/** * @file lv_draw_img.c * */ /********************* * INCLUDES *********************/ #include #include "lv_conf.h" #include #include #include "lvgl/lv_misc/text.h" #include "lv_draw.h" #include "misc/fs/fsint.h" #include "misc/math/math_base.h" #include "lv_draw_rbasic.h" #include "lv_draw_vbasic.h" /********************* * DEFINES *********************/ #define LINE_WIDTH_CORR_BASE 64 #define LINE_WIDTH_CORR_SHIFT 6 /********************** * TYPEDEFS **********************/ /********************** * STATIC PROTOTYPES **********************/ static void lv_draw_rect_main_mid(const area_t * cords_p, const area_t * mask_p, const lv_rects_t * rects_p, opa_t opa); static void lv_draw_rect_main_corner(const area_t * cords_p, const area_t * mask_p, const lv_rects_t * rects_p, opa_t opa); static void lv_draw_rect_border_straight(const area_t * cords_p, const area_t * mask_p, const lv_rects_t * rects_p, opa_t opa); static void lv_draw_rect_border_corner(const area_t * cords_p, const area_t * mask_p, const lv_rects_t * rects_p, opa_t opa); static uint16_t lv_draw_rect_radius_corr(uint16_t r, cord_t w, cord_t h); /********************** * STATIC VARIABLES **********************/ #if LV_VDB_SIZE != 0 static void (*fill_fp)(const area_t * cords_p, const area_t * mask_p, color_t color, opa_t opa) = lv_vfill; static void (*letter_fp)(const point_t * pos_p, const area_t * mask_p, const font_t * font_p, uint8_t letter, color_t color, opa_t opa) = lv_vletter; static void (*map_fp)(const area_t * cords_p, const area_t * mask_p, const color_t * map_p, opa_t opa, bool transp, color_t recolor, opa_t recolor_opa) = lv_vmap; #else static void (*fill_fp)(const area_t * cords_p, const area_t * mask_p, color_t color, opa_t opa) = lv_rfill; static void (*letter_fp)(const point_t * pos_p, const area_t * mask_p, const font_t * font_p, uint8_t letter, color_t color, opa_t opa) = lv_rletter; static void (*map_fp)(const area_t * cords_p, const area_t * mask_p, const color_t * map_p, opa_t opa, bool transp, color_t recolor, opa_t recolor_opa) = lv_rmap; #endif static lv_rects_t lv_img_no_pic_rects = { .objs.color = COLOR_BLACK, .gcolor = COLOR_BLACK, .bcolor = COLOR_RED, .bwidth = 2 * LV_STYLE_MULT, .bopa = 100, .round = 0, .empty = 0 }; static lv_labels_t lv_img_no_pic_labels = { .font = LV_FONT_DEFAULT, .objs.color = COLOR_WHITE, .letter_space = 1 * LV_STYLE_MULT, .line_space = 1 * LV_STYLE_MULT, .mid = 1, }; /********************** * MACROS **********************/ /********************** * GLOBAL FUNCTIONS **********************/ /** * Draw a rectangle * @param cords_p the coordinates of the rectangle * @param mask_p the rectangle will be drawn only in this mask * @param rects_p pointer to a rectangle style * @param opa the opacity of the rectangle (0..255) */ void lv_draw_rect(const area_t * cords_p, const area_t * mask_p, const lv_rects_t * rects_p, opa_t opa) { if(rects_p->empty == 0){ lv_draw_rect_main_mid(cords_p, mask_p, rects_p, opa); if(rects_p->round != 0) { lv_draw_rect_main_corner(cords_p, mask_p, rects_p, opa); } } if(rects_p->bwidth != 0) { lv_draw_rect_border_straight(cords_p, mask_p, rects_p, opa); if(rects_p->round != 0) { lv_draw_rect_border_corner(cords_p, mask_p, rects_p, opa); } } } /** * Write a text * @param cords_p coordinates of the label * @param mask_p the label will be drawn only in this area * @param labels_p pointer to a label style * @param opa opacity of the text (0..255) * @param txt 0 terminated text to write */ void lv_draw_label(const area_t * cords_p,const area_t * mask_p, const lv_labels_t * labels_p, opa_t opa, const char * txt) { const font_t * font_p = font_get(labels_p->font); cord_t w = area_get_width(cords_p); /*Init variables for the first line*/ cord_t line_length = 0; uint32_t line_start = 0; uint32_t line_end = txt_get_next_line(txt, font_p, labels_p->letter_space, w); point_t pos; pos.x = cords_p->x1; pos.y = cords_p->y1; /*Align the line to middle if enabled*/ if(labels_p->mid != 0) { line_length = txt_get_length(&txt[line_start], line_end - line_start, font_p, labels_p->letter_space); pos.x += (w - line_length) / 2; } uint32_t i; /*Write out all lines*/ while(txt[line_start] != '\0') { /*Write all letter of a line*/ for(i = line_start; i < line_end; i++) { letter_fp(&pos, mask_p, font_p, txt[i], labels_p->objs.color, opa); pos.x += font_get_width(font_p, txt[i]) + labels_p->letter_space; } /*Go to next line*/ line_start = line_end; line_end += txt_get_next_line(&txt[line_start], font_p, labels_p->letter_space, w); pos.x = cords_p->x1; /*Align to middle*/ if(labels_p->mid != 0) { line_length = txt_get_length(&txt[line_start], line_end - line_start, font_p, labels_p->letter_space); pos.x += (w - line_length) / 2; } /*Go the next line position*/ pos.y += font_get_height(font_p); pos.y += labels_p->line_space; } } /** * Draw an image * @param cords_p the coordinates of the image * @param mask_p the image will be drawn only in this area * @param map_p pointer to a color_t array which contains the pixels of the image * @param opa opacity of the image (0..255) */ void lv_draw_img(const area_t * cords_p, const area_t * mask_p, const lv_imgs_t * imgs_p, opa_t opa, const char * fn) { if(fn == NULL) { lv_draw_rect(cords_p, mask_p, &lv_img_no_pic_rects, opa); lv_draw_label(cords_p, mask_p,&lv_img_no_pic_labels, opa, "No data"); } else { fs_file_t file; fs_res_t res = fs_open(&file, fn, FS_MODE_RD); if(res == FS_RES_OK) { cord_t row; color_t buf[LV_HOR_RES]; uint32_t br; area_t act_area; uint8_t ds_shift = 0; uint8_t ds_num = 0; #if LV_DOWNSCALE <= 1 || LV_UPSCALE_MAP == 0 ds_shift = 0; ds_num = 1; #elif LV_DOWNSCALE == 2 ds_shift = 1; ds_num = 2; #elif LV_DOWNSCALE == 4 ds_shift = 2; ds_num = 4; #else #error "LV: not supported LV_DOWNSCALE value" #endif area_t mask_sub; bool union_ok; union_ok = area_union(&mask_sub, mask_p, cords_p); if(union_ok == false) { fs_close(&file); return; } lv_img_raw_header_t header; res = fs_read(&file, &header, sizeof(lv_img_raw_header_t), &br); uint32_t start_offset = sizeof(lv_img_raw_header_t); start_offset += (area_get_width(cords_p) >> ds_shift) * ((mask_sub.y1 - cords_p->y1) >> ds_shift) * sizeof(color_t); /*First row*/ start_offset += ((mask_sub.x1 - cords_p->x1) >> ds_shift) * sizeof(color_t); /*First col*/ fs_seek(&file, start_offset); uint32_t useful_data = (area_get_width(&mask_sub) >> ds_shift)* sizeof(color_t); uint32_t next_row = (area_get_width(cords_p) >> ds_shift) * sizeof(color_t) - useful_data; area_cpy(&act_area, &mask_sub); act_area.y2 = act_area.y1 + ds_num - 1; uint32_t act_pos; for(row = mask_sub.y1; row <= mask_sub.y2; row += ds_num) { res = fs_read(&file, buf, useful_data, &br); map_fp(&act_area, &mask_sub, buf, opa, header.transp, imgs_p->objs.color, imgs_p->recolor_opa); fs_tell(&file, &act_pos); fs_seek(&file, act_pos + next_row); act_area.y1 += ds_num; act_area.y2 += ds_num; } } fs_close(&file); if(res != FS_RES_OK) { lv_draw_rect(cords_p, mask_p, &lv_img_no_pic_rects, opa); lv_draw_label(cords_p, mask_p,&lv_img_no_pic_labels, opa, fn); } } } /** * Draw a line * @param p1 first point of the line * @param p2 second point of the line * @param mask_pthe line will be drawn only on this area * @param lines_p pointer to a line style * @param opa opacity of the line (0..255) */ void lv_draw_line(const point_t * p1, const point_t * p2, const area_t * mask_p, const lv_lines_t * lines_p, opa_t opa) { if(lines_p->width == 0) return; if(p1->x == p2->x && p1->y == p2->y) return; cord_t dx = abs(p2->x - p1->x); cord_t sx = p1->x < p2->x ? 1 : -1; cord_t dy = abs(p2->y - p1->y); cord_t sy = p1->y < p2->y ? 1 : -1; cord_t err = (dx > dy ? dx : -dy) / 2; cord_t e2; bool hor = dx > dy ? true : false; /*Rather horizontal or vertical*/ cord_t last_x = p1->x; cord_t last_y = p1->y; point_t act_point; act_point.x = p1->x; act_point.y = p1->y; uint16_t width; uint16_t wcor; uint16_t width_half; uint16_t width_1; static const uint8_t width_corr_array[] = { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66, 67, 67, 67, 68, 68, 68, 69, 69, 69, 70, 70, 71, 71, 72, 72, 72, 73, 73, 74, 74, 75, 75, 76, 77, 77, 78, 78, 79, 79, 80, 81, 81, 82, 82, 83, 84, 84, 85, 86, 86, 87, 88, 88, 89, 90, 91, }; if(hor == false) { wcor = (dx * LINE_WIDTH_CORR_BASE) / dy; } else { wcor = (dy * LINE_WIDTH_CORR_BASE) / dx; } /*Make the correction on lie width*/ width = ((lines_p->width - 1) * width_corr_array[wcor]) >> LINE_WIDTH_CORR_SHIFT; width_half = width >> 1; width_1 = width & 0x1 ? 1 : 0; while(1){ if(hor == true && last_y != act_point.y) { area_t act_area; area_t draw_area; act_area.x1 = last_x; act_area.x2 = act_point.x - sx; act_area.y1 = last_y - width_half ; act_area.y2 = act_point.y - sy + width_half + width_1; last_y = act_point.y; last_x = act_point.x; draw_area.x1 = min(act_area.x1, act_area.x2); draw_area.x2 = max(act_area.x1, act_area.x2); draw_area.y1 = min(act_area.y1, act_area.y2); draw_area.y2 = max(act_area.y1, act_area.y2); fill_fp(&draw_area, mask_p, lines_p->objs.color, opa); } if (hor == false && last_x != act_point.x) { area_t act_area; area_t draw_area; act_area.x1 = last_x - width_half; act_area.x2 = act_point.x - sx + width_half + width_1; act_area.y1 = last_y ; act_area.y2 = act_point.y - sy; last_y = act_point.y; last_x = act_point.x; draw_area.x1 = min(act_area.x1, act_area.x2); draw_area.x2 = max(act_area.x1, act_area.x2); draw_area.y1 = min(act_area.y1, act_area.y2); draw_area.y2 = max(act_area.y1, act_area.y2); fill_fp(&draw_area, mask_p, lines_p->objs.color, opa); } /*Calc. the next point of the line*/ if (act_point.x == p2->x && act_point.y == p2->y) break; e2 = err; if (e2 >-dx) { err -= dy; act_point.x += sx; } if (e2 < dy) { err += dx; act_point.y += sy; } } /*Draw the last part of the line*/ if(hor == true) { area_t act_area; area_t draw_area; act_area.x1 = last_x; act_area.x2 = act_point.x; act_area.y1 = last_y - width_half ; act_area.y2 = act_point.y + width_half + width_1; draw_area.x1 = min(act_area.x1, act_area.x2); draw_area.x2 = max(act_area.x1, act_area.x2); draw_area.y1 = min(act_area.y1, act_area.y2); draw_area.y2 = max(act_area.y1, act_area.y2); fill_fp(&draw_area, mask_p, lines_p->objs.color, opa); } if (hor == false) { area_t act_area; area_t draw_area; act_area.x1 = last_x - width_half; act_area.x2 = act_point.x + width_half + width_1; act_area.y1 = last_y; act_area.y2 = act_point.y; draw_area.x1 = min(act_area.x1, act_area.x2); draw_area.x2 = max(act_area.x1, act_area.x2); draw_area.y1 = min(act_area.y1, act_area.y2); draw_area.y2 = max(act_area.y1, act_area.y2); fill_fp(&draw_area, mask_p, lines_p->objs.color, opa); } } /********************** * STATIC FUNCTIONS **********************/ /** * Draw the middle part (rectangular) of a rectangle * @param cords_p the coordinates of the original rectangle * @param mask_p the rectangle will be drawn only on this area * @param rects_p pointer to a rectangle style * @param opa opacity of the rectangle (0..255) */ static void lv_draw_rect_main_mid(const area_t * cords_p, const area_t * mask_p, const lv_rects_t * rects_p, opa_t opa) { uint16_t radius = rects_p->round; color_t main_color = rects_p->objs.color; color_t grad_color = rects_p->gcolor; uint8_t mix; cord_t height = area_get_height(cords_p); cord_t width = area_get_width(cords_p); radius = lv_draw_rect_radius_corr(radius, width, height); /*If the radius is too big then there is no body*/ if(radius > height / 2) return; area_t work_area; work_area.x1 = cords_p->x1; work_area.x2 = cords_p->x2; if(main_color.full == grad_color.full) { work_area.y1 = cords_p->y1 + radius; work_area.y2 = cords_p->y2 - radius; fill_fp(&work_area, mask_p, main_color, opa); } else { cord_t row; cord_t row_start = cords_p->y1 + radius; cord_t row_end = cords_p->y2 - radius; color_t act_color; if(row_start < 0) row_start = 0; for(row = row_start ; row <= row_end; row ++) { work_area.y1 = row; work_area.y2 = row; mix = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(cords_p->y2 - work_area.y1) * 255) / height; act_color = color_mix(main_color, grad_color, mix); fill_fp(&work_area, mask_p, act_color, opa); } } } /** * Draw the top and bottom parts (corners) of a rectangle * @param cords_p the coordinates of the original rectangle * @param mask_p the rectangle will be drawn only on this area * @param rects_p pointer to a rectangle style * @param opa opacity of the rectangle (0..255) */ static void lv_draw_rect_main_corner(const area_t * cords_p, const area_t * mask_p, const lv_rects_t * rects_p, opa_t opa) { uint16_t radius = rects_p->round; color_t main_color = rects_p->objs.color; color_t grad_color = rects_p->gcolor; color_t act_color; uint8_t mix; cord_t height = area_get_height(cords_p); cord_t width = area_get_width(cords_p); radius = lv_draw_rect_radius_corr(radius, width, height); point_t lt_origo; /*Left Top origo*/ point_t lb_origo; /*Left Bottom origo*/ point_t rt_origo; /*Right Top origo*/ point_t rb_origo; /*Left Bottom origo*/ lt_origo.x = cords_p->x1 + radius; lt_origo.y = cords_p->y1 + radius; lb_origo.x = cords_p->x1 + radius; lb_origo.y = cords_p->y2 - radius; rt_origo.x = cords_p->x2 - radius; rt_origo.y = cords_p->y1 + radius; rb_origo.x = cords_p->x2 - radius; rb_origo.y = cords_p->y2 - radius; area_t edge_top_area; area_t mid_top_area; area_t mid_bot_area; area_t edge_bot_area; point_t cir; cord_t cir_tmp; circ_init(&cir, &cir_tmp, radius); /*Init the areas*/ area_set(&mid_bot_area, lb_origo.x + CIRC_OCT4_X(cir), lb_origo.y + CIRC_OCT4_Y(cir), rb_origo.x + CIRC_OCT1_X(cir), rb_origo.y + CIRC_OCT1_Y(cir)); area_set(&edge_bot_area, lb_origo.x + CIRC_OCT3_X(cir), lb_origo.y + CIRC_OCT3_Y(cir), rb_origo.x + CIRC_OCT2_X(cir), rb_origo.y + CIRC_OCT2_Y(cir)); area_set(&mid_top_area, lt_origo.x + CIRC_OCT5_X(cir), lt_origo.y + CIRC_OCT5_Y(cir), rt_origo.x + CIRC_OCT8_X(cir), rt_origo.y + CIRC_OCT8_Y(cir)); area_set(&edge_top_area, lt_origo.x + CIRC_OCT6_X(cir), lt_origo.y + CIRC_OCT6_Y(cir), rt_origo.x + CIRC_OCT7_X(cir), rt_origo.y + CIRC_OCT7_Y(cir)); while(circ_cont(&cir)) { uint8_t edge_top_refr = 0; uint8_t mid_top_refr = 0; uint8_t mid_bot_refr = 0; uint8_t edge_bot_refr = 0; /*If a new row coming draw the previous * The x coordinate can grow on the same y so wait for the last x*/ if(mid_bot_area.y1 != CIRC_OCT4_Y(cir) + lb_origo.y ) { mid_bot_refr = 1; } if(edge_bot_area.y1 != CIRC_OCT2_Y(cir) + lb_origo.y) { edge_bot_refr = 1; } if(mid_top_area.y1 != CIRC_OCT8_Y(cir) + lt_origo.y) { mid_top_refr = 1; } if(edge_top_area.y1 != CIRC_OCT7_Y(cir) + lt_origo.y) { edge_top_refr = 1; } /* Do not refresh the first row in the middle * because the body drawer makes it*/ if(mid_bot_area.y1 == cords_p->y2 - radius){ mid_bot_refr = 0; } if(mid_top_area.y1 == cords_p->y1 + radius){ mid_top_refr = 0; } /*Draw the areas which are not disabled*/ if(edge_top_refr != 0){ mix = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(cords_p->y2 - edge_top_area.y1) * 255) / height; act_color = color_mix(main_color, grad_color, mix); fill_fp(&edge_top_area, mask_p, act_color, opa); } if(mid_top_refr != 0) { mix = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(cords_p->y2 - mid_top_area.y1) * 255) / height; act_color = color_mix(main_color, grad_color, mix); fill_fp(&mid_top_area, mask_p, act_color, opa); } if(mid_bot_refr != 0) { mix = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(cords_p->y2 - mid_bot_area.y1) * 255) / height; act_color = color_mix(main_color, grad_color, mix); fill_fp(&mid_bot_area, mask_p, act_color, opa); } if(edge_bot_refr != 0) { mix = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(cords_p->y2 - edge_bot_area.y1) * 255) / height; act_color = color_mix(main_color, grad_color, mix); fill_fp(&edge_bot_area, mask_p, act_color, opa); } /*Save the current coordinates*/ area_set(&mid_bot_area, lb_origo.x + CIRC_OCT4_X(cir), lb_origo.y + CIRC_OCT4_Y(cir), rb_origo.x + CIRC_OCT1_X(cir), rb_origo.y + CIRC_OCT1_Y(cir)); area_set(&edge_bot_area, lb_origo.x + CIRC_OCT3_X(cir), lb_origo.y + CIRC_OCT3_Y(cir), rb_origo.x + CIRC_OCT2_X(cir), rb_origo.y + CIRC_OCT2_Y(cir)); area_set(&mid_top_area, lt_origo.x + CIRC_OCT5_X(cir), lt_origo.y + CIRC_OCT5_Y(cir), rt_origo.x + CIRC_OCT8_X(cir), rt_origo.y + CIRC_OCT8_Y(cir)); area_set(&edge_top_area, lt_origo.x + CIRC_OCT6_X(cir), lt_origo.y + CIRC_OCT6_Y(cir), rt_origo.x + CIRC_OCT7_X(cir), rt_origo.y + CIRC_OCT7_Y(cir)); circ_next(&cir, &cir_tmp); } mix = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(cords_p->y2 - edge_top_area.y1) * 255) / height; act_color = color_mix(main_color, grad_color, mix); fill_fp(&edge_top_area, mask_p, act_color, opa); if(edge_top_area.y1 != mid_top_area.y1) { mix = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(cords_p->y2 - mid_top_area.y1) * 255) / height; act_color = color_mix(main_color, grad_color, mix); fill_fp(&mid_top_area, mask_p, act_color, opa); } mix = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(cords_p->y2 - mid_bot_area.y1) * 255) / height; act_color = color_mix(main_color, grad_color, mix); fill_fp(&mid_bot_area, mask_p, act_color, opa); if(edge_bot_area.y1 != mid_bot_area.y1) { mix = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(cords_p->y2 - edge_bot_area.y1) * 255) / height; act_color = color_mix(main_color, grad_color, mix); fill_fp(&edge_bot_area, mask_p, act_color, opa); } } /** * Draw the straight parts of a rectangle border * @param cords_p the coordinates of the original rectangle * @param mask_p the rectangle will be drawn only on this area * @param rects_p pointer to a rectangle style * @param opa opacity of the rectangle (0..255) */ static void lv_draw_rect_border_straight(const area_t * cords_p, const area_t * mask_p, const lv_rects_t * rects_p, opa_t opa) { uint16_t radius = rects_p->round; cord_t width = area_get_width(cords_p); cord_t height = area_get_height(cords_p); uint16_t b_width = rects_p->bwidth; opa_t b_opa = (uint16_t)((uint16_t) opa * rects_p->bopa) / 100; area_t work_area; cord_t length_corr = 0; cord_t corner_size = 0; /*the 0 px border width drawn as 1 px, so decrement the b_width*/ b_width--; radius = lv_draw_rect_radius_corr(radius, width, height); if(radius < b_width) { length_corr = b_width - radius; corner_size = b_width; } else { corner_size = radius; } /* Modify the corner_size if corner is drawn */ corner_size ++; color_t b_color = rects_p->bcolor; /*Left border*/ work_area.x1 = cords_p->x1; work_area.x2 = work_area.x1 + b_width; work_area.y1 = cords_p->y1 + corner_size; work_area.y2 = cords_p->y2 - corner_size; fill_fp(&work_area, mask_p, b_color, b_opa); /*Right border*/ work_area.x2 = cords_p->x2; work_area.x1 = work_area.x2 - b_width; fill_fp(&work_area, mask_p, b_color, b_opa); /*Upper border*/ work_area.x1 = cords_p->x1 + corner_size - length_corr; work_area.x2 = cords_p->x2 - corner_size + length_corr; work_area.y1 = cords_p->y1; work_area.y2 = cords_p->y1 + b_width; fill_fp(&work_area, mask_p, b_color, b_opa); /*Lower border*/ work_area.y2 = cords_p->y2; work_area.y1 = work_area.y2 - b_width; fill_fp(&work_area, mask_p, b_color, b_opa); /*Draw the a remaining rectangles if the radius is smaller then b_width */ if(length_corr != 0) { work_area.x1 = cords_p->x1; work_area.x2 = cords_p->x1 + radius; work_area.y1 = cords_p->y1 + radius + 1; work_area.y2 = cords_p->y1 + b_width; fill_fp(&work_area, mask_p, b_color, b_opa); work_area.x1 = cords_p->x2 - radius; work_area.x2 = cords_p->x2; work_area.y1 = cords_p->y1 + radius + 1; work_area.y2 = cords_p->y1 + b_width; fill_fp(&work_area, mask_p, b_color, b_opa); work_area.x1 = cords_p->x1; work_area.x2 = cords_p->x1 + radius; work_area.y1 = cords_p->y2 - b_width; work_area.y2 = cords_p->y2 - radius - 1; fill_fp(&work_area, mask_p, b_color, b_opa); work_area.x1 = cords_p->x2 - radius; work_area.x2 = cords_p->x2; work_area.y1 = cords_p->y2 - b_width; work_area.y2 = cords_p->y2 - radius - 1; fill_fp(&work_area, mask_p, b_color, b_opa); } /*If radius == 0 one px on the corners are not drawn*/ if(radius == 0) { work_area.x1 = cords_p->x1; work_area.x2 = cords_p->x1; work_area.y1 = cords_p->y1; work_area.y2 = cords_p->y1; fill_fp(&work_area, mask_p, b_color, b_opa); work_area.x1 = cords_p->x2; work_area.x2 = cords_p->x2; work_area.y1 = cords_p->y1; work_area.y2 = cords_p->y1; fill_fp(&work_area, mask_p, b_color, b_opa); work_area.x1 = cords_p->x1; work_area.x2 = cords_p->x1; work_area.y1 = cords_p->y2; work_area.y2 = cords_p->y2; fill_fp(&work_area, mask_p, b_color, b_opa); work_area.x1 = cords_p->x2; work_area.x2 = cords_p->x2; work_area.y1 = cords_p->y2; work_area.y2 = cords_p->y2; fill_fp(&work_area, mask_p, b_color, b_opa); } } /** * Draw the corners of a rectangle border * @param cords_p the coordinates of the original rectangle * @param mask_p the rectangle will be drawn only on this area * @param rects_p pointer to a rectangle style * @param opa opacity of the rectangle (0..255) */ static void lv_draw_rect_border_corner(const area_t * cords_p, const area_t * mask_p, const lv_rects_t * rects_p, opa_t opa) { uint16_t radius = rects_p->round; uint16_t b_width = rects_p->bwidth; color_t b_color = rects_p->bcolor; opa_t b_opa = (uint16_t)((uint16_t) opa * rects_p->bopa ) / 100; /*0 px border width drawn as 1 px, so decrement the b_width*/ b_width--; cord_t width = area_get_width(cords_p); cord_t height = area_get_height(cords_p); radius = lv_draw_rect_radius_corr(radius, width, height); point_t lt_origo; /*Left Top origo*/ point_t lb_origo; /*Left Bottom origo*/ point_t rt_origo; /*Right Top origo*/ point_t rb_origo; /*Left Bottom origo*/ lt_origo.x = cords_p->x1 + radius; lt_origo.y = cords_p->y1 + radius; lb_origo.x = cords_p->x1 + radius; lb_origo.y = cords_p->y2 - radius; rt_origo.x = cords_p->x2 - radius; rt_origo.y = cords_p->y1 + radius; rb_origo.x = cords_p->x2 - radius; rb_origo.y = cords_p->y2 - radius; point_t cir_out; cord_t tmp_out; circ_init(&cir_out, &tmp_out, radius); point_t cir_in; cord_t tmp_in; cord_t radius_in = radius - b_width; if(radius_in < 0){ radius_in = 0; } circ_init(&cir_in, &tmp_in, radius_in); area_t circ_area; cord_t act_w1; cord_t act_w2; while( cir_out.y <= cir_out.x) { /*Calculate the actual width to avoid overwriting pixels*/ if(cir_in.y < cir_in.x) { act_w1 = cir_out.x - cir_in.x; act_w2 = act_w1; } else { act_w1 = cir_out.x - cir_out.y; act_w2 = act_w1 - 1; } /*Draw the octets to the right bottom corner*/ circ_area.x1 = rb_origo.x + CIRC_OCT1_X(cir_out) - act_w2; circ_area.x2 = rb_origo.x + CIRC_OCT1_X(cir_out); circ_area.y1 = rb_origo.y + CIRC_OCT1_Y(cir_out); circ_area.y2 = rb_origo.y + CIRC_OCT1_Y(cir_out); fill_fp(&circ_area, mask_p, b_color, b_opa); circ_area.x1 = rb_origo.x + CIRC_OCT2_X(cir_out); circ_area.x2 = rb_origo.x + CIRC_OCT2_X(cir_out); circ_area.y1 = rb_origo.y + CIRC_OCT2_Y(cir_out)- act_w1; circ_area.y2 = rb_origo.y + CIRC_OCT2_Y(cir_out); fill_fp(&circ_area, mask_p, b_color, b_opa); /*Draw the octets to the left bottom corner*/ circ_area.x1 = lb_origo.x + CIRC_OCT3_X(cir_out); circ_area.x2 = lb_origo.x + CIRC_OCT3_X(cir_out); circ_area.y1 = lb_origo.y + CIRC_OCT3_Y(cir_out) - act_w2; circ_area.y2 = lb_origo.y + CIRC_OCT3_Y(cir_out); fill_fp(&circ_area, mask_p, b_color, b_opa); circ_area.x1 = lb_origo.x + CIRC_OCT4_X(cir_out); circ_area.x2 = lb_origo.x + CIRC_OCT4_X(cir_out) + act_w1; circ_area.y1 = lb_origo.y + CIRC_OCT4_Y(cir_out); circ_area.y2 = lb_origo.y + CIRC_OCT4_Y(cir_out); fill_fp(&circ_area, mask_p, b_color, b_opa); /*Draw the octets to the left top corner*/ /*Don't draw if the lines are common in the middle*/ if(lb_origo.y + CIRC_OCT4_Y(cir_out) > lt_origo.y + CIRC_OCT5_Y(cir_out)) { circ_area.x1 = lt_origo.x + CIRC_OCT5_X(cir_out); circ_area.x2 = lt_origo.x + CIRC_OCT5_X(cir_out) + act_w2; circ_area.y1 = lt_origo.y + CIRC_OCT5_Y(cir_out); circ_area.y2 = lt_origo.y + CIRC_OCT5_Y(cir_out); fill_fp(&circ_area, mask_p, b_color, b_opa); } circ_area.x1 = lt_origo.x + CIRC_OCT6_X(cir_out); circ_area.x2 = lt_origo.x + CIRC_OCT6_X(cir_out); circ_area.y1 = lt_origo.y + CIRC_OCT6_Y(cir_out); circ_area.y2 = lt_origo.y + CIRC_OCT6_Y(cir_out) + act_w1; fill_fp(&circ_area, mask_p, b_color, b_opa); /*Draw the octets to the right top corner*/ circ_area.x1 = rt_origo.x + CIRC_OCT7_X(cir_out); circ_area.x2 = rt_origo.x + CIRC_OCT7_X(cir_out); circ_area.y1 = rt_origo.y + CIRC_OCT7_Y(cir_out); circ_area.y2 = rt_origo.y + CIRC_OCT7_Y(cir_out) + act_w2; fill_fp(&circ_area, mask_p, b_color, b_opa); /*Don't draw if the lines are common in the middle*/ if(rb_origo.y + CIRC_OCT1_Y(cir_out) > rt_origo.y + CIRC_OCT8_Y(cir_out)) { circ_area.x1 = rt_origo.x + CIRC_OCT8_X(cir_out) - act_w1; circ_area.x2 = rt_origo.x + CIRC_OCT8_X(cir_out); circ_area.y1 = rt_origo.y + CIRC_OCT8_Y(cir_out); circ_area.y2 = rt_origo.y + CIRC_OCT8_Y(cir_out); fill_fp(&circ_area, mask_p, b_color, b_opa); } circ_next(&cir_out, &tmp_out); /*The internal circle will be ready faster * so check it! */ if(cir_in.y < cir_in.x) { circ_next(&cir_in, &tmp_in); } } } static uint16_t lv_draw_rect_radius_corr(uint16_t r, cord_t w, cord_t h) { if(r >= (w >> 1)){ r = (w >> 1); if(r != 0) r--; } if(r >= (h >> 1)) { r = (h >> 1); if(r != 0) r--; } return r; }