import fs_driver CANVAS_WIDTH = 50 CANVAS_HEIGHT = 50 LV_COLOR_SIZE = 32 # # Draw a text to the canvas # # Create a buffer for the canvas cbuf = bytearray((LV_COLOR_SIZE // 8) * CANVAS_WIDTH * CANVAS_HEIGHT) # Create a canvas and initialize its palette canvas = lv.canvas(lv.scr_act()) canvas.set_buffer(cbuf, CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT, lv.COLOR_FORMAT.NATIVE) canvas.fill_bg(lv.color_hex3(0xccc), lv.OPA.COVER) dsc = lv.draw_label_dsc_t() dsc.init() dsc.color = lv.palette_main(lv.PALETTE.RED) # get the directory in which the script is running try: script_path = __file__[:__file__.rfind('/')] if __file__.find('/') >= 0 else '.' except NameError: print("Could not find script path") script_path = '' if script_path != '': try: dsc.font = lv.font_montserrat_18 except: # needed for dynamic font loading fs_drv = lv.fs_drv_t() fs_driver.fs_register(fs_drv, 'S') print("Loading font montserrat_18") font_montserrat_18 = lv.font_load("S:" + script_path + "/../../assets/font/montserrat-18.fnt") if not font_montserrat_18: print("Font loading failed") else: dsc.font = font_montserrat_18 dsc.decor = lv.TEXT_DECOR.UNDERLINE dsc.text = "Hello" layer = lv.layer_t() canvas.init_layer(layer); coords = lv.area_t() coords.x1 = 10 coords.y1 = 10 coords.x2 = 40 coords.y2 = 30 lv.draw_label(layer, dsc, coords) canvas.finish_layer(layer)