#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import os import subprocess import re langs = ['en'] # Change to script directory for consistency abspath = os.path.abspath(__file__) dname = os.path.dirname(abspath) os.chdir(dname) def cmd(s): print("") print(s) print("-------------------------------------") r = os.system(s) if r != 0: print("Exit build due to previous error") exit(-1) # Get the current branch name status, br = subprocess.getstatusoutput("git branch | grep '*'") br = re.sub('\* ', '', br) urlpath = re.sub('release/', '', br) # Be sure the github links point to the right branch f = open("header.rst", "w") f.write(".. |github_link_base| replace:: https://github.com/lvgl/docs/blob/" + br) f.close() base_html = "html_baseurl = 'https://docs.lvgl.io/" + urlpath + "/en/html/'" os.system("sed -i \"s|html_baseurl = .*|" + base_html +"|\" conf.py") clean = 0 trans = 0 skip_latex = False args = sys.argv[1:] if len(args) >= 1: if "clean" in args: clean = 1 if "skip_latex" in args: skip_latex = True lang = "en" print("") print("****************") print("Building") print("****************") if clean: cmd("rm -rf " + lang) cmd("mkdir " + lang) print("Running doxygen") cmd("cd ../scripts && doxygen Doxyfile") # BUILD PDF if not skip_latex: # Silly workarond to include the more or less correct PDF download link in the PDF #cmd("cp -f " + lang +"/latex/LVGL.pdf LVGL.pdf | true") cmd("sphinx-build -b latex . out_latex") # Generate PDF cmd("cd out_latex && latexmk -pdf 'LVGL.tex'") # Copy the result PDF to the main directory to make it avaiable for the HTML build cmd("cd out_latex && cp -f LVGL.pdf ../LVGL.pdf") else: print("skipping latex build as requested") # BULD HTML cmd("sphinx-build -b html . ../out_html")