# # Create a 2x2 tile view and allow scrolling only in an "L" shape. # Demonstrate scroll chaining with a long list that # scrolls the tile view when it can't be scrolled further. # tv = lv.tileview(lv.screen_active()) # Tile1: just a label tile1 = tv.add_tile(0, 0, lv.DIR.BOTTOM) label = lv.label(tile1) label.set_text("Scroll down") label.center() # Tile2: a button tile2 = tv.add_tile(0, 1, lv.DIR.TOP | lv.DIR.RIGHT) button = lv.button(tile2) label = lv.label(button) label.set_text("Scroll up or right") button.set_size(lv.SIZE_CONTENT, lv.SIZE_CONTENT) button.center() # Tile3: a list tile3 = tv.add_tile(1, 1, lv.DIR.LEFT) list = lv.list(tile3) list.set_size(lv.pct(100), lv.pct(100)) list.add_button(None, "One") list.add_button(None, "Two") list.add_button(None, "Three") list.add_button(None, "Four") list.add_button(None, "Five") list.add_button(None, "Six") list.add_button(None, "Seven") list.add_button(None, "Eight") list.add_button(None, "Nine") list.add_button(None, "Ten")