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/********************************** (C) COPYRIGHT *******************************
* File Name : ch32v10x_usb.h
* Author : WCH
* Version : V1.0.0
* Date : 2020/04/30
* Description : This file contains all the functions prototypes for the USB
* firmware library.
#ifndef __CH32V10x_USB_H
#define __CH32V10x_USB_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
#ifndef VOID
#define VOID void
#ifndef CONST
#define CONST const
#ifndef BOOL
typedef unsigned char BOOL;
#ifndef BOOLEAN
typedef unsigned char BOOLEAN;
#ifndef CHAR
typedef char CHAR;
#ifndef INT8
typedef char INT8;
#ifndef INT16
typedef short INT16;
#ifndef INT32
typedef long INT32;
#ifndef UINT8
typedef unsigned char UINT8;
#ifndef UINT16
typedef unsigned short UINT16;
#ifndef UINT32
typedef unsigned long UINT32;
#ifndef UINT8V
typedef unsigned char volatile UINT8V;
#ifndef UINT16V
typedef unsigned short volatile UINT16V;
#ifndef UINT32V
typedef unsigned long volatile UINT32V;
#ifndef PVOID
typedef void *PVOID;
#ifndef PCHAR
typedef char *PCHAR;
#ifndef PCHAR
typedef const char *PCCHAR;
#ifndef PINT8
typedef char *PINT8;
#ifndef PINT16
typedef short *PINT16;
#ifndef PINT32
typedef long *PINT32;
#ifndef PUINT8
typedef unsigned char *PUINT8;
#ifndef PUINT16
typedef unsigned short *PUINT16;
#ifndef PUINT32
typedef unsigned long *PUINT32;
#ifndef PUINT8V
typedef volatile unsigned char *PUINT8V;
#ifndef PUINT16V
typedef volatile unsigned short *PUINT16V;
#ifndef PUINT32V
typedef volatile unsigned long *PUINT32V;
/* Peripheral memory map */
/* USB */
#define R32_USB_CONTROL (*((PUINT32V)(0x40023400))) // USB control & interrupt enable & device address
#define R8_USB_CTRL (*((PUINT8V)(0x40023400))) // USB base control
#define RB_UC_HOST_MODE 0x80 // enable USB host mode: 0=device mode, 1=host mode
#define RB_UC_LOW_SPEED 0x40 // enable USB low speed: 0=12Mbps, 1=1.5Mbps
#define RB_UC_DEV_PU_EN 0x20 // USB device enable and internal pullup resistance enable
#define RB_UC_SYS_CTRL1 0x20 // USB system control high bit
#define RB_UC_SYS_CTRL0 0x10 // USB system control low bit
#define MASK_UC_SYS_CTRL 0x30 // bit mask of USB system control
// bUC_HOST_MODE & bUC_SYS_CTRL1 & bUC_SYS_CTRL0: USB system control
// 0 00: disable USB device and disable internal pullup resistance
// 0 01: enable USB device and disable internal pullup resistance, need external pullup resistance
// 0 1x: enable USB device and enable internal pullup resistance
// 1 00: enable USB host and normal status
// 1 01: enable USB host and force UDP/UDM output SE0 state
// 1 10: enable USB host and force UDP/UDM output J state
// 1 11: enable USB host and force UDP/UDM output resume or K state
#define RB_UC_INT_BUSY 0x08 // enable automatic responding busy for device mode or automatic pause for host mode during interrupt flag UIF_TRANSFER valid
#define RB_UC_RESET_SIE 0x04 // force reset USB SIE, need software clear
#define RB_UC_CLR_ALL 0x02 // force clear FIFO and count of USB
#define RB_UC_DMA_EN 0x01 // DMA enable and DMA interrupt enable for USB
#define R8_UDEV_CTRL (*((PUINT8V)(0x40023401))) // USB device physical prot control
#define RB_UD_PD_DIS 0x80 // disable USB UDP/UDM pulldown resistance: 0=enable pulldown, 1=disable
#define RB_UD_DP_PIN 0x20 // ReadOnly: indicate current UDP pin level
#define RB_UD_DM_PIN 0x10 // ReadOnly: indicate current UDM pin level
#define RB_UD_LOW_SPEED 0x04 // enable USB physical port low speed: 0=full speed, 1=low speed
#define RB_UD_GP_BIT 0x02 // general purpose bit
#define RB_UD_PORT_EN 0x01 // enable USB physical port I/O: 0=disable, 1=enable
#define R8_UHOST_CTRL R8_UDEV_CTRL // USB host physical prot control
#define RB_UH_PD_DIS 0x80 // disable USB UDP/UDM pulldown resistance: 0=enable pulldown, 1=disable
#define RB_UH_DP_PIN 0x20 // ReadOnly: indicate current UDP pin level
#define RB_UH_DM_PIN 0x10 // ReadOnly: indicate current UDM pin level
#define RB_UH_LOW_SPEED 0x04 // enable USB port low speed: 0=full speed, 1=low speed
#define RB_UH_BUS_RESET 0x02 // control USB bus reset: 0=normal, 1=force bus reset
#define RB_UH_PORT_EN 0x01 // enable USB port: 0=disable, 1=enable port, automatic disabled if USB device detached
#define R8_USB_INT_EN (*((PUINT8V)(0x40023402))) // USB interrupt enable
#define RB_UIE_DEV_SOF 0x80 // enable interrupt for SOF received for USB device mode
#define RB_UIE_DEV_NAK 0x40 // enable interrupt for NAK responded for USB device mode
#define RB_UIE_FIFO_OV 0x10 // enable interrupt for FIFO overflow
#define RB_UIE_HST_SOF 0x08 // enable interrupt for host SOF timer action for USB host mode
#define RB_UIE_SUSPEND 0x04 // enable interrupt for USB suspend or resume event
#define RB_UIE_TRANSFER 0x02 // enable interrupt for USB transfer completion
#define RB_UIE_DETECT 0x01 // enable interrupt for USB device detected event for USB host mode
#define RB_UIE_BUS_RST 0x01 // enable interrupt for USB bus reset event for USB device mode
#define R8_USB_DEV_AD (*((PUINT8V)(0x40023403))) // USB device address
#define RB_UDA_GP_BIT 0x80 // general purpose bit
#define MASK_USB_ADDR 0x7F // bit mask for USB device address
#define R32_USB_STATUS (*((PUINT32V)(0x40023404))) // USB miscellaneous status & interrupt flag & interrupt status
#define R8_USB_MIS_ST (*((PUINT8V)(0x40023405))) // USB miscellaneous status
#define RB_UMS_SOF_PRES 0x80 // RO, indicate host SOF timer presage status
#define RB_UMS_SOF_ACT 0x40 // RO, indicate host SOF timer action status for USB host
#define RB_UMS_SIE_FREE 0x20 // RO, indicate USB SIE free status
#define RB_UMS_R_FIFO_RDY 0x10 // RO, indicate USB receiving FIFO ready status (not empty)
#define RB_UMS_BUS_RESET 0x08 // RO, indicate USB bus reset status
#define RB_UMS_SUSPEND 0x04 // RO, indicate USB suspend status
#define RB_UMS_DM_LEVEL 0x02 // RO, indicate UDM level saved at device attached to USB host
#define RB_UMS_DEV_ATTACH 0x01 // RO, indicate device attached status on USB host
#define R8_USB_INT_FG (*((PUINT8V)(0x40023406))) // USB interrupt flag
#define RB_U_IS_NAK 0x80 // RO, indicate current USB transfer is NAK received
#define RB_U_TOG_OK 0x40 // RO, indicate current USB transfer toggle is OK
#define RB_U_SIE_FREE 0x20 // RO, indicate USB SIE free status
#define RB_UIF_FIFO_OV 0x10 // FIFO overflow interrupt flag for USB, direct bit address clear or write 1 to clear
#define RB_UIF_HST_SOF 0x08 // host SOF timer interrupt flag for USB host, direct bit address clear or write 1 to clear
#define RB_UIF_SUSPEND 0x04 // USB suspend or resume event interrupt flag, direct bit address clear or write 1 to clear
#define RB_UIF_TRANSFER 0x02 // USB transfer completion interrupt flag, direct bit address clear or write 1 to clear
#define RB_UIF_DETECT 0x01 // device detected event interrupt flag for USB host mode, direct bit address clear or write 1 to clear
#define RB_UIF_BUS_RST 0x01 // bus reset event interrupt flag for USB device mode, direct bit address clear or write 1 to clear
#define R8_USB_INT_ST (*((PUINT8V)(0x40023407))) // USB interrupt status
#define RB_UIS_IS_NAK 0x80 // RO, indicate current USB transfer is NAK received for USB device mode
#define RB_UIS_TOG_OK 0x40 // RO, indicate current USB transfer toggle is OK
#define RB_UIS_TOKEN1 0x20 // RO, current token PID code bit 1 received for USB device mode
#define RB_UIS_TOKEN0 0x10 // RO, current token PID code bit 0 received for USB device mode
#define MASK_UIS_TOKEN 0x30 // RO, bit mask of current token PID code received for USB device mode
#define UIS_TOKEN_OUT 0x00
#define UIS_TOKEN_SOF 0x10
#define UIS_TOKEN_IN 0x20
#define UIS_TOKEN_SETUP 0x30
// bUIS_TOKEN1 & bUIS_TOKEN0: current token PID code received for USB device mode
// 00: OUT token PID received
// 01: SOF token PID received
// 10: IN token PID received
// 11: SETUP token PID received
#define MASK_UIS_ENDP 0x0F // RO, bit mask of current transfer endpoint number for USB device mode
#define MASK_UIS_H_RES 0x0F // RO, bit mask of current transfer handshake response for USB host mode: 0000=no response, time out from device, others=handshake response PID received
#define R8_USB_RX_LEN (*((PUINT8V)(0x40023408))) // USB receiving length
#define R32_USB_BUF_MODE (*((PUINT32V)(0x4002340c))) // USB endpoint buffer mode
#define R8_UEP4_1_MOD (*((PUINT8V)(0x4002340c))) // endpoint 4/1 mode
#define RB_UEP1_RX_EN 0x80 // enable USB endpoint 1 receiving (OUT)
#define RB_UEP1_TX_EN 0x40 // enable USB endpoint 1 transmittal (IN)
#define RB_UEP1_BUF_MOD 0x10 // buffer mode of USB endpoint 1
// bUEPn_RX_EN & bUEPn_TX_EN & bUEPn_BUF_MOD: USB endpoint 1/2/3 buffer mode, buffer start address is UEPn_DMA
// 0 0 x: disable endpoint and disable buffer
// 1 0 0: 64 bytes buffer for receiving (OUT endpoint)
// 1 0 1: dual 64 bytes buffer by toggle bit bUEP_R_TOG selection for receiving (OUT endpoint), total=128bytes
// 0 1 0: 64 bytes buffer for transmittal (IN endpoint)
// 0 1 1: dual 64 bytes buffer by toggle bit bUEP_T_TOG selection for transmittal (IN endpoint), total=128bytes
// 1 1 0: 64 bytes buffer for receiving (OUT endpoint) + 64 bytes buffer for transmittal (IN endpoint), total=128bytes
// 1 1 1: dual 64 bytes buffer by bUEP_R_TOG selection for receiving (OUT endpoint) + dual 64 bytes buffer by bUEP_T_TOG selection for transmittal (IN endpoint), total=256bytes
#define RB_UEP4_RX_EN 0x08 // enable USB endpoint 4 receiving (OUT)
#define RB_UEP4_TX_EN 0x04 // enable USB endpoint 4 transmittal (IN)
// bUEP4_RX_EN & bUEP4_TX_EN: USB endpoint 4 buffer mode, buffer start address is UEP0_DMA
// 0 0: single 64 bytes buffer for endpoint 0 receiving & transmittal (OUT & IN endpoint)
// 1 0: single 64 bytes buffer for endpoint 0 receiving & transmittal (OUT & IN endpoint) + 64 bytes buffer for endpoint 4 receiving (OUT endpoint), total=128bytes
// 0 1: single 64 bytes buffer for endpoint 0 receiving & transmittal (OUT & IN endpoint) + 64 bytes buffer for endpoint 4 transmittal (IN endpoint), total=128bytes
// 1 1: single 64 bytes buffer for endpoint 0 receiving & transmittal (OUT & IN endpoint)
// + 64 bytes buffer for endpoint 4 receiving (OUT endpoint) + 64 bytes buffer for endpoint 4 transmittal (IN endpoint), total=192bytes
#define R8_UEP2_3_MOD (*((PUINT8V)(0x4002340d))) // endpoint 2/3 mode
#define RB_UEP3_RX_EN 0x80 // enable USB endpoint 3 receiving (OUT)
#define RB_UEP3_TX_EN 0x40 // enable USB endpoint 3 transmittal (IN)
#define RB_UEP3_BUF_MOD 0x10 // buffer mode of USB endpoint 3
#define RB_UEP2_RX_EN 0x08 // enable USB endpoint 2 receiving (OUT)
#define RB_UEP2_TX_EN 0x04 // enable USB endpoint 2 transmittal (IN)
#define RB_UEP2_BUF_MOD 0x01 // buffer mode of USB endpoint 2
#define R8_UH_EP_MOD R8_UEP2_3_MOD //host endpoint mode
#define RB_UH_EP_TX_EN 0x40 // enable USB host OUT endpoint transmittal
#define RB_UH_EP_TBUF_MOD 0x10 // buffer mode of USB host OUT endpoint
// bUH_EP_TX_EN & bUH_EP_TBUF_MOD: USB host OUT endpoint buffer mode, buffer start address is UH_TX_DMA
// 0 x: disable endpoint and disable buffer
// 1 0: 64 bytes buffer for transmittal (OUT endpoint)
// 1 1: dual 64 bytes buffer by toggle bit bUH_T_TOG selection for transmittal (OUT endpoint), total=128bytes
#define RB_UH_EP_RX_EN 0x08 // enable USB host IN endpoint receiving
#define RB_UH_EP_RBUF_MOD 0x01 // buffer mode of USB host IN endpoint
// bUH_EP_RX_EN & bUH_EP_RBUF_MOD: USB host IN endpoint buffer mode, buffer start address is UH_RX_DMA
// 0 x: disable endpoint and disable buffer
// 1 0: 64 bytes buffer for receiving (IN endpoint)
// 1 1: dual 64 bytes buffer by toggle bit bUH_R_TOG selection for receiving (IN endpoint), total=128bytes
#define R8_UEP5_6_MOD (*((PUINT8V)(0x4002340e))) // endpoint 5/6 mode
#define RB_UEP6_RX_EN 0x80 // enable USB endpoint 6 receiving (OUT)
#define RB_UEP6_TX_EN 0x40 // enable USB endpoint 6 transmittal (IN)
#define RB_UEP6_BUF_MOD 0x10 // buffer mode of USB endpoint 6
#define RB_UEP5_RX_EN 0x08 // enable USB endpoint 5 receiving (OUT)
#define RB_UEP5_TX_EN 0x04 // enable USB endpoint 5 transmittal (IN)
#define RB_UEP5_BUF_MOD 0x01 // buffer mode of USB endpoint 5
#define R8_UEP7_MOD (*((PUINT8V)(0x4002340f))) // endpoint 7 mode
#define RB_UEP7_RX_EN 0x08 // enable USB endpoint 7 receiving (OUT)
#define RB_UEP7_TX_EN 0x04 // enable USB endpoint 7 transmittal (IN)
#define RB_UEP7_BUF_MOD 0x01 // buffer mode of USB endpoint 7
#define R16_UEP0_DMA (*((PUINT16V)(0x40023410))) // endpoint 0 DMA buffer address
#define R16_UEP1_DMA (*((PUINT16V)(0x40023414))) // endpoint 1 DMA buffer address
#define R16_UEP2_DMA (*((PUINT16V)(0x40023418))) // endpoint 2 DMA buffer address
#define R16_UH_RX_DMA R16_UEP2_DMA // host rx endpoint buffer high address
#define R16_UEP3_DMA (*((PUINT16V)(0x4002341c))) // endpoint 3 DMA buffer address
#define R16_UEP4_DMA (*((PUINT16V)(0x40023420))) // endpoint 4 DMA buffer address
#define R16_UEP5_DMA (*((PUINT16V)(0x40023424))) // endpoint 5 DMA buffer address
#define R16_UEP6_DMA (*((PUINT16V)(0x40023428))) // endpoint 6 DMA buffer address
#define R16_UEP7_DMA (*((PUINT16V)(0x4002342c))) // endpoint 7 DMA buffer address
#define R16_UH_TX_DMA R16_UEP3_DMA // host tx endpoint buffer high address
#define R32_USB_EP0_CTRL (*((PUINT32V)(0x40023430))) // endpoint 0 control & transmittal length
#define R8_UEP0_T_LEN (*((PUINT8V)(0x40023430))) // endpoint 0 transmittal length
#define R8_UEP0_CTRL (*((PUINT8V)(0x40023432))) // endpoint 0 control
#define R32_USB_EP1_CTRL (*((PUINT32V)(0x40023434))) // endpoint 1 control & transmittal length
#define R8_UEP1_T_LEN (*((PUINT8V)(0x40023434))) // endpoint 1 transmittal length
#define R8_UEP1_CTRL (*((PUINT8V)(0x40023436))) // endpoint 1 control
#define RB_UEP_R_TOG 0x80 // expected data toggle flag of USB endpoint X receiving (OUT): 0=DATA0, 1=DATA1
#define RB_UEP_T_TOG 0x40 // prepared data toggle flag of USB endpoint X transmittal (IN): 0=DATA0, 1=DATA1
#define RB_UEP_AUTO_TOG 0x10 // enable automatic toggle after successful transfer completion on endpoint 1/2/3: 0=manual toggle, 1=automatic toggle
#define RB_UEP_R_RES1 0x08 // handshake response type high bit for USB endpoint X receiving (OUT)
#define RB_UEP_R_RES0 0x04 // handshake response type low bit for USB endpoint X receiving (OUT)
#define MASK_UEP_R_RES 0x0C // bit mask of handshake response type for USB endpoint X receiving (OUT)
#define UEP_R_RES_ACK 0x00
#define UEP_R_RES_TOUT 0x04
#define UEP_R_RES_NAK 0x08
#define UEP_R_RES_STALL 0x0C
// RB_UEP_R_RES1 & RB_UEP_R_RES0: handshake response type for USB endpoint X receiving (OUT)
// 00: ACK (ready)
// 01: no response, time out to host, for non-zero endpoint isochronous transactions
// 10: NAK (busy)
// 11: STALL (error)
#define RB_UEP_T_RES1 0x02 // handshake response type high bit for USB endpoint X transmittal (IN)
#define RB_UEP_T_RES0 0x01 // handshake response type low bit for USB endpoint X transmittal (IN)
#define MASK_UEP_T_RES 0x03 // bit mask of handshake response type for USB endpoint X transmittal (IN)
#define UEP_T_RES_ACK 0x00
#define UEP_T_RES_TOUT 0x01
#define UEP_T_RES_NAK 0x02
#define UEP_T_RES_STALL 0x03
// bUEP_T_RES1 & bUEP_T_RES0: handshake response type for USB endpoint X transmittal (IN)
// 00: DATA0 or DATA1 then expecting ACK (ready)
// 01: DATA0 or DATA1 then expecting no response, time out from host, for non-zero endpoint isochronous transactions
// 10: NAK (busy)
// 11: STALL (error)
#define R8_UH_SETUP R8_UEP1_CTRL // host aux setup
#define RB_UH_PRE_PID_EN 0x80 // USB host PRE PID enable for low speed device via hub
#define RB_UH_SOF_EN 0x40 // USB host automatic SOF enable
#define R32_USB_EP2_CTRL (*((PUINT32V)(0x40023438))) // endpoint 2 control & transmittal length
#define R8_UEP2_T_LEN (*((PUINT8V)(0x40023438))) // endpoint 2 transmittal length
#define R8_UEP2_CTRL (*((PUINT8V)(0x4002343a))) // endpoint 2 control
#define R8_UH_EP_PID R8_UEP2_T_LEN // host endpoint and PID
#define MASK_UH_TOKEN 0xF0 // bit mask of token PID for USB host transfer
#define MASK_UH_ENDP 0x0F // bit mask of endpoint number for USB host transfer
#define R8_UH_RX_CTRL R8_UEP2_CTRL // host receiver endpoint control
#define RB_UH_R_TOG 0x80 // expected data toggle flag of host receiving (IN): 0=DATA0, 1=DATA1
#define RB_UH_R_AUTO_TOG 0x10 // enable automatic toggle after successful transfer completion: 0=manual toggle, 1=automatic toggle
#define RB_UH_R_RES 0x04 // prepared handshake response type for host receiving (IN): 0=ACK (ready), 1=no response, time out to device, for isochronous transactions
#define R32_USB_EP3_CTRL (*((PUINT32V)(0x4002343c))) // endpoint 3 control & transmittal length
#define R8_UEP3_T_LEN (*((PUINT16V)(0x4002343c))) // endpoint 3 transmittal length
#define R8_UEP3_CTRL (*((PUINT8V)(0x4002343e))) // endpoint 3 control
#define R8_UH_TX_LEN (*((PUINT16V)(0x4002343c))) //R8_UEP3_T_LEN // host transmittal endpoint transmittal length
#define R8_UH_TX_CTRL R8_UEP3_CTRL // host transmittal endpoint control
#define RB_UH_T_TOG 0x40 // prepared data toggle flag of host transmittal (SETUP/OUT): 0=DATA0, 1=DATA1
#define RB_UH_T_AUTO_TOG 0x10 // enable automatic toggle after successful transfer completion: 0=manual toggle, 1=automatic toggle
#define RB_UH_T_RES 0x01 // expected handshake response type for host transmittal (SETUP/OUT): 0=ACK (ready), 1=no response, time out from device, for isochronous transactions
#define R32_USB_EP4_CTRL (*((PUINT32V)(0x40023440))) // endpoint 4 control & transmittal length
#define R8_UEP4_T_LEN (*((PUINT8V)(0x40023440))) // endpoint 4 transmittal length
#define R8_UEP4_CTRL (*((PUINT8V)(0x40023442))) // endpoint 4 control
#define R32_USB_EP5_CTRL (*((PUINT32V)(0x40023444))) // endpoint 5 control & transmittal length
#define R8_UEP5_T_LEN (*((PUINT8V)(0x40023444))) // endpoint 5 transmittal length
#define R8_UEP5_CTRL (*((PUINT8V)(0x40023446))) // endpoint 5 control
#define R32_USB_EP6_CTRL (*((PUINT32V)(0x40023448))) // endpoint 6 control & transmittal length
#define R8_UEP6_T_LEN (*((PUINT8V)(0x40023448))) // endpoint 6 transmittal length
#define R8_UEP6_CTRL (*((PUINT8V)(0x4002344a))) // endpoint 6 control
#define R32_USB_EP7_CTRL (*((PUINT32V)(0x4002344c))) // endpoint 7 control & transmittal length
#define R8_UEP7_T_LEN (*((PUINT8V)(0x4002344c))) // endpoint 7 transmittal length
#define R8_UEP7_CTRL (*((PUINT8V)(0x4002344e))) // endpoint 7 control
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif //__CH32V10x_USB_H
#ifndef __USB_TYPE__
#define __USB_TYPE__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* USB constant and structure define */
/* USB PID */
#define USB_PID_NULL 0x00 /* reserved PID */
#define USB_PID_SOF 0x05
#define USB_PID_SETUP 0x0D
#define USB_PID_IN 0x09
#define USB_PID_OUT 0x01
#define USB_PID_ACK 0x02
#define USB_PID_NAK 0x0A
#define USB_PID_STALL 0x0E
#define USB_PID_DATA0 0x03
#define USB_PID_DATA1 0x0B
#define USB_PID_PRE 0x0C
/* USB standard device request code */
#define USB_GET_STATUS 0x00
#define USB_CLEAR_FEATURE 0x01
#define USB_SET_FEATURE 0x03
#define USB_SET_ADDRESS 0x05
#define USB_SYNCH_FRAME 0x0C
/* USB hub class request code */
#define HUB_GET_STATUS 0x00
#define HUB_CLEAR_FEATURE 0x01
#define HUB_GET_STATE 0x02
#define HUB_SET_FEATURE 0x03
/* USB HID class request code */
#define HID_GET_REPORT 0x01
#define HID_GET_IDLE 0x02
#define HID_GET_PROTOCOL 0x03
#define HID_SET_REPORT 0x09
#define HID_SET_IDLE 0x0A
/* Bit define for USB request type */
#define USB_REQ_TYP_IN 0x80 /* control IN, device to host */
#define USB_REQ_TYP_OUT 0x00 /* control OUT, host to device */
#define USB_REQ_TYP_READ 0x80 /* control read, device to host */
#define USB_REQ_TYP_WRITE 0x00 /* control write, host to device */
#define USB_REQ_TYP_MASK 0x60 /* bit mask of request type */
#define USB_REQ_TYP_CLASS 0x20
#define USB_REQ_TYP_VENDOR 0x40
#define USB_REQ_RECIP_MASK 0x1F /* bit mask of request recipient */
#define USB_REQ_RECIP_ENDP 0x02
#define USB_REQ_RECIP_OTHER 0x03
/* USB request type for hub class request */
#define HUB_GET_BUS_STATE 0xA3
#define HUB_SET_HUB_FEATURE 0x20
/* Hub class feature selectors */
#define HUB_PORT_RESET 4
#define HUB_PORT_POWER 8
#define HUB_C_PORT_ENABLE 17
#define HUB_C_PORT_RESET 20
/* USB descriptor type */
#define USB_DESCR_TYP_ENDP 0x05
#define USB_DESCR_TYP_SPEED 0x07
#define USB_DESCR_TYP_OTG 0x09
#define USB_DESCR_TYP_HID 0x21
#define USB_DESCR_TYP_CS_INTF 0x24
#define USB_DESCR_TYP_CS_ENDP 0x25
#define USB_DESCR_TYP_HUB 0x29
/* USB device class */
#define USB_DEV_CLASS_AUDIO 0x01
#define USB_DEV_CLASS_HID 0x03
#define USB_DEV_CLASS_POWER 0x06
#define USB_DEV_CLASS_HUB 0x09
/* USB endpoint type and attributes */
#define USB_ENDP_DIR_MASK 0x80
#define USB_ENDP_TYPE_MASK 0x03
#define USB_ENDP_TYPE_CTRL 0x00
#define USB_ENDP_TYPE_ISOCH 0x01
#define USB_ENDP_TYPE_BULK 0x02
#define USB_ENDP_TYPE_INTER 0x03
#define USB_DEVICE_ADDR 0x02
#define DEFAULT_ENDP0_SIZE 8 /* default maximum packet size for endpoint 0 */
#define MAX_PACKET_SIZE 64 /* maximum packet size */
#define USB_BO_CBW_SIZE 0x1F
#define USB_BO_CSW_SIZE 0x0D
#ifndef USB_BO_CBW_SIG0
#define USB_BO_CBW_SIG0 0x55
#define USB_BO_CBW_SIG1 0x53
#define USB_BO_CBW_SIG2 0x42
#define USB_BO_CBW_SIG3 0x43
#define USB_BO_CSW_SIG0 0x55
#define USB_BO_CSW_SIG1 0x53
#define USB_BO_CSW_SIG2 0x42
#define USB_BO_CSW_SIG3 0x53
#ifndef __PACKED
#define __PACKED __attribute__((packed))
typedef struct __PACKED _USB_SETUP_REQ {
UINT8 bRequestType;
UINT8 bRequest;
UINT16 wValue;
UINT16 wIndex;
UINT16 wLength;
typedef struct __PACKED _USB_DEVICE_DESCR {
UINT8 bLength;
UINT8 bDescriptorType;
UINT16 bcdUSB;
UINT8 bDeviceClass;
UINT8 bDeviceSubClass;
UINT8 bDeviceProtocol;
UINT8 bMaxPacketSize0;
UINT16 idVendor;
UINT16 idProduct;
UINT16 bcdDevice;
UINT8 iManufacturer;
UINT8 iProduct;
UINT8 iSerialNumber;
UINT8 bNumConfigurations;
typedef struct __PACKED _USB_CONFIG_DESCR {
UINT8 bLength;
UINT8 bDescriptorType;
UINT16 wTotalLength;
UINT8 bNumInterfaces;
UINT8 bConfigurationValue;
UINT8 iConfiguration;
UINT8 bmAttributes;
UINT8 MaxPower;
typedef struct __PACKED _USB_INTERF_DESCR {
UINT8 bLength;
UINT8 bDescriptorType;
UINT8 bInterfaceNumber;
UINT8 bAlternateSetting;
UINT8 bNumEndpoints;
UINT8 bInterfaceClass;
UINT8 bInterfaceSubClass;
UINT8 bInterfaceProtocol;
UINT8 iInterface;
typedef struct __PACKED _USB_ENDPOINT_DESCR {
UINT8 bLength;
UINT8 bDescriptorType;
UINT8 bEndpointAddress;
UINT8 bmAttributes;
UINT16 wMaxPacketSize;
UINT8 bInterval;
typedef struct __PACKED _USB_CONFIG_DESCR_LONG {
USB_CFG_DESCR cfg_descr;
USB_ITF_DESCR itf_descr;
USB_ENDP_DESCR endp_descr[1];
typedef struct __PACKED _USB_HUB_DESCR {
UINT8 bDescLength;
UINT8 bDescriptorType;
UINT8 bNbrPorts;
UINT8 wHubCharacteristicsL;
UINT8 wHubCharacteristicsH;
UINT8 bPwrOn2PwrGood;
UINT8 bHubContrCurrent;
UINT8 DeviceRemovable;
UINT8 PortPwrCtrlMask;
typedef struct __PACKED _USB_HID_DESCR {
UINT8 bLength;
UINT8 bDescriptorType;
UINT16 bcdHID;
UINT8 bCountryCode;
UINT8 bNumDescriptors;
UINT8 bDescriptorTypeX;
UINT8 wDescriptorLengthL;
UINT8 wDescriptorLengthH;
typedef struct __PACKED _UDISK_BOC_CBW {/* command of BulkOnly USB-FlashDisk */
UINT32 mCBW_Sig;
UINT32 mCBW_Tag;
UINT32 mCBW_DataLen; /* uppest byte of data length, always is 0 */
UINT8 mCBW_Flag; /* transfer direction and etc. */
UINT8 mCBW_CB_Len; /* length of command block */
UINT8 mCBW_CB_Buf[16]; /* command block buffer */
typedef struct __PACKED _UDISK_BOC_CSW {/* status of BulkOnly USB-FlashDisk */
UINT32 mCBW_Sig;
UINT32 mCBW_Tag;
UINT32 mCSW_Residue; /* return: remainder bytes */ /* uppest byte of remainder length, always is 0 */
UINT8 mCSW_Status; /* return: result status */
extern PUINT8 pEP0_RAM_Addr; //ep0(64)
extern PUINT8 pEP1_RAM_Addr; //ep1_out(64)+ep1_in(64)
extern PUINT8 pEP2_RAM_Addr; //ep2_out(64)+ep2_in(64)
extern PUINT8 pEP3_RAM_Addr; //ep3_out(64)+ep3_in(64)
extern PUINT8 pEP4_RAM_Addr; //ep4_out(64)+ep4_in(64)
extern PUINT8 pEP5_RAM_Addr; //ep5_out(64)+ep5_in(64)
extern PUINT8 pEP6_RAM_Addr; //ep6_out(64)+ep6_in(64)
extern PUINT8 pEP7_RAM_Addr; //ep7_out(64)+ep7_in(64)
#define pSetupReqPak ((PUSB_SETUP_REQ)pEP0_RAM_Addr)
#define pEP0_DataBuf (pEP0_RAM_Addr)
#define pEP1_OUT_DataBuf (pEP1_RAM_Addr)
#define pEP1_IN_DataBuf (pEP1_RAM_Addr+64)
#define pEP2_OUT_DataBuf (pEP2_RAM_Addr)
#define pEP2_IN_DataBuf (pEP2_RAM_Addr+64)
#define pEP3_OUT_DataBuf (pEP3_RAM_Addr)
#define pEP3_IN_DataBuf (pEP3_RAM_Addr+64)
#define pEP4_OUT_DataBuf (pEP4_RAM_Addr)
#define pEP4_IN_DataBuf (pEP4_RAM_Addr+64)
#define pEP5_OUT_DataBuf (pEP5_RAM_Addr)
#define pEP5_IN_DataBuf (pEP5_RAM_Addr+64)
#define pEP6_OUT_DataBuf (pEP6_RAM_Addr)
#define pEP6_IN_DataBuf (pEP6_RAM_Addr+64)
#define pEP7_OUT_DataBuf (pEP7_RAM_Addr)
#define pEP7_IN_DataBuf (pEP7_RAM_Addr+64)
void USB_DeviceInit( void );
void USB_DevTransProcess( void );
void DevEP1_OUT_Deal( UINT8 l );
void DevEP2_OUT_Deal( UINT8 l );
void DevEP3_OUT_Deal( UINT8 l );
void DevEP4_OUT_Deal( UINT8 l );
void DevEP5_OUT_Deal( UINT8 l );
void DevEP6_OUT_Deal( UINT8 l );
void DevEP7_OUT_Deal( UINT8 l );
void DevEP1_IN_Deal( UINT8 l );
void DevEP2_IN_Deal( UINT8 l );
void DevEP3_IN_Deal( UINT8 l );
void DevEP4_IN_Deal( UINT8 l );
void DevEP5_IN_Deal( UINT8 l );
void DevEP6_IN_Deal( UINT8 l );
void DevEP7_IN_Deal( UINT8 l );
#define EP1_GetINSta() (R8_UEP1_CTRL&UEP_T_RES_NAK)
#define EP2_GetINSta() (R8_UEP2_CTRL&UEP_T_RES_NAK)
#define EP3_GetINSta() (R8_UEP3_CTRL&UEP_T_RES_NAK)
#define EP4_GetINSta() (R8_UEP4_CTRL&UEP_T_RES_NAK)
#define EP5_GetINSta() (R8_UEP5_CTRL&UEP_T_RES_NAK)
#define EP6_GetINSta() (R8_UEP6_CTRL&UEP_T_RES_NAK)
#define EP7_GetINSta() (R8_UEP7_CTRL&UEP_T_RES_NAK)
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __USB_TYPE__