# perf_counter (v1.9.6-dev) A dedicated performance counter for Cortex-M Systick. It shares the SysTick with users' original SysTick function(s) without interfering with it. This library will bring new functionalities, such as performance counter,` delay_us` and `clock()` service defined in `time.h`. [Doxygen Entry](./documents/html/index.html) ### Features: - **Measure CPU cycles for specified code segment** - **[NEW] Enhanced measurement services for RTOS** - Measures **RAW / True** cycles used for specified code segment inside a thread, **i.e. scheduling cost are removed**. - Measure **RAW/True** cycles used for a data-process-path across multiple threads. - **Easy to use** - Helper macros: `__cycleof__()` , `__super_loop_monitor__()` etc. - Helper functions: `start_cycle_counter()`, `stop_cycle_counter()` etc. - **Support ALL Cortex-M processors** - Including **Cortex-M85** and Star-MC1 - **Provide Free Services** - Do **NOT** interfering with existing SysTick based applications - **Support ALL arm compilers** - Arm Compiler 5 (armcc), Arm Compiler 6 (armclang) - arm gcc - LLVM - IAR - **Simplified Deployment** - **Drag-and-Drop deployment for Arm Compiler 5 and Arm Compiler 6.** - **CMSIS-Pack is available** - **RT-Thread package is avaialble** - **Time based services** - `delay_us()` and `delay_ms()` - Provides Timestamp services via ***get_system_ticks()*** and `get_system_ms()` - **Support both RTOS and bare-metal environments** - **Utilities for C language enhancement** - Macros to detect compilers, e.g. `__IS_COMPILER_ARM_COMPILER_6__`, `__IS_COMPILER_LLVM__` etc. - Macro to create atomicity for specified code block, i.e. `__IRQ_SAFE{...}` - Helper macros for C language extension: - VB like `with()` - `foreach()`, dimof(), `CONNECT()` - C# like `using()` - simple overload feature of OOPC made out of ANSI-C99, `__PLOOC_VA_NUM_ARGS()` - ... ## 1. How To Use ### 1.1 Measure CPU cycles for specified code segment You can measure specified code segment with a macro helper `__cycleof__()`, it is a wrapper of `get_system_ticks()`. **Syntax:** ```c __cycleof__(, [User Code, see ref 1]) { //! target code segment of measurement ... } ``` Here, [**ref 1**] is a small user code to read the measurement result via a local variable `__cycle_count__` for perl lovers, you can also use "`_`" to read the result. This User Code is optional. If you don't put anything here, the measured result will be shown with a `printf()`. #### **Example 1:** Simple measurement with printf ```c __cycleof__() { foreach(example_lv0_t, s_tItem, ptItem) { printf("Processing item with ID = %d\r\n", _->chID); } } ``` You will see the measured result in console: ![image-20220509004258020](./documents/pictures/__cycleof___output_simple) #### **Example 2:** Read measured result via `__cycle_counter__` ```c int32_t iCycleResult = 0; /* measure cycles and store it in a dedicated variable without printf */ __cycleof__("delay_us(1000ul)", /* insert code to __cycleof__ body, "{}" can be omitted */ { iCycleResult = __cycle_count__; /*< "__cycle_count__" stores the result */ }) { delay_us(1000ul); } printf("\r\n delay_us(1000ul) takes %d cycles\r\n", (int)iCycleResult); ``` The result is read out from `__cycle_count__`and used in other place: ![image-20220509004714845](./documents/pictures/__cycleof___output_non_printf) ### 1.2 Timestamp You can get the system timestamp (since the initialization of perf_counter service) via function `get_system_ticks()` and `get_system_ms()`. **NOTE**: The `get_system_ms()` is **NOT** a wrapper of the function `get_system_ticks()`. There are various way to take advantage of those functions. #### Example 3: Use `get_system_ms()` as random seed ```c #include #include #include "perf_counter.h" int main (void) { int i, n; n = 5; /* Intializes random number generator */ srand((unsigned) get_system_ticks()); /* Print 5 random numbers from 0 to 1024 */ for( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) { printf("%d\n", rand() & 0x3FF); } return(0); } ``` #### Example 4: Measure CPU cycles ```c do { int64_t tStart = get_system_ticks(); __IRQ_SAFE { printf("no interrupt \r\n"); } printf("used clock cycle: %d", (int32_t)(get_system_ticks() - tStart)); } while(0); ``` This example shows how to use the delta value of `get_system_ticks()` to measure the CPU cycles used by specified code segment. In fact, the `__cycleof__()` is implemented in the same way: ```c #define __cycleof__(__STR, ...) \ using(int64_t _ = get_system_ticks(), __cycle_count__ = _, \ _=_, { \ _ = get_system_ticks() - _; \ __cycle_count__ = _; \ if (__PLOOC_VA_NUM_ARGS(__VA_ARGS__) == 0) { \ printf("\r\n"); \ printf("-[Cycle Report]"); \ printf("--------------------------------------------\r\n"); \ printf(__STR " total cycle count: %d [%08x]\r\n", \ (int)_, (int)_); \ } else { \ __VA_ARGS__ \ }; \ }) ``` ## 2. How To Deploy ### 2.1 Generic(Default) method for all compilers #### 2.1.1 For Bare-metal: 1. Clone the code to your local with following command lines: ```shell git clone https://github.com/GorgonMeducer/perf_counter.git ``` 2. Add including path for `perf_counter` folder 3. Add `perf_counter.c` to your compilation 4. Include `perf_counter.h` in corresponding c source file: ```c #include "perf_counter.h" ``` 5. Make sure your system contains the CMSIS (with a version 5.7.0 or above) as `perf_counter.h` includes `cmsis_compiler.h`. 6. Call the function `user_code_insert_to_systick_handler()` in your `SysTick_Handler()` ```c void SysTick_Handler(void) { ... user_code_insert_to_systick_handler(); ... } ``` Implement an empty funciton `__ensure_systick_wrapper()` as there is no wrapper actually used in this deployment method: ```c void __ensure_systick_wrapper(void) { } ``` 7. Make sure the `SystemCoreClock` is updated with the same value as CPU frequency. 8. **IMPORTANT**: Make sure the `SysTick_CTRL_CLKSOURCE_Msk` bit ( bit 2) of `SysTick->CTRL` register is `1` that means SysTick runs with the same clock source as the target Cortex-M processor. 9. Initialize the perf_counter with boolean value that indicates whether the user applications and/or RTOS have already occupied the SysTick. ```c void main(void) { //! setup system clock /*! \brief Update SystemCoreClock with the latest CPU frequency *! If the function doesn't exist or doesn't work correctly, *! Please update SystemCoreClock directly with the correct *! system frequency in Hz. *! *! extern volatile uint32_t SystemCoreClock; */ SystemCoreClockUpdate(); /*! \brief initialize perf_counter() and pass true if SysTick is *! occupied by user applications or RTOS, otherwise pass *! false. */ init_cycle_counter(true); ... while(1) { ... } } ``` 10. **IMPORTANT**: Please enable GNU extension in your compiler. For **GCC** and **CLANG**, it is `--std=gnu99` or `--std=gnu11`, and for other compilers, please check the user manual first. Failed to do so, you will not only trigger the warning in `perf_counter.h`, but also lose the function correctness of `__cycleof__()` and `__super_loop_monitor__()`, because `__PLOOC_VA_NUM_ARGS()` isn't report `0` when passed with no argument. ```c #if __PLOOC_VA_NUM_ARGS() != 0 #warning Please enable GNC extensions, it is required by __cycleof__() and \ __super_loop_monitor__() #endif ``` 11. It is nice to add macro definition `__PERF_COUNTER__` to your project GLOBALLY. It helps other module to detect the existence of perf_counter. For Example, LVGL [`lv_conf_cmsis.h`](https://github.com/lvgl/lvgl/blob/d367bb7cf17dc34863f4439bba9b66a820088951/env_support/cmsis-pack/lv_conf_cmsis.h#L81-L99) use this macro to detect perf_counter and uses `get_system_ms()` to implement `lv_tick_get()`. **Enjoy !** ### 2.2 Use cmsis-pack in MDK 1. Download the cmsis-pack from `cmsis-pack` folder. It is a file with name `GorgonMeducer.perf_counter..pack`, for example `GorgonMeducer.perf_counter.1.9.4.pack` 2. Double click it to install this cmsis-pack. Once finished, you can find it in your Pack-Installer: ![](./documents/pictures/pack_installer) In the future, you can pull the latest version of perf_counter from the menu `Packs->Check For Updates` as shown below: ![image-20220509011327392](./documents/pictures/check_for_updates) 3. Open the RTE management window, find the **Utilities** and select the **Core** inside perf_counter as shown below: ![](./documents/pictures\RTE) 4. Include `perf_counter.h` in corresponding c source file: ```c #include "perf_counter.h" ``` 5. Make sure your system contains the CMSIS (with a version 5.7.0 or above) as `perf_counter.h` includes `cmsis_compiler.h`. Usually, you should do this with RTE as shown below: ![image-20220509012432408](./documents/pictures/RTE_cmsis_core) 6. Make sure the `SystemCoreClock` is updated with the same value as CPU frequency. 7. **IMPORTANT**: Make sure the `SysTick_CTRL_CLKSOURCE_Msk` bit ( bit 2) of `SysTick->CTRL` register is `1` that means SysTick runs with the same clock source as the target Cortex-M processor. 8. Initialize the perf_counter with boolean value that indicates whether the user applications and/or RTOS have already occupied the SysTick. ```c void main(void) { //! setup system clock /*! \brief Update SystemCoreClock with the latest CPU frequency *! If the function doesn't exist or doesn't work correctly, *! Please update SystemCoreClock directly with the correct *! system frequency in Hz. *! *! extern volatile uint32_t SystemCoreClock; */ SystemCoreClockUpdate(); /*! \brief initialize perf_counter() and pass true if SysTick is *! occupied by user applications or RTOS, otherwise pass *! false. */ init_cycle_counter(true); ... while(1) { ... } } ``` 9. **IMPORTANT**: Please enable GNU extension in your compiler. For Arm Compiler 5, please select both **C99 mode** and GNU extensions in the **Option for target dialog** as shown below: ![image-20220509012752097](./documents/pictures/GNU_in_AC5) For Arm Compiler 6, please select **gnu99** or **gnu11** in Language C drop-list as shown below: ![image-20220509012944724](./documents/pictures/gnu_in_ac6) Failed to do so, you will not only trigger the warning in `perf_counter.h`, but also lose the function correctness of `__cycleof__()` and `__super_loop_monitor__()`, because `__PLOOC_VA_NUM_ARGS()` isn't report `0` when passed with no argument. ```c #if __PLOOC_VA_NUM_ARGS() != 0 #warning Please enable GNC extensions, it is required by __cycleof__() and \ __super_loop_monitor__() #endif ``` ### 2.3 Use perf_counter in RT-Thread RTOS perf_counter has registered as one of the [RT-Thread software packages](https://packages.rt-thread.org/en/detail.html?package=perf_counter), which locats in `system` category. In [ENV](https://www.rt-thread.io/download.html?download=Env) or [RT-Thread Studio](https://www.rt-thread.io/download.html?download=Studio), you just need to simply enable cputime framework. RT-Thread will automatically enable perf_counter if you are using Cortex-M architecture. ![rt-thread-settings](./documents/pictures/rt-thread-settings.png) **Enjoy !** ## 3. FAQ ### 3.1 Why I see `Undefined symbol $Super$$SysTick_Handler` This error usually pops-up in **Arm Compiler 5** and **Arm Compiler 6**, it is because you haven't implement any non-weak `Systick_Handler()`. Please provide an EMPTY one in any c source file to solve this problem: ```c void SysTick_Handler(void) { } ``` **NOTE**: If you deploy perf_counter using cmsis-pack and encounter this issue, please **DO NOT** call function `user_code_insert_to_systick_handler()` in this **should-be-empty** `SysTick_Handler()`. ## 4. License **Performance Counter for Cortex-M**, a.k.a. ***perf_counter*** is under Apache 2.0 license.