#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import re import argparse def get_arg(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, description="" "Apply the specified version to affected source files. Eg.:\n" " python3 update_version.py 9.1.2-dev\n" " python3 update_version.py 9.2.0" ) parser.add_argument('version', metavar='version', type=str, help='The version to apply') return parser.parse_args() class Version: RE_PATTERN = r"(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(-[\w\d]+)?" def __init__(self, user_input: str): if not re.match(r'^' + self.RE_PATTERN + r'$', user_input): raise Exception(f"Invalid version format: {user_input}") groups = re.search(self.RE_PATTERN, user_input).groups() self.major = groups[0] self.minor = groups[1] self.patch = groups[2] self.info = groups[3].lstrip('-') if groups[3] else "" self.is_release = len(self.info) == 0 self.as_string = user_input def __str__(self): return self.as_string class RepoFileVersionReplacer: DIR_SCRIPTS = os.path.dirname(__file__) DIR_REPO_ROOT = os.path.join(DIR_SCRIPTS, "..") def __init__(self, relative_path_segments: list[str], expected_occurrences: int): self.path_relative = os.path.join(*relative_path_segments) self.path = os.path.join(self.DIR_REPO_ROOT, self.path_relative) self.expected_occurrences = expected_occurrences def applyVersionToLine(self, line: str, version: Version) -> str | None: return None def applyVersion(self, version: Version): with open(self.path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: lines = file.readlines() occurrences = 0 for i, line in enumerate(lines): line_with_version = self.applyVersionToLine(line, version) if line_with_version: lines[i] = line_with_version occurrences += 1 # not perfect, but will catch obvious pitfalls if occurrences != self.expected_occurrences: raise Exception(f"Bad lines in {self.path_relative}") with open(self.path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.writelines(lines) class PrefixReplacer(RepoFileVersionReplacer): def __init__(self, relative_path_segments: list[str], prefix: str, expected_occurrences=1): super().__init__(relative_path_segments, expected_occurrences) self.prefix = prefix def applyVersionToLine(self, line: str, version: Version): pattern = r'(' + re.escape(self.prefix) + ')' + Version.RE_PATTERN repl = r'\g<1>' + str(version) replaced, n = re.subn(pattern, repl, line) return replaced if n > 0 else None class MacroReplacer(RepoFileVersionReplacer): def __init__(self, relative_path_segments: list[str]): super().__init__(relative_path_segments, 4) def applyVersionToLine(self, line: str, version: Version): targets = { 'LVGL_VERSION_MAJOR': version.major, 'LVGL_VERSION_MINOR': version.minor, 'LVGL_VERSION_PATCH': version.patch, 'LVGL_VERSION_INFO': version.info, } for key, val in targets.items(): pattern = self.getPattern(key) repl = self.getReplacement(val) replaced, n = re.subn(pattern, repl, line) if n > 0: return replaced return None def getPattern(self, key: str): return r'(^#define ' + key + r' +).+' def getReplacement(self, val: str): if not val.isnumeric(): val = f'"{val}"' return r'\g<1>' + val class CmakeReplacer(MacroReplacer): def getPattern(self, key: str): return r'(^set\(' + key + r' +")([^"]*)(.+)' def getReplacement(self, val: str): return r'\g<1>' + val + r'\g<3>' if __name__ == '__main__': args = get_arg() version = Version(args.version) print(f"Applying version {version} to:") targets = [ MacroReplacer(['lv_version.h']), CmakeReplacer(['env_support', 'cmake', 'custom.cmake']), PrefixReplacer(['lv_conf_template.h'], 'Configuration file for v'), ] if version.is_release: targets.extend([ PrefixReplacer(['library.json'], '"version": "'), PrefixReplacer(['library.properties'], 'version='), PrefixReplacer(['Kconfig'], 'Kconfig file for LVGL v'), ]) for target in targets: print(f" - {target.path_relative}") target.applyVersion(version)