pointer to an lv_charts_t style */ lv_charts_t * lv_charts_get(lv_charts_builtin_t style, lv_charts_t * copy) { static bool style_inited = false; /*Make the style initialization if it is not done yet*/ if(style_inited == false) { lv_charts_init(); style_inited = true; } lv_charts_t * style_p; switch(style) { case LV_CHARTS_DEF: style_p = &lv_charts_def; break; default: style_p = &lv_charts_def; } if(copy != NULL) { if(style_p != NULL) memcpy(copy, style_p, sizeof(lv_charts_t)); else memcpy(copy, &lv_charts_def, sizeof(lv_charts_t)); } return style_p; } /** * Get the type of a chart * @param chart pointer to chart object * @return type of the chart (from 'lv_chart_t' enum) */ lv_chart_type_t lv_chart_get_type(lv_obj_t * chart) { lv_chart_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(chart); return ext->type; } /** * Get the data point number per data line on chart * @param chart pointer to chart object * @return point number on each data line */ uint16_t lv_chart_get_pnum(lv_obj_t * chart) { lv_chart_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(chart); return ext->pnum; } /********************** * STATIC FUNCTIONS **********************/ /** * Handle the drawing related tasks of the chart backgrounds * @param chart pointer to an object * @param mask the object will be drawn only in this area * @param mode LV_DESIGN_COVER_CHK: only check if the object fully covers the 'mask_p' area * (return 'true' if yes) * LV_DESIGN_DRAW: draw the object (always return 'true') * LV_DESIGN_DRAW_POST: drawing after every children are drawn * @param return true/false, depends on 'mode' */ static bool lv_chart_design(lv_obj_t * chart, const area_t * mask, lv_design_mode_t mode) { if(mode == LV_DESIGN_COVER_CHK) { /*Return false if the object is not covers the mask_p area*/ return ancestor_design_fp(chart, mask, mode); } else if(mode == LV_DESIGN_DRAW_MAIN) { /*Draw the rectangle ancient*/ ancestor_design_fp(chart, mask, mode); /*Draw the object*/ lv_chart_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(chart); lv_chart_draw_div(chart, mask); switch(ext->type) { case LV_CHART_LINE: lv_chart_draw_lines(chart, mask); break; case LV_CHART_COL: lv_chart_draw_cols(chart, mask); break; case LV_CHART_POINT: lv_chart_draw_points(chart, mask); break; default: break; } } return true; } /** * Draw the division lines on chart background * @param chart pointer to chart object * @param mask mask, inherited from the design function */ static void lv_chart_draw_div(lv_obj_t * chart, const area_t * mask) { lv_chart_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(chart); lv_charts_t * style = lv_obj_get_style(chart); uint8_t div_i; point_t p1; point_t p2; cord_t w = lv_obj_get_width(chart); cord_t h = lv_obj_get_height(chart); opa_t div_opa = (uint16_t)lv_obj_get_opa(chart) * style->div_line_opa / 100; cord_t x_ofs = lv_obj_get_x(chart); cord_t y_ofs = lv_obj_get_y(chart); p1.x = 0 + x_ofs; p2.x = w + x_ofs; for(div_i = 1; div_i <= ext->hdiv_num; div_i ++) { p1.y = (int32_t)((int32_t)h * div_i) / (ext->hdiv_num + 1); p1.y += y_ofs; p2.y = p1.y; lv_draw_line(&p1, &p2, mask, &style->div_lines, div_opa); } p1.y = 0 + y_ofs; p2.y = h + y_ofs; for(div_i = 1; div_i <= ext->vdiv_num; div_i ++) { p1.x = (int32_t)((int32_t)w * div_i) / (ext->vdiv_num + 1); p1.x += x_ofs; p2.x = p1.x; lv_draw_line(&p1, &p2, mask, &style->div_lines, div_opa); } } /** * Draw the data lines as lines on a chart * @param obj pointer to chart object */ static void lv_chart_draw_lines(lv_obj_t * chart, const area_t * mask) { lv_chart_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(chart); lv_charts_t * style_p = lv_obj_get_style(chart); uint8_t i; point_t p1; point_t p2; cord_t w = lv_obj_get_width(chart); cord_t h = lv_obj_get_height(chart); opa_t opa = (uint16_t)lv_obj_get_opa(chart) * style_p->data_opa / 100; cord_t x_ofs = lv_obj_get_x(chart); cord_t y_ofs = lv_obj_get_y(chart); int32_t y_tmp; cord_t ** y_data; uint8_t dl_cnt = 0; lv_lines_t lines; lv_lines_get(LV_LINES_CHART, &lines); /*Go through all data lines*/ LL_READ_BACK(ext->dl_ll, y_data) { lines.objs.color = style_p->color[dl_cnt]; lines.width = style_p->width; p1.x = 0 + x_ofs; p2.x = 0 + x_ofs; y_tmp = (int32_t)((int32_t) (*y_data)[0] - ext->ymin) * h; y_tmp = y_tmp / (ext->ymax - ext->ymin); p2.y = h - y_tmp + y_ofs; for(i = 1; i < ext->pnum; i ++) { p1.x = p2.x; p1.y = p2.y; p2.x = (w / (ext->pnum - 1)) * i + x_ofs; y_tmp = (int32_t)((int32_t) (*y_data)[i] - ext->ymin) * h; y_tmp = y_tmp / (ext->ymax - ext->ymin); p2.y = h - y_tmp + y_ofs; lv_draw_line(&p1, &p2, mask, &lines, opa); } dl_cnt++; } } /** * Draw the data lines as points on a chart * @param chart pointer to chart object * @param mask mask, inherited from the design function */ static void lv_chart_draw_points(lv_obj_t * chart, const area_t * mask) { lv_chart_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(chart); lv_charts_t * style_p = lv_obj_get_style(chart); uint8_t i; area_t cir_a; cord_t w = lv_obj_get_width(chart); cord_t h = lv_obj_get_height(chart); opa_t opa = (uint16_t)lv_obj_get_opa(chart) * style_p->data_opa / 100; cord_t x_ofs = lv_obj_get_x(chart); cord_t y_ofs = lv_obj_get_y(chart); int32_t y_tmp; cord_t ** y_data; uint8_t dl_cnt = 0; lv_rects_t rects; cord_t rad = style_p->width; lv_rects_get(LV_RECTS_DEF, &rects); rects.bwidth = 0; rects.empty = 0; rects.round = LV_RECT_CIRCLE; /*Go through all data lines*/ LL_READ_BACK(ext->dl_ll, y_data) { rects.objs.color = style_p->color[dl_cnt]; rects.gcolor = color_mix(COLOR_BLACK, style_p->color[dl_cnt], style_p->dark_eff); for(i = 0; i < ext->pnum; i ++) { cir_a.x1 = (w / (ext->pnum - 1)) * i + x_ofs; cir_a.x2 = cir_a.x1 + rad; cir_a.x1 -= rad; y_tmp = (int32_t)((int32_t) (*y_data)[i] - ext->ymin) * h; y_tmp = y_tmp / (ext->ymax - ext->ymin); cir_a.y1 = h - y_tmp + y_ofs; cir_a.y2 = cir_a.y1 + rad; cir_a.y1 -= rad; lv_draw_rect(&cir_a, mask, &rects, opa); } dl_cnt++; } } /** * Draw the data lines as columns on a chart * @param chart pointer to chart object * @param mask mask, inherited from the design function */ static void lv_chart_draw_cols(lv_obj_t * chart, const area_t * mask) { lv_chart_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(chart); lv_charts_t * style_p = lv_obj_get_style(chart); uint8_t i; area_t col_a; area_t col_mask; bool mask_ret; cord_t w = lv_obj_get_width(chart); cord_t h = lv_obj_get_height(chart); opa_t opa = (uint16_t)lv_obj_get_opa(chart) * style_p->data_opa / 100; int32_t y_tmp; cord_t ** y_data; uint8_t dl_cnt = 0; lv_rects_t rects; cord_t x_ofs = w / ((ext->dl_num + 1) * ext->pnum) / 2; /*Shift with a half col.*/ lv_rects_get(LV_RECTS_DEF, &rects); rects.bwidth = 0; rects.empty = 0; rects.round = 0; col_a.y2 = chart->cords.y2; /*Go through all data lines*/ LL_READ_BACK(ext->dl_ll, y_data) { rects.objs.color = style_p->color[dl_cnt]; rects.gcolor = color_mix(COLOR_BLACK, style_p->color[dl_cnt], style_p->dark_eff); for(i = 0; i < ext->pnum; i ++) { /*Calculate the x coordinates. Suppose (dl_num + 1) * pnum columns */ col_a.x1 = (int32_t)((int32_t)w * (i * (ext->dl_num + 1) + dl_cnt)) / (ext->pnum * (ext->dl_num + 1)) + chart->cords.x1; col_a.x2 = (int32_t)((int32_t)w * (i * (ext->dl_num + 1) + dl_cnt + 1 )) / (ext->pnum * (ext->dl_num + 1)) + chart->cords.x1 - 1; col_a.x1 += x_ofs; col_a.x2 += x_ofs; y_tmp = (int32_t)((int32_t) (*y_data)[i] - ext->ymin) * h; y_tmp = y_tmp / (ext->ymax - ext->ymin); col_a.y1 = h - y_tmp + chart->cords.y1; mask_ret = area_union(&col_mask, mask, &col_a); if(mask_ret != false) { lv_draw_rect(&chart->cords, &col_mask, &rects, opa); } } dl_cnt++; } } /** * Initialize the chart styles */ static void lv_charts_init(void) { /*Default style*/ /* Background */ lv_rects_get(LV_RECTS_DEF, &lv_charts_def.bg_rects); lv_charts_def.bg_rects.objs.color = COLOR_MAKE(0x60, 0x80, 0xA0); lv_charts_def.bg_rects.gcolor = COLOR_WHITE; lv_charts_def.bg_rects.bcolor = COLOR_BLACK; /* Div. line */ lv_lines_get(LV_LINES_DECOR, &lv_charts_def.div_lines); lv_charts_def.div_lines.width = 1 * LV_DOWNSCALE; lv_charts_def.div_lines.objs.color = COLOR_BLACK; lv_charts_def.div_line_opa = OPA_COVER; /*Data lines*/ lv_charts_def.width = 3 * LV_DOWNSCALE; lv_charts_def.data_opa = 100; lv_charts_def.dark_eff = 150; lv_charts_def.color[0] = COLOR_RED; lv_charts_def.color[1] = COLOR_LIME; lv_charts_def.color[2] = COLOR_BLUE; lv_charts_def.color[3] = COLOR_MAGENTA; lv_charts_def.color[4] = COLOR_CYAN; lv_charts_def.color[5] = COLOR_YELLOW; lv_charts_def.color[6] = COLOR_WHITE; lv_charts_def.color[7] = COLOR_GRAY; } #endif