/** * @file lv_win.h * */ #ifndef LV_WIN_H #define LV_WIN_H /********************* * INCLUDES *********************/ #include "lv_conf.h" #if USE_LV_WIN != 0 /*Testing of dependencies*/ #if USE_LV_RECT == 0 #error "lv_win: lv_rect is required. Enable it in lv_conf.h (USE_LV_RECT 1) " #endif #if USE_LV_BTN == 0 #error "lv_win: lv_btn is required. Enable it in lv_conf.h (USE_LV_BTN 1) " #endif #if USE_LV_LABEL == 0 #error "lv_win: lv_label is required. Enable it in lv_conf.h (USE_LV_LABEL 1) " #endif #if USE_LV_IMG == 0 #error "lv_win: lv_img is required. Enable it in lv_conf.h (USE_LV_IMG 1) " #endif #if USE_LV_PAGE == 0 #error "lv_win: lv_page is required. Enable it in lv_conf.h (USE_LV_PAGE 1) " #endif #if USE_LV_PAGE == 0 #error "lv_win: lv_page is required. Enable it in lv_conf.h (USE_LV_PAGE 1) " #endif #include "../lv_obj/lv_obj.h" #include "lv_rect.h" #include "lv_btn.h" #include "lv_label.h" #include "lv_img.h" #include "lv_page.h" /********************* * DEFINES *********************/ /********************** * TYPEDEFS **********************/ /*Style of window*/ typedef struct { lv_objs_t bg; /*Style of ancestor*/ /*New style element for this type */ /*Header settings*/ lv_rects_t header; lv_labels_t title; lv_rects_t ctrl_holder; lv_btns_t ctrl_btn; lv_imgs_t ctrl_img; cord_t ctrl_btn_w; cord_t ctrl_btn_h; opa_t ctrl_btn_opa; opa_t header_opa; /*Content settings*/ lv_pages_t content; uint8_t header_on_content:1; }lv_wins_t; /*Built-in styles of window*/ typedef enum { LV_WINS_DEF, }lv_wins_builtin_t; /*Data of window*/ typedef struct { /*Inherited from 'base_obj' so there is no ext. data*/ /*Ext. of ancestor*/ /*New data for this type */ lv_obj_t * header; lv_obj_t * title; lv_obj_t * ctrl_holder; lv_obj_t * content; }lv_win_ext_t; /********************** * GLOBAL PROTOTYPES **********************/ lv_obj_t * lv_win_create(lv_obj_t * par, lv_obj_t * copy); bool lv_win_signal(lv_obj_t * win, lv_signal_t sign, void * param); lv_wins_t * lv_wins_get(lv_wins_builtin_t style, lv_wins_t * copy); lv_obj_t * lv_win_add_ctrl_btn(lv_obj_t * win, const char * img, lv_action_t rel_action); bool lv_win_close_action(lv_obj_t * btn, lv_dispi_t * dispi); void lv_win_set_title(lv_obj_t * win, const char * title); const char * lv_win_get_title(lv_obj_t * win); lv_obj_t * lv_win_get_content(lv_obj_t * win); lv_obj_t * lv_win_get_from_ctrl_btn(lv_obj_t * ctrl_btn); /********************** * MACROS **********************/ #endif /*USE_LV_WIN*/ #endif /*LV_WIN_H*/