#include #include "BaseObj.h" #include "STM32_common.h" #include "dataStrs.h" #include CodeHeap codeHeap; void STM32_Code_Init() { codeHeap.size = 0; codeHeap.content = pikaMalloc(codeHeap.size + 1); codeHeap.ena = 0; } uint8_t STM32_Code_reciveHandler(char* data, uint32_t rxSize) { char buff[RX_BUFF_LENGTH] = {0}; if (0 == codeHeap.ena) { char* strLine = strGetLastLine(buff, data); if (strIsStartWith(strLine, "import ")) { codeHeap.reciveTime = uwTick; codeHeap.ena = 1; data = strLine; rxSize = strGetSize(strLine); } } if (1 == codeHeap.ena) { codeHeap.reciveTime = uwTick; codeHeap.oldSize = codeHeap.size; codeHeap.size += rxSize; codeHeap.content = realloc(codeHeap.content , codeHeap.size + 1); memcpy(codeHeap.content + codeHeap.oldSize, data, rxSize); codeHeap.content[codeHeap.size] = 0; /* reciving code */ return 1; } /* not work */ return 0; } uint32_t GetPage(uint32_t Addr) { return (Addr - FLASH_BASE) / FLASH_PAGE_SIZE; } #if (defined Code_ENABLE) void STM32_Code_flashHandler() { if (!codeHeap.ena){ /* recive not activate */ return; } if ( uwTick - codeHeap.reciveTime < 200 ){ /* still reciving */ return; } /* transmite is finished */ uint32_t FirstPage = 0, NbOfPages = 0; uint32_t PageError = 0; __IO uint32_t data32 = 0, MemoryProgramStatus = 0; static FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef EraseInitStruct = {0}; printf("==============[Programer]==============\r\n"); printf("[info]: Recived byte: %d\r\n", codeHeap.size); printf("[info]: Programing... \r\n"); HAL_FLASH_Unlock(); /* Get the 1st page to erase */ FirstPage = GetPage(FLASH_CODE_START_ADDR); /* Get the number of pages to erase from 1st page */ NbOfPages = GetPage(FLASH_USER_END_ADDR) - FirstPage + 1; /* Fill EraseInit structure*/ EraseInitStruct.TypeErase = FLASH_TYPEERASE_PAGES; EraseInitStruct.Page = FirstPage; EraseInitStruct.NbPages = NbOfPages; printf("[info]: Erasing flash... \r\n"); if (HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(&EraseInitStruct, &PageError) != HAL_OK) { printf("[error]: Erase faild! \r\n"); while (1) { } } printf("[ OK ]: Erase flash ok! \r\n"); printf("[info]: Writing flash... \r\n"); uint32_t baseAddress = FLASH_CODE_START_ADDR; uint32_t writeAddress = 0; uint64_t writeData64 = 0; while (writeAddress < codeHeap.size + 1) { writeData64 = 0; for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { char ch = codeHeap.content[writeAddress + i]; writeData64 = writeData64 << 8; writeData64 += ch; } if (HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_DOUBLEWORD, baseAddress + writeAddress, writeData64) == HAL_OK) { writeAddress = writeAddress + 8; } else { printf("[error]: Write flash faild. \r\n"); while (1) { } } } HAL_FLASH_Lock(); printf("[ OK ]: Write flash ok! \r\n"); baseAddress = FLASH_CODE_START_ADDR; MemoryProgramStatus = 0x0; printf("[info]: Checking flash... \r\n"); char* codeInFlash = (char*)baseAddress; printf("\r\n"); printf("----[code in flash]-----\r\n"); printf("%s", codeInFlash); printf("----[code in flash]-----\r\n"); printf("\r\n"); if (!strEqu(codeInFlash, codeHeap.content)) { printf("[error]: Check flash faild.\r\n"); printf("\r\n"); printf("\r\n\r\n"); printf("---------[code in heap]----------\r\n"); printf("\r\n"); printf("%s", codeHeap.content); printf("\r\n\r\n"); printf("---------[code in heap]----------\r\n"); while (1) { } } printf("[ OK ]: Checking flash ok! \r\n"); printf("[ OK ]: Programing ok! \r\n"); printf("[info]: Restarting... \r\n"); printf("==============[Programer]==============\r\n"); printf("\r\n"); HAL_NVIC_SystemReset(); } #endif