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.. include:: /header.rst 
:github_url: |github_link_base|/overview/animation.md


You can automatically change the value of a variable between a start and an end value using animations. The animation will happen by the periodical call of an "animator" function with the corresponding value parameter.

The animator functions has the following prototype:

void func(void * var, lv_anim_var_t value);

This prototype is compatible with the majority of the set function of LVGL. For example lv_obj_set_x(obj, value) or lv_obj_set_width(obj, value)

Create an animation

To create an animation an lv_anim_t variable has to be initialized and configured with lv_anim_set_...() functions.


lv_anim_t a;


/*Set the "animator" function*/
lv_anim_set_exec_cb(&a, (lv_anim_exec_xcb_t) lv_obj_set_x); 

/*Set the "animator" function*/
lv_anim_set_var(&a, obj); 

/*Length of the animation [ms]*/
lv_anim_set_time(&a, duration);

/*Set start and end values. E.g. 0, 150*/
lv_anim_set_values(&a, start, end);


/*Time to wait before starting the animation [ms]*/
lv_anim_set_delay(&a, delay);

/*Set path (curve). Default is linear*/
lv_anim_set_path(&a, &path);

/*Set a callback to call when animation is ready.*/
lv_anim_set_ready_cb(&a, ready_cb);

/*Set a callback to call when animation is started (after delay).*/
lv_anim_set_start_cb(&a, start_cb);

/*Play the animation backward too with this duration. Default is 0 (disabled) [ms]*/
lv_anim_set_playback_time(&a, wait_time); 

/*Delay before playback. Default is 0 (disabled) [ms]*/
lv_anim_set_playback_delay(&a, wait_time);

/*Number of repetitions. Default is 1.  LV_ANIM_REPEAT_INFINIT for infinite repetition*/
lv_anim_set_repeat_count(&a, wait_time);

/*Delay before repeat. Default is 0 (disabled) [ms]*/
lv_anim_set_repeat_delay(&a, wait_time);

/*true (default): apply the start vale immediately, false: apply start vale after delay when then anim. really starts. */
lv_anim_set_early_apply(&a, true/false);

lv_anim_start(&a);                             /*Start the animation*/

You can apply multiple different animations on the same variable at the same time. For example, animate the x and y coordinates with lv_obj_set_x and lv_obj_set_y. However, only one animation can exist with a given variable and function pair. Therefore lv_anim_start() will delete the already existing variable-function animations.

Animation path

You can determinate the path of animation. In the most simple case, it is linear, which means the current value between start and end is changed linearly. A path is mainly a function which calculates the next value to set based on the current state of the animation. Currently, there are the following built-in paths functions:

  • lv_anim_path_linear linear animation
  • lv_anim_path_step change in one step at the end
  • lv_anim_path_ease_in slow at the beginning
  • lv_anim_path_ease_out slow at the end
  • lv_anim_path_ease_in_out slow at the beginning and end too
  • lv_anim_path_overshoot overshoot the end value
  • lv_anim_path_bounce bounce back a little from the end value (like hitting a wall)

A path can be initialized like this:

lv_anim_path_t path;
lv_anim_path_set_cb(&path, lv_anim_path_overshoot);
lv_anim_path_set_user_data(&path, &foo); /*Optional for custom functions*/

/*Set the path in an animation*/
lv_anim_set_path(&a, &path);

Speed vs time

By default, you can set the animation time. But, in some cases, the animation speed is more practical.

The lv_anim_speed_to_time(speed, start, end) function calculates the required time in milliseconds to reach the end value from a start value with the given speed. The speed is interpreted in unit/sec dimension. For example, lv_anim_speed_to_time(20,0,100) will give 5000 milliseconds. For example, in case of lv_obj_set_x unit is pixels so 20 means 20 px/sec speed.

Delete animations

You can delete an animation by lv_anim_del(var, func) by providing the animated variable and its animator function.


Input device

.. doxygenfile:: lv_anim.h
  :project: lvgl