.. _contributing: Contributing ============ Introduction ------------ Join LVGL’s community and leave your footprint in the library! There are a lot of ways to contribute to LVGL even if you are new to the library or even new to programming. It might be scary to make the first step but you have nothing to be afraid of. A friendly and helpful community is waiting for you. Get to know like-minded people and make something great together. So let’s find which contribution option fits you the best and help you join the development of LVGL! Before getting started here are some guidelines to make contribution smoother: - Be kind and friendly. - Be sure to read the relevant part of the documentation before posting a question. - Ask questions in the `Forum `__ and use `GitHub `__ for development-related discussions. - Always fill out the post or issue templates in the Forum or GitHub (or at least provide equivalent information). It makes understanding your contribution or issue easier and you will get a useful response faster. - If possible send an absolute minimal but buildable code example in order to reproduce the issue. Be sure it contains all the required variable declarations, constants, and assets (images, fonts). - Use `Markdown `__ to format your posts. You can learn it in 10 minutes. - Speak about one thing in one issue or topic. It makes your post easier to find later for someone with the same question. - Give feedback and close the issue or mark the topic as solved if your question is answered. - For non-trivial fixes and features, it’s better to open an issue first to discuss the details instead of sending a pull request directly. - Please read and follow the Coding style guide. Pull request ------------ Merging new code into the lvgl, documentation, blog, examples, and other repositories happen via *Pull requests* (PR for short). A PR is a notification like “Hey, I made some updates to your project. Here are the changes, you can add them if you want.” To do this you need a copy (called fork) of the original project under your account, make some changes there, and notify the original repository about your updates. You can see what it looks like on GitHub for LVGL here: https://github.com/lvgl/lvgl/pulls. To add your changes you can edit files online on GitHub and send a new Pull request from there (recommended for small changes) or add the updates in your favorite editor/IDE and use git to publish the changes (recommended for more complex updates). From GitHub ~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Navigate to the file you want to edit. 2. Click the Edit button in the top right-hand corner. 3. Add your changes to the file. 4. Add a commit message on the bottom of the page. 5. Click the *Propose changes* button. From command line ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The instructions describe the main ``lvgl`` repository but it works the same way for the other repositories. 1. Fork the `lvgl repository `__. To do this click the “Fork” button in the top right corner. It will “copy” the ``lvgl`` repository to your GitHub account (``https://github.com/?tab=repositories``) 2. Clone your forked repository. 3. Add your changes. You can create a *feature branch* from *master* for the updates: ``git checkout -b the-new-feature`` 4. Commit and push your changes to the forked ``lvgl`` repository. 5. Create a PR on GitHub from the page of your ``lvgl`` repository (``https://github.com//lvgl``) by clicking the *“New pull request”* button. Don’t forget to select the branch where you added your changes. 6. Set the base branch. It means where you want to merge your update. In the ``lvgl`` repo both the fixes and new features go to ``master`` branch. 7. Describe what is in the update. An example code is welcome if applicable. 8. If you need to make more changes, just update your forked ``lvgl`` repo with new commits. They will automatically appear in the PR. Commit message format ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The commit messages format is inspired by `Angular Commit Format `__. The following structure should be used: .. code-block:: ():