/** * @file lv_app.c * */ /********************* * INCLUDES *********************/ #include "lv_app.h" #if LV_APP_ENABLE != 0 #include "lv_app_util/lv_app_kb.h" #include "lv_app_util/lv_app_notice.h" #include "lv_app_util/lv_app_fsel.h" #include "lvgl/lv_misc/anim.h" #include "../lv_appx/lv_app_example.h" #include "../lv_appx/lv_app_sysmon.h" /********************* * DEFINES *********************/ /********************** * TYPEDEFS **********************/ typedef struct { lv_app_inst_t * sender; lv_app_inst_t * receiver; }lv_app_con_t; /********************** * STATIC PROTOTYPES **********************/ static void lv_app_init_desktop(void); /*Actions*/ static lv_action_res_t lv_app_menu_rel_action(lv_obj_t * app_btn, lv_dispi_t * dispi); static lv_action_res_t lv_app_menu_elem_rel_action(lv_obj_t * app_elem_btn, lv_dispi_t * dispi); static lv_action_res_t lv_app_sc_page_rel_action(lv_obj_t * sc, lv_dispi_t * dispi); static lv_action_res_t lv_app_sc_rel_action(lv_obj_t * sc, lv_dispi_t * dispi); static lv_action_res_t lv_app_sc_lpr_action(lv_obj_t * sc, lv_dispi_t * dispi); static lv_action_res_t lv_app_win_close_action(lv_obj_t * close_btn, lv_dispi_t * dispi); static lv_action_res_t lv_app_win_minim_action(lv_obj_t * close_minim, lv_dispi_t * dispi); static lv_action_res_t lv_app_win_open_anim_create(lv_app_inst_t * app); static lv_action_res_t lv_app_win_minim_anim_create(lv_app_inst_t * app); #if LV_APP_EFFECT_ANIM != 0 && LV_APP_ANIM_WIN != 0 static void lv_app_win_close_anim_cb(lv_obj_t * app_win); #endif static void lv_app_init_icons(void); static void lv_app_init_style(void); /********************** * STATIC VARIABLES **********************/ static ll_dsc_t app_dsc_ll; /*Store a pointer to the app. descriptors*/ static ll_dsc_t app_inst_ll; /*Store the running apps*/ static ll_dsc_t app_con_ll; /*Store the communication connection between the apps*/ static lv_obj_t * app_scr; /*Screen of the applications*/ static lv_obj_t * menuh; /*Holder of timg_bubbleshe menu on the top*/ static lv_obj_t * app_btn; /*The "Apps" button on the menu*/ static lv_obj_t * sys_apph; /*Holder of the system app. buttons*/ static lv_obj_t * app_list; /*A list which is opened on 'app_btn' release*/ static lv_obj_t * sc_page; /*A page for the shortcuts */ static lv_app_inst_t * con_send; /*The sender application in connection mode. Not NLL means connection mode is active*/ static lv_app_style_t app_style; /*Styles for application related things*/ /*Declare icons*/ LV_IMG_DECLARE(img_add); LV_IMG_DECLARE(img_bubble); LV_IMG_DECLARE(img_calendar); LV_IMG_DECLARE(img_clock); LV_IMG_DECLARE(img_close); LV_IMG_DECLARE(img_down); LV_IMG_DECLARE(img_driver); LV_IMG_DECLARE(img_eject); LV_IMG_DECLARE(img_file); LV_IMG_DECLARE(img_folder); LV_IMG_DECLARE(img_left); LV_IMG_DECLARE(img_ok); LV_IMG_DECLARE(img_play); LV_IMG_DECLARE(img_right); LV_IMG_DECLARE(img_settings); LV_IMG_DECLARE(img_shut_down); LV_IMG_DECLARE(img_star); LV_IMG_DECLARE(img_up); LV_IMG_DECLARE(img_user); LV_IMG_DECLARE(img_volume); /********************** * MACROS **********************/ /********************** * GLOBAL FUNCTIONS **********************/ /** * Initialize the application system */ void lv_app_init(void) { /*Init linked lists*/ ll_init(&app_dsc_ll, sizeof(lv_app_dsc_t *)); ll_init(&app_inst_ll, sizeof(lv_app_inst_t)); ll_init(&app_con_ll, sizeof(lv_app_con_t)); app_scr = lv_scr_act(); lv_app_init_icons(); lv_app_init_style(); /*Create the desktop elements*/ lv_app_init_desktop(); /*Init. the utilities*/ lv_app_kb_init(); lv_app_notice_init(); lv_app_fsel_init(); /*Initialize all application descriptors*/ /*ADD NEW APPLICATION INITS HERE!!!*/ const lv_app_dsc_t ** dsc; #if USE_LV_APP_EXAMPLE != 0 dsc = ll_ins_head(&app_dsc_ll); *dsc = lv_app_example_init(); #endif #if USE_LV_APP_SYSMON != 0 dsc = ll_ins_head(&app_dsc_ll); *dsc = lv_app_sysmon_init(); #endif } /** * Run an application according to 'app_dsc' * @param app_dsc pointer to an application descriptor * @param cstr a Create STRing which can give initial parameters to the application (NULL or "" if unused) * @param conf pointer to an application specific configuration structure or NULL if unused * @return pointer to the opened application or NULL if any error occurred */ lv_app_inst_t * lv_app_run(const lv_app_dsc_t * app_dsc, const char * cstr, void * conf) { /*Add a new application and initialize it*/ lv_app_inst_t * app; app = ll_ins_head(&app_inst_ll); app->dsc = app_dsc; app->app_data = dm_alloc(app_dsc->app_data_size); app->name = NULL; lv_app_rename(app, app_dsc->name); /*Set a default name*/ /*Call the application specific run function*/ app_dsc->app_run(app, cstr, conf); return app; } /** * Close a running application. Close the Window and the Shortcut too if opened. * @param app pointer to an application */ void lv_app_close(lv_app_inst_t * app) { lv_app_win_close(app); lv_app_sc_close(app); app->dsc->app_close(app); dm_free(app->app_data); dm_free(app->name); } /** * Open a shortcut for an application * @param app pointer to an application * @return pointer to the shortcut */ lv_obj_t * lv_app_sc_open(lv_app_inst_t * app) { /*Save the current position of the scrollable part of the page*/ cord_t scrl_y = lv_obj_get_y(lv_page_get_scrable(sc_page)); /*Create a basic shortcut*/ app->sc = lv_btn_create(sc_page, NULL); lv_obj_set_free_p(app->sc, app); lv_obj_set_style(app->sc, &app_style.sc_style); lv_obj_set_opa(app->sc, app_style.sc_opa); lv_obj_set_size(app->sc, LV_APP_SC_WIDTH, LV_APP_SC_HEIGHT); lv_rect_set_layout(app->sc, LV_RECT_LAYOUT_OFF); lv_btn_set_rel_action(app->sc, lv_app_sc_rel_action); lv_btn_set_lpr_action(app->sc, lv_app_sc_lpr_action); lv_page_glue_obj(app->sc, true); if((app->dsc->mode & LV_APP_MODE_NO_SC_TITLE) == 0) { /*Create a title on top of the shortcut*/ app->sc_title = lv_label_create(app->sc, NULL); lv_obj_set_style(app->sc_title, &app_style.sc_title_style); #if LV_APP_EFFECT_ANIM != 0 lv_label_set_long_mode(app->sc_title, LV_LABEL_LONG_SCROLL); #else lv_obj_set_size(app->sc_title, LV_APP_SC_WIDTH, font_get_height(font_get(app_style.sc_title_style.font))); lv_label_set_long_mode(app->sc_title, LV_LABEL_LONG_DOTS); #endif lv_label_set_text(app->sc_title, app->name); lv_obj_align_us(app->sc_title, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_MID, 0, app_style.sc_title_margin); } else { app->sc_title = NULL; } /*Allocate data and call the app specific sc_open function*/ app->sc_data = dm_alloc(app->dsc->sc_data_size); app->dsc->sc_open(app, app->sc); /* Restore position of the scrollable part of the page because * it moved when the shortcut is created*/ lv_obj_set_y(lv_page_get_scrable(sc_page), scrl_y); #if LV_APP_EFFECT_ANIM == 0 lv_page_focus(sc_page, app->sc, false); #else lv_page_focus(sc_page, app->sc, true); #endif return app->sc; } /** * Close the shortcut of an application * @param app pointer to an application */ void lv_app_sc_close(lv_app_inst_t * app) { if(app->sc == NULL) return; lv_obj_del(app->sc); app->sc = NULL; app->sc_title = NULL; dm_free(app->sc_data); app->sc_data = NULL; } /** * Open the application in a window * @param app pointer to an application * @return pointer to the shortcut */ lv_obj_t * lv_app_win_open(lv_app_inst_t * app) { /*Close the app list if opened*/ if(app_list != NULL) { lv_obj_del(app_list); app_list = NULL; } app->win = lv_win_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL); lv_obj_set_free_p(app->win, app); lv_obj_set_style(app->win, &app_style.win_style); lv_win_set_title(app->win, app->dsc->name); lv_obj_t * win_content = lv_page_get_scrable(lv_win_get_content(app->win)); lv_rect_set_fit(win_content, false, true); lv_obj_set_width(win_content, LV_HOR_RES - 2 * app_style.win_style.content.bg_rects.hpad); lv_win_add_ctrl_btn(app->win, "U:/icon_down", lv_app_win_minim_action); lv_win_add_ctrl_btn(app->win, "U:/icon_close", lv_app_win_close_action); app->win_data = dm_alloc(app->dsc->win_data_size); app->dsc->win_open(app, app->win); return app->win; } /** * Close the window of an application * @param app pointer to an application */ void lv_app_win_close(lv_app_inst_t * app) { if(app->win == NULL) return; lv_app_kb_close(false); lv_obj_del(app->win); app->win = NULL; dm_free(app->win_data); app->win_data = NULL; } /** * Send data to other applications * @param app_send pointer to the application which is sending the message * @param type type of data from 'lv_app_com_type_t' enum * @param data pointer to the sent data * @param len length of 'data' in bytes * @return number application which were received the message */ uint16_t lv_app_com_send(lv_app_inst_t * app_send, lv_app_com_type_t type , const void * data, uint32_t len) { lv_app_con_t * con; uint16_t rec_cnt = 0; /*Add the notifications to the notice utility*/ if(type == LV_APP_COM_TYPE_NOTICE) { lv_app_notice_add(data); } LL_READ(app_con_ll, con) { if(con->sender == app_send) { if(con->receiver->dsc->com_rec != NULL) con->receiver->dsc->com_rec(app_send, con->receiver, type, data, len); rec_cnt ++; } } return rec_cnt; } /** * Test an application communication connection * @param sender pointer to an application which sends data * @param receiver pointer to an application which receives data * @return false: no connection, true: there is connection */ bool lv_app_con_check(lv_app_inst_t * sender, lv_app_inst_t * receiver) { lv_app_con_t * con; LL_READ(app_con_ll, con) { if(con->sender == sender && con->receiver == receiver) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Create a new connection between two applications * @param sender pointer to a data sender application * @param receiver pointer to a data receiver application */ void lv_app_con_set(lv_app_inst_t * sender, lv_app_inst_t * receiver) { if(lv_app_con_check(sender, receiver) == false) { lv_app_con_t * con; con = ll_ins_head(&app_con_ll); con->sender = sender; con->receiver = receiver; } } /** * Delete a communication connection * @param sender pointer to a data sender application * @param receiver pointer to a data receiver application */ void lv_app_con_del(lv_app_inst_t * sender, lv_app_inst_t * receiver) { lv_app_con_t * con; LL_READ(app_con_ll, con) { if(con->sender == sender && con->receiver == receiver) { ll_rem(&app_con_ll, con); dm_free(con); } } } /** * Get the application descriptor from its name * @param name name of the app. dsc. * @return pointer to the app. dsc. */ const lv_app_dsc_t * lv_app_dsc_get(const char * name) { const lv_app_dsc_t ** dsc; LL_READ(app_dsc_ll, dsc) { if(strcmp((*dsc)->name, name) == 0) { return *dsc; } } return NULL; } /** * Rename an application * @param app pointer to an application * @param name a string with the new name */ void lv_app_rename(lv_app_inst_t * app, const char * name) { dm_free(app->name); app->name = dm_alloc(strlen(name) + 1); strcpy(app->name, name); if(app->sc_title != NULL) { lv_label_set_text(app->sc_title, app->name); } } /** * Get the window object from an object located on the window * @param obj pointer to an object on the window * @return pointer to the window of 'obj' */ lv_obj_t * lv_app_win_get_from_obj(lv_obj_t * obj) { lv_obj_t * par = obj; lv_obj_t * win; do { win = par; par = lv_obj_get_parent(win); } while(par != app_scr); return win; } /** * Read the list of the running applications. (Get he next element) * @param prev the previous application (at the first call give NULL to get the first application) * @param dsc pointer to an application descriptor to filer the applications (NULL to do not filter) * @return pointer to the next running application or NULL if no more */ lv_app_inst_t * lv_app_get_next(lv_app_inst_t * prev, lv_app_dsc_t * dsc) { lv_app_inst_t * next; while(1) { if(prev == NULL) next = ll_get_head(&app_inst_ll); else next = ll_get_next(&app_inst_ll, prev); if(next == NULL) break; if(next->dsc == dsc || dsc == NULL) return next; prev = next; }; return NULL; } /** * Refresh the style of the applications * */ void lv_app_refr_style(void) { lv_style_refr_all(NULL); lv_obj_set_opa(menuh, app_style.menu_opa); lv_obj_set_opa(app_btn, app_style.menu_btn_opa); lv_obj_set_width(lv_page_get_scrable(sc_page), LV_HOR_RES - 2 * (app_style.sc_page_style.bg_rects.hpad)); } /** * Get a pointer to the application style structure. If modified then 'lv_app_refr_style' should be called * @return pointer to the application style structure */ lv_app_style_t * lv_app_style_get(void) { return &app_style; } /********************** * STATIC FUNCTIONS **********************/ /** * Create the object on the desktop */ static void lv_app_init_desktop(void) { /*Shortcut area*/ sc_page = lv_page_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL); lv_obj_set_style(sc_page, &app_style.sc_page_style); lv_obj_set_size(sc_page, LV_HOR_RES, LV_VER_RES); lv_obj_set_pos(sc_page, 0, 0); lv_rect_set_fit(lv_page_get_scrable(sc_page), false, true); lv_rect_set_layout(lv_page_get_scrable(sc_page), LV_RECT_LAYOUT_GRID); lv_page_set_rel_action(sc_page, lv_app_sc_page_rel_action); /*Menu on the top*/ menuh = lv_rect_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL); lv_obj_set_size(menuh, LV_HOR_RES, app_style.menu_h); lv_obj_set_pos(menuh, 0, 0); lv_obj_set_style(menuh, &app_style.menu_style); app_btn = lv_btn_create(menuh, NULL); lv_obj_set_style(app_btn, &app_style.menu_btn_style); lv_obj_set_height(app_btn, app_style.menu_h); lv_rect_set_fit(app_btn, true, false); lv_btn_set_rel_action(app_btn, lv_app_menu_rel_action); lv_obj_t * app_label = lv_label_create(app_btn, NULL); lv_obj_set_style(app_label, &app_style.menu_btn_label_style); lv_label_set_text(app_label, "Apps"); lv_obj_set_pos(app_btn, 0, 0); sys_apph = lv_rect_create(menuh, NULL); lv_rect_set_layout(sys_apph, LV_RECT_LAYOUT_ROW_M); lv_rect_set_fit(sys_apph, true, false); lv_obj_set_height(sys_apph, app_style.menu_h); lv_obj_set_style(sys_apph, lv_rects_get(LV_RECTS_TRANSP, NULL)); /* clock = lv_label_create(sys_apph, NULL); lv_obj_set_style(clock, &app_style.menu_btn_label_style); lv_label_set_text(clock, "20:17"); */ lv_obj_align(sys_apph, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_RIGHT_MID, 0, 0); lv_app_refr_style(); } /*----------------------- APP. MENU ACTIONS ------------------------*/ /** * CAlled when the "Apps" button is released to open or close the app. list * @param app_btn pointer to the "Apps" button * @param dispi pointer to the caller display input * @return LV_ACTION_RES_OK because the "Apps" button is never deleted */ static lv_action_res_t lv_app_menu_rel_action(lv_obj_t * app_btn, lv_dispi_t * dispi) { /*Close the list if opened*/ if(app_list != NULL) { lv_obj_del(app_list); app_list = NULL; } /*Create the app. list*/ else { app_list = lv_list_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL); lv_obj_set_style(app_list, &app_style.app_list_style); lv_obj_set_opa(app_list, app_style.menu_opa); lv_obj_set_size(app_list, app_style.app_list_w, app_style.app_list_h); lv_obj_set_y(app_list, app_style.menu_h); lv_app_dsc_t ** dsc; lv_obj_t * elem; LL_READ(app_dsc_ll, dsc) { if(((*dsc)->mode & LV_APP_MODE_NOT_LIST) == 0) { elem = lv_list_add(app_list, NULL, (*dsc)->name, lv_app_menu_elem_rel_action); lv_obj_set_free_p(elem, *dsc); lv_obj_set_opa(elem, app_style.menu_btn_opa); } } } return LV_ACTION_RES_OK; } /** * Called when an element of the app list is released * @param app_elem_btn pointer to an element of app list * @param dispi pointer to the caller display input * @return LV_ACTION_RES_INV because the list is dleted on release */ static lv_action_res_t lv_app_menu_elem_rel_action(lv_obj_t * app_elem_btn, lv_dispi_t * dispi) { lv_app_dsc_t * dsc = lv_obj_get_free_p(app_elem_btn); /*Close the app list*/ lv_obj_del(app_list); app_list = NULL; lv_app_inst_t * app = lv_app_run(dsc, "", NULL); lv_app_sc_open(app); #if LV_APP_EFFECT_ANIM != 0 && LV_APP_EFFECT_OPA_ANIM != 0 && LV_APP_ANIM_SC != 0 anim_t a; a.act_time = 0; a.time = LV_APP_ANIM_SC; a.end_cb = NULL; a.playback = 0; a.repeat = 0; a.var = app->sc; a.path = anim_get_path(ANIM_PATH_LIN); a.end = app_style.sc_opa; a.start = OPA_TRANSP; a.fp = (anim_fp_t) lv_obj_set_opa; anim_create(&a); #endif return LV_ACTION_RES_INV; } /*----------------------- SHORTCUT ACTIONS ------------------------*/ /** * Called when the shortcut page is released to hide the app list and/or * go back from connection mode * @param page pointer to the sc page * @param dispi pointer to the caller display input * @return LV_ACTION_RES_OK because the sc page is not deleted */ static lv_action_res_t lv_app_sc_page_rel_action(lv_obj_t * page, lv_dispi_t * dispi) { /*Close the list if opened*/ if(app_list != NULL) { lv_obj_del(app_list); app_list = NULL; } if(con_send != NULL) { lv_app_inst_t * i; LL_READ(app_inst_ll, i) { if(i->sc != NULL) lv_obj_set_style(i->sc, &app_style.sc_style); } con_send = NULL; } return LV_ACTION_RES_OK; } /** * Called when a shortcut is released to open its window (or close app list if opened) (in normal mode) or * add/remove it to/form a connection (in connection mode) * @param sc pointer to the releases shortcut object * @param dispi pointer to the caller display input * @return LV_ACTION_RES_OK because the sc page is not deleted */ static lv_action_res_t lv_app_sc_rel_action(lv_obj_t * sc, lv_dispi_t * dispi) { /*Normal mode*/ if(con_send == NULL) { #if LV_APP_EFFECT_ANIM == 0 lv_page_focus(sc_page, sc, false); #else lv_page_focus(sc_page, sc, true); #endif /*Close the list if opened*/ if(app_list != NULL) { lv_obj_del(app_list); app_list = NULL; } /*Else open the window of the shortcut*/ else { lv_app_inst_t * app = lv_obj_get_free_p(sc); lv_app_win_open(app); lv_app_win_open_anim_create(app); } } /*Connection mode: toggle the connection of 'con_sender' and this app */ else { lv_app_inst_t * app = lv_obj_get_free_p(sc); if(app != con_send) { /*Do nothing with the sender*/ lv_btns_t * style = lv_obj_get_style(sc); /*Add connection to this application*/ if(style == &app_style.sc_style) { lv_obj_set_style(sc, &app_style.sc_rec_style); lv_app_con_set(con_send, app); } else { /*Remove the applications connection*/ lv_obj_set_style(sc, &app_style.sc_style); lv_app_con_del(con_send, app); } } } return LV_ACTION_RES_OK; } /** * Called when a shortcut id long pressed to toggle normal and connection mode * @param sc pointer to the long presse shortcut * @param dispi pointer to the caller display input * @return LV_ACTION_RES_OK because the shortcut is not deleted */ static lv_action_res_t lv_app_sc_lpr_action(lv_obj_t * sc, lv_dispi_t * dispi) { lv_app_inst_t * app_send = lv_obj_get_free_p(sc); if(con_send == app_send) { lv_app_inst_t * i; LL_READ(app_inst_ll, i) { if(i->sc != NULL) lv_obj_set_style(i->sc, &app_style.sc_style); } con_send = NULL; } else { if(con_send != NULL) { lv_app_inst_t * i; LL_READ(app_inst_ll, i) { if(i->sc != NULL) lv_obj_set_style(i->sc, &app_style.sc_style); } } con_send = app_send; lv_obj_set_style(sc, &app_style.sc_send_style); lv_app_inst_t * i; LL_READ(app_inst_ll, i) { if(i->sc != NULL && lv_app_con_check(con_send, i) != false) { lv_obj_set_style(i->sc, &app_style.sc_rec_style); } } } return LV_ACTION_RES_OK; } /*----------------------- WINDOW ACTIONS ------------------------*/ /** * Called when the close button of window is released * @param close_btn pointer to the close button * @param dispi pointer to the caller display input * @return LV_ACTION_RES_OK or LV_ACTION_RES_INC depending on LV_APP_EFFECT_... settings type */ static lv_action_res_t lv_app_win_close_action(lv_obj_t * close_btn, lv_dispi_t * dispi) { lv_obj_t * win = lv_win_get_from_ctrl_btn(close_btn); lv_app_inst_t * app = lv_obj_get_free_p(win); lv_app_kb_close(false); #if LV_APP_EFFECT_ANIM != 0 && LV_APP_EFFECT_OPA != 0 && LV_APP_ANIM_WIN != 0 lv_obj_anim(app->win, LV_ANIM_FLOAT_LEFT | ANIM_OUT, LV_APP_ANIM_WIN, 0, lv_app_win_close_anim_cb); lv_app_sc_close(app); /*The animation will close the window*/ return LV_ACTION_RES_OK; #else lv_app_close(app); return LV_ACTION_RES_INV; #endif } /** * Called when the minimization button of window is released * @param close_minimointer to the minim. button * @param dispi pointer to the caller display input * @return LV_ACTION_RES_OK or LV_ACTION_RES_INC depending on LV_APP_EFFECT_... settings type */ static lv_action_res_t lv_app_win_minim_action(lv_obj_t * close_minim, lv_dispi_t * dispi) { lv_obj_t * win = lv_win_get_from_ctrl_btn(close_minim); lv_app_inst_t * app = lv_obj_get_free_p(win); lv_app_kb_close(false); /*Make an animation on window minimization*/ lv_action_res_t res; res = lv_app_win_minim_anim_create(app); return res; } /*----------------------- ANIMATIONS ------------------------*/ /** * Create a window open animation * @param app pointer to an application * @return LV_ACTION_RES_OK: because the window is not deleted here */ static lv_action_res_t lv_app_win_open_anim_create(lv_app_inst_t * app) { /*Make an animation on window open*/ #if LV_APP_EFFECT_ANIM != 0 && LV_APP_ANIM_WIN != 0 area_t cords; /*If no shortcut simulate one or load the its coordinates*/ if(app->sc == NULL) { cords.x1 = LV_HOR_RES / 2 - LV_APP_SC_WIDTH / 2; cords.y1 = LV_VER_RES / 2 - LV_APP_SC_HEIGHT / 2; cords.x2 = cords.x1 + LV_APP_SC_WIDTH; cords.y2 = cords.y1 + LV_APP_SC_HEIGHT; } else { lv_obj_get_cords(app->sc, &cords); } anim_t a; a.act_time = 0; a.time = LV_APP_ANIM_WIN; a.end_cb = NULL; a.playback = 0; a.repeat = 0; a.var = app->win; a.path = anim_get_path(ANIM_PATH_LIN); a.start = lv_obj_get_width(app->sc); a.end = LV_HOR_RES; a.fp = (anim_fp_t) lv_obj_set_width; anim_create(&a); a.start = lv_obj_get_height(app->sc); a.end = LV_VER_RES; a.fp = (anim_fp_t) lv_obj_set_height; anim_create(&a); a.start = cords.x1; a.end = 0; a.fp = (anim_fp_t) lv_obj_set_x; anim_create(&a); a.start = cords.y1; a.end = 0; a.fp = (anim_fp_t) lv_obj_set_y; anim_create(&a); #endif /*LV_APP_EFFECT_ANIM != 0 && LV_APP_ANIM_WIN != 0*/ return LV_ACTION_RES_OK; } /** * Create a window minimization animation * @param app pointer to an application * @return LV_ACTION_RES_OK or LV_ACTION_RES_INV depending on LV_APP_EFFECT_... settings */ static lv_action_res_t lv_app_win_minim_anim_create(lv_app_inst_t * app) { #if LV_APP_EFFECT_ANIM != 0 && LV_APP_ANIM_WIN != 0 area_t cords; if(app->sc == NULL) { cords.x1 = LV_HOR_RES / 2 - LV_APP_SC_WIDTH / 2; cords.y1 = LV_VER_RES / 2 - LV_APP_SC_HEIGHT / 2; cords.x2 = cords.x1 + LV_APP_SC_WIDTH; cords.y2 = cords.y1 + LV_APP_SC_HEIGHT; } else { lv_obj_get_cords(app->sc, &cords); } anim_t a; a.act_time = 0; a.time = LV_APP_ANIM_WIN; a.end_cb = NULL; a.playback = 0; a.repeat = 0; a.var = app->win; a.path = anim_get_path(ANIM_PATH_LIN); a.end = lv_obj_get_width(app->sc); a.start = LV_HOR_RES; a.fp = (anim_fp_t) lv_obj_set_width; anim_create(&a); a.end = lv_obj_get_height(app->sc); a.start = LV_VER_RES; a.fp = (anim_fp_t) lv_obj_set_height; anim_create(&a); a.end = cords.x1; a.start = 0; a.fp = (anim_fp_t) lv_obj_set_x; anim_create(&a); a.end = cords.y1; a.start = 0; a.fp = (anim_fp_t) lv_obj_set_y; a.end_cb = (void (*)(void *))lv_app_win_close_anim_cb; anim_create(&a); return LV_ACTION_RES_OK; #else /*LV_APP_ANIM_WIN == 0 || LV_APP_ANIM_LEVEL == 0*/ lv_app_win_close(app); return LV_ACTION_RES_INV; #endif } #if LV_APP_EFFECT_ANIM != 0 /** * Called when the window close or minimization animation is ready to close the window * @param app_win pointer to a window */ static void lv_app_win_close_anim_cb(lv_obj_t * app_win) { lv_app_inst_t * app = lv_obj_get_free_p(app_win); lv_app_win_close(app); } #endif /** * Init the application styles */ static void lv_app_init_style(void) { /*Coordinates*/ app_style.menu_h = 40 * LV_DOWNSCALE; app_style.app_list_w = LV_HOR_RES / 3; app_style.app_list_h = (2 * LV_VER_RES) / 3; app_style.sc_title_margin = 2 * LV_DOWNSCALE; /*Opacity*/ #if LV_APP_EFFECT_OPA == 0 app_style.menu_opa = OPA_COVER; app_style.menu_btn_opa = OPA_COVER; app_style.sc_opa = OPA_COVER; #else app_style.menu_opa = OPA_80; app_style.menu_btn_opa = OPA_50; app_style.sc_opa = OPA_80; #endif /*Menu style*/ lv_rects_get(LV_RECTS_DEF,&app_style.menu_style); app_style.menu_style.objs.color = COLOR_BLACK; app_style.menu_style.gcolor = COLOR_BLACK; app_style.menu_style.round = 0; app_style.menu_style.bwidth = 0; app_style.menu_style.light = 0; lv_btns_get(LV_BTNS_DEF,&app_style.menu_btn_style); memcpy(&app_style.menu_btn_style.rects, &app_style.menu_style, sizeof(lv_rects_t)); app_style.menu_btn_style.flags[LV_BTN_STATE_REL].light_en = 0; app_style.menu_btn_style.flags[LV_BTN_STATE_PR].light_en = 0; app_style.menu_btn_style.flags[LV_BTN_STATE_REL].empty = 1; app_style.menu_btn_style.flags[LV_BTN_STATE_PR].empty = 0; app_style.menu_btn_style.mcolor[LV_BTN_STATE_REL] = COLOR_BLACK; app_style.menu_btn_style.gcolor[LV_BTN_STATE_REL] = COLOR_BLACK; app_style.menu_btn_style.mcolor[LV_BTN_STATE_PR] = COLOR_GRAY; app_style.menu_btn_style.gcolor[LV_BTN_STATE_PR] = COLOR_GRAY; lv_labels_get(LV_LABELS_BTN,&app_style.menu_btn_label_style); app_style.menu_btn_label_style.font = LV_APP_FONT_LARGE; app_style.menu_btn_label_style.objs.color = COLOR_MAKE(0xd0, 0xe0, 0xf0); lv_imgs_get(LV_IMGS_DEF,&app_style.menu_btn_img_style); app_style.menu_btn_img_style.objs.color = COLOR_WHITE; app_style.menu_btn_img_style.recolor_opa = OPA_90; /*App list styles*/ lv_lists_get(LV_LISTS_DEF,&app_style.app_list_style); memcpy(&app_style.app_list_style.liste_btns, &app_style.menu_btn_style, sizeof(lv_btns_t)); memcpy(&app_style.app_list_style.bg_pages.bg_rects, &app_style.menu_style, sizeof(lv_rects_t)); memcpy(&app_style.app_list_style.liste_labels, &app_style.menu_btn_label_style, sizeof(lv_labels_t)); app_style.app_list_style.bg_pages.bg_rects.vpad = 0; app_style.app_list_style.bg_pages.bg_rects.hpad = 0; app_style.app_list_style.bg_pages.bg_rects.opad = 0; app_style.app_list_style.bg_pages.scrable_rects.objs.transp = 1; app_style.app_list_style.bg_pages.scrable_rects.vpad = 0; app_style.app_list_style.bg_pages.scrable_rects.hpad = 0; app_style.app_list_style.bg_pages.scrable_rects.opad = 0; app_style.app_list_style.bg_pages.sb_rects.objs.color = COLOR_GRAY; app_style.app_list_style.bg_pages.sb_rects.gcolor = COLOR_GRAY; app_style.app_list_style.bg_pages.sb_width = 8 * LV_DOWNSCALE; /*Shortcut page styles*/ lv_pages_get(LV_PAGES_DEF,&app_style.sc_page_style); app_style.sc_page_style.bg_rects.empty = 1; app_style.sc_page_style.bg_rects.round = 0; app_style.sc_page_style.bg_rects.bwidth = 0; app_style.sc_page_style.bg_rects.vpad = app_style.menu_h; app_style.sc_page_style.bg_rects.hpad = 0; app_style.sc_page_style.bg_rects.opad = 0; app_style.sc_page_style.scrable_rects.objs.transp = 1; app_style.sc_page_style.scrable_rects.hpad = 20 * LV_DOWNSCALE; app_style.sc_page_style.scrable_rects.vpad = 20 * LV_DOWNSCALE; app_style.sc_page_style.scrable_rects.opad = 20 * LV_DOWNSCALE; /*Shortcut styles*/ lv_btns_get(LV_BTNS_DEF,&app_style.sc_style); app_style.sc_style.mcolor[LV_BTN_STATE_REL] = COLOR_WHITE; app_style.sc_style.gcolor[LV_BTN_STATE_REL] = COLOR_MAKE(0x20, 0x30, 0x40); app_style.sc_style.bcolor[LV_BTN_STATE_REL] = COLOR_MAKE(0x40, 0x60, 0x80); app_style.sc_style.mcolor[LV_BTN_STATE_PR] = COLOR_MAKE(0xB0, 0xD0, 0xF0); app_style.sc_style.gcolor[LV_BTN_STATE_PR] = COLOR_MAKE(0x00, 0x00, 0x00); app_style.sc_style.bcolor[LV_BTN_STATE_PR] = COLOR_MAKE(0xB0, 0xD0, 0xF0); app_style.sc_style.rects.bopa = 70; app_style.sc_style.rects.bwidth = 1 * LV_DOWNSCALE; memcpy(&app_style.sc_send_style, &app_style.sc_style, sizeof(lv_btns_t)); app_style.sc_send_style.mcolor[LV_BTN_STATE_REL] = COLOR_MAKE(0xFF, 0xE0, 0xE0); app_style.sc_send_style.gcolor[LV_BTN_STATE_REL] = COLOR_MAKE(0x50, 0x20, 0x00); app_style.sc_send_style.bcolor[LV_BTN_STATE_REL] = COLOR_BLACK; app_style.sc_send_style.flags[LV_BTN_STATE_REL].light_en = 1; app_style.sc_send_style.mcolor[LV_BTN_STATE_PR] = COLOR_MAKE(0xFF, 0xB0, 0xB0); app_style.sc_send_style.gcolor[LV_BTN_STATE_PR] = COLOR_MAKE(0x20, 0x10, 0x00); app_style.sc_send_style.bcolor[LV_BTN_STATE_PR] = COLOR_BLACK; app_style.sc_send_style.flags[LV_BTN_STATE_PR].light_en = 1; app_style.sc_send_style.rects.light = 10 * LV_DOWNSCALE; app_style.sc_send_style.rects.bopa = 30; app_style.sc_send_style.rects.bwidth = 3 * LV_DOWNSCALE; memcpy(&app_style.sc_rec_style, &app_style.sc_style, sizeof(lv_btns_t)); app_style.sc_rec_style.mcolor[LV_BTN_STATE_REL] = COLOR_MAKE(0xE0, 0xFF, 0xE0); app_style.sc_rec_style.gcolor[LV_BTN_STATE_REL] = COLOR_MAKE(0x20, 0x50, 0x20); app_style.sc_rec_style.bcolor[LV_BTN_STATE_REL] = COLOR_BLACK; app_style.sc_rec_style.flags[LV_BTN_STATE_REL].light_en = 1; app_style.sc_rec_style.mcolor[LV_BTN_STATE_PR] = COLOR_MAKE(0xB0, 0xFF, 0xB0); app_style.sc_rec_style.gcolor[LV_BTN_STATE_PR] = COLOR_MAKE(0x20, 0x20, 0x10); app_style.sc_rec_style.bcolor[LV_BTN_STATE_PR] = COLOR_BLACK; app_style.sc_rec_style.flags[LV_BTN_STATE_PR].light_en = 1; app_style.sc_rec_style.rects.light = 10 * LV_DOWNSCALE; app_style.sc_rec_style.rects.bopa = 30; app_style.sc_rec_style.rects.bwidth = 3 * LV_DOWNSCALE; lv_labels_get(LV_LABELS_DEF,&app_style.sc_title_style); app_style.sc_title_style.font = LV_APP_FONT_SMALL; app_style.sc_title_style.objs.color = COLOR_MAKE(0x10, 0x20, 0x30); app_style.sc_title_style.mid = 1; lv_labels_get(LV_LABELS_DEF,&app_style.sc_txt_style); app_style.sc_txt_style.font = LV_APP_FONT_MEDIUM; app_style.sc_txt_style.objs.color = COLOR_MAKE(0x20, 0x30, 0x40); app_style.sc_txt_style.mid = 0; /*Window styles*/ lv_wins_get(LV_WINS_DEF,&app_style.win_style); memcpy(&app_style.win_style.header, &app_style.menu_style, sizeof(lv_rects_t)); memcpy(&app_style.win_style.title, &app_style.menu_btn_label_style, sizeof(lv_labels_t)); memcpy(&app_style.win_style.ctrl_btn, &app_style.menu_btn_style, sizeof(lv_btns_t)); memcpy(&app_style.win_style.ctrl_img, &app_style.menu_btn_img_style, sizeof(lv_imgs_t)); app_style.win_style.header_on_content = 1; app_style.win_style.header_opa = app_style.menu_opa; app_style.win_style.ctrl_btn_opa = app_style.menu_btn_opa; app_style.win_style.header.vpad = 5 * LV_DOWNSCALE; app_style.win_style.header.hpad = 5 * LV_DOWNSCALE; app_style.win_style.header.opad = 5 * LV_DOWNSCALE; app_style.win_style.content.bg_rects.vpad = app_style.win_style.ctrl_btn_h + 2 * app_style.win_style.header.vpad; app_style.win_style.content.bg_rects.hpad = 5 * LV_DOWNSCALE; app_style.win_style.content.scrable_rects.objs.transp = 1; lv_labels_get(LV_LABELS_DEF,&app_style.win_txt_style); app_style.win_txt_style.font = LV_APP_FONT_MEDIUM; app_style.win_txt_style.objs.color = COLOR_MAKE(0x20, 0x20, 0x20); app_style.win_txt_style.mid = 0; app_style.win_txt_style.letter_space = 1 * LV_DOWNSCALE; } /** * Create files for the icons */ static void lv_app_init_icons(void) { lv_img_create_file("icon_add", img_add); lv_img_create_file("icon_bubble", img_bubble); lv_img_create_file("icon_calendar", img_calendar); lv_img_create_file("icon_clock", img_clock); lv_img_create_file("icon_close", img_close); lv_img_create_file("icon_down", img_down); lv_img_create_file("icon_driver", img_driver); lv_img_create_file("icon_eject", img_eject); lv_img_create_file("icon_file", img_file); lv_img_create_file("icon_folder", img_folder); lv_img_create_file("icon_left", img_left); lv_img_create_file("icon_ok", img_ok); lv_img_create_file("icon_play", img_play); lv_img_create_file("icon_right", img_right); lv_img_create_file("icon_settings", img_settings); lv_img_create_file("icon_shut_down", img_shut_down); lv_img_create_file("icon_star", img_star); lv_img_create_file("icon_up", img_up); lv_img_create_file("icon_user", img_user); lv_img_create_file("icon_volume", img_volume); } #endif /*LV_APP_ENABLE != 0*/