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.. include:: /header.rst 
:github_url: |github_link_base|/porting/project.md

Set up a project

Get the library

LVGL is available on GitHub: https://github.com/lvgl/lvgl.

You can clone it or download the latest version of the library from GitHub.

The graphics library itself is the lvgl directory which should be copied into your project.

Configuration file

There is a configuration header file for LVGL called lv_conf.h. You modify this header to set the library's basic behavior, disable unused modules and features, adjust the size of memory buffers in compile-time, etc.

Copy lvgl/lv_conf_template.h next to the lvgl directory and rename it to lv_conf.h. Open the file and change the #if 0 at the beginning to #if 1 to enable its content.

Comments in the config file explain the meaning of the options. Be sure to set at least LV_COLOR_DEPTH according to your display's color depth.

Alternatively, lv_conf.h can be copied to another place but then you should add the LV_CONF_INCLUDE_SIMPLE define to your compiler options (e.g. -DLV_CONF_INCLUDE_SIMPLE for GCC compiler) and set the include path manually (e.g. -I../include/gui). In this case LVGL will attempt to include lv_conf.h simply with #include "lv_conf.h".

You can even use a different name for lv_conf.h. The custom path can be set via the LV_CONF_PATH define. For example -DLV_CONF_PATH="/home/joe/my_project/my_custom_conf.h"

If LV_CONF_SKIP is defined, LVGL will not try to include lv_conf.h. Instead you can pass the config defines using build options. For example "-DLV_COLOR_DEPTH=32 -DLV_USE_BTN 1". The unset options will get a default value which is the same as the ones in lv_conf_template.h.

LVGL also can be used via Kconfig and menuconfig.  You can use lv_conf.h together with Kconfig, but keep in mind that the value from lv_conf.h or build settings (-D...) overwrite the values set in Kconfig. To ignore the configs from lv_conf.h simply remove its content, or define LV_CONF_SKIP


To use the graphics library you have to initialize it and setup required components. The order of the initialization is:

  1. Call lv_init().
  2. Initialize your drivers.
  3. Register the display and input devices drivers in LVGL. Learn more about Display and Input device registration.
  4. Call lv_tick_inc(x) every x milliseconds in an interrupt to report the elapsed time to LVGL. Learn more.
  5. Call lv_timer_handler() every few milliseconds to handle LVGL related tasks. Learn more.