/*! * @file apm32e10x_misc.c * * @brief This file provides all the miscellaneous firmware functions. * Include NVIC,SystemTick and Power management. * * @version V1.0.0 * * @date 2021-07-26 * */ #include "apm32e10x_misc.h" /** @addtogroup Peripherals_Library Standard Peripheral Library @{ */ /** @addtogroup MISC_Driver MISC Driver @{ */ /** @addtogroup MISC_Macros Macros @{ */ #define AIRCR_VECTKEY_MASK ((uint32_t)0x05FA0000) /**@} end of group I2C_Macros*/ /** @addtogroup MISC_Fuctions Fuctions @{ */ /*! * @brief Configures the priority grouping: pre-emption priority and subpriority. * * @param priorityGroup : specifies the priority grouping bits length. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg NVIC_PRIORITY_GROUP_0 * @arg NVIC_PRIORITY_GROUP_1 * @arg NVIC_PRIORITY_GROUP_2 * @arg NVIC_PRIORITY_GROUP_3 * @arg NVIC_PRIORITY_GROUP_4 * * @retval None */ void NVIC_ConfigPriorityGroup(NVIC_PRIORITY_GROUP_T priorityGroup) { SCB->AIRCR = AIRCR_VECTKEY_MASK | priorityGroup; } /*! * @brief Enable NVIC request * * @param irq: the NVIC interrupt request, detailed in IRQn_Type * For the complete APM32 Devices IRQ Channels list,please refer to apm32e10x.h file * * @param preemptionPriority: the pre-emption priority needed to set * * @param subPriority: the subpriority needed to set * * @retval None */ void NVIC_EnableIRQRequest(IRQn_Type irq, uint8_t preemptionPriority, uint8_t subPriority) { uint32_t tempPriority, tempPrePri, tempSubPri; uint32_t priorityGrp; /** Get priority group */ priorityGrp = (SCB->AIRCR) & (uint32_t)0x700U; /** get pre-emption priority and subpriority */ switch(priorityGrp) { case NVIC_PRIORITY_GROUP_0: tempPrePri = 0; tempSubPri = 4; break; case NVIC_PRIORITY_GROUP_1: tempPrePri = 1; tempSubPri = 3; break; case NVIC_PRIORITY_GROUP_2: tempPrePri = 2; tempSubPri = 2; break; case NVIC_PRIORITY_GROUP_3: tempPrePri = 3; tempSubPri = 1; break; case NVIC_PRIORITY_GROUP_4: tempPrePri = 4; tempSubPri = 0; break; default: NVIC_ConfigPriorityGroup(NVIC_PRIORITY_GROUP_0); tempPrePri = 0; tempSubPri = 4; break; } tempPrePri = 4 - tempPrePri; tempSubPri = 4 - tempSubPri; tempPriority = preemptionPriority << tempPrePri; tempPriority |= subPriority & (0x0f >> tempSubPri); tempPriority <<= 4; NVIC->IP[irq] = (uint8_t)tempPriority; /* enable the selected IRQ */ NVIC->ISER[irq >> 0x05U] = (uint32_t)0x01U << (irq & (uint8_t)0x1FU); } /*! * @brief Disable NVIC request * * @param irq: the NVIC interrupt request, detailed in IRQn_Type * * @retval None */ void NVIC_DisableIRQRequest(IRQn_Type irq) { /* disable the selected IRQ.*/ NVIC->ICER[irq >> 0x05U] = (uint32_t)0x01U << (irq & (uint8_t)0x1FU); } /*! * @brief Configs the vector table location and Offset. * * @param vectTab: specifies if the vector table is in RAM or FLASH memory * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg NVIC_VECT_TAB_RAM * @arg NVIC_VECT_TAB_FLASH * * @param Offset Vector Table base offset field. This value must be a multiple of 0x200 * * @retval None */ void NVIC_ConfigVectorTable(NVIC_VECT_TAB_T vectTab, uint32_t offset) { SCB->VTOR = vectTab | (offset & (uint32_t)0x1FFFFF80); } /*! * @brief set the state of the low power mode * * @param lowPowerMode: the low power mode state * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg NVIC_LOWPOWER_SEVONPEND * @arg NVIC_LOWPOWER_SLEEPDEEP * @arg NVIC_LOWPOWER_SLEEPONEXIT * * @retval None */ void NVIC_SetSystemLowPower(NVIC_LOWPOWER_T lowPowerMode) { SCB->SCR |= lowPowerMode; } /*! * @brief reset the state of the low power mode * * @param lowPowerMode: the low power mode state * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg NVIC_LOWPOWER_SEVONPEND * @arg NVIC_LOWPOWER_SLEEPDEEP * @arg NVIC_LOWPOWER_SLEEPONEXIT * * @retval None */ void NVIC_ResetystemLowPower(NVIC_LOWPOWER_T lowPowerMode) { SCB->SCR &= (uint32_t)(~(uint32_t)lowPowerMode); } /*! * @brief Configures the SysTick clock source * * @param clkSource: specifies the SysTick clock source * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg SYSTICK_CLK_SOURCE_HCLK_DIV8: AHB clock divided by 8 selected as SysTick clock source. * @arg SYSTICK_CLK_SOURCE_HCLK: AHB clock selected as SysTick clock source. * * @retval None */ void SysTick_ConfigCLKSource(SYSTICK_CLK_SOURCE_T clkSource) { if (clkSource == SYSTICK_CLK_SOURCE_HCLK) { SysTick->CTRL |= (uint32_t)BIT2; } else { SysTick->CTRL &= (uint32_t)(~BIT2); } } /**@} end of group MISC_Fuctions*/ /**@} end of group MISC_Driver */ /**@} end of group Peripherals_Library*/