/** * @file lv_dispi.c * */ /********************* * INCLUDES ********************/ #include "lv_conf.h" #include "misc/os/ptask.h" #include "misc/math/math_base.h" #include "lv_dispi.h" #include "../lv_draw/lv_draw_rbasic.h" #include "hal/indev/indev.h" #include "hal/systick/systick.h" #include "lv_obj.h" /********************* * DEFINES *********************/ /********************** * TYPEDEFS **********************/ /********************** * STATIC PROTOTYPES **********************/ static void dispi_task(void); static void dispi_proc_point(lv_dispi_t * dispi_p, cord_t x, cord_t y); static void dispi_proc_press(lv_dispi_t * dispi_p); static void disi_proc_release(lv_dispi_t * dispi_p); static lv_obj_t* dispi_search_obj(const lv_dispi_t * dispi_p, lv_obj_t* obj_dp); static void dispi_drag(lv_dispi_t * dispi_p); static void dispi_drag_throw(lv_dispi_t * dispi_p); /********************** * STATIC VARIABLES **********************/ static ptask_t* dispi_task_p; static bool lv_dispi_reset_qry; static bool lv_dispi_reset_now; /********************** * MACROS **********************/ /********************** * GLOBAL FUNCTIONS **********************/ /** * Initialize the display input subsystem */ void lv_dispi_init(void) { lv_dispi_reset_qry = false; lv_dispi_reset_now = false; #if LV_DISPI_READ_PERIOD != 0 dispi_task_p = ptask_create(dispi_task, LV_DISPI_READ_PERIOD, PTASK_PRIO_MID); #else dispi_task_p = ptask_create(dispi_task, 1, PTASK_PRIO_OFF); /*Not use lv_dispi*/ #endif } /** * Reset all display inputs */ void lv_dispi_reset(void) { lv_dispi_reset_qry = true; } /** * Get the last point on display input * @param dispi_p pointer to a display input * @param point_p pointer to a point to store the result */ void lv_dispi_get_point(lv_dispi_t * dispi_p, point_t * point_p) { point_p->x = dispi_p->act_point.x; point_p->y = dispi_p->act_point.y; } /** * Check if there is dragging on display input or not * @param dispi_p pointer to a display input * @return true: drag is in progress */ bool lv_dispi_is_dragging(lv_dispi_t * dispi_p) { return dispi_p->drag_in_prog == 0 ? false : true; } /** * Get the vector of dragging on a display input * @param dispi_p pointer to a display input * @param point_p pointer to a point to store the vector */ void lv_dispi_get_vect(lv_dispi_t * dispi_p, point_t * point_p) { point_p->x = dispi_p->vect.x; point_p->y = dispi_p->vect.y; } /********************** * STATIC FUNCTIONS **********************/ /** * Called periodically to handle the display inputs */ static void dispi_task(void) { static lv_dispi_t dispi[INDEV_NUM]; cord_t x; cord_t y; uint8_t i; for (i = 0; i < INDEV_NUM; i++) { dispi[i].pressed = indev_get(i, &x, &y); dispi_proc_point(&dispi[i], x, y); } /*If reset query occurred in this round then set a flag to * ask the dispis to reset themself in the next round */ if(lv_dispi_reset_qry != false) { lv_dispi_reset_qry = false; lv_dispi_reset_now = true; } /*If now a reset occurred then clear the flag*/ else if (lv_dispi_reset_now != false){ lv_dispi_reset_now = false; } } /** * Process new points by a display input. dispi_p->pressed has to be set * @param dispi_p pointer to a display input * @param x x coordinate of the next point * @param y y coordinate of the next point */ static void dispi_proc_point(lv_dispi_t * dispi_p, cord_t x, cord_t y) { #if LV_DOWNSCALE > 1 && LV_VDB_SIZE != 0 dispi_p->act_point.x = x * LV_DOWNSCALE; dispi_p->act_point.y = y * LV_DOWNSCALE; #else dispi_p->act_point.x = x; dispi_p->act_point.y = y; #endif /*Handle the reset query*/ if(lv_dispi_reset_now != false) { dispi_p->act_obj_dp = NULL; dispi_p->last_obj_dp = NULL; dispi_p->drag_in_prog = 0; dispi_p->long_press_sent = 0; dispi_p->press_time_stamp = 0; dispi_p->vect_sum.x = 0; dispi_p->vect_sum.y = 0; } if(dispi_p->pressed != false){ #if LV_DISPI_TP_MARKER != 0 area_t area; area.x1 = x; area.y1 = y; area.x2 = x + 1; area.y2 = y + 1; lv_rfill(&area, NULL, COLOR_MAKE(0xFF, 0, 0), OPA_COVER); #endif dispi_proc_press(dispi_p); } else { disi_proc_release(dispi_p); } dispi_p->last_point.x = dispi_p->act_point.x; dispi_p->last_point.y = dispi_p->act_point.y; } /** * Process the pressed state * @param dispi_p pointer to a display input */ static void dispi_proc_press(lv_dispi_t * dispi_p) { lv_obj_t* pr_obj_dp = dispi_p->act_obj_dp; /*If there is no last object then search*/ if(dispi_p->act_obj_dp == NULL) { pr_obj_dp = dispi_search_obj(dispi_p, lv_scr_act()); } /*If there is last object but it can not be dragged also search*/ else if(lv_obj_get_drag(dispi_p->act_obj_dp) == false) {/*Now act_obj_dp != NULL*/ pr_obj_dp = dispi_search_obj(dispi_p, lv_scr_act()); } /*If a dragable object was the last then keep it*/ else { } /*If a new object was found reset some variables and send a pressed signal*/ if(pr_obj_dp != dispi_p->act_obj_dp) { dispi_p->last_point.x = dispi_p->act_point.x; dispi_p->last_point.y = dispi_p->act_point.y; /*If a new object found the previous was lost, so send a signal*/ if(dispi_p->act_obj_dp != NULL) { dispi_p->act_obj_dp->signal_f(dispi_p->act_obj_dp, LV_SIGNAL_PRESS_LOST, dispi_p); } if(pr_obj_dp != NULL) { /* Save the time when the obj pressed. * It is necessary to count the long press time.*/ dispi_p->press_time_stamp = systick_get(); dispi_p->long_press_sent = 0; dispi_p->drag_in_prog = 0; dispi_p->vect_sum.x = 0; dispi_p->vect_sum.y = 0; /*Search for 'top' attribute*/ lv_obj_t * i = pr_obj_dp; lv_obj_t * last_top = NULL; while(i != NULL){ if(i->top_en != 0) last_top = i; i = lv_obj_get_parent(i); } if(last_top != NULL) { /*Move the last_top object to the foreground*/ lv_obj_t * par_dp =lv_obj_get_parent(last_top); /*After list change it will be the new head*/ ll_chg_list(&par_dp->child_ll, &par_dp->child_ll, last_top); lv_obj_inv(last_top); } /*Send a signal about the press*/ pr_obj_dp->signal_f(pr_obj_dp, LV_SIGNAL_PRESSED, dispi_p); } } /*The reset can be set in the signal function. * In case of reset query ignore the remaining parts.*/ if(lv_dispi_reset_qry == false) { dispi_p->act_obj_dp = pr_obj_dp; /*Save the pressed object*/ dispi_p->last_obj_dp = dispi_p->act_obj_dp; /*Refresh the last_obj*/ /*Calculate the vector*/ dispi_p->vect.x = dispi_p->act_point.x - dispi_p->last_point.x; dispi_p->vect.y = dispi_p->act_point.y - dispi_p->last_point.y; /*If there is active object and it can be dragged run the drag*/ if(dispi_p->act_obj_dp != NULL) { dispi_drag(dispi_p); /*If there is no drag then check for long press time*/ if(dispi_p->drag_in_prog == 0 && dispi_p->long_press_sent == 0) { /*Send a signal about the long press if enough time elapsed*/ if(systick_elaps(dispi_p->press_time_stamp) > LV_DISPI_LONG_PRESS_TIME) { pr_obj_dp->signal_f(pr_obj_dp, LV_SIGNAL_LONG_PRESS, dispi_p); /*Mark the signal sending to do not send it again*/ dispi_p->long_press_sent = 1; } } } } } /** * Process the released state * @param dispi_p pointer to a display input */ static void disi_proc_release(lv_dispi_t * dispi_p) { /*Forgot the act obj and send a released signal */ if(dispi_p->act_obj_dp != NULL) { dispi_p->act_obj_dp->signal_f(dispi_p->act_obj_dp, LV_SIGNAL_RELEASED, dispi_p); dispi_p->act_obj_dp = NULL; dispi_p->press_time_stamp = 0; } /*The reset can be set in the signal function. * In case of reset query ignore the remaining parts.*/ if(dispi_p->last_obj_dp != NULL && lv_dispi_reset_qry == false) { dispi_drag_throw(dispi_p); } } /** * Search the most top, clickable object on the last point of a display input * @param dispi_p pointer to a display input * @param obj_dp pointer to a start object, typically the screen * @return pointer to the found object or NULL if there was no suitable object */ static lv_obj_t* dispi_search_obj(const lv_dispi_t * dispi_p, lv_obj_t* obj_dp) { lv_obj_t* found_p = NULL; /*If the point is on this object*/ /*Check its children too*/ if(area_is_point_on(&obj_dp->cords, &dispi_p->act_point)) { lv_obj_t* i; LL_READ(obj_dp->child_ll, i) { found_p = dispi_search_obj(dispi_p, i); /*If a child was found then break*/ if(found_p != NULL) { break; } } /*If then the children was not ok, but this obj is clickable * and it or its parent is not hidden then save this object*/ if(found_p == NULL && lv_obj_get_click(obj_dp) != false) { lv_obj_t * i = obj_dp; while(i != NULL) { if(lv_obj_get_hidden(i) == true) break; i = lv_obj_get_parent(i); } /*No parent found with hidden == true*/ if(i == NULL) found_p = obj_dp; } } return found_p; } /** * Handle the dragging of dispi_p->act_obj_dp * @param dispi_p pointer to a display input */ static void dispi_drag(lv_dispi_t * dispi_p) { lv_obj_t* par_dp = lv_obj_get_parent(dispi_p->act_obj_dp); lv_obj_t* drag_obj_dp = dispi_p->act_obj_dp; if(lv_obj_get_drag_parent(dispi_p->act_obj_dp) != false) { drag_obj_dp = par_dp; } if(lv_obj_get_drag(drag_obj_dp) == false) return; /*If still there is no drag then count the movement*/ if(dispi_p->drag_in_prog == 0) { dispi_p->vect_sum.x += dispi_p->vect.x; dispi_p->vect_sum.y += dispi_p->vect.y; /*If a move is greater then LV_DRAG_LIMIT then begin the drag*/ if(abs(dispi_p->vect_sum.x) >= LV_DISPI_DRAG_LIMIT || abs(dispi_p->vect_sum.y) >= LV_DISPI_DRAG_LIMIT) { dispi_p->drag_in_prog = 1; drag_obj_dp->signal_f(drag_obj_dp, LV_SIGNAL_DRAG_BEGIN, dispi_p); } } /*If the drag limit is stepped over then handle the dragging*/ if(dispi_p->drag_in_prog != 0) { /*Set new position if the vector is not zero*/ if(dispi_p->vect.x != 0 || dispi_p->vect.y != 0) { /*Get the coordinates of the object end modify them*/ cord_t act_x = lv_obj_get_x(drag_obj_dp) + dispi_p->vect.x; cord_t act_y = lv_obj_get_y(drag_obj_dp) + dispi_p->vect.y; lv_obj_set_pos(drag_obj_dp, act_x, act_y); } } } /** * Handle throwing by drag if the drag is ended * @param dispi_p pointer to a display input */ static void dispi_drag_throw(lv_dispi_t * dispi_p) { if(dispi_p->drag_in_prog == 0) return; /*Set new position if the vector is not zero*/ lv_obj_t* par_dp = lv_obj_get_parent(dispi_p->last_obj_dp); lv_obj_t* drag_obj_dp = dispi_p->last_obj_dp; if(lv_obj_get_drag_parent(dispi_p->last_obj_dp) != false) { drag_obj_dp = par_dp; } /*Return if the drag throw is not enabled*/ if(lv_obj_get_drag_throw(drag_obj_dp) == false ){ dispi_p->drag_in_prog = 0; drag_obj_dp->signal_f(drag_obj_dp, LV_SIGNAL_DRAG_END, dispi_p); return; } /*Reduce the vectors*/ dispi_p->vect.x = dispi_p->vect.x * (100 -LV_DISPI_DRAG_THROW) / 100; dispi_p->vect.y = dispi_p->vect.y * (100 -LV_DISPI_DRAG_THROW) / 100; if(dispi_p->vect.x != 0 || dispi_p->vect.y != 0) { /*Get the coordinates and modify them*/ cord_t act_x = lv_obj_get_x(drag_obj_dp) + dispi_p->vect.x; cord_t act_y = lv_obj_get_y(drag_obj_dp) + dispi_p->vect.y; lv_obj_set_pos(drag_obj_dp, act_x, act_y); } /*If the vectors become 0 -> drag_in_prog = 0 and send a drag end signal*/ else { dispi_p->drag_in_prog = 0; drag_obj_dp->signal_f(drag_obj_dp, LV_SIGNAL_DRAG_END, dispi_p); } }