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.. include:: /header.rst 
:github_url: |github_link_base|/overview/display.md


Multiple display support

In LVGL, you can have multiple displays, each with their own driver and objects. The only limitation is that every display needs to be have same color depth (as defined in LV_COLOR_DEPTH). If the displays are different in this regard the rendered image can be converted to the correct format in the drivers flush_cb.

Creating more displays is easy: just initialize more display buffers and register another driver for every display. When you create the UI, use lv_disp_set_default(disp) to tell the library on which display to create objects.

Why would you want multi-display support? Here are some examples:

  • Have a "normal" TFT display with local UI and create "virtual" screens on VNC on demand. (You need to add your VNC driver).
  • Have a large TFT display and a small monochrome display.
  • Have some smaller and simple displays in a large instrument or technology.
  • Have two large TFT displays: one for a customer and one for the shop assistant.

Using only one display

Using more displays can be useful, but in most cases, it's not required. Therefore, the whole concept of multi-display is completely hidden if you register only one display. By default, the lastly created (the only one) display is used as default.

lv_scr_act(), lv_scr_load(scr), lv_layer_top(), lv_layer_sys(), LV_HOR_RES and LV_VER_RES are always applied on the lastly created (default) screen. If you pass NULL as disp parameter to display related function, usually the default display will be used. E.g. lv_disp_trig_activity(NULL) will trigger a user activity on the default screen. (See below in Inactivity).

Mirror display

To mirror the image of the display to another display, you don't need to use the multi-display support. Just transfer the buffer received in drv.flush_cb to another display too.

Split image

You can create a larger display from smaller ones. You can create it as below:

  1. Set the resolution of the displays to the large display's resolution.
  2. In drv.flush_cb, truncate and modify the area parameter for each display.
  3. Send the buffer's content to each display with the truncated area.


Every display has each set of Screens and the object on the screens.

Be sure not to confuse displays and screens:

  • Displays are the physical hardware drawing the pixels.
  • Screens are the high-level root objects associated with a particular display. One display can have multiple screens associated with it, but not vice versa.

Screens can be considered the highest level containers which have no parent. The screen's size is always equal to its display and size their position is (0;0). Therefore, the screens coordinates can't be changed, i.e. lv_obj_set_pos(), lv_obj_set_size() or similar functions can't be used on screens.

A screen can be created from any object type but, the two most typical types are the Base object and the Image (to create a wallpaper).

To create a screen, use lv_obj_t * scr = lv_<type>_create(NULL, copy). copy can be an other screen to copy it.

To load a screen, use lv_scr_load(scr). To get the active screen, use lv_scr_act(). These functions works on the default display. If you want to to specify which display to work on, use lv_disp_get_scr_act(disp) and lv_disp_load_scr(disp, scr). Screen can be loaded with animations too. Read more here.

Screens can be deleted with lv_obj_del(scr), but ensure that you do not delete the currently loaded screen.

Transparent screens

Usually, the opacity of the screen is LV_OPA_COVER to provide a solid background for its children. If it's not the case (opacity < 100%) the display's background color or image will be visible. See the Display background section for more details. If the display's background opacity is also not LV_OPA_COVER LVGL has no solid background to draw.

This configuration (transparent screen ans display) could be used to create for example OSD menus where a video is played to lower layer, and menu is created on an upper layer.

To handle transparent displays special (slower) color mixing algorithms needs to be used by LVGL so this feature needs to enabled with LV_COLOR_SCREEN_TRANSP n lv_conf.h. As this mode operates on the Alpha channel of the pixels LV_COLOR_DEPTH = 32 is also required. The Alpha channel of 32-bit colors will be 0 where there are no objects and will be 255 where there are solid objects.

In summary, to enable transparent screen and displays to create OSD menu-like UIs:

  • Enable LV_COLOR_SCREEN_TRANSP in lv_conf.h
  • Be sure to use LV_COLOR_DEPTH 32
  • Set the screens opacity to LV_OPA_TRANSP e.g. with lv_obj_set_style_local_bg_opa(lv_scr_act(), LV_OBJMASK_PART_MAIN, LV_STATE_DEFAULT, LV_OPA_TRANSP)
  • Set the display opacity to LV_OPA_TRANSP with lv_disp_set_bg_opa(NULL, LV_OPA_TRANSP);

Features of displays


The user's inactivity is measured on each display. Every use of an Input device (if associated with the display) counts as an activity. To get time elapsed since the last activity, use lv_disp_get_inactive_time(disp). If NULL is passed, the overall smallest inactivity time will be returned from all displays (not the default display).

You can manually trigger an activity using lv_disp_trig_activity(disp). If disp is NULL, the default screen will be used (and not all displays).


Every display has background color, a background image and background opacity properties. They become visible when the current screen is transparent or not positioned to cover the whole display.

Background color is a simple color to fill the display. It can be adjusted with lv_disp_set_bg_color(disp, color);

Background image is path to file or pointer to an lv_img_dsc_t variable (converted image) to be used as wallpaper. It can be set with lv_disp_set_bg_color(disp, &my_img); If the background image is set (not NULL) the background won't filled with bg_color.

The opacity of the background color or image can be adjusted with lv_disp_set_bg_opa(disp, opa).

The disp parameter of these functions can be NULL to refer it to the default display.


The color module handles all color-related functions like changing color depth, creating colors from hex code, converting between color depths, mixing colors, etc.

The following variable types are defined by the color module:

  • lv_color1_t Store monochrome color. For compatibility, it also has R, G, B fields but they are always the same value (1 byte)
  • lv_color8_t A structure to store R (3 bit),G (3 bit),B (2 bit) components for 8-bit colors (1 byte)
  • lv_color16_t A structure to store R (5 bit),G (6 bit),B (5 bit) components for 16-bit colors (2 byte)
  • lv_color32_t A structure to store R (8 bit),G (8 bit), B (8 bit) components for 24-bit colors (4 byte)
  • lv_color_t Equal to lv_color1/8/16/24_t according to color depth settings
  • lv_color_int_t uint8_t, uint16_t or uint32_t according to color depth setting. Used to build color arrays from plain numbers.
  • lv_opa_t A simple uint8_t type to describe opacity.

The lv_color_t, lv_color1_t, lv_color8_t, lv_color16_t and lv_color32_t types have got four fields:

  • ch.red red channel
  • ch.green green channel
  • ch.blue blue channel
  • full red + green + blue as one number

You can set the current color depth in lv_conf.h, by setting the LV_COLOR_DEPTH define to 1 (monochrome), 8, 16 or 32.

Convert color

You can convert a color from the current color depth to another. The converter functions return with a number, so you have to use the full field:

lv_color_t c;
c.red   = 0x38;
c.green = 0x70;
c.blue  = 0xCC;

lv_color1_t c1;
c1.full = lv_color_to1(c);	/*Return 1 for light colors, 0 for dark colors*/

lv_color8_t c8;
c8.full = lv_color_to8(c);	/*Give a 8 bit number with the converted color*/

lv_color16_t c16;
c16.full = lv_color_to16(c); /*Give a 16 bit number with the converted color*/

lv_color32_t c24;
c32.full = lv_color_to32(c);	/*Give a 32 bit number with the converted color*/

Swap 16 colors

You may set LV_COLOR_16_SWAP in lv_conf.h to swap the bytes of RGB565 colors. It's useful if you send the 16-bit colors via a byte-oriented interface like SPI.

As 16-bit numbers are stored in Little Endian format (lower byte on the lower address), the interface will send the lower byte first. However, displays usually need the higher byte first. A mismatch in the byte order will result in highly distorted colors.

Create and mix colors

You can create colors with the current color depth using the LV_COLOR_MAKE macro. It takes 3 arguments (red, green, blue) as 8-bit numbers. For example to create light red color: my_color = COLOR_MAKE(0xFF,0x80,0x80).

Colors can be created from HEX codes too: my_color = lv_color_hex(0x288ACF) or my_color = lv_folro_hex3(0x28C).

Mixing two colors is possible with mixed_color = lv_color_mix(color1, color2, ratio). Ration can be 0..255. 0 results fully color2, 255 result fully color1.

Colors can be created with from HSV space too using lv_color_hsv_to_rgb(hue, saturation, value) . hue should be in 0..360 range, saturation and value in 0..100 range.


To describe opacity the lv_opa_t type is created as a wrapper to uint8_t. Some defines are also introduced:

  • LV_OPA_TRANSP Value: 0, means the opacity makes the color completely transparent
  • LV_OPA_10 Value: 25, means the color covers only a little
  • LV_OPA_20 ... OPA_80 come logically
  • LV_OPA_90 Value: 229, means the color near completely covers
  • LV_OPA_COVER Value: 255, means the color completely covers

You can also use the LV_OPA_* defines in lv_color_mix() as a ratio.

Built-in colors

The color module defines the most basic colors such as:

  • #000000 LV_COLOR_BLACK
  • #808080 LV_COLOR_GRAY
  • #c0c0c0 LV_COLOR_SILVER
  • #ff0000 LV_COLOR_RED
  • #800000 LV_COLOR_MAROON
  • #00ff00 LV_COLOR_LIME
  • #008000 LV_COLOR_GREEN
  • #808000 LV_COLOR_OLIVE
  • #0000ff LV_COLOR_BLUE
  • #000080 LV_COLOR_NAVY
  • #008080 LV_COLOR_TEAL
  • #00ffff LV_COLOR_CYAN
  • #00ffff LV_COLOR_AQUA
  • #800080 LV_COLOR_PURPLE
  • #ff00ff LV_COLOR_MAGENTA
  • #ffa500 LV_COLOR_ORANGE
  • #ffff00 LV_COLOR_YELLOW

as well as LV_COLOR_WHITE (fully white).



.. doxygenfile:: lv_disp.h
  :project: lvgl


.. doxygenfile:: lv_color.h
  :project: lvgl