/** * @file lv_mask.c * */ /********************* * INCLUDES *********************/ #include "lv_draw_mask.h" #include "../lv_misc/lv_math.h" #include "../lv_misc/lv_log.h" #include "../lv_core/lv_debug.h" /********************* * DEFINES *********************/ #define LV_MASK_MAX_NUM 16 /********************** * TYPEDEFS **********************/ typedef struct { void * param; void * custom_id; }lv_mask_saved_t; /********************** * STATIC PROTOTYPES **********************/ static lv_draw_mask_res_t lv_draw_mask_line(lv_opa_t * mask_buf, lv_coord_t abs_x, lv_coord_t abs_y, lv_coord_t len, lv_draw_mask_line_param_t * param); static lv_draw_mask_res_t lv_draw_mask_radius(lv_opa_t * mask_buf, lv_coord_t abs_x, lv_coord_t abs_y, lv_coord_t len, lv_draw_mask_radius_param_t * param); static lv_draw_mask_res_t lv_draw_mask_angle(lv_opa_t * mask_buf, lv_coord_t abs_x, lv_coord_t abs_y, lv_coord_t len, lv_draw_mask_angle_param_t * param); static lv_draw_mask_res_t lv_draw_mask_fade(lv_opa_t * mask_buf, lv_coord_t abs_x, lv_coord_t abs_y, lv_coord_t len, lv_draw_mask_fade_param_t * param); static lv_draw_mask_res_t lv_draw_mask_map(lv_opa_t * mask_buf, lv_coord_t abs_x, lv_coord_t abs_y, lv_coord_t len, lv_draw_mask_map_param_t * param); static lv_draw_mask_res_t line_mask_flat(lv_opa_t * mask_buf, lv_coord_t abs_x, lv_coord_t abs_y, lv_coord_t len, lv_draw_mask_line_param_t * p); static lv_draw_mask_res_t line_mask_steep(lv_opa_t * mask_buf, lv_coord_t abs_x, lv_coord_t abs_y, lv_coord_t len, lv_draw_mask_line_param_t * p); static inline lv_opa_t mask_mix(lv_opa_t mask_act, lv_opa_t mask_new); /********************** * STATIC VARIABLES **********************/ static lv_mask_saved_t mask_list[LV_MASK_MAX_NUM]; /********************** * MACROS **********************/ /********************** * GLOBAL FUNCTIONS **********************/ /** * Add a draw mask. Everything drawn after it (until removing the mask) will be affected by the mask. * @param param an initialized mask parameter. Only the pointer is saved. * @param custom_id a custom pointer to identify the mask. Used in `lv_draw_mask_remove_custom`. * @return the an integer, the ID of the mask. Can be used in `lv_draw_mask_remove_id`. */ int16_t lv_draw_mask_add(void * param, void * custom_id) { /*Look for a free entry*/ uint8_t i; for(i = 0; i < LV_MASK_MAX_NUM; i++) { if(mask_list[i].param == NULL) break; } if(i >= LV_MASK_MAX_NUM) { LV_LOG_WARN("lv_mask_add: no place to add the mask"); return LV_MASK_ID_INV; } mask_list[i].param = param; mask_list[i].custom_id = custom_id; return i; } /** * Apply the added buffers on a line. Used internally by the library's drawing routins. * @param mask_buf store the result mask here. Has to be `len` byte long. Should be initialized with `0xFF`. * @param abs_x absolute X coordinate where the line to calculate start * @param abs_y absolute Y coordinate where the line to calculate start * @param len length of the line to calculate (in pixel count) * @return Oneof these values: * - `LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP`: the whole line is transparent. `mask_buf` is not set to zero * - `LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER`: the whole line is fully visible. `mask_buf` is unchanged * - `LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_CHANGED`: `mask_buf` has changed, it shows the desired opacity of each pixel in the given line */ lv_draw_mask_res_t lv_draw_mask_apply(lv_opa_t * mask_buf, lv_coord_t abs_x, lv_coord_t abs_y, lv_coord_t len) { bool changed = false; lv_draw_mask_common_dsc_t * dsc; lv_draw_mask_res_t res = LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; uint8_t i; for(i = 0; i < LV_MASK_MAX_NUM; i++) { if(mask_list[i].param) { dsc = mask_list[i].param; res = dsc->cb(mask_buf, abs_x, abs_y, len, (void*)mask_list[i].param); if(res == LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; else if(res == LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_CHANGED) changed = true; } } return changed ? LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_CHANGED : LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; } /** * Remove a mask with a given ID * @param id the ID of the mask. Returned by `lv_draw_mask_add` * @return the parameter of the removed mask. * If more masks have `custom_id` ID then the last mask's parameter will be returned */ void * lv_draw_mask_remove_id(int16_t id) { void * p = NULL; if(id != LV_MASK_ID_INV) { p = mask_list[id].param; mask_list[id].param = NULL; mask_list[id].custom_id = NULL; } return p; } /** * Remove all mask with a given custom ID * @param custom_id a pointer used in `lv_draw_mask_add` * @return return the parameter of the removed mask. * If more masks have `custom_id` ID then the last mask's parameter will be returned */ void * lv_draw_mask_remove_custom(void * custom_id) { void * p = NULL; uint8_t i; for(i = 0; i < LV_MASK_MAX_NUM; i++) { if(mask_list[i].custom_id == custom_id) { p = mask_list[i].param; mask_list[i].param = NULL; mask_list[i].custom_id = NULL; } } return p; } /** * Count the currently added masks * @return number of active masks */ uint8_t lv_draw_mask_get_cnt(void) { uint8_t cnt = 0; uint8_t i; for(i = 0; i < LV_MASK_MAX_NUM; i++) { if(mask_list[i].param) cnt++; } return cnt; } /** *Initialize a line mask from two points. * @param param pointer to a `lv_draw_mask_param_t` to initialize * @param p1x X coordinate of the first point of the line * @param p1y Y coordinate of the first point of the line * @param p2x X coordinate of the second point of the line * @param p2y y coordinate of the second point of the line * @param side and element of `lv_draw_mask_line_side_t` to describe which side to keep. * With `LV_DRAW_MASK_LINE_SIDE_LEFT/RIGHT` and horizontal line all pixels are kept * With `LV_DRAW_MASK_LINE_SIDE_TOP/BOTTOM` and vertical line all pixels are kept */ void lv_draw_mask_line_points_init(lv_draw_mask_line_param_t * param, lv_coord_t p1x, lv_coord_t p1y, lv_coord_t p2x, lv_coord_t p2y, lv_draw_mask_line_side_t side) { memset(param, 0x00, sizeof(lv_draw_mask_line_param_t)); if(p1y > p2y) { lv_coord_t t; t = p2x; p2x = p1x; p1x = t; t = p2y; p2y = p1y; p1y = t; } param->cfg.p1.x = p1x; param->cfg.p1.y = p1y; param->cfg.p2.x = p1x; param->cfg.p2.y = p1y; param->cfg.side = side; param->origo.x = p1x; param->origo.y = p1y; param->flat = (LV_MATH_ABS(p2x-p1x) > LV_MATH_ABS(p2y-p1y)) ? 1 : 0; param->yx_steep = 0; param->xy_steep = 0; param->dsc.cb = (lv_draw_mask_cb_t)lv_draw_mask_line; param->dsc.type = LV_DRAW_MASK_TYPE_LINE; lv_coord_t dx = p2x-p1x; lv_coord_t dy = p2y-p1y; if(param->flat) { /*Normalize the steep. Delta x should be relative to delta x = 1024*/ int32_t m; if(dx) { m = (1 << 20) / dx; /*m is multiplier to normalize y (upscaled by 1024)*/ param->yx_steep = (m * dy) >> 10; } if(dy) { m = (1 << 20) / dy; /*m is multiplier to normalize x (upscaled by 1024)*/ param->xy_steep = (m * dx) >> 10; } param->steep = param->yx_steep; } else { /*Normalize the steep. Delta y should be relative to delta x = 1024*/ int32_t m; if(dy) { m = (1 << 20) / dy; /*m is multiplier to normalize x (upscaled by 1024)*/ param->xy_steep = (m * dx) >> 10; } if(dx) { m = (1 << 20) / dx; /*m is multiplier to normalize x (upscaled by 1024)*/ param->yx_steep = (m * dy) >> 10; } param->steep = param->xy_steep; } if(param->cfg.side == LV_DRAW_MASK_LINE_SIDE_LEFT) param->inv = 0; else if(param->cfg.side == LV_DRAW_MASK_LINE_SIDE_RIGHT) param->inv = 1; else if(param->cfg.side == LV_DRAW_MASK_LINE_SIDE_TOP) { if(param->steep > 0) param->inv = 1; else param->inv = 0; } else if(param->cfg.side == LV_DRAW_MASK_LINE_SIDE_BOTTOM) { if(param->steep > 0) param->inv = 0; else param->inv = 1; } param->spx = param->steep >> 2; if(param->steep < 0) param->spx = -param->spx; } /** *Initialize a line mask from a point and an angle. * @param param pointer to a `lv_draw_mask_param_t` to initialize * @param px X coordiante of a point of the line * @param py X coordiante of a point of the line * @param angle right 0 deg, bottom: 90 * @param side and element of `lv_draw_mask_line_side_t` to describe which side to keep. * With `LV_DRAW_MASK_LINE_SIDE_LEFT/RIGHT` and horizontal line all pixels are kept * With `LV_DRAW_MASK_LINE_SIDE_TOP/BOTTOM` and vertical line all pixels are kept */ void lv_draw_mask_line_angle_init(lv_draw_mask_line_param_t* param, lv_coord_t p1x, lv_coord_t py, int16_t angle, lv_draw_mask_line_side_t side) { /* Find an optimal degree. * lv_mask_line_points_init will swap the points to keep the smaller y in p1 * Theoretically a line with `angle` or `angle+180` is the same only the points are swapped * Find the degree which keeps the origo in place */ if(angle > 180) angle -= 180; /*> 180 will swap the origo*/ lv_coord_t p2x; lv_coord_t p2y; p2x = (lv_trigo_sin(angle + 90) >> 5) + p1x; p2y = (lv_trigo_sin(angle) >> 5) + py; lv_draw_mask_line_points_init(param, p1x, py, p2x, p2y, side); } /** * Initialize an angle mask. * @param param pointer to a `lv_draw_mask_param_t` to initialize * @param vertex_x X coordinate of the angle vertex (absolute coordinates) * @param vertex_y Y coordinate of the angle vertex (absolute coordinates) * @param start_angle start angle in degrees. 0 deg on the right, 90 deg, on the bottom * @param end_angle end angle */ void lv_draw_mask_angle_init(lv_draw_mask_angle_param_t * param, lv_coord_t vertex_x, lv_coord_t vertex_y, lv_coord_t start_angle, lv_coord_t end_angle) { lv_draw_mask_line_side_t start_side; lv_draw_mask_line_side_t end_side; /* Constrain the input angles */ if(start_angle < 0) start_angle = 0; else if(start_angle > 359) start_angle = 359; if(end_angle < 0) end_angle = 0; else if(end_angle > 359) end_angle = 359; if(end_angle < start_angle) { param->delta_deg = 360 - start_angle + end_angle; } else { param->delta_deg = LV_MATH_ABS(end_angle - start_angle); } param->cfg.start_angle = start_angle; param->cfg.end_angle = end_angle; param->cfg.vertex_p.x = vertex_x; param->cfg.vertex_p.y = vertex_y; param->dsc.cb = (lv_draw_mask_cb_t)lv_draw_mask_angle; param->dsc.type = LV_DRAW_MASK_TYPE_ANGLE; if(start_angle >= 0 && start_angle < 180) { start_side = LV_DRAW_MASK_LINE_SIDE_LEFT; } else if(start_angle >= 180 && start_angle < 360) { start_side = LV_DRAW_MASK_LINE_SIDE_RIGHT; } else { LV_DEBUG_ASSERT(false, "Unexpected start_angle", start_angle); } if(end_angle >= 0 && end_angle < 180) { end_side = LV_DRAW_MASK_LINE_SIDE_RIGHT; } else if(end_angle >= 180 && end_angle < 360) { end_side = LV_DRAW_MASK_LINE_SIDE_LEFT; } else { LV_DEBUG_ASSERT(false, "Unexpected end_angle", end_angle); } lv_draw_mask_line_angle_init(¶m->start_line, vertex_x, vertex_y, start_angle, start_side); lv_draw_mask_line_angle_init(¶m->end_line, vertex_x, vertex_y, end_angle, end_side); } /** * Initialize a fade mask. * @param param param pointer to a `lv_draw_mask_param_t` to initialize * @param rect coordinates of the rectangle to affect (absolute coordinates) * @param radius radius of the rectangle * @param inv: true: keep the pixels inside teh rectangle; keep teh pixels outside of the rectangle */ void lv_draw_mask_radius_init(lv_draw_mask_radius_param_t * param, const lv_area_t * rect, lv_coord_t radius, bool inv) { lv_coord_t short_side = LV_MATH_MIN(lv_area_get_width(rect), lv_area_get_height(rect)); if(radius > short_side >> 1) radius = short_side >> 1; lv_area_copy(¶m->cfg.rect, rect); param->cfg.radius = radius; param->cfg.outer = inv ? 1 : 0; param->dsc.cb = (lv_draw_mask_cb_t)lv_draw_mask_radius; param->dsc.type = LV_DRAW_MASK_TYPE_RADIUS; } /** * Initialize a fade mask. * @param param pointer to a `lv_draw_mask_param_t` to initialize * @param coords coordinates of the area to affect (absolute coordinates) * @param opa_top opacity on the top * @param y_top at which coordinate start to change to opacity to `opa_bottom` * @param opa_bottom opacity at the bottom * @param y_bottom at which coordinate reach `opa_bottom`. */ void lv_draw_mask_fade_init(lv_draw_mask_fade_param_t * param, lv_area_t * coords, lv_opa_t opa_top, lv_coord_t y_top, lv_opa_t opa_bottom, lv_coord_t y_bottom) { lv_area_copy(¶m->cfg.coords, coords); param->cfg.opa_top= opa_top; param->cfg.opa_bottom = opa_bottom; param->cfg.y_top= y_top; param->cfg.y_bottom = y_bottom; param->dsc.cb = (lv_draw_mask_cb_t)lv_draw_mask_fade; param->dsc.type = LV_DRAW_MASK_TYPE_FADE; } /** * Initialize a map mask. * @param param pointer to a `lv_draw_mask_param_t` to initialize * @param coords coordinates of the map (absolute coordinates) * @param map array of bytes with the mask values */ void lv_draw_mask_map_init(lv_draw_mask_map_param_t * param, lv_area_t * coords, const lv_opa_t * map) { lv_area_copy(¶m->cfg.coords, coords); param->cfg.map = map; param->dsc.cb = (lv_draw_mask_cb_t)lv_draw_mask_map; param->dsc.type = LV_DRAW_MASK_TYPE_MAP; } /********************** * STATIC FUNCTIONS **********************/ static lv_draw_mask_res_t lv_draw_mask_line(lv_opa_t * mask_buf, lv_coord_t abs_x, lv_coord_t abs_y, lv_coord_t len, lv_draw_mask_line_param_t * p) { /*Make to points relative to the vertex*/ abs_y -= p->origo.y; abs_x -= p->origo.x; /*Handle special cases*/ if(p->steep == 0) { /*Horizontal*/ if(p->flat) { /*Non sense: Can't be on the right/left of a horizontal line*/ if(p->cfg.side == LV_DRAW_MASK_LINE_SIDE_LEFT || p->cfg.side == LV_DRAW_MASK_LINE_SIDE_RIGHT) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; else if(p->cfg.side == LV_DRAW_MASK_LINE_SIDE_TOP && abs_y+1 < 0) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; else if(p->cfg.side == LV_DRAW_MASK_LINE_SIDE_BOTTOM && abs_y > 0) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; else { return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; } } /*Vertical*/ else { /*Non sense: Can't be on the top/bottom of a vertical line*/ if(p->cfg.side == LV_DRAW_MASK_LINE_SIDE_TOP || p->cfg.side == LV_DRAW_MASK_LINE_SIDE_BOTTOM) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; else if(p->cfg.side == LV_DRAW_MASK_LINE_SIDE_RIGHT && abs_x > 0) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; else if(p->cfg.side == LV_DRAW_MASK_LINE_SIDE_LEFT) { if(abs_x + len < 0) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; else { int32_t k = - abs_x; if(k < 0) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; if(k >= 0 && k < len) memset(&mask_buf[k], 0x00, len - k); return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_CHANGED; } } else { if(abs_x + len < 0) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; else { int32_t k = - abs_x; if(k < 0) k = 0; if(k >= len) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; else if(k >= 0 && k < len) memset(&mask_buf[0], 0x00,k); return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_CHANGED; } } } } lv_draw_mask_res_t res; if(p->flat) { res = line_mask_flat(mask_buf, abs_x, abs_y, len, p); } else { res = line_mask_steep(mask_buf, abs_x, abs_y, len, p); } return res; } static lv_draw_mask_res_t line_mask_flat(lv_opa_t * mask_buf, lv_coord_t abs_x, lv_coord_t abs_y, lv_coord_t len, lv_draw_mask_line_param_t * p) { lv_coord_t y_at_x; y_at_x = (int32_t)((int32_t)p->yx_steep * abs_x) >> 10; if(p->yx_steep > 0) { if(y_at_x > abs_y) { if(p->inv) { return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; } else { return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; } } } else { if(y_at_x < abs_y) { if(p->inv) { return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; } else { return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; } } } /* At the end of the mask if the limit line is smaller then the mask's y. * Then the mask is in the "good" area*/ y_at_x = (int32_t)((int32_t)p->yx_steep * (abs_x + len)) >> 10; if(p->yx_steep > 0) { if(y_at_x < abs_y) { if(p->inv) { return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; } else { return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; } } } else { if(y_at_x > abs_y) { if(p->inv) { return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; } else { return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; } } } int32_t xe; if(p->yx_steep > 0) xe = ((abs_y << 8) * p->xy_steep) >> 10; else xe = (((abs_y + 1) << 8) * p->xy_steep) >> 10; int32_t xei = xe >> 8; int32_t xef = xe & 0xFF; int32_t px_h; if(xef == 0) px_h = 255; else px_h = 255 - (((255 - xef) * p->spx) >> 8); int32_t k = xei - abs_x; lv_opa_t m; if(xef) { if(k >= 0 && k < len) { m = 255 - (((255-xef) * (255 - px_h)) >> 9); if(p->inv) m = 255 - m; mask_buf[k] = mask_mix(mask_buf[k], m); } k++; } while(px_h > p->spx) { if(k >= 0 && k < len) { m = px_h - (p->spx >> 1); if(p->inv) m = 255 - m; mask_buf[k] = mask_mix(mask_buf[k], m); } px_h -= p->spx; k++; if(k >= len) break; } if(k < len && k >= 0) { int32_t x_inters = (px_h * p->xy_steep) >> 10; m = (x_inters * px_h) >> 9; if(p->yx_steep < 0) m = 255 - m; if(p->inv) m = 255 - m; mask_buf[k] = mask_mix(mask_buf[k], m); } if(p->inv) { k = xei - abs_x; if(k > len) { return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; } if(k >= 0) { memset(&mask_buf[0], 0x00, k); } } else { k++; if(k < 0) { return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; } if(k <= len) { memset(&mask_buf[k], 0x00, len - k); } } return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_CHANGED; } static lv_draw_mask_res_t line_mask_steep(lv_opa_t * mask_buf, lv_coord_t abs_x, lv_coord_t abs_y, lv_coord_t len, lv_draw_mask_line_param_t * p) { int32_t k; lv_coord_t x_at_y; /* At the beginning of the mask if the limit line is greater then the mask's y. * Then the mask is in the "wrong" area*/ x_at_y = (int32_t)((int32_t)p->xy_steep * abs_y) >> 10; if(p->xy_steep > 0) x_at_y++; if(x_at_y < abs_x) { if(p->inv) { return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; } else { return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; } } /* At the end of the mask if the limit line is smaller then the mask's y. * Then the mask is in the "good" area*/ x_at_y = (int32_t)((int32_t)p->xy_steep * (abs_y)) >> 10; if(x_at_y > abs_x + len) { if(p->inv) { return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; } else { return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; } } int32_t xe = ((abs_y << 8) * p->xy_steep) >> 10; int32_t xei = xe >> 8; int32_t xef = xe & 0xFF; int32_t xq = (((abs_y + 1) << 8) * p->xy_steep) >> 10; int32_t xqi = xq >> 8; int32_t xqf = xq & 0xFF; lv_opa_t m; k = xei - abs_x; if(xei != xqi && (p->xy_steep < 0 && xef == 0)) { xef = 0xFF; xei = xqi; k--; } if(xei == xqi) { if(k >= 0 && k < len) { m = (xef + xqf) >> 1; if(p->inv) m = 255 - m; mask_buf[k] = mask_mix(mask_buf[k], m); } k++; if(p->inv) { k = xei - abs_x; if(k >= len) { return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; } if(k >= 0) memset(&mask_buf[0], 0x00, k); } else { if(k > len) k = len; if(k == 0) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; else if(k > 0) memset(&mask_buf[k] ,0x00, len - k); } } else { int32_t y_inters; if(p->xy_steep < 0) { y_inters = (xef * (-p->yx_steep)) >> 10; if(k >= 0 && k < len ) { m = (y_inters * xef) >> 9; if(p->inv) m = 255 - m; mask_buf[k] = mask_mix(mask_buf[k], m); } k--; int32_t x_inters = ((255-y_inters) * (-p->xy_steep)) >> 10; if(k >= 0 && k < len ) { m = 255-(((255-y_inters) * x_inters) >> 9); if(p->inv) m = 255 - m; mask_buf[k] = mask_mix(mask_buf[k], m); } k+=2; if(p->inv) { k = xei - abs_x - 1; if(k > len) k = len; else if(k > 0) memset(&mask_buf[0], 0x00, k); } else { if(k > len) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; if(k >= 0) memset(&mask_buf[k] ,0x00, len - k); } } else { y_inters = ((255-xef) * p->yx_steep) >> 10; if(k >= 0 && k < len ) { m = 255 - ((y_inters * (255-xef)) >> 9); if(p->inv) m = 255 - m; mask_buf[k] = mask_mix(mask_buf[k], m); } k++; int32_t x_inters = ((255-y_inters) * p->xy_steep) >> 10; if(k >= 0 && k < len ) { m = ((255-y_inters) * x_inters) >> 9; if(p->inv) m = 255 - m; mask_buf[k] = mask_mix(mask_buf[k], m); } k++; if(p->inv) { k = xei - abs_x; if(k > len) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; if(k >= 0) memset(&mask_buf[0], 0x00, k); } else { if(k > len) k = len; if(k == 0) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; else if(k > 0) memset(&mask_buf[k] ,0x00, len - k); } } } return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_CHANGED; } static lv_draw_mask_res_t lv_draw_mask_angle(lv_opa_t * mask_buf, lv_coord_t abs_x, lv_coord_t abs_y, lv_coord_t len, lv_draw_mask_angle_param_t * p) { lv_coord_t rel_y = abs_y - p->cfg.vertex_p.y; lv_coord_t rel_x = abs_x - p->cfg.vertex_p.x; if(p->cfg.start_angle < 180 && p->cfg.end_angle < 180 && p->cfg.start_angle != 0 && p->cfg.end_angle != 0 && p->cfg.start_angle > p->cfg.end_angle) { if(abs_y < p->cfg.vertex_p.y) { return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; } /*Start angle mask can work only from the end of end angle mask */ lv_coord_t end_angle_first = (rel_y * p->end_line.xy_steep) >> 10; lv_coord_t start_angle_last= ((rel_y+1) * p->start_line.xy_steep) >> 10; /*Do not let the line end cross the vertex else it will affect the opposite part*/ if(p->cfg.start_angle > 270 && p->cfg.start_angle <= 359 && start_angle_last < 0) start_angle_last = 0; else if(p->cfg.start_angle > 0 && p->cfg.start_angle <= 90 && start_angle_last < 0) start_angle_last = 0; else if(p->cfg.start_angle > 90 && p->cfg.start_angle < 270 && start_angle_last > 0) start_angle_last = 0; if(p->cfg.end_angle > 270 && p->cfg.end_angle <= 359 && start_angle_last < 0) start_angle_last = 0; else if(p->cfg.end_angle > 0 && p->cfg.end_angle <= 90 && start_angle_last < 0) start_angle_last = 0; else if(p->cfg.end_angle > 90 && p->cfg.end_angle < 270 && start_angle_last > 0) start_angle_last = 0; int32_t dist = (end_angle_first - start_angle_last) >> 1; lv_draw_mask_res_t res1 = LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; lv_draw_mask_res_t res2 = LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; int32_t tmp = start_angle_last + dist - rel_x; if(tmp > len) tmp = len; if(tmp > 0) { res1 = lv_draw_mask_line(&mask_buf[0], abs_x, abs_y, tmp, &p->start_line); if(res1 == LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP) { memset(&mask_buf[0], 0x00, tmp); } } if(tmp > len) tmp = len; if(tmp < 0) tmp = 0; res2 = lv_draw_mask_line(&mask_buf[tmp], abs_x+tmp, abs_y, len-tmp, &p->end_line); if(res2 == LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP) { memset(&mask_buf[tmp], 0x00, len-tmp); } if(res1 == res2) return res1; else return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_CHANGED; } else if(p->cfg.start_angle > 180 && p->cfg.end_angle > 180 && p->cfg.start_angle > p->cfg.end_angle) { if(abs_y > p->cfg.vertex_p.y) { return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; } /*Start angle mask can work only from the end of end angle mask */ lv_coord_t end_angle_first = (rel_y * p->end_line.xy_steep) >> 10; lv_coord_t start_angle_last= ((rel_y+1) * p->start_line.xy_steep) >> 10; /*Do not let the line end cross the vertex else it will affect the opposite part*/ if(p->cfg.start_angle > 270 && p->cfg.start_angle <= 359 && start_angle_last < 0) start_angle_last = 0; else if(p->cfg.start_angle > 0 && p->cfg.start_angle <= 90 && start_angle_last < 0) start_angle_last = 0; else if(p->cfg.start_angle > 90 && p->cfg.start_angle < 270 && start_angle_last > 0) start_angle_last = 0; if(p->cfg.end_angle > 270 && p->cfg.end_angle <= 359 && start_angle_last < 0) start_angle_last = 0; else if(p->cfg.end_angle > 0 && p->cfg.end_angle <= 90 && start_angle_last < 0) start_angle_last = 0; else if(p->cfg.end_angle > 90 && p->cfg.end_angle < 270 && start_angle_last > 0) start_angle_last = 0; int32_t dist = (end_angle_first - start_angle_last) >> 1; lv_draw_mask_res_t res1 = LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; lv_draw_mask_res_t res2 = LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; int32_t tmp = start_angle_last + dist - rel_x; if(tmp > len) tmp = len; if(tmp > 0) { res1 = lv_draw_mask_line(&mask_buf[0], abs_x, abs_y, tmp, (lv_draw_mask_line_param_t*)&p->end_line); if(res1 == LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP) { memset(&mask_buf[0], 0x00, tmp); } } if(tmp > len) tmp = len; if(tmp < 0) tmp = 0; res2 = lv_draw_mask_line(&mask_buf[tmp], abs_x+tmp, abs_y, len-tmp, (lv_draw_mask_line_param_t*)&p->start_line); if(res2 == LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP) { memset(&mask_buf[tmp], 0x00, len-tmp); } if(res1 == res2) return res1; else return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_CHANGED; } else { lv_draw_mask_res_t res1 = LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; lv_draw_mask_res_t res2 = LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; if(p->cfg.start_angle == 180) { if(abs_y < p->cfg.vertex_p.y) res1 = LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; else res1 = LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_UNKNOWN; } else if(p->cfg.start_angle == 0) { if(abs_y < p->cfg.vertex_p.y) res1 = LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_UNKNOWN; else res1 = LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; } else if((p->cfg.start_angle < 180 && abs_y < p->cfg.vertex_p.y) || (p->cfg.start_angle > 180 && abs_y >= p->cfg.vertex_p.y)) { res1 = LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_UNKNOWN; } else { res1 = lv_draw_mask_line(mask_buf, abs_x, abs_y, len, &p->start_line); } if(p->cfg.end_angle == 180) { if(abs_y < p->cfg.vertex_p.y) res2 = LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_UNKNOWN; else res2 = LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; } else if(p->cfg.end_angle == 0) { if(abs_y < p->cfg.vertex_p.y) res2 = LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; else res2 = LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_UNKNOWN; } else if((p->cfg.end_angle < 180 && abs_y < p->cfg.vertex_p.y) || (p->cfg.end_angle > 180 && abs_y >= p->cfg.vertex_p.y)) { res2 = LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_UNKNOWN; } else { res2 = lv_draw_mask_line(mask_buf, abs_x, abs_y, len, &p->end_line); } if(res1 == LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP || res2 == LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; else if(res1 == LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_UNKNOWN && res2 == LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_UNKNOWN) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; else if(res1 == LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER && res2 == LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; else return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_CHANGED; } } static lv_draw_mask_res_t lv_draw_mask_radius(lv_opa_t * mask_buf, lv_coord_t abs_x, lv_coord_t abs_y, lv_coord_t len, lv_draw_mask_radius_param_t * p) { if(p->cfg.outer == 0) { if(abs_y < p->cfg.rect.y1 || abs_y > p->cfg.rect.y2) { return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; } } else { if(abs_y < p->cfg.rect.y1 || abs_y > p->cfg.rect.y2) { return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; } } if((abs_x >= p->cfg.rect.x1 + p->cfg.radius && abs_x + len <= p->cfg.rect.x2 - p->cfg.radius) || (abs_y >= p->cfg.rect.y1 + p->cfg.radius && abs_y <= p->cfg.rect.y2 - p->cfg.radius)) { if(p->cfg.outer == 0) { /*Remove the edges*/ int32_t last = p->cfg.rect.x1 - abs_x; if(last > len) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; if(last >= 0) { memset(&mask_buf[0], 0x00, last); } int32_t first = p->cfg.rect.x2 - abs_x + 1; if(first <= 0) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; else if(first < len) { memset(&mask_buf[first], 0x00, len-first); } if(last == 0 && first == len) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; else return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_CHANGED; } else { int32_t first = p->cfg.rect.x1 - abs_x; if(first < 0) first = 0; if(first <= len) { int32_t last = p->cfg.rect.x2 - abs_x - first + 1; if(first + last > len) last = len - first; if(last >= 0) { memset(&mask_buf[first], 0x00, last); } } } return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_CHANGED; } int32_t k = p->cfg.rect.x1 -abs_x; /*First relevant coordinate on the of the mask*/ lv_coord_t w = lv_area_get_width(&p->cfg.rect); lv_coord_t h = lv_area_get_height(&p->cfg.rect); abs_x -= p->cfg.rect.x1; abs_y -= p->cfg.rect.y1; uint32_t r2 = p->cfg.radius * p->cfg.radius; /*Handle corner areas*/ if(abs_y < p->cfg.radius || abs_y > h - p->cfg.radius - 1) { /* y = 0 should mean the top of the circle */ lv_coord_t y; if(abs_y < p->cfg.radius) y = p->cfg.radius - abs_y; else y = p->cfg.radius - (h - abs_y) + 1; /* Get the x intersection points for `abs_y` and `abs_y+1` * Use the circle's equation x = sqrt(r^2 - y^2) */ lv_sqrt_res_t x0; lv_sqrt(r2 - (y * y), &x0); lv_sqrt_res_t x1; lv_sqrt(r2 - ((y-1) * (y-1)), &x1); /* If x1 is on the next round coordinate (e.g. x0: 3.5, x1:4.0) * then treat x1 as x1: 3.99 to handle them as they were on the same pixel*/ if(x0.i == x1.i - 1 && x1.f == 0) { x1.i--; x1.f = 0xFF; } /*If the two x intersections are on the same x then just get average of the fractionals*/ if(x0.i == x1.i) { lv_opa_t m = (x0.f + x1.f) >> 1; if(p->cfg.outer) m = 255 - m; int32_t ofs = p->cfg.radius - x0.i - 1; /*Left corner*/ int32_t kl = k + ofs; if(kl >= 0 && kl < len) { mask_buf[kl] = mask_mix(mask_buf[kl], m); } /*Right corner*/ int32_t kr = k+(w-ofs-1); if(kr >= 0 && kr < len) { mask_buf[kr] = mask_mix(mask_buf[kr], m); } /*Clear the unused parts*/ if(p->cfg.outer == 0) { kr++; if(kl > len) { return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; } if(kl >= 0) { memset(&mask_buf[0], 0x00, kl); } if(kr < 0) { return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; } if(kr <= len) { memset(&mask_buf[kr], 0x00, len-kr); } } else { kl++; int32_t first = kl; if(first < 0) first = 0; int32_t len_tmp = kr-first; if(len_tmp + first > len) len_tmp = len - first; if(first < len && len_tmp >= 0) { memset(&mask_buf[first], 0x00, len_tmp); } } } /*Multiple pixels are affected. Get y intersection of the pixels*/ else { int32_t ofs = p->cfg.radius - (x0.i + 1); int32_t kl = k + ofs; int32_t kr = k + (w - ofs -1); if(p->cfg.outer) { int32_t first = kl + 1; if(first < 0) first = 0; int32_t len_tmp = kr-first; if(len_tmp + first > len) len_tmp = len - first; if(first < len && len_tmp >= 0) { memset(&mask_buf[first], 0x00, len_tmp); } } uint32_t i = x0.i + 1; lv_opa_t m; lv_sqrt_res_t y_prev; lv_sqrt_res_t y_next; lv_sqrt(r2 - (x0.i * x0.i), &y_prev); if(y_prev.f == 0) { y_prev.i--; y_prev.f = 0xFF; } /*The first y intersection is special as it might be in the previous line*/ if(y_prev.i >= y) { lv_sqrt(r2 - (i * i), &y_next); m = 255 - (((255-x0.f) * (255 - y_next.f)) >> 9); if(p->cfg.outer) m = 255 - m; if(kl >= 0 && kl < len) mask_buf[kl] = mask_mix(mask_buf[kl], m); if(kr >= 0 && kr < len) mask_buf[kr] = mask_mix(mask_buf[kr], m); kl--; kr++; y_prev.f = y_next.f; i++; } /*Set all points which are crossed by the circle*/ for(; i <= x1.i; i++) { lv_sqrt(r2 - (i * i), &y_next); m = (y_prev.f + y_next.f) >> 1; if(p->cfg.outer) m = 255 - m; if(kl >= 0 && kl < len) mask_buf[kl] = mask_mix(mask_buf[kl], m); if(kr >= 0 && kr < len) mask_buf[kr] = mask_mix(mask_buf[kr], m); kl--; kr++; y_prev.f = y_next.f; } /*If the last pixel was left in its middle therefore * the circle still has parts on the next one*/ if(y_prev.f) { m = (y_prev.f * x1.f) >> 9; if(p->cfg.outer) m = 255 - m; if(kl >= 0 && kl < len) mask_buf[kl] = mask_mix(mask_buf[kl], m); if(kr >= 0 && kr < len) mask_buf[kr] = mask_mix(mask_buf[kr], m); kl--; kr++; } if(p->cfg.outer == 0) { kl++; if(kl > len) { return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; } if(kl >= 0) memset(&mask_buf[0], 0x00, kl); if(kr < 0) { return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_TRANSP; } if(kr < len) memset(&mask_buf[kr], 0x00, len - kr); } } } return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_CHANGED; } static lv_draw_mask_res_t lv_draw_mask_fade(lv_opa_t * mask_buf, lv_coord_t abs_x, lv_coord_t abs_y, lv_coord_t len, lv_draw_mask_fade_param_t * p) { if(abs_y < p->cfg.coords.y1) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; if(abs_y > p->cfg.coords.y2) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; if(abs_x + len < p->cfg.coords.x1) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; if(abs_x > p->cfg.coords.x2) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; if(abs_x + len > p->cfg.coords.x2) len -= abs_x + len - p->cfg.coords.x2 - 1; if(abs_x < p->cfg.coords.x1) { lv_coord_t x_ofs = 0; x_ofs = p->cfg.coords.x1 - abs_x; len -= x_ofs; mask_buf += x_ofs; } lv_coord_t i; if(abs_y <= p->cfg.y_top) { for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { mask_buf[i] = mask_mix(mask_buf[i], p->cfg.opa_top); } return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_CHANGED; } else if(abs_y >= p->cfg.y_bottom) { for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { mask_buf[i] = mask_mix(mask_buf[i], p->cfg.opa_bottom); } return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_CHANGED; } else { /*Calculate the opa proportionally*/ int16_t opa_diff = p->cfg.opa_bottom - p->cfg.opa_top; lv_coord_t y_diff = p->cfg.y_bottom - p->cfg.y_top + 1; lv_opa_t opa_act = (int32_t)((int32_t)(abs_y - p->cfg.y_top) * opa_diff) / y_diff; opa_act += p->cfg.opa_top; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { mask_buf[i] = mask_mix(mask_buf[i], opa_act); } return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_CHANGED; } return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; } static lv_draw_mask_res_t lv_draw_mask_map(lv_opa_t * mask_buf, lv_coord_t abs_x, lv_coord_t abs_y, lv_coord_t len, lv_draw_mask_map_param_t * p) { /*Handle out of the mask cases*/ if(abs_y < p->cfg.coords.y1) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; if(abs_y > p->cfg.coords.y2) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; if(abs_x + len < p->cfg.coords.x1) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; if(abs_x > p->cfg.coords.x2) return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER; /*Got to the current row in the map*/ const lv_opa_t * map_tmp = p->cfg.map; map_tmp += (abs_y - p->cfg.coords.y1) * lv_area_get_width(&p->cfg.coords); if(abs_x + len > p->cfg.coords.x2) len -= abs_x + len - p->cfg.coords.x2 - 1; if(abs_x < p->cfg.coords.x1) { lv_coord_t x_ofs = 0; x_ofs = p->cfg.coords.x1 - abs_x; len -= x_ofs; mask_buf += x_ofs; } else { map_tmp += (abs_x - p->cfg.coords.x1); } lv_coord_t i; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { mask_buf[i] = mask_mix(mask_buf[i], map_tmp[i]); } return LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_CHANGED; } static inline lv_opa_t mask_mix(lv_opa_t mask_act, lv_opa_t mask_new) { if(mask_new > LV_OPA_MAX) return mask_act; if(mask_new < LV_OPA_MIN) return 0; return (uint16_t)((uint16_t) (mask_act * mask_new) >> 8); }