/** * @file lv_cpicker.c * * From @AloyseTech and @paulpv. */ /********************* * INCLUDES *********************/ #include "lv_cpicker.h" #if LV_USE_CPICKER != 0 #include "../lv_core/lv_debug.h" #include "../lv_draw/lv_draw_arc.h" #include "../lv_themes/lv_theme.h" #include "../lv_core/lv_indev.h" #include "../lv_core/lv_refr.h" #include "../lv_misc/lv_math.h" /********************* * DEFINES *********************/ #define LV_OBJX_NAME "lv_cpicker" #ifndef LV_CPICKER_DEF_TYPE #define LV_CPICKER_DEF_TYPE LV_CPICKER_TYPE_DISC #endif #ifndef LV_CPICKER_DEF_HUE #define LV_CPICKER_DEF_HUE 0 #endif #ifndef LV_CPICKER_DEF_SATURATION #define LV_CPICKER_DEF_SATURATION 100 #endif #ifndef LV_CPICKER_DEF_VALUE #define LV_CPICKER_DEF_VALUE 100 #endif #ifndef LV_CPICKER_DEF_HSV #define LV_CPICKER_DEF_HSV ((lv_color_hsv_t){LV_CPICKER_DEF_HUE, LV_CPICKER_DEF_SATURATION, LV_CPICKER_DEF_VALUE}) #endif #ifndef LV_CPICKER_DEF_QF /*quantization factor*/ #define LV_CPICKER_DEF_QF 3 #endif #define TRI_OFFSET 2 /********************** * TYPEDEFS **********************/ /********************** * STATIC PROTOTYPES **********************/ static lv_design_res_t lv_cpicker_design(lv_obj_t * cpicker, const lv_area_t * clip_area, lv_design_mode_t mode); static lv_res_t lv_cpicker_signal(lv_obj_t * cpicker, lv_signal_t sign, void * param); static bool lv_cpicker_hit(lv_obj_t * cpicker, const lv_point_t * p); static void draw_rect_grad(lv_obj_t * cpicker, const lv_area_t * mask, lv_opa_t opa_scale); static void draw_disc_grad(lv_obj_t * cpicker, const lv_area_t * mask, lv_opa_t opa_scale); static void draw_indic(lv_obj_t * cpicker, const lv_area_t * mask, lv_opa_t opa_scale); static void invalidate_indic(lv_obj_t * cpicker); static lv_area_t get_indic_area(lv_obj_t * cpicker); static void next_color_mode(lv_obj_t * cpicker); static lv_res_t double_click_reset(lv_obj_t * cpicker); static void refr_indic_pos(lv_obj_t * cpicker); static lv_color_t angle_to_mode_color(lv_obj_t * cpicker, uint16_t angle); static uint16_t get_angle(lv_obj_t * cpicker); /********************** * STATIC VARIABLES **********************/ static lv_signal_cb_t ancestor_signal; static lv_design_cb_t ancestor_design; /********************** * MACROS **********************/ /********************** * GLOBAL FUNCTIONS **********************/ /** * Create a color_picker object * @param par pointer to an object, it will be the parent of the new color_picker * @param copy pointer to a color_picker object, if not NULL then the new object will be copied from it * @return pointer to the created color_picker */ lv_obj_t * lv_cpicker_create(lv_obj_t * par, const lv_obj_t * copy) { LV_LOG_TRACE("color_picker create started"); lv_obj_t * new_cpicker = lv_obj_create(par, copy); LV_ASSERT_MEM(new_cpicker); if(new_cpicker == NULL) return NULL; if(ancestor_signal == NULL) ancestor_signal = lv_obj_get_signal_cb(new_cpicker); if(ancestor_design == NULL) ancestor_design = lv_obj_get_design_cb(new_cpicker); /*Allocate the extended data*/ lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_allocate_ext_attr(new_cpicker, sizeof(lv_cpicker_ext_t)); LV_ASSERT_MEM(ext); if(ext == NULL) { lv_obj_del(new_cpicker); return NULL; } /*Initialize the allocated 'ext' */ ext->type = LV_CPICKER_DEF_TYPE; ext->hsv = LV_CPICKER_DEF_HSV; ext->indic.style = &lv_style_plain; ext->indic.colored = 0; ext->color_mode = LV_CPICKER_COLOR_MODE_HUE; ext->color_mode_fixed = 0; ext->preview = 0; ext->last_click_time = 0; ext->last_change_time = 0; /*The signal and design functions are not copied so set them here*/ lv_obj_set_signal_cb(new_cpicker, lv_cpicker_signal); lv_obj_set_design_cb(new_cpicker, lv_cpicker_design); /*If no copy do the basic initialization*/ if(copy == NULL) { lv_obj_set_size(new_cpicker, LV_DPI * 2, LV_DPI * 2); lv_obj_set_protect(new_cpicker, LV_PROTECT_PRESS_LOST); lv_theme_t * th = lv_theme_get_current(); if(th) { lv_cpicker_set_style(new_cpicker, LV_CPICKER_STYLE_MAIN, th->style.bg); } else { lv_cpicker_set_style(new_cpicker, LV_CPICKER_STYLE_MAIN, &lv_style_plain); } } /*Copy 'copy'*/ else { lv_cpicker_ext_t * copy_ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(copy); ext->type = copy_ext->type; ext->color_mode = copy_ext->color_mode; ext->color_mode_fixed = copy_ext->color_mode_fixed; ext->preview = copy_ext->preview; ext->hsv = copy_ext->hsv; ext->indic.colored = copy_ext->indic.colored; ext->indic.style = copy_ext->indic.style; /*Refresh the style with new signal function*/ lv_obj_refresh_style(new_cpicker); } refr_indic_pos(new_cpicker); LV_LOG_INFO("color_picker created"); return new_cpicker; } /*===================== * Setter functions *====================*/ /** * Set a new type for a cpicker * @param cpicker pointer to a cpicker object * @param type new type of the cpicker (from 'lv_cpicker_type_t' enum) */ void lv_cpicker_set_type(lv_obj_t * cpicker, lv_cpicker_type_t type) { LV_ASSERT_OBJ(cpicker, LV_OBJX_NAME); lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); if(ext->type == type) return; ext->type = type; lv_obj_refresh_ext_draw_pad(cpicker); refr_indic_pos(cpicker); lv_obj_invalidate(cpicker); } /** * Set a style of a colorpicker. * @param cpicker pointer to colorpicker object * @param type which style should be set * @param style pointer to a style */ void lv_cpicker_set_style(lv_obj_t * cpicker, lv_cpicker_style_t type, lv_style_t * style) { LV_ASSERT_OBJ(cpicker, LV_OBJX_NAME); lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); switch(type) { case LV_CPICKER_STYLE_MAIN: lv_obj_set_style(cpicker, style); break; case LV_CPICKER_STYLE_INDICATOR: ext->indic.style = style; lv_obj_invalidate(cpicker); break; } } /** * Set the current hue of a colorpicker. * @param cpicker pointer to colorpicker object * @param hue current selected hue [0..360] * @return true if changed, otherwise false */ bool lv_cpicker_set_hue(lv_obj_t * cpicker, uint16_t hue) { lv_color_hsv_t hsv = lv_cpicker_get_hsv(cpicker); hsv.h = hue; return lv_cpicker_set_hsv(cpicker, hsv); } /** * Set the current saturation of a colorpicker. * @param cpicker pointer to colorpicker object * @param saturation current selected saturation [0..100] * @return true if changed, otherwise false */ bool lv_cpicker_set_saturation(lv_obj_t * cpicker, uint8_t saturation) { lv_color_hsv_t hsv = lv_cpicker_get_hsv(cpicker); hsv.s = saturation; return lv_cpicker_set_hsv(cpicker, hsv); } /** * Set the current value of a colorpicker. * @param cpicker pointer to colorpicker object * @param val current selected value [0..100] * @return true if changed, otherwise false */ bool lv_cpicker_set_value(lv_obj_t * cpicker, uint8_t val) { lv_color_hsv_t hsv = lv_cpicker_get_hsv(cpicker); hsv.v = val; return lv_cpicker_set_hsv(cpicker, hsv); } /** * Set the current hsv of a colorpicker. * @param cpicker pointer to colorpicker object * @param color current selected hsv * @return true if changed, otherwise false */ bool lv_cpicker_set_hsv(lv_obj_t * cpicker, lv_color_hsv_t hsv) { LV_ASSERT_OBJ(cpicker, LV_OBJX_NAME); if (hsv.h > 360) hsv.h %= 360; if (hsv.s > 100) hsv.s = 100; if (hsv.v > 100) hsv.v = 100; lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); if (ext->hsv.h == hsv.h && ext->hsv.s == hsv.s && ext->hsv.v == hsv.v) return false; ext->hsv = hsv; refr_indic_pos(cpicker); if (ext->preview && ext->type == LV_CPICKER_TYPE_DISC) { lv_obj_invalidate(cpicker); } return true; } /** * Set the current color of a colorpicker. * @param cpicker pointer to colorpicker object * @param color current selected color * @return true if changed, otherwise false */ bool lv_cpicker_set_color(lv_obj_t * cpicker, lv_color_t color) { LV_ASSERT_OBJ(cpicker, LV_OBJX_NAME); lv_color32_t c32; c32.full = lv_color_to32(color); return lv_cpicker_set_hsv(cpicker, lv_color_rgb_to_hsv(c32.ch.red, c32.ch.green, c32.ch.blue)); } /** * Set the current color mode. * @param cpicker pointer to colorpicker object * @param mode color mode (hue/sat/val) */ void lv_cpicker_set_color_mode(lv_obj_t * cpicker, lv_cpicker_color_mode_t mode) { LV_ASSERT_OBJ(cpicker, LV_OBJX_NAME); lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); ext->color_mode = mode; refr_indic_pos(cpicker); lv_obj_invalidate(cpicker); } /** * Set if the color mode is changed on long press on center * @param cpicker pointer to colorpicker object * @param fixed color mode cannot be changed on long press */ void lv_cpicker_set_color_mode_fixed(lv_obj_t * cpicker, bool fixed) { LV_ASSERT_OBJ(cpicker, LV_OBJX_NAME); lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); ext->color_mode_fixed = fixed; } /** * Make the indicator to be colored to the current color * @param cpicker pointer to colorpicker object * @param en true: color the indicator; false: not color the indicator */ void lv_cpicker_set_indic_colored(lv_obj_t * cpicker, bool en) { LV_ASSERT_OBJ(cpicker, LV_OBJX_NAME); lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); ext->indic.colored = en ? 1 : 0; invalidate_indic(cpicker); } /** * Add a color preview in the middle of the DISC type color picker * @param cpicker pointer to colorpicker object * @param en true: enable preview; false: disable preview */ void lv_cpicker_set_preview(lv_obj_t * cpicker, bool en) { LV_ASSERT_OBJ(cpicker, LV_OBJX_NAME); lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); ext->preview = en ? 1 : 0; lv_obj_invalidate(cpicker); } /*===================== * Getter functions *====================*/ /** * Get the current color mode. * @param cpicker pointer to colorpicker object * @return color mode (hue/sat/val) */ lv_cpicker_color_mode_t lv_cpicker_get_color_mode(lv_obj_t * cpicker) { LV_ASSERT_OBJ(cpicker, LV_OBJX_NAME); lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); return ext->color_mode; } /** * Get if the color mode is changed on long press on center * @param cpicker pointer to colorpicker object * @return mode cannot be changed on long press */ bool lv_cpicker_get_color_mode_fixed(lv_obj_t * cpicker) { LV_ASSERT_OBJ(cpicker, LV_OBJX_NAME); lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); return ext->color_mode_fixed; } /** * Get style of a color_picker. * @param cpicker pointer to color_picker object * @param type which style should be get * @return style pointer to the style */ const lv_style_t * lv_cpicker_get_style(const lv_obj_t * cpicker, lv_cpicker_style_t type) { LV_ASSERT_OBJ(cpicker, LV_OBJX_NAME); lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); const lv_style_t * style; switch(type) { case LV_CPICKER_STYLE_MAIN: style = lv_obj_get_style(cpicker); break; case LV_CPICKER_STYLE_INDICATOR: style = ext->indic.style; break; default: style = NULL; } return style; } /** * Get the current selected hue of a colorpicker. * @param cpicker pointer to colorpicker object * @return hue current selected hue */ uint16_t lv_cpicker_get_hue(lv_obj_t * cpicker) { LV_ASSERT_OBJ(cpicker, LV_OBJX_NAME); lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); return ext->hsv.h; } /** * Get the current selected saturation of a colorpicker. * @param cpicker pointer to colorpicker object * @return current selected saturation */ uint8_t lv_cpicker_get_saturation(lv_obj_t * cpicker) { LV_ASSERT_OBJ(cpicker, LV_OBJX_NAME); lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); return ext->hsv.s; } /** * Get the current selected hue of a colorpicker. * @param cpicker pointer to colorpicker object * @return current selected value */ uint8_t lv_cpicker_get_value(lv_obj_t * cpicker) { LV_ASSERT_OBJ(cpicker, LV_OBJX_NAME); lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); return ext->hsv.v; } /** * Get the current selected hsv of a colorpicker. * @param cpicker pointer to colorpicker object * @return current selected hsv */ lv_color_hsv_t lv_cpicker_get_hsv(lv_obj_t * cpicker) { LV_ASSERT_OBJ(cpicker, LV_OBJX_NAME); lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); return ext->hsv; } /** * Get the current selected color of a colorpicker. * @param cpicker pointer to colorpicker object * @return color current selected color */ lv_color_t lv_cpicker_get_color(lv_obj_t * cpicker) { LV_ASSERT_OBJ(cpicker, LV_OBJX_NAME); lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); return lv_color_hsv_to_rgb(ext->hsv.h, ext->hsv.s, ext->hsv.v); } /** * Whether the indicator is colored to the current color or not * @param cpicker pointer to colorpicker object * @return true: color the indicator; false: not color the indicator */ bool lv_cpicker_get_indic_colored(lv_obj_t * cpicker) { LV_ASSERT_OBJ(cpicker, LV_OBJX_NAME); lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); return ext->indic.colored ? true : false; } /** * Whether the preview is enabled or not * @param cpicker pointer to colorpicker object * @return en true: preview is enabled; false: preview is disabled */ bool lv_cpicker_get_preview(lv_obj_t * cpicker) { LV_ASSERT_OBJ(cpicker, LV_OBJX_NAME); lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); return ext->preview ? true : false; } /*===================== * Other functions *====================*/ /********************** * STATIC FUNCTIONS **********************/ /** * Handle the drawing related tasks of the color_picker * @param cpicker pointer to an object * @param mask the object will be drawn only in this area * @param mode LV_DESIGN_COVER_CHK: only check if the object fully covers the 'mask_p' area * (return 'true' if yes) * LV_DESIGN_DRAW: draw the object (always return 'true') * LV_DESIGN_DRAW_POST: drawing after every children are drawn * @return return an element of `lv_design_res_t` */ static lv_design_res_t lv_cpicker_design(lv_obj_t * cpicker, const lv_area_t * clip_area, lv_design_mode_t mode) { /*Return false if the object is not covers the mask_p area*/ if(mode == LV_DESIGN_COVER_CHK) { return LV_DESIGN_RES_NOT_COVER; } /*Draw the object*/ else if(mode == LV_DESIGN_DRAW_MAIN) { lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); lv_opa_t opa_scale = lv_obj_get_opa_scale(cpicker); if(ext->type == LV_CPICKER_TYPE_DISC) { draw_disc_grad(cpicker, clip_area, opa_scale); } else if(ext->type == LV_CPICKER_TYPE_RECT) { draw_rect_grad(cpicker, clip_area, opa_scale); } draw_indic(cpicker, clip_area, opa_scale); } /*Post draw when the children are drawn*/ else if(mode == LV_DESIGN_DRAW_POST) { } return LV_DESIGN_RES_OK; } static void draw_disc_grad(lv_obj_t * cpicker, const lv_area_t * mask, lv_opa_t opa_scale) { lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); lv_coord_t w = lv_obj_get_width(cpicker); lv_coord_t h = lv_obj_get_height(cpicker); lv_coord_t cx = cpicker->coords.x1 + w / 2; lv_coord_t cy = cpicker->coords.y1 + h / 2; lv_coord_t r = w / 2; const lv_style_t * style_main = lv_cpicker_get_style(cpicker, LV_CPICKER_STYLE_MAIN); lv_style_t style; lv_style_copy(&style, style_main); style.line.width = (r * 628 / (360 / LV_CPICKER_DEF_QF)) / 100; style.line.width += 2; uint16_t i; lv_coord_t cir_w = style_main->line.width; for(i = 0; i <= 360; i+= LV_CPICKER_DEF_QF) { style.line.color = angle_to_mode_color(cpicker, i); lv_point_t p[2]; p[0].x = cx + (r * lv_trigo_sin(i) >> LV_TRIGO_SHIFT); p[0].y = cy + (r * lv_trigo_sin(i+ 90) >> LV_TRIGO_SHIFT); p[1].x = cx + ((r-cir_w) * lv_trigo_sin(i) >> LV_TRIGO_SHIFT); p[1].y = cy + ((r-cir_w) * lv_trigo_sin(i+ 90) >> LV_TRIGO_SHIFT); lv_draw_line(&p[0], &p[1], mask, &style, opa_scale); } if(ext->preview) { /*Mask out the center area*/ lv_style_copy(&style, style_main); style.body.radius = LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE; lv_area_t area_mid; lv_area_copy(&area_mid, &cpicker->coords); area_mid.x1 += style_main->line.width; area_mid.y1 += style_main->line.width; area_mid.x2 -= style_main->line.width; area_mid.y2 -= style_main->line.width; lv_draw_rect(&area_mid, mask, &style, opa_scale); lv_color_t color = lv_cpicker_get_color(cpicker); style.body.main_color = color; style.body.grad_color = color; area_mid.x1 += style_main->line.width; area_mid.y1 += style_main->line.width; area_mid.x2 -= style_main->line.width; area_mid.y2 -= style_main->line.width; lv_draw_rect(&area_mid, mask, &style, opa_scale); } } static void draw_rect_grad(lv_obj_t * cpicker, const lv_area_t * mask, lv_opa_t opa_scale) { lv_style_t style; lv_style_copy(&style, lv_cpicker_get_style(cpicker, LV_CPICKER_STYLE_MAIN)); lv_area_t grad_area; lv_obj_get_coords(cpicker, &grad_area); if(style.body.radius) { lv_coord_t h = lv_obj_get_height(cpicker); lv_coord_t r = style.body.radius; if(r > h / 2) r = h / 2; /*Make the gradient area smaller with a half circle on both ends*/ grad_area.x1 += r; grad_area.x2 -= r; /*Draw the left rounded end*/ lv_area_t rounded_edge_area; lv_obj_get_coords(cpicker, &rounded_edge_area); rounded_edge_area.x2 = rounded_edge_area.x1 + 2 * r; style.body.main_color = angle_to_mode_color(cpicker, 0); style.body.grad_color = style.body.main_color; lv_draw_rect(&rounded_edge_area, mask, &style, opa_scale); /*Draw the right rounded end*/ lv_obj_get_coords(cpicker, &rounded_edge_area); rounded_edge_area.x1 = rounded_edge_area.x2 - 2 * r; style.body.main_color = angle_to_mode_color(cpicker, 359); style.body.grad_color = style.body.main_color; lv_draw_rect(&rounded_edge_area, mask, &style, opa_scale); } lv_coord_t grad_w = lv_area_get_width(&grad_area); uint16_t i_step = LV_MATH_MAX(LV_CPICKER_DEF_QF, 360 / grad_w); style.body.radius = 0; style.body.border.width = 0; style.body.shadow.width = 0; style.body.opa = LV_OPA_COVER; uint16_t i; for(i = 0; i < 360; i += i_step) { style.body.main_color = angle_to_mode_color(cpicker, i); style.body.grad_color = style.body.main_color; /*the following attribute might need changing between index to add border, shadow, radius etc*/ lv_area_t rect_area; /*scale angle (hue/sat/val) to linear coordinate*/ lv_coord_t xi = (i * grad_w) / 360; rect_area.x1 = LV_MATH_MIN(grad_area.x1 + xi, grad_area.x1 + grad_w - i_step); rect_area.y1 = grad_area.y1; rect_area.x2 = rect_area.x1 + i_step; rect_area.y2 = grad_area.y2; lv_draw_rect(&rect_area, mask, &style, opa_scale); } } static void draw_indic(lv_obj_t * cpicker, const lv_area_t * mask, lv_opa_t opa_scale) { lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); lv_style_t style_cir; lv_style_copy(&style_cir, ext->indic.style); style_cir.body.radius = LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE; if(ext->indic.colored) { style_cir.body.main_color = lv_cpicker_get_color(cpicker); style_cir.body.grad_color = style_cir.body.main_color; } lv_area_t indic_area = get_indic_area(cpicker); lv_draw_rect(&indic_area, mask, &style_cir, opa_scale); } static void invalidate_indic(lv_obj_t * cpicker) { lv_area_t indic_area = get_indic_area(cpicker); lv_obj_invalidate_area(cpicker, &indic_area); } static lv_area_t get_indic_area(lv_obj_t * cpicker) { lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); const lv_style_t * style_main = lv_cpicker_get_style(cpicker, LV_CPICKER_STYLE_MAIN); const lv_style_t * style_indic = lv_cpicker_get_style(cpicker, LV_CPICKER_STYLE_INDICATOR); uint16_t r = 0; if(ext->type == LV_CPICKER_TYPE_DISC) r = style_main->line.width / 2; else if(ext->type == LV_CPICKER_TYPE_RECT) { lv_coord_t h = lv_obj_get_height(cpicker); r = h / 2; } lv_area_t indic_area; indic_area.x1 = cpicker->coords.x1 + ext->indic.pos.x - r - style_indic->body.padding.left; indic_area.y1 = cpicker->coords.y1 + ext->indic.pos.y - r - style_indic->body.padding.right; indic_area.x2 = cpicker->coords.x1 + ext->indic.pos.x + r + style_indic->body.padding.top; indic_area.y2 = cpicker->coords.y1 + ext->indic.pos.y + r + style_indic->body.padding.bottom; return indic_area; } /** * Signal function of the color_picker * @param cpicker pointer to a color_picker object * @param sign a signal type from lv_signal_t enum * @param param pointer to a signal specific variable * @return LV_RES_OK: the object is not deleted in the function; LV_RES_INV: the object is deleted */ static lv_res_t lv_cpicker_signal(lv_obj_t * cpicker, lv_signal_t sign, void * param) { /* Include the ancient signal function */ lv_res_t res = ancestor_signal(cpicker, sign, param); if(res != LV_RES_OK) return res; if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_GET_TYPE) return lv_obj_handle_get_type_signal(param, LV_OBJX_NAME); lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_CLEANUP) { /*Nothing to cleanup. (No dynamically allocated memory in 'ext')*/ } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_REFR_EXT_DRAW_PAD) { const lv_style_t * style_indic = lv_cpicker_get_style(cpicker, LV_CPICKER_STYLE_INDICATOR); lv_coord_t indic_pad = LV_MATH_MAX(style_indic->body.padding.left, style_indic->body.padding.right); indic_pad = LV_MATH_MAX(indic_pad, style_indic->body.padding.top); indic_pad = LV_MATH_MAX(indic_pad, style_indic->body.padding.bottom); if(ext->type == LV_CPICKER_TYPE_RECT) indic_pad += LV_MATH_MAX(indic_pad, lv_obj_get_height(cpicker) / 2); cpicker->ext_draw_pad = LV_MATH_MAX(cpicker->ext_draw_pad, indic_pad); } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_CORD_CHG) { /*Refresh extended draw area to make knob visible*/ if(lv_obj_get_width(cpicker) != lv_area_get_width(param) || lv_obj_get_height(cpicker) != lv_area_get_height(param)) { lv_obj_refresh_ext_draw_pad(cpicker); refr_indic_pos(cpicker); } } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_STYLE_CHG) { /*Refresh extended draw area to make knob visible*/ lv_obj_refresh_ext_draw_pad(cpicker); refr_indic_pos(cpicker); } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_CONTROL) { uint32_t c = *((uint32_t *)param); /*uint32_t because can be UTF-8*/ if(c == LV_KEY_RIGHT || c == LV_KEY_UP) { lv_color_hsv_t hsv_cur; hsv_cur = ext->hsv; switch(ext->color_mode) { case LV_CPICKER_COLOR_MODE_HUE: hsv_cur.h = (ext->hsv.h + 1) % 360; break; case LV_CPICKER_COLOR_MODE_SATURATION: hsv_cur.s = (ext->hsv.s + 1) % 100; break; case LV_CPICKER_COLOR_MODE_VALUE: hsv_cur.v = (ext->hsv.v + 1) % 100; break; } if (lv_cpicker_set_hsv(cpicker, hsv_cur)) { res = lv_event_send(cpicker, LV_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED, NULL); if(res != LV_RES_OK) return res; } } else if(c == LV_KEY_LEFT || c == LV_KEY_DOWN) { lv_color_hsv_t hsv_cur; hsv_cur = ext->hsv; switch(ext->color_mode) { case LV_CPICKER_COLOR_MODE_HUE: hsv_cur.h = ext->hsv.h > 0?(ext->hsv.h - 1) : 360; break; case LV_CPICKER_COLOR_MODE_SATURATION: hsv_cur.s = ext->hsv.s > 0?(ext->hsv.s - 1) : 100; break; case LV_CPICKER_COLOR_MODE_VALUE: hsv_cur.v = ext->hsv.v > 0?(ext->hsv.v - 1) : 100; break; } if (lv_cpicker_set_hsv(cpicker, hsv_cur)) { res = lv_event_send(cpicker, LV_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED, NULL); if(res != LV_RES_OK) return res; } } } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_PRESSED) { ext->last_change_time = lv_tick_get(); lv_indev_get_point(lv_indev_get_act(), &ext->last_press_point); res = double_click_reset(cpicker); if(res != LV_RES_OK) return res; } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_PRESSING) { lv_indev_t * indev = lv_indev_get_act(); if(indev == NULL) return res; lv_point_t p; lv_indev_get_point(indev, &p); if((LV_MATH_ABS(p.x - ext->last_press_point.x) > indev->driver.drag_limit / 2) || (LV_MATH_ABS(p.y - ext->last_press_point.y) > indev->driver.drag_limit / 2)) { ext->last_change_time = lv_tick_get(); ext->last_press_point.x = p.x; ext->last_press_point.y = p.y; } p.x -= cpicker->coords.x1; p.y -= cpicker->coords.y1; /*Ignore pressing in the inner area*/ uint16_t w = lv_obj_get_width(cpicker); int16_t angle = 0; if(ext->type == LV_CPICKER_TYPE_RECT) { /*If pressed long enough without change go to next color mode*/ uint32_t diff = lv_tick_elaps(ext->last_change_time); if(diff > (uint32_t)indev->driver.long_press_time * 2 && !ext->color_mode_fixed) { next_color_mode(cpicker); lv_indev_wait_release(lv_indev_get_act()); return res; } angle = (p.x * 360) / w; if(angle < 0) angle = 0; if(angle >= 360) angle = 359; } else if(ext->type == LV_CPICKER_TYPE_DISC) { const lv_style_t * style_main = lv_cpicker_get_style(cpicker, LV_CPICKER_STYLE_MAIN); lv_coord_t r_in = w / 2; p.x -= r_in; p.y -= r_in; bool on_ring = true; r_in -= style_main->line.width; if(r_in > LV_DPI / 2) { r_in -= style_main->line.width; /* to let some sensitive space inside*/ if(r_in < LV_DPI / 2) r_in = LV_DPI / 2; } if(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y < r_in * r_in) { on_ring = false; } /*If the inner area is being pressed, go to the next color mode on long press*/ uint32_t diff = lv_tick_elaps(ext->last_change_time); if(((!ext->preview && on_ring) || (ext->preview)) && diff > indev->driver.long_press_time && !ext->color_mode_fixed) { next_color_mode(cpicker); lv_indev_wait_release(lv_indev_get_act()); return res; } /*Set the angle only if pressed on the ring*/ if(!on_ring) return res; angle = lv_atan2(p.x, p.y) % 360; } lv_color_hsv_t hsv_cur; hsv_cur = ext->hsv; switch(ext->color_mode) { case LV_CPICKER_COLOR_MODE_HUE: hsv_cur.h = angle; break; case LV_CPICKER_COLOR_MODE_SATURATION: hsv_cur.s = (angle * 100) / 360; break; case LV_CPICKER_COLOR_MODE_VALUE: hsv_cur.v = (angle * 100) / 360; break; } if (lv_cpicker_set_hsv(cpicker, hsv_cur)) { res = lv_event_send(cpicker, LV_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED, NULL); if(res != LV_RES_OK) return res; } } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_HIT_TEST) { lv_hit_test_info_t *info = param; info->result = lv_cpicker_hit(cpicker, info->point); } return res; } static bool lv_cpicker_hit(lv_obj_t * cpicker, const lv_point_t * p) { bool is_point_on_coords = lv_obj_is_point_on_coords(cpicker, p); if(!is_point_on_coords) return false; lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = (lv_cpicker_ext_t *)lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); if(ext->type != LV_CPICKER_TYPE_DISC || ext->preview) return true; const lv_style_t * style_main = lv_cpicker_get_style(cpicker, LV_CPICKER_STYLE_MAIN); lv_area_t area_mid; lv_area_copy(&area_mid, &cpicker->coords); area_mid.x1 += style_main->line.width; area_mid.y1 += style_main->line.width; area_mid.x2 -= style_main->line.width; area_mid.y2 -= style_main->line.width; if(lv_area_is_point_on(&area_mid, p, LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE)) return false; return true; } static void next_color_mode(lv_obj_t * cpicker) { lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); ext->color_mode = (ext->color_mode + 1) % 3; refr_indic_pos(cpicker); lv_obj_invalidate(cpicker); } static void refr_indic_pos(lv_obj_t * cpicker) { invalidate_indic(cpicker); lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); lv_coord_t w = lv_obj_get_width(cpicker); lv_coord_t h = lv_obj_get_height(cpicker); if(ext->type == LV_CPICKER_TYPE_RECT) { lv_coord_t ind_pos = 0; switch(ext->color_mode) { case LV_CPICKER_COLOR_MODE_HUE: ind_pos += (ext->hsv.h * w) / 360; break; case LV_CPICKER_COLOR_MODE_SATURATION: ind_pos += (ext->hsv.s * w) / 100; break; case LV_CPICKER_COLOR_MODE_VALUE: ind_pos += (ext->hsv.v * w) / 100; break; } ext->indic.pos.x = ind_pos; ext->indic.pos.y = h / 2; } else if(ext->type == LV_CPICKER_TYPE_DISC) { const lv_style_t * style_main = lv_cpicker_get_style(cpicker, LV_CPICKER_STYLE_MAIN); lv_coord_t r = w / 2 - style_main->line.width / 2; uint16_t angle = get_angle(cpicker); ext->indic.pos.x = (((int32_t)r * lv_trigo_sin(angle)) >> LV_TRIGO_SHIFT); ext->indic.pos.y = (((int32_t)r * lv_trigo_sin(angle + 90)) >> LV_TRIGO_SHIFT); ext->indic.pos.x = ext->indic.pos.x + w / 2; ext->indic.pos.y = ext->indic.pos.y + h / 2; } invalidate_indic(cpicker); } static lv_res_t double_click_reset(lv_obj_t * cpicker) { lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); lv_indev_t * indev = lv_indev_get_act(); /*Double clicked? Use long press time as double click time out*/ if(lv_tick_elaps(ext->last_click_time) < indev->driver.long_press_time) { lv_color_hsv_t hsv_cur; hsv_cur = ext->hsv; switch(ext->color_mode) { case LV_CPICKER_COLOR_MODE_HUE: hsv_cur.h = LV_CPICKER_DEF_HUE; break; case LV_CPICKER_COLOR_MODE_SATURATION: hsv_cur.s = LV_CPICKER_DEF_SATURATION; break; case LV_CPICKER_COLOR_MODE_VALUE: hsv_cur.v = LV_CPICKER_DEF_VALUE; break; } lv_indev_wait_release(indev); if (lv_cpicker_set_hsv(cpicker, hsv_cur)) { lv_res_t res = lv_event_send(cpicker, LV_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED, NULL); if(res != LV_RES_OK) return res; } } ext->last_click_time = lv_tick_get(); return LV_RES_OK; } static lv_color_t angle_to_mode_color(lv_obj_t * cpicker, uint16_t angle) { lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); lv_color_t color; switch(ext->color_mode) { default: case LV_CPICKER_COLOR_MODE_HUE: color = lv_color_hsv_to_rgb(angle % 360, ext->hsv.s, ext->hsv.v); break; case LV_CPICKER_COLOR_MODE_SATURATION: color = lv_color_hsv_to_rgb(ext->hsv.h, ((angle % 360) * 100) / 360, ext->hsv.v); break; case LV_CPICKER_COLOR_MODE_VALUE: color = lv_color_hsv_to_rgb(ext->hsv.h, ext->hsv.s, ((angle % 360) * 100) / 360); break; } return color; } static uint16_t get_angle(lv_obj_t * cpicker) { lv_cpicker_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(cpicker); uint16_t angle; switch(ext->color_mode) { default: case LV_CPICKER_COLOR_MODE_HUE: angle = ext->hsv.h; break; case LV_CPICKER_COLOR_MODE_SATURATION: angle = (ext->hsv.s * 360) / 100; break; case LV_CPICKER_COLOR_MODE_VALUE: angle = (ext->hsv.v * 360) / 100 ; break; } return angle; } #endif /* LV_USE_CPICKER != 0 */