/** * @file lv_conf.h * */ #if 0 /*Remove this to enable the content (Delete the last #endif too!)*/ #ifndef LV_CONF_H #define LV_CONF_H /*=================== Graphical settings *=====================*/ /* Horizontal and vertical resolution of the library. * Screen resolution multiplied by LV_DOWN_SCALE*/ #define LV_HOR_RES (320 * LV_DOWNSCALE) #define LV_VER_RES (240 * LV_DOWNSCALE) #define LV_DPI (80 * LV_DOWNSCALE) /* Buffered rendering: >= LV_DOWNSCALE * LV_HOR_RES or 0 to disable buffering*/ #define LV_VDB_SIZE (LV_HOR_RES * 30) /* Enable antialaiassing * If enabled everything will half-sized * Use LV_DOWNSCALE to compensate * the down scaling effect of antialiassing*/ #define LV_ANTIALIAS 1 /*Set the downscaling value*/ #define LV_DOWNSCALE (1 << LV_ANTIALIAS) #define LV_REFR_PERIOD 40 /*Screen refresh period in milliseconds*/ #define LV_INV_FIFO_SIZE 32 /*The average number of objects on a screen */ /*================= Misc. setting *=================*/ /*Display Input settings*/ #define LV_DISPI_READ_PERIOD 50 /*Input device read period milliseconds*/ #define LV_DISPI_TP_MARKER 0 /*Mark the pressed points (Value means marker point size)*/ #define LV_DISPI_DRAG_LIMIT (10 * LV_DOWNSCALE) /*Drag threshold in pixels */ #define LV_DISPI_DRAG_THROW 20 /*Drag throw slow-down in [%]. Greater value means faster slow-down */ #define LV_DISPI_LONG_PRESS_TIME 400 /*Long press time in milliseconds*/ #define LV_DISPI_LONG_PRESS_REP_TIME 100 /*Repeated trigger period in long press [ms] */ /*lv_obj (base object) settings*/ #define LV_OBJ_FREE_NUM 1 /*Enable the free number attribute*/ #define LV_OBJ_FREE_P 1 /*Enable the free pointer attribute*/ /*Others*/ #define LV_COLOR_TRANSP COLOR_LIME /*================== * LV OBJ X USAGE * ================*/ /***************** * Simple object *****************/ /*Label (dependencies: -*/ #define USE_LV_LABEL 1 #if USE_LV_LABEL != 0 #define LV_LABEL_SCROLL_SPEED (25 * LV_DOWNSCALE) /*Hor, or ver. scroll speed (px/sec) in 'LV_LABEL_LONG_SCROLL' mode*/ #define LV_LABEL_SCROLL_SPEED_VER (10 * LV_DOWNSCALE) /*Ver. scroll speed if hor. scroll is applied too*/ #define LV_LABEL_SCROLL_PLAYBACK_PAUSE 500 /*Wait before the scroll turns back in ms*/ #define LV_LABEL_SCROLL_REPEAT_PAUSE 500 /*Wait before the scroll begins again in ms*/ #endif /*Image (dependencies: lv_label (if symbols are enabled) from misc: FSINT, UFS)*/ #define USE_LV_IMG 1 #if USE_LV_IMG != 0 //#define LV_IMG_DEF_WALLPAPER img_square_x1 /*Comment this line to NOT use wallpaper*/ /* 1: enables to interpret the file names as symbol name * from symbol_def.h if they begin with a lower case letter. * (driver letters are always upper case)*/ #define LV_IMG_ENABLE_SYMBOLS 1 #if LV_IMG_ENABLE_SYMBOLS != 0 #define LV_IMG_DEF_SYMBOL_FONT FONT_SYMBOL_30 #endif /*LV_IMG_ENABLE_SYMBOLS*/ #endif /*USE_LV_IMG*/ /*Line (dependencies: -*/ #define USE_LV_LINE 1 /******************* * Container object *******************/ /*Container (dependencies: -*/ #define USE_LV_CONT 1 /*Page (dependencies: lv_cont)*/ #define USE_LV_PAGE 1 /*Window (dependencies: lv_cont, lv_btn, lv_label, lv_img, lv_page)*/ #define USE_LV_WIN 1 /************************* * Data visualizer object *************************/ /*Bar (dependencies: -)*/ #define USE_LV_BAR 1 /*Line meter (dependencies: bar; misc: trigo)*/ #define USE_LV_LMETER 1 /*Gauge (dependencies:bar, lmeter; misc: trigo)*/ #define USE_LV_GAUGE 1 /*Chart (dependencies: -)*/ #define USE_LV_CHART 1 /*LED (dependencies: -)*/ #define USE_LV_LED 1 /*Message box (dependencies: lv_rect, lv_btn, lv_label)*/ #define USE_LV_MBOX 1 /*Text area (dependencies: lv_label, lv_page)*/ #define USE_LV_TA 1 #if USE_LV_TA != 0 #define LV_TA_MAX_LENGTH 256 #define LV_TA_CUR_BLINK_TIME 400 /*ms*/ #endif /************************* * User input object *************************/ /*Button (dependencies: lv_cont*/ #define USE_LV_BTN 1 /*Button matrix (dependencies: -)*/ #define USE_LV_BTNM 1 /*Check box (dependencies: lv_btn, lv_label)*/ #define USE_LV_CB 1 /*List (dependencies: lv_page, lv_btn, lv_label, lv_img)*/ #define USE_LV_LIST 1 /*Drop down list (dependencies: lv_page, lv_label)*/ #define USE_LV_DDLIST 1 /*Slider (dependencies: lv_bar)*/ #define USE_LV_SLIDER 1 /*================== * LV APP SETTINGS * =================*/ /*Enable the application system*/ #define LV_APP_ENABLE 0 #if LV_APP_ENABLE != 0 /**************************** * Basic application settings *****************************/ #define LV_APP_DESKTOP 1 /*Create a desktop-like environment*/ #define LV_APP_SC_WIDTH (LV_HOR_RES / 4) /*Shortcut width*/ #define LV_APP_SC_HEIGHT (LV_VER_RES / 3) /*Shortcut height*/ #define LV_APP_FONT_SMALL FONT_DEJAVU_20 /*A small font*/ #define LV_APP_FONT_MEDIUM FONT_DEFAULT /*A medium font*/ #define LV_APP_FONT_LARGE FONT_DEJAVU_40 /*A large font*/ /*********************** * Animation settings ***********************/ #define LV_APP_ANIM_WIN 200 /*Animation time of windows [ms] (0: turn off animations)*/ #define LV_APP_ANIM_DESKTOP 200 /*Animation time the desktop [ms] (0: turn off animations)*/ /************************ * App. utility settings ************************/ /*Notice*/ #define USE_LV_APP_NOTICE 1 #if USE_LV_APP_NOTICE != 0 #define LV_APP_NOTICE_SHOW_TIME 4000 /*Notices will be shown for this time [ms]*/ #define LV_APP_NOTICE_CLOSE_ANIM_TIME 300 /*Notice close animation time. [ms] 0: no animation */ #define LV_APP_NOTICE_MAX_NUM 6 /*Max. number of notices*/ #define LV_APP_NOTICE_MAX_LEN 256 /*Max. number of characters on a notice*/ #endif /*File selector*/ #define USE_LV_APP_FSEL 1 #if USE_LV_APP_FSEL != 0 #define LV_APP_FSEL_PAGE_SIZE 8 /*Max. number of files/folder on a page*/ #define LV_APP_FSEL_FN_MAX_LEN 32 /*Max file name length*/ #define LV_APP_FSEL_PATH_MAX_LEN 256 /*Max path length*/ #endif /*Keyboard*/ #define USE_LV_APP_KB 1 #if USE_LV_APP_KB != 0 #define LV_APP_KB_ANIM_TIME 300 /*ms*/ #endif /*================== * LV APP X USAGE * ================*/ /*Example application*/ #define USE_LV_APP_EXAMPLE 1 /*Phantom application*/ #define USE_LV_APP_PHANTOM 1 #if USE_LV_APP_PHANTOM != 0 /*No settings*/ #endif /*System monitor*/ #define USE_LV_APP_SYSMON 1 #if USE_LV_APP_SYSMON != 0 #define LV_APP_SYSMON_REFR_TIME 500 /*Mem. and CPU usage read period [ms]*/ #define LV_APP_SYSMON_PNUM 64 /*Number of point on the window's chart*/ #define LV_APP_SYSMON_MEM_WARN (2 * 1024) /*Make a notice less then this remaining memory [bytes]*/ #define LV_APP_SYSMON_FRAG_WARN (70) /*Make a notice above this fragmentation level [%]*/ #define LV_APP_SYSMON_DEFRAG_PERIOD (5000) /*Auto-defrag period [ms]*/ #endif /*USE_LV_APP_SYSMON != 0*/ /*Terminal*/ #define USE_LV_APP_TERMINAL 1 #if USE_LV_APP_TERMINAL != 0 #define LV_APP_TERMINAL_LENGTH 512 /*Memory of the terminal [character number]*/ #endif /*USE_LV_APP_TERMINAL != 0*/ /*Files*/ #define USE_LV_APP_FILES 1 #if USE_LV_APP_FILES != 0 #define LV_APP_FILES_PAGE_SIZE 8 /*Max. number of files/folder on a page*/ #define LV_APP_FILES_FN_MAX_LEN 32 /*Max file name length*/ #define LV_APP_FILES_PATH_MAX_LEN 256 /*Max path length*/ #define LV_APP_FILES_CHUNK_DEF_SIZE 256 /*Chunk size when sending a file*/ #define LV_APP_FILES_CHUNK_DEF_TIME 100 /*Delay between sent chunks*/ #define LV_APP_FILES_CHUNK_MAX_SIZE 1024 /*Max chunk size when the user sets it*/ #endif /*USE_LV_APP_FILES != 0*/ #endif /*LV_APP_ENABLE != 0*/ #endif /*LV_CONF_H*/ #endif /*Remove this to enable the content*/