#!/opt/bin/lv_micropython -i import usys as sys import lvgl as lv import display_driver # Create an image from the png file try: with open('../../assets/img_cogwheel_argb.png','rb') as f: png_data = f.read() except: print("Could not find img_cogwheel_argb.png") sys.exit() img_cogwheel_argb = lv.img_dsc_t({ 'data_size': len(png_data), 'data': png_data }) def set_angle(img, v): img.set_angle(v) def set_zoom(img, v): img.set_zoom(v) # # Show transformations (zoom and rotation) using a pivot point. # # Now create the actual image img = lv.img(lv.scr_act()) img.set_src(img_cogwheel_argb) img.align(lv.ALIGN.CENTER, 50, 50) img.set_pivot(0, 0) # Rotate around the top left corner a1 = lv.anim_t() a1.init() a1.set_var(img) a1.set_custom_exec_cb(lambda a,val: set_angle(img,val)) a1.set_values(0, 3600) a1.set_time(5000) a1.set_repeat_count(lv.ANIM_REPEAT_INFINITE) lv.anim_t.start(a1) a2 = lv.anim_t() a2.init() a2.set_var(img) a2.set_custom_exec_cb(lambda a,val: set_zoom(img,val)) a2.set_values(128, 256) a2.set_time(5000) a2.set_playback_time(3000) a2.set_repeat_count(lv.ANIM_REPEAT_INFINITE) lv.anim_t.start(a2)