/** * @file lv_bidi.c * */ /********************* * INCLUDES *********************/ #include #include "lv_bidi.h" #include "lv_txt.h" #include "../lv_draw/lv_draw.h" #if LV_USE_BIDI /********************* * DEFINES *********************/ #define LV_BIDI_BRACKLET_DEPTH 4 /********************** * TYPEDEFS **********************/ typedef struct { uint32_t bracklet_pos; lv_bidi_dir_t dir; }bracket_stack_t; /********************** * STATIC PROTOTYPES **********************/ static lv_bidi_dir_t get_next_run(const char * txt, lv_bidi_dir_t base_dir, uint32_t max_len, uint32_t * len, uint16_t * pos_conv_len); static void rtl_reverse(char * dest, const char * src, uint32_t len, uint16_t *pos_conv_out, uint16_t pos_conv_rd_base, uint16_t pos_conv_len); static uint32_t char_change_to_pair(uint32_t letter); static lv_bidi_dir_t bracket_process(const char * txt, uint32_t next_pos, uint32_t len, uint32_t letter, lv_bidi_dir_t base_dir); static void fill_pos_conv(uint16_t * out, uint16_t len, uint16_t index); static uint32_t get_txt_len(const char * txt, uint32_t max_len); /********************** * STATIC VARIABLES **********************/ static const uint8_t bracket_left[] = {"<({["}; static const uint8_t bracket_right[] = {">)}]"}; static bracket_stack_t br_stack[LV_BIDI_BRACKLET_DEPTH]; static uint8_t br_stack_p; /********************** * MACROS **********************/ /********************** * GLOBAL FUNCTIONS **********************/ void lv_bidi_process(const char * str_in, char * str_out, lv_bidi_dir_t base_dir) { if(base_dir == LV_BIDI_DIR_AUTO) base_dir = lv_bidi_detect_base_dir(str_in); uint32_t par_start = 0; uint32_t par_len; while(str_in[par_start] == '\n' || str_in[par_start] == '\r') { str_out[par_start] = str_in[par_start]; par_start ++; } while(str_in[par_start] != '\0') { par_len = lv_bidi_get_next_paragraph(&str_in[par_start]); lv_bidi_process_paragraph(&str_in[par_start], &str_out[par_start], par_len, base_dir, NULL, 0); par_start += par_len; while(str_in[par_start] == '\n' || str_in[par_start] == '\r') { str_out[par_start] = str_in[par_start]; par_start ++; } } str_out[par_start] = '\0'; } lv_bidi_dir_t lv_bidi_detect_base_dir(const char * txt) { uint32_t i = 0; uint32_t letter; while(txt[i] != '\0') { letter = lv_txt_encoded_next(txt, &i); lv_bidi_dir_t dir; dir = lv_bidi_get_letter_dir(letter); if(dir == LV_BIDI_DIR_RTL || dir == LV_BIDI_DIR_LTR) return dir; } /*If there were no strong char earlier return with the default base dir */ if(LV_BIDI_BASE_DIR_DEF == LV_BIDI_DIR_AUTO) return LV_BIDI_DIR_LTR; else return LV_BIDI_BASE_DIR_DEF; } lv_bidi_dir_t lv_bidi_get_letter_dir(uint32_t letter) { if(lv_bidi_letter_is_rtl(letter)) return LV_BIDI_DIR_RTL; if(lv_bidi_letter_is_neutral(letter)) return LV_BIDI_DIR_NEUTRAL; if(lv_bidi_letter_is_weak(letter)) return LV_BIDI_DIR_WEAK; return LV_BIDI_DIR_LTR; } bool lv_bidi_letter_is_weak(uint32_t letter) { uint32_t i = 0; static const char weaks[] = "0123456789"; do { uint32_t x = lv_txt_encoded_next(weaks, &i); if(letter == x) { return true; } } while(weaks[i] != '\0'); return false; } bool lv_bidi_letter_is_rtl(uint32_t letter) { if(letter >= 0x5d0 && letter <= 0x5ea) return true; if(letter == 0x202E) return true; /*Unicode of LV_BIDI_RLO*/ // if(letter >= 'a' && letter <= 'z') return true; return false; } bool lv_bidi_letter_is_neutral(uint32_t letter) { uint16_t i; static const char neutrals[] = " \t\n\r.,:;'\"`!?%/\\-=()[]{}<>@#&$|"; for(i = 0; neutrals[i] != '\0'; i++) { if(letter == (uint32_t)neutrals[i]) return true; } return false; } uint16_t lv_bidi_get_logical_pos(const char * str_in, uint16_t len, lv_bidi_dir_t base_dir, uint32_t visual_pos) { return 0; // TODO } uint16_t lv_bidi_get_visual_pos(const char * str_in, uint16_t len, lv_bidi_dir_t base_dir, uint32_t logical_pos) { uint32_t pos_conv_len = get_txt_len(str_in, len) * sizeof(uint16_t); uint16_t *pos_conv_buf = lv_draw_get_buf(pos_conv_len); lv_bidi_process_paragraph(str_in, NULL, len, base_dir, pos_conv_buf, pos_conv_len); return pos_conv_buf[logical_pos]; } void lv_bidi_process_paragraph(const char * str_in, char * str_out, uint32_t len, lv_bidi_dir_t base_dir, uint16_t *pos_conv_out, uint16_t pos_conv_len) { uint32_t run_len = 0; lv_bidi_dir_t run_dir; uint32_t rd = 0; uint32_t wr; uint16_t pos_conv_run_len = 0; uint16_t pos_conv_rd = 0; uint16_t pos_conv_wr; if(base_dir == LV_BIDI_DIR_AUTO) base_dir = lv_bidi_detect_base_dir(str_in); if(base_dir == LV_BIDI_DIR_RTL) { wr = len; pos_conv_wr = pos_conv_len; } else { wr = 0; pos_conv_wr = 0; } if (str_out) str_out[len] = '\0'; lv_bidi_dir_t dir = base_dir; /*Empty the bracket stack*/ br_stack_p = 0; /*Process neutral chars in the beginning*/ while(rd < len) { uint32_t letter = lv_txt_encoded_next(str_in, &rd); pos_conv_rd++; dir = lv_bidi_get_letter_dir(letter); if(dir == LV_BIDI_DIR_NEUTRAL) dir = bracket_process(str_in, rd, len, letter, base_dir); if(dir != LV_BIDI_DIR_NEUTRAL && dir != LV_BIDI_DIR_WEAK) break; } if(rd && str_in[rd] != '\0') { lv_txt_encoded_prev(str_in, &rd); pos_conv_rd--; } if(rd) { if(base_dir == LV_BIDI_DIR_LTR) { if (str_out) { memcpy(&str_out[wr], str_in, rd); wr += rd; } if (pos_conv_out) { fill_pos_conv(&pos_conv_out[pos_conv_wr], pos_conv_rd, 0); pos_conv_wr += pos_conv_rd; } } else { wr -= rd; pos_conv_wr -= pos_conv_rd; rtl_reverse(str_out? &str_out[wr]: NULL, str_in, rd, pos_conv_out? &pos_conv_out[pos_conv_rd]: NULL, 0, pos_conv_rd); } } /*Get and process the runs*/ while(rd < len) { run_dir = get_next_run(&str_in[rd], base_dir, len - rd, &run_len, &pos_conv_run_len); if(base_dir == LV_BIDI_DIR_LTR) { if(run_dir == LV_BIDI_DIR_LTR) { if (str_out) memcpy(&str_out[wr], &str_in[rd], run_len); if (pos_conv_out) fill_pos_conv(&pos_conv_out[pos_conv_wr], pos_conv_run_len, pos_conv_rd); } else rtl_reverse(str_out? &str_out[wr]: NULL, &str_in[rd], run_len, pos_conv_out? &pos_conv_out[pos_conv_rd] : NULL, pos_conv_rd, pos_conv_run_len); wr += run_len; pos_conv_wr += pos_conv_run_len; } else { wr -= run_len; pos_conv_wr -= pos_conv_run_len; if(run_dir == LV_BIDI_DIR_LTR) { if (str_out) memcpy(&str_out[wr], &str_in[rd], run_len); if (pos_conv_out) fill_pos_conv(&pos_conv_out[pos_conv_wr], pos_conv_run_len, pos_conv_rd); } else rtl_reverse(str_out? &str_out[wr]: NULL, &str_in[rd], run_len, pos_conv_out? &pos_conv_out[pos_conv_rd] : NULL, pos_conv_rd, pos_conv_run_len); } rd += run_len; pos_conv_rd += pos_conv_run_len; } } uint32_t lv_bidi_get_next_paragraph(const char * txt) { uint32_t i = 0; lv_txt_encoded_next(txt, &i); while(txt[i] != '\0' && txt[i] != '\n' && txt[i] != '\r') { lv_txt_encoded_next(txt, &i); } return i; } /********************** * STATIC FUNCTIONS **********************/ static uint32_t get_txt_len(const char * txt, uint32_t max_len) { uint32_t len = 0; uint32_t i = 0; while(i < max_len && txt[i] != '\0') { lv_txt_encoded_next(txt, &i); len++; } return len; } static void fill_pos_conv(uint16_t * out, uint16_t len, uint16_t index) { for (uint16_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { out[i] = index; index++; } } static lv_bidi_dir_t get_next_run(const char * txt, lv_bidi_dir_t base_dir, uint32_t max_len, uint32_t * len, uint16_t * pos_conv_len) { uint32_t i = 0; uint32_t letter; uint16_t pos_conv_i = 0; letter = lv_txt_encoded_next(txt, NULL); lv_bidi_dir_t dir = lv_bidi_get_letter_dir(letter); if(dir == LV_BIDI_DIR_NEUTRAL) dir = bracket_process(txt, 0, max_len, letter, base_dir); /*Find the first strong char. Skip the neutrals*/ while(dir == LV_BIDI_DIR_NEUTRAL || dir == LV_BIDI_DIR_WEAK) { letter = lv_txt_encoded_next(txt, &i); pos_conv_i++; dir = lv_bidi_get_letter_dir(letter); if(dir == LV_BIDI_DIR_NEUTRAL) dir = bracket_process(txt, i, max_len, letter, base_dir); if(i >= max_len || txt[i] == '\0' || txt[i] == '\n' || txt[i] == '\r') { *len = i; *pos_conv_len = pos_conv_i; return base_dir; } } lv_bidi_dir_t run_dir = dir; uint32_t i_prev = i; uint32_t i_last_strong = i; uint16_t pos_conv_i_prev = pos_conv_i; uint16_t pos_conv_i_last_strong = pos_conv_i; /*Find the next char which has different direction*/ lv_bidi_dir_t next_dir = base_dir; while(i_prev < max_len && txt[i] != '\0' && txt[i] != '\n' && txt[i] != '\r') { letter = lv_txt_encoded_next(txt, &i); pos_conv_i++; next_dir = lv_bidi_get_letter_dir(letter); if(next_dir == LV_BIDI_DIR_NEUTRAL) next_dir = bracket_process(txt, i, max_len, letter, base_dir); /*New dir found?*/ if((next_dir == LV_BIDI_DIR_RTL || next_dir == LV_BIDI_DIR_LTR) && next_dir != run_dir) { /*Include neutrals if `run_dir == base_dir` */ if(run_dir == base_dir) { *len = i_prev; *pos_conv_len = pos_conv_i_prev; } /*Exclude neutrals if `run_dir != base_dir` */ else { *len = i_last_strong; *pos_conv_len = pos_conv_i_last_strong; } return run_dir; } if(next_dir != LV_BIDI_DIR_NEUTRAL) { i_last_strong = i; pos_conv_i_last_strong = pos_conv_i; } i_prev = i; pos_conv_i_prev = pos_conv_i; } /*Handle end of of string. Apply `base_dir` on trailing neutrals*/ /*Include neutrals if `run_dir == base_dir` */ if(run_dir == base_dir) { *len = i_prev; *pos_conv_len = pos_conv_i_prev; } /*Exclude neutrals if `run_dir != base_dir` */ else { *len = i_last_strong; *pos_conv_len = pos_conv_i_last_strong; } return run_dir; } static void rtl_reverse(char * dest, const char * src, uint32_t len, uint16_t *pos_conv_out, uint16_t pos_conv_rd_base, uint16_t pos_conv_len) { uint32_t i = len; uint32_t wr = 0; uint16_t pos_conv_i = pos_conv_len; uint16_t pos_conv_wr = 0; while(i) { uint32_t letter = lv_txt_encoded_prev(src, &i); uint16_t pos_conv_letter = --pos_conv_i; /*Keep weak letters (numbers) as LTR*/ if(lv_bidi_letter_is_weak(letter)) { uint32_t last_weak = i; uint32_t first_weak = i; uint16_t pos_conv_last_weak = pos_conv_i; uint16_t pos_conv_first_weak = pos_conv_i; while(i) { letter = lv_txt_encoded_prev(src, &i); pos_conv_letter = --pos_conv_i; /*No need to call `char_change_to_pair` because there not such chars here*/ /*Finish on non-weak char */ /*but treat number and currency related chars as weak*/ if (lv_bidi_letter_is_weak(letter) == false && letter != '.' && letter != ',' && letter != '$' && letter != '%') { lv_txt_encoded_next(src, &i); /*Rewind one letter*/ pos_conv_i++; first_weak = i; pos_conv_first_weak = pos_conv_i; break; } } if(i == 0) { first_weak = 0; pos_conv_first_weak = 0; } if (dest) memcpy(&dest[wr], &src[first_weak], last_weak - first_weak + 1); if (pos_conv_out) fill_pos_conv(&pos_conv_out[pos_conv_wr], pos_conv_last_weak - pos_conv_first_weak + 1, pos_conv_rd_base + pos_conv_first_weak); wr += last_weak - first_weak + 1; pos_conv_wr += pos_conv_last_weak - pos_conv_first_weak + 1; } /*Simply store in reversed order*/ else { uint32_t letter_size = lv_txt_encoded_size((const char *)&src[i]); /*Swap arithmetical symbols*/ if(letter_size == 1) { uint32_t new_letter = letter = char_change_to_pair(letter); if (dest) dest[wr] = (uint8_t)new_letter; if (pos_conv_out) pos_conv_out[pos_conv_wr] = pos_conv_rd_base + pos_conv_letter; wr += 1; pos_conv_wr += 1; } /*Just store the letter*/ else { if (dest) memcpy(&dest[wr], &src[i], letter_size); if (pos_conv_out) pos_conv_out[pos_conv_wr] = pos_conv_rd_base + pos_conv_i; wr += letter_size; pos_conv_wr++; } } } } static uint32_t char_change_to_pair(uint32_t letter) { uint8_t i; for(i = 0; bracket_left[i] != '\0'; i++) { if(letter == bracket_left[i]) return bracket_right[i]; } for(i = 0; bracket_right[i] != '\0'; i++) { if(letter == bracket_right[i]) return bracket_left[i]; } return letter; } static lv_bidi_dir_t bracket_process(const char * txt, uint32_t next_pos, uint32_t len, uint32_t letter, lv_bidi_dir_t base_dir) { lv_bidi_dir_t bracket_dir = LV_BIDI_DIR_NEUTRAL; uint8_t i; /*Is the letter an opening bracket?*/ for(i = 0; bracket_left[i] != '\0'; i++) { if(bracket_left[i] == letter) { /* If so find it's matching closing bracket. * If a char with base dir. direction is found then the brackets will have `base_dir` direction*/ uint32_t txt_i = next_pos; while(txt_i < len) { uint32_t letter_next = lv_txt_encoded_next(txt, &txt_i); if(letter_next == bracket_right[i]) { /*Closing bracket found*/ break; } else { /*Save the dir*/ lv_bidi_dir_t letter_dir = lv_bidi_get_letter_dir(letter_next); if(letter_dir == base_dir) { bracket_dir = base_dir; } } } /*There were no matching closing bracket*/ if(txt_i > len) return LV_BIDI_DIR_NEUTRAL; /*There where a strong char with base dir in the bracket so the dir is found.*/ if(bracket_dir != LV_BIDI_DIR_NEUTRAL && bracket_dir != LV_BIDI_DIR_WEAK) break; /*If there were no matching strong chars in the brackets then check the previous chars*/ txt_i = next_pos; if(txt_i) lv_txt_encoded_prev(txt, &txt_i); while(txt_i > 0) { uint32_t letter_next = lv_txt_encoded_prev(txt, &txt_i); lv_bidi_dir_t letter_dir = lv_bidi_get_letter_dir(letter_next); if(letter_dir == LV_BIDI_DIR_LTR || letter_dir == LV_BIDI_DIR_RTL) { bracket_dir = letter_dir; break; } } /*There where a previous strong char which can be used*/ if(bracket_dir != LV_BIDI_DIR_NEUTRAL) break; /*There were no strong chars before the bracket, so use the base dir.*/ if(txt_i == 0) bracket_dir = base_dir; break; } } /*The letter was an opening bracket*/ if(bracket_left[i] != '\0') { if(bracket_dir == LV_BIDI_DIR_NEUTRAL || br_stack_p == LV_BIDI_BRACKLET_DEPTH) return LV_BIDI_DIR_NEUTRAL; br_stack[br_stack_p].bracklet_pos = i; br_stack[br_stack_p].dir = bracket_dir; br_stack_p++; return bracket_dir; } else if(br_stack_p > 0) { /*Is the letter a closing bracket of the last opening?*/ if(letter == bracket_right[br_stack[br_stack_p - 1].bracklet_pos]) { bracket_dir = br_stack[br_stack_p - 1].dir; br_stack_p--; return bracket_dir; } } return LV_BIDI_DIR_NEUTRAL; } #endif /*LV_USE_BIDI*/