============= TJPGD decoder ============= Allow the use of JPG images in LVGL. Besides that it also allows the use of a custom format, called Split JPG (SJPG), which can be decoded in more optimal way on embedded systems. Overview -------- - Supports both normal JPG and the custom SJPG formats. - Decoding normal JPG consumes RAM with the size of the whole uncompressed image (recommended only for devices with more RAM) - SJPG is a custom format based on "normal" JPG and specially made for LVGL. - SJPG is 'split-jpeg' which is a bundle of small jpeg fragments with an sjpg header. - SJPG size will be almost comparable to the jpg file or might be a slightly larger. - File read from file and c-array are implemented. - SJPEG frame fragment cache enables fast fetching of lines if available in cache. - By default the sjpg image cache will be image width \* 2 \* 16 bytes (can be modified) - Currently only 16 bit image format is supported (TODO) - Only the required portion of the JPG and SJPG images are decoded, therefore they can't be zoomed or rotated. Usage ----- If enabled in ``lv_conf.h`` by :c:macro:`LV_USE_SJPG` LVGL will register a new image decoder automatically so JPG and SJPG files can be directly used as image sources. For example: .. code:: c lv_img_set_src(my_img, "S:path/to/picture.jpg"); Note that, a file system driver needs to registered to open images from files. Read more about it :ref:`file-system` or just enable one in ``lv_conf.h`` with ``LV_USE_FS_...`` Converter --------- Converting JPG to C array ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Use lvgl online tool https://lvgl.io/tools/imageconverter - Color format = RAW, output format = C Array Converting JPG to SJPG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ python3 and the PIL library required. (PIL can be installed with ``pip3 install pillow``) To create SJPG from JPG: - Copy the image to convert into ``lvgl/scripts`` - ``cd lvgl/scripts`` - ``python3 jpg_to_sjpg.py image_to_convert.jpg``. It creates both a C files and an SJPG image. The expected result is: .. code:: sh Conversion started... Input: image_to_convert.jpg RES = 640 x 480 Output: Time taken = 1.66 sec bin size = 77.1 KB walpaper.sjpg (bin file) walpaper.c (c array) All good! Example ------- .. include:: ../examples/libs/tjpgd/index.rst API --- :ref:`lv_tjpgd` :ref:`tjpgd` :ref:`tjpgdcnf`