#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import logging import argparse import subprocess from os import path from enum import Enum from typing import List from pathlib import Path try: import png except ImportError: raise ImportError("Need pypng package, do `pip3 install pypng`") try: import lz4.block except ImportError: raise ImportError("Need lz4 package, do `pip3 install lz4`") def uint8_t(val) -> bytes: return val.to_bytes(1, byteorder='little') def uint16_t(val) -> bytes: return val.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little') def uint24_t(val) -> bytes: return val.to_bytes(3, byteorder='little') def uint32_t(val) -> bytes: try: return val.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little') except OverflowError: raise ParameterError(f"overflow: {hex(val)}") def color_pre_multiply(r, g, b, a, background): bb = background & 0xff bg = (background >> 8) & 0xff br = (background >> 16) & 0xff return ((r * a + (255 - a) * br) >> 8, (g * a + (255 - a) * bg) >> 8, (b * a + (255 - a) * bb) >> 8, a) class Error(Exception): def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + ': ' + ' '.join(self.args) class FormatError(Error): """ Problem with input filename format. BIN filename does not conform to standard lvgl bin image format """ class ParameterError(Error): """ Parameter for LVGL image not correct """ class PngQuant: """ Compress PNG file to 8bit mode using `pngquant` """ def __init__(self, ncolors=256, dither=True, exec_path="") -> None: executable = path.join(exec_path, "pngquant") self.cmd = (f"{executable} {'--nofs' if not dither else ''} " f"{ncolors} --force - < ") def convert(self, filename) -> bytes: if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise BaseException(f"file not found: {filename}") try: compressed = subprocess.check_output( f'{self.cmd} "{str(filename)}"', stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: raise BaseException( "cannot find pngquant tool, install it via " "`sudo apt install pngquant` for debian " "or `brew install pngquant` for macintosh " "For windows, you may need to download pngquant.exe from " "https://pngquant.org/, and put it in your PATH.") return compressed class CompressMethod(Enum): NONE = 0x00 RLE = 0x01 LZ4 = 0x02 class ColorFormat(Enum): UNKNOWN = 0x00 RAW = 0x01, RAW_ALPHA = 0x02, L8 = 0x06 I1 = 0x07 I2 = 0x08 I4 = 0x09 I8 = 0x0A A1 = 0x0B A2 = 0x0C A4 = 0x0D A8 = 0x0E ARGB8888 = 0x10 XRGB8888 = 0x11 RGB565 = 0x12 ARGB8565 = 0x13 RGB565A8 = 0x14 RGB888 = 0x0F @property def bpp(self) -> int: """ Return bit per pixel for this cf """ cf_map = { ColorFormat.L8: 8, ColorFormat.I1: 1, ColorFormat.I2: 2, ColorFormat.I4: 4, ColorFormat.I8: 8, ColorFormat.A1: 1, ColorFormat.A2: 2, ColorFormat.A4: 4, ColorFormat.A8: 8, ColorFormat.ARGB8888: 32, ColorFormat.XRGB8888: 32, ColorFormat.RGB565: 16, ColorFormat.RGB565A8: 16, # 16bpp + a8 map ColorFormat.ARGB8565: 24, ColorFormat.RGB888: 24, } return cf_map[self] if self in cf_map else 0 @property def ncolors(self) -> int: """ Return number of colors in palette if cf is indexed1/2/4/8. Return zero if cf is not indexed format """ cf_map = { ColorFormat.I1: 2, ColorFormat.I2: 4, ColorFormat.I4: 16, ColorFormat.I8: 256, } return cf_map.get(self, 0) @property def is_indexed(self) -> bool: """ Return if cf is indexed color format """ return self.ncolors != 0 @property def is_alpha_only(self) -> bool: return ColorFormat.A1.value <= self.value <= ColorFormat.A8.value @property def has_alpha(self) -> bool: return self.is_alpha_only or self.is_indexed or self in ( ColorFormat.ARGB8888, ColorFormat.XRGB8888, # const alpha: 0xff ColorFormat.ARGB8565, ColorFormat.RGB565A8) @property def is_colormap(self) -> bool: return self in (ColorFormat.ARGB8888, ColorFormat.RGB888, ColorFormat.XRGB8888, ColorFormat.RGB565A8, ColorFormat.ARGB8565, ColorFormat.RGB565) @property def is_luma_only(self) -> bool: return self in (ColorFormat.L8, ) def bit_extend(value, bpp): """ Extend value from bpp to 8 bit with interpolation to reduce rounding error. """ if value == 0: return 0 res = value bpp_now = bpp while bpp_now < 8: res |= value << (8 - bpp_now) bpp_now += bpp return res def unpack_colors(data: bytes, cf: ColorFormat, w) -> List: """ Unpack lvgl 1/2/4/8/16/32 bpp color to png color: alpha map, grey scale, or R,G,B,(A) map """ ret = [] bpp = cf.bpp if bpp == 8: ret = data elif bpp == 4: if cf == ColorFormat.A4: values = [x * 17 for x in range(16)] else: values = [x for x in range(16)] for p in data: for i in range(2): ret.append(values[(p >> (4 - i * 4)) & 0x0f]) if len(ret) % w == 0: break elif bpp == 2: if cf == ColorFormat.A2: values = [x * 85 for x in range(4)] else: # must be ColorFormat.I2 values = [x for x in range(4)] for p in data: for i in range(4): ret.append(values[(p >> (6 - i * 2)) & 0x03]) if len(ret) % w == 0: break elif bpp == 1: if cf == ColorFormat.A1: values = [0, 255] else: values = [0, 1] for p in data: for i in range(8): ret.append(values[(p >> (7 - i)) & 0x01]) if len(ret) % w == 0: break elif bpp == 16: # This is RGB565 pixels = [(data[2 * i + 1] << 8) | data[2 * i] for i in range(len(data) // 2)] for p in pixels: ret.append(bit_extend((p >> 11) & 0x1f, 5)) # R ret.append(bit_extend((p >> 5) & 0x3f, 6)) # G ret.append(bit_extend((p >> 0) & 0x1f, 5)) # B elif bpp == 24: if cf == ColorFormat.RGB888: B = data[0::3] G = data[1::3] R = data[2::3] for r, g, b in zip(R, G, B): ret += [r, g, b] elif cf == ColorFormat.RGB565A8: alpha_size = len(data) // 3 pixel_alpha = data[-alpha_size:] pixel_data = data[:-alpha_size] pixels = [(pixel_data[2 * i + 1] << 8) | pixel_data[2 * i] for i in range(len(pixel_data) // 2)] for a, p in zip(pixel_alpha, pixels): ret.append(bit_extend((p >> 11) & 0x1f, 5)) # R ret.append(bit_extend((p >> 5) & 0x3f, 6)) # G ret.append(bit_extend((p >> 0) & 0x1f, 5)) # B ret.append(a) elif cf == ColorFormat.ARGB8565: L = data[0::3] H = data[1::3] A = data[2::3] for h, l, a in zip(H, L, A): p = (h << 8) | (l) ret.append(bit_extend((p >> 11) & 0x1f, 5)) # R ret.append(bit_extend((p >> 5) & 0x3f, 6)) # G ret.append(bit_extend((p >> 0) & 0x1f, 5)) # B ret.append(a) # A elif bpp == 32: B = data[0::4] G = data[1::4] R = data[2::4] A = data[3::4] for r, g, b, a in zip(R, G, B, A): ret += [r, g, b, a] else: assert 0 return ret def write_c_array_file( w: int, h: int, stride: int, cf: ColorFormat, filename: str, premultiplied: bool, compress: CompressMethod, data: bytes): varname = path.basename(filename).split('.')[0] varname = varname.replace("-", "_") varname = varname.replace(".", "_") flags = "0" if compress is not CompressMethod.NONE: flags += " | LV_IMAGE_FLAGS_COMPRESSED" if premultiplied: flags += " | LV_IMAGE_FLAGS_PREMULTIPLIED" macro = "LV_ATTRIBUTE_" + varname.upper() header = f''' #if defined(LV_LVGL_H_INCLUDE_SIMPLE) #include "lvgl.h" #elif defined(LV_BUILD_TEST) #include "../lvgl.h" #else #include "lvgl/lvgl.h" #endif #ifndef LV_ATTRIBUTE_MEM_ALIGN #define LV_ATTRIBUTE_MEM_ALIGN #endif #ifndef {macro} #define {macro} #endif static const LV_ATTRIBUTE_MEM_ALIGN LV_ATTRIBUTE_LARGE_CONST {macro} uint8_t {varname}_map[] = {{ ''' ending = f''' }}; const lv_image_dsc_t {varname} = {{ .header.magic = LV_IMAGE_HEADER_MAGIC, .header.cf = LV_COLOR_FORMAT_{cf.name}, .header.flags = {flags}, .header.w = {w}, .header.h = {h}, .header.stride = {stride}, .data_size = sizeof({varname}_map), .data = {varname}_map, }}; ''' def write_binary(f, data, stride): stride = 16 if stride == 0 else stride for i, v in enumerate(data): if i % stride == 0: f.write("\n ") f.write(f"0x{v:02x},") f.write("\n") with open(filename, "w+") as f: f.write(header) if compress != CompressMethod.NONE: write_binary(f, data, 16) else: # write palette separately ncolors = cf.ncolors if ncolors: write_binary(f, data[:ncolors * 4], 16) write_binary(f, data[ncolors * 4:], stride) f.write(ending) class LVGLImageHeader: def __init__(self, cf: ColorFormat = ColorFormat.UNKNOWN, w: int = 0, h: int = 0, stride: int = 0, align: int = 1, flags: int = 0): self.cf = cf self.flags = flags self.w = w & 0xffff self.h = h & 0xffff if w > 0xffff or h > 0xffff: raise ParameterError(f"w, h overflow: {w}x{h}") if align < 1: # stride align in bytes must be larger than 1 raise ParameterError(f"Invalid stride align: {align}") self.stride = self.stride_align(align) if stride == 0 else stride def stride_align(self, align: int) -> int: stride = self.stride_default if align == 1: pass elif align > 1: stride = (stride + align - 1) // align stride *= align else: raise ParameterError(f"Invalid stride align: {align}") self.stride = stride return stride @property def stride_default(self) -> int: return (self.w * self.cf.bpp + 7) // 8 @property def binary(self) -> bytearray: binary = bytearray() binary += uint8_t(0x19) # magic number for lvgl version 9 binary += uint8_t(self.cf.value) binary += uint16_t(self.flags) # 16bits flags binary += uint16_t(self.w) # 16bits width binary += uint16_t(self.h) # 16bits height binary += uint16_t(self.stride) # 16bits stride binary += uint16_t(0) # 16bits reserved return binary def from_binary(self, data: bytes): if len(data) < 12: raise FormatError("invalid header length") try: self.cf = ColorFormat(data[1] & 0x1f) # color format except ValueError as exc: raise FormatError(f"invalid color format: {hex(data[0])}") from exc self.w = int.from_bytes(data[4:6], 'little') self.h = int.from_bytes(data[6:8], 'little') self.stride = int.from_bytes(data[8:10], 'little') return self class LVGLCompressData: def __init__(self, cf: ColorFormat, method: CompressMethod, raw_data: bytes = b''): self.blk_size = (cf.bpp + 7) // 8 self.compress = method self.raw_data = raw_data self.raw_data_len = len(raw_data) self.compressed = self._compress(raw_data) def _compress(self, raw_data: bytes) -> bytearray: if self.compress == CompressMethod.NONE: return raw_data if self.compress == CompressMethod.RLE: # RLE compression performs on pixel unit, pad data to pixel unit pad = b'\x00' * 0 if self.raw_data_len % self.blk_size: pad = b'\x00' * (self.blk_size - self.raw_data_len % self.blk_size) compressed = RLEImage().rle_compress(raw_data + pad, self.blk_size) elif self.compress == CompressMethod.LZ4: compressed = lz4.block.compress(raw_data, store_size=False) else: raise ParameterError(f"Invalid compress method: {self.compress}") self.compressed_len = len(compressed) bin = bytearray() bin += uint32_t(self.compress.value) bin += uint32_t(self.compressed_len) bin += uint32_t(self.raw_data_len) bin += compressed return bin class LVGLImage: def __init__(self, cf: ColorFormat = ColorFormat.UNKNOWN, w: int = 0, h: int = 0, data: bytes = b'') -> None: self.stride = 0 # default no valid stride value self.premultiplied = False self.set_data(cf, w, h, data) def __repr__(self) -> str: return (f"'LVGL image {self.w}x{self.h}, {self.cf.name}, " f"{'Pre-multiplied, ' if self.premultiplied else ''}" f"stride: {self.stride} " f"(12+{self.data_len})Byte'") def adjust_stride(self, stride: int = 0, align: int = 1): """ Stride can be set directly, or by stride alignment in bytes """ if self.stride == 0: # stride can only be 0, when LVGLImage is created with empty data logging.warning("Cannot adjust stride for empty image") return if align >= 1 and stride == 0: # The header with specified stride alignment header = LVGLImageHeader(self.cf, self.w, self.h, align=align) stride = header.stride elif stride > 0: pass else: raise ParameterError(f"Invalid parameter, align:{align}," f" stride:{stride}") if self.stride == stride: return # no stride adjustment # if current image is empty, no need to do anything if self.data_len == 0: self.stride = 0 return current = LVGLImageHeader(self.cf, self.w, self.h, stride=self.stride) if stride < current.stride_default: raise ParameterError(f"Stride is too small:{stride}, " f"minimal:{current.stride_default}") def change_stride(data: bytearray, h, current_stride, new_stride): data_in = data data_out = [] # stride adjusted new data if new_stride < current_stride: # remove padding byte for i in range(h): start = i * current_stride end = start + new_stride data_out.append(data_in[start:end]) else: # adding more padding bytes padding = b'\x00' * (new_stride - current_stride) for i in range(h): data_out.append(data_in[i * current_stride:(i + 1) * current_stride]) data_out.append(padding) return b''.join(data_out) palette_size = self.cf.ncolors * 4 data_out = [self.data[:palette_size]] data_out.append( change_stride(self.data[palette_size:], self.h, current.stride, stride)) # deal with alpha map for RGB565A8 if self.cf == ColorFormat.RGB565A8: logging.warning("handle RGB565A8 alpha map") a8_stride = self.stride // 2 a8_map = self.data[-a8_stride * self.h:] data_out.append( change_stride(a8_map, self.h, current.stride // 2, stride // 2)) self.stride = stride self.data = bytearray(b''.join(data_out)) def premultiply(self): """ Pre-multiply image RGB data with alpha, set corresponding image header flags """ if self.premultiplied: raise ParameterError("Image already pre-multiplied") if not self.cf.has_alpha: raise ParameterError(f"Image has no alpha channel: {self.cf.name}") if self.cf.is_indexed: def multiply(r, g, b, a): r, g, b = (r * a) >> 8, (g * a) >> 8, (b * a) >> 8 return uint8_t(b) + uint8_t(g) + uint8_t(r) + uint8_t(a) # process the palette only. palette_size = self.cf.ncolors * 4 palette = self.data[:palette_size] palette = [ multiply(palette[i], palette[i + 1], palette[i + 2], palette[i + 3]) for i in range(0, len(palette), 4) ] palette = b''.join(palette) self.data = palette + self.data[palette_size:] elif self.cf is ColorFormat.ARGB8888: def multiply(b, g, r, a): r, g, b = (r * a) >> 8, (g * a) >> 8, (b * a) >> 8 return uint32_t((a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b << 0)) line_width = self.w * 4 for h in range(self.h): offset = h * self.stride map = self.data[offset:offset + self.stride] processed = b''.join([ multiply(map[i], map[i + 1], map[i + 2], map[i + 3]) for i in range(0, line_width, 4) ]) self.data[offset:offset + line_width] = processed elif self.cf is ColorFormat.RGB565A8: def multiply(data, a): r = (data >> 11) & 0x1f g = (data >> 5) & 0x3f b = (data >> 0) & 0x1f r, g, b = (r * a) // 255, (g * a) // 255, (b * a) // 255 return uint16_t((r << 11) | (g << 5) | (b << 0)) line_width = self.w * 2 for h in range(self.h): # alpha map offset for this line offset = self.h * self.stride + h * (self.stride // 2) a = self.data[offset:offset + self.stride // 2] # RGB map offset offset = h * self.stride rgb = self.data[offset:offset + self.stride] processed = b''.join([ multiply((rgb[i + 1] << 8) | rgb[i], a[i // 2]) for i in range(0, line_width, 2) ]) self.data[offset:offset + line_width] = processed elif self.cf is ColorFormat.ARGB8565: def multiply(data, a): r = (data >> 11) & 0x1f g = (data >> 5) & 0x3f b = (data >> 0) & 0x1f r, g, b = (r * a) // 255, (g * a) // 255, (b * a) // 255 return uint24_t((a << 16) | (r << 11) | (g << 5) | (b << 0)) line_width = self.w * 3 for h in range(self.h): offset = h * self.stride map = self.data[offset:offset + self.stride] processed = b''.join([ multiply((map[i + 1] << 8) | map[i], map[i + 2]) for i in range(0, line_width, 3) ]) self.data[offset:offset + line_width] = processed else: raise ParameterError(f"Not supported yet: {self.cf.name}") self.premultiplied = True @property def data_len(self) -> int: """ Return data_len in byte of this image, excluding image header """ # palette is always in ARGB format, 4Byte per color p = self.cf.ncolors * 4 if self.is_indexed and self.w * self.h else 0 p += self.stride * self.h if self.cf is ColorFormat.RGB565A8: a8_stride = self.stride // 2 p += a8_stride * self.h return p @property def header(self) -> bytearray: return LVGLImageHeader(self.cf, self.w, self.h) @property def is_indexed(self): return self.cf.is_indexed def set_data(self, cf: ColorFormat, w: int, h: int, data: bytes, stride: int = 0): """ Directly set LVGL image parameters """ if w > 0xffff or h > 0xffff: raise ParameterError(f"w, h overflow: {w}x{h}") self.cf = cf self.w = w self.h = h # if stride is 0, then it's aligned to 1byte by default, # let image header handle it self.stride = LVGLImageHeader(cf, w, h, stride, align=1).stride if self.data_len != len(data): raise ParameterError(f"{self} data length error got: {len(data)}, " f"expect: {self.data_len}, {self}") self.data = data return self def from_data(self, data: bytes): header = LVGLImageHeader().from_binary(data) return self.set_data(header.cf, header.w, header.h, data[len(header.binary):], header.stride) def from_bin(self, filename: str): """ Read from existing bin file and update image parameters """ if not filename.endswith(".bin"): raise FormatError("filename not ended with '.bin'") with open(filename, "rb") as f: data = f.read() return self.from_data(data) def _check_ext(self, filename: str, ext): if not filename.lower().endswith(ext): raise FormatError(f"filename not ended with {ext}") def _check_dir(self, filename: str): dir = path.dirname(filename) if dir and not path.exists(dir): logging.info(f"mkdir of {dir} for {filename}") os.makedirs(dir) def to_bin(self, filename: str, compress: CompressMethod = CompressMethod.NONE): """ Write this image to file, filename should be ended with '.bin' """ self._check_ext(filename, ".bin") self._check_dir(filename) with open(filename, "wb+") as f: bin = bytearray() flags = 0 flags |= 0x08 if compress != CompressMethod.NONE else 0 flags |= 0x01 if self.premultiplied else 0 header = LVGLImageHeader(self.cf, self.w, self.h, self.stride, flags=flags) bin += header.binary compressed = LVGLCompressData(self.cf, compress, self.data) bin += compressed.compressed f.write(bin) return self def to_c_array(self, filename: str, compress: CompressMethod = CompressMethod.NONE): self._check_ext(filename, ".c") self._check_dir(filename) if compress != CompressMethod.NONE: data = LVGLCompressData(self.cf, compress, self.data).compressed else: data = self.data write_c_array_file(self.w, self.h, self.stride, self.cf, filename, self.premultiplied, compress, data) def to_png(self, filename: str): self._check_ext(filename, ".png") self._check_dir(filename) old_stride = self.stride self.adjust_stride(align=1) if self.cf.is_indexed: data = self.data # Separate lvgl bin image data to palette and bitmap # The palette is in format of [(RGBA), (RGBA)...]. # LVGL palette is in format of B,G,R,A,... palette = [(data[i * 4 + 2], data[i * 4 + 1], data[i * 4 + 0], data[i * 4 + 3]) for i in range(self.cf.ncolors)] data = data[self.cf.ncolors * 4:] encoder = png.Writer(self.w, self.h, palette=palette, bitdepth=self.cf.bpp) # separate packed data to plain data data = unpack_colors(data, self.cf, self.w) elif self.cf.is_alpha_only: # separate packed data to plain data transparency = unpack_colors(self.data, self.cf, self.w) data = [] for a in transparency: data += [0, 0, 0, a] encoder = png.Writer(self.w, self.h, greyscale=False, alpha=True) elif self.cf == ColorFormat.L8: # to grayscale encoder = png.Writer(self.w, self.h, bitdepth=self.cf.bpp, greyscale=True, alpha=False) data = self.data elif self.cf.is_colormap: encoder = png.Writer(self.w, self.h, alpha=self.cf.has_alpha, greyscale=False) data = unpack_colors(self.data, self.cf, self.w) else: logging.warning(f"missing logic: {self.cf.name}") return with open(filename, "wb") as f: encoder.write_array(f, data) self.adjust_stride(stride=old_stride) def from_png(self, filename: str, cf: ColorFormat = None, background: int = 0x00_00_00): """ Create lvgl image from png file. If cf is none, used I1/2/4/8 based on palette size """ self.background = background if cf is None: # guess cf from filename # split filename string and match with ColorFormat to check # which cf to use names = str(path.basename(filename)).split(".") for c in names[1:-1]: if c in ColorFormat.__members__: cf = ColorFormat[c] break if cf is None or cf.is_indexed: # palette mode self._png_to_indexed(cf, filename) elif cf.is_alpha_only: self._png_to_alpha_only(cf, filename) elif cf.is_luma_only: self._png_to_luma_only(cf, filename) elif cf.is_colormap: self._png_to_colormap(cf, filename) else: logging.warning(f"missing logic: {cf.name}") logging.info(f"from png: {filename}, cf: {self.cf.name}") return self def _png_to_indexed(self, cf: ColorFormat, filename: str): # convert to palette mode auto_cf = cf is None # read the image data to get the metadata reader = png.Reader(filename=filename) w, h, rows, metadata = reader.read() # to preserve original palette data only convert the image if needed. For this # check if image has a palette and the requested palette size equals the existing one if not 'palette' in metadata or not auto_cf and len(metadata['palette']) != 2 ** cf.bpp: # reread and convert file reader = png.Reader( bytes=PngQuant(256 if auto_cf else cf.ncolors).convert(filename)) w, h, rows, _ = reader.read() palette = reader.palette(alpha="force") # always return alpha palette_len = len(palette) if auto_cf: if palette_len <= 2: cf = ColorFormat.I1 elif palette_len <= 4: cf = ColorFormat.I2 elif palette_len <= 16: cf = ColorFormat.I4 else: cf = ColorFormat.I8 if palette_len != cf.ncolors: if not auto_cf: logging.warning( f"{path.basename(filename)} palette: {palette_len}, " f"extended to: {cf.ncolors}") palette += [(255, 255, 255, 0)] * (cf.ncolors - palette_len) # Assemble lvgl image palette from PNG palette. # PNG palette is a list of tuple(R,G,B,A) rawdata = bytearray() for (r, g, b, a) in palette: rawdata += uint32_t((a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b << 0)) # pack data if not in I8 format if cf == ColorFormat.I8: for e in rows: rawdata += e else: for e in png.pack_rows(rows, cf.bpp): rawdata += e self.set_data(cf, w, h, rawdata) def _png_to_alpha_only(self, cf: ColorFormat, filename: str): reader = png.Reader(str(filename)) w, h, rows, info = reader.asRGBA8() if not info['alpha']: raise FormatError(f"{filename} has no alpha channel") rawdata = bytearray() if cf == ColorFormat.A8: for row in rows: A = row[3::4] for e in A: rawdata += uint8_t(e) else: shift = 8 - cf.bpp mask = 2**cf.bpp - 1 rows = [[(a >> shift) & mask for a in row[3::4]] for row in rows] for row in png.pack_rows(rows, cf.bpp): rawdata += row self.set_data(cf, w, h, rawdata) def sRGB_to_linear(self, x): if x < 0.04045: return x / 12.92 return pow((x + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) def linear_to_sRGB(self, y): if y <= 0.0031308: return 12.92 * y return 1.055 * pow(y, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055 def _png_to_luma_only(self, cf: ColorFormat, filename: str): reader = png.Reader(str(filename)) w, h, rows, info = reader.asRGBA8() rawdata = bytearray() for row in rows: R = row[0::4] G = row[1::4] B = row[2::4] A = row[3::4] for r, g, b, a in zip(R, G, B, A): r, g, b, a = color_pre_multiply(r, g, b, a, self.background) r = self.sRGB_to_linear(r / 255.0) g = self.sRGB_to_linear(g / 255.0) b = self.sRGB_to_linear(b / 255.0) luma = 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b rawdata += uint8_t(int(self.linear_to_sRGB(luma) * 255)) self.set_data(ColorFormat.L8, w, h, rawdata) def _png_to_colormap(self, cf, filename: str): if cf == ColorFormat.ARGB8888: def pack(r, g, b, a): return uint32_t((a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b << 0)) elif cf == ColorFormat.XRGB8888: def pack(r, g, b, a): r, g, b, a = color_pre_multiply(r, g, b, a, self.background) return uint32_t((0xff << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b << 0)) elif cf == ColorFormat.RGB888: def pack(r, g, b, a): r, g, b, a = color_pre_multiply(r, g, b, a, self.background) return uint24_t((r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b << 0)) elif cf == ColorFormat.RGB565: def pack(r, g, b, a): r, g, b, a = color_pre_multiply(r, g, b, a, self.background) color = (r >> 3) << 11 color |= (g >> 2) << 5 color |= (b >> 3) << 0 return uint16_t(color) elif cf == ColorFormat.RGB565A8: def pack(r, g, b, a): color = (r >> 3) << 11 color |= (g >> 2) << 5 color |= (b >> 3) << 0 return uint16_t(color) elif cf == ColorFormat.ARGB8565: def pack(r, g, b, a): color = (r >> 3) << 11 color |= (g >> 2) << 5 color |= (b >> 3) << 0 return uint24_t((a << 16) | color) else: raise FormatError(f"Invalid color format: {cf.name}") reader = png.Reader(str(filename)) w, h, rows, _ = reader.asRGBA8() rawdata = bytearray() alpha = bytearray() for row in rows: R = row[0::4] G = row[1::4] B = row[2::4] A = row[3::4] for r, g, b, a in zip(R, G, B, A): if cf == ColorFormat.RGB565A8: alpha += uint8_t(a) rawdata += pack(r, g, b, a) if cf == ColorFormat.RGB565A8: rawdata += alpha self.set_data(cf, w, h, rawdata) class RLEHeader: def __init__(self, blksize: int, len: int): self.blksize = blksize self.len = len @property def binary(self): magic = 0x5aa521e0 rle_header = self.blksize rle_header |= (self.len & 0xffffff) << 4 binary = bytearray() binary.extend(uint32_t(magic)) binary.extend(uint32_t(rle_header)) return binary class RLEImage(LVGLImage): def __init__(self, cf: ColorFormat = ColorFormat.UNKNOWN, w: int = 0, h: int = 0, data: bytes = b'') -> None: super().__init__(cf, w, h, data) def to_rle(self, filename: str): """ Compress this image to file, filename should be ended with '.rle' """ self._check_ext(filename, ".rle") self._check_dir(filename) # compress image data excluding lvgl image header blksize = (self.cf.bpp + 7) // 8 compressed = self.rle_compress(self.data, blksize) with open(filename, "wb+") as f: header = RLEHeader(blksize, len(self.data)).binary header.extend(self.header.binary) f.write(header) f.write(compressed) def rle_compress(self, data: bytearray, blksize: int, threshold=16): index = 0 data_len = len(data) compressed_data = [] memview = memoryview(data) while index < data_len: repeat_cnt = self.get_repeat_count(memview[index:], blksize) if repeat_cnt == 0: # done break elif repeat_cnt < threshold: nonrepeat_cnt = self.get_nonrepeat_count( memview[index:], blksize, threshold) ctrl_byte = uint8_t(nonrepeat_cnt | 0x80) compressed_data.append(ctrl_byte) compressed_data.append(memview[index:index + nonrepeat_cnt * blksize]) index += nonrepeat_cnt * blksize else: ctrl_byte = uint8_t(repeat_cnt) compressed_data.append(ctrl_byte) compressed_data.append(memview[index:index + blksize]) index += repeat_cnt * blksize return b"".join(compressed_data) def get_repeat_count(self, data: bytearray, blksize: int): if len(data) < blksize: return 0 start = data[:blksize] index = 0 repeat_cnt = 0 value = 0 while index < len(data): value = data[index:index + blksize] if value == start: repeat_cnt += 1 if repeat_cnt == 127: # limit max repeat count to max value of signed char. break else: break index += blksize return repeat_cnt def get_nonrepeat_count(self, data: bytearray, blksize: int, threshold): if len(data) < blksize: return 0 pre_value = data[:blksize] index = 0 nonrepeat_count = 0 repeat_cnt = 0 while True: value = data[index:index + blksize] if value == pre_value: repeat_cnt += 1 if repeat_cnt > threshold: # repeat found. break else: pre_value = value nonrepeat_count += 1 + repeat_cnt repeat_cnt = 0 if nonrepeat_count >= 127: # limit max repeat count to max value of signed char. nonrepeat_count = 127 break index += blksize # move to next position if index >= len(data): # data end nonrepeat_count += repeat_cnt break return nonrepeat_count class RAWImage(): ''' RAW image is an exception to LVGL image, it has color format of RAW or RAW_ALPHA. It has same image header as LVGL image, but the data is pure raw data from file. It does not support stride adjustment etc. features for LVGL image. It only supports convert an image to C array with RAW or RAW_ALPHA format. ''' CF_SUPPORTED = (ColorFormat.RAW, ColorFormat.RAW_ALPHA) class NotSupported(NotImplementedError): pass def __init__(self, cf: ColorFormat = ColorFormat.UNKNOWN, data: bytes = b'') -> None: self.cf = cf self.data = data def to_c_array(self, filename: str): # Image size is set to zero, to let PNG or JPEG decoder to handle it # Stride is meaningless for RAW image write_c_array_file(0, 0, 0, self.cf, filename, False, CompressMethod.NONE, self.data) def from_file(self, filename: str, cf: ColorFormat = None): if cf not in RAWImage.CF_SUPPORTED: raise RAWImage.NotSupported(f"Invalid color format: {cf.name}") with open(filename, "rb") as f: self.data = f.read() self.cf = cf return self class OutputFormat(Enum): C_ARRAY = "C" BIN_FILE = "BIN" PNG_FILE = "PNG" # convert to lvgl image and then to png class PNGConverter: def __init__(self, files: List, cf: ColorFormat, ofmt: OutputFormat, odir: str, background: int = 0x00, align: int = 1, premultiply: bool = False, compress: CompressMethod = CompressMethod.NONE, keep_folder=True) -> None: self.files = files self.cf = cf self.ofmt = ofmt self.output = odir self.pngquant = None self.keep_folder = keep_folder self.align = align self.premultiply = premultiply self.compress = compress self.background = background def _replace_ext(self, input, ext): if self.keep_folder: name, _ = path.splitext(input) else: name, _ = path.splitext(path.basename(input)) output = name + ext output = path.join(self.output, output) return output def convert(self): output = [] for f in self.files: if self.cf in (ColorFormat.RAW, ColorFormat.RAW_ALPHA): # Process RAW image explicitly img = RAWImage().from_file(f, self.cf) img.to_c_array(self._replace_ext(f, ".c")) else: img = LVGLImage().from_png(f, self.cf, background=self.background) img.adjust_stride(align=self.align) if self.premultiply: img.premultiply() output.append((f, img)) if self.ofmt == OutputFormat.BIN_FILE: img.to_bin(self._replace_ext(f, ".bin"), compress=self.compress) elif self.ofmt == OutputFormat.C_ARRAY: img.to_c_array(self._replace_ext(f, ".c"), compress=self.compress) elif self.ofmt == OutputFormat.PNG_FILE: img.to_png(self._replace_ext(f, ".png")) return output def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='LVGL PNG to bin image tool.') parser.add_argument('--ofmt', help="output filename format, C or BIN", default="BIN", choices=["C", "BIN", "PNG"]) parser.add_argument( '--cf', help=("bin image color format, use AUTO for automatically " "choose from I1/2/4/8"), default="I8", choices=[ "L8", "I1", "I2", "I4", "I8", "A1", "A2", "A4", "A8", "ARGB8888", "XRGB8888", "RGB565", "RGB565A8", "ARGB8565", "RGB888", "AUTO", "RAW", "RAW_ALPHA" ]) parser.add_argument('--premultiply', action='store_true', help="pre-multiply color with alpha", default=False) parser.add_argument('--compress', help=("Binary data compress method, default to NONE"), default="NONE", choices=["NONE", "RLE", "LZ4"]) parser.add_argument('--align', help="stride alignment in bytes for bin image", default=1, type=int, metavar='byte', nargs='?') parser.add_argument('--background', help="Background color for formats without alpha", default=0x00_00_00, type=lambda x: int(x, 0), metavar='color', nargs='?') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', default="./output", help="Select the output folder, default to ./output") parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true') parser.add_argument( 'input', help="the filename or folder to be recursively converted") args = parser.parse_args() if path.isfile(args.input): files = [args.input] elif path.isdir(args.input): files = list(Path(args.input).rglob("*.[pP][nN][gG]")) else: raise BaseException(f"invalid input: {args.input}") if args.verbose: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logging.info(f"options: {args.__dict__}, files:{[str(f) for f in files]}") if args.cf == "AUTO": cf = None else: cf = ColorFormat[args.cf] ofmt = OutputFormat(args.ofmt) if cf not in ( ColorFormat.RAW, ColorFormat.RAW_ALPHA) else OutputFormat.C_ARRAY compress = CompressMethod[args.compress] converter = PNGConverter(files, cf, ofmt, args.output, background=args.background, align=args.align, premultiply=args.premultiply, compress=compress, keep_folder=False) output = converter.convert() for f, img in output: logging.info(f"len: {img.data_len} for {path.basename(f)} ") print(f"done {len(files)} files") def test(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) f = "pngs/cogwheel.RGB565A8.png" img = LVGLImage().from_png(f, cf=ColorFormat.ARGB8565, background=0xFF_FF_00) img.adjust_stride(align=16) img.premultiply() img.to_bin("output/cogwheel.ARGB8565.bin") img.to_c_array("output/cogwheel-abc.c") # file name is used as c var name img.to_png("output/cogwheel.ARGB8565.png.png") # convert back to png def test_raw(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) f = "pngs/cogwheel.RGB565A8.png" img = RAWImage().from_file(f, cf=ColorFormat.RAW_ALPHA) img.to_c_array("output/cogwheel-raw.c") if __name__ == "__main__": # test() # test_raw() main()