/* * This file is part of the PikaScript project. * http://github.com/pikastech/pikascript * * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2021 lyon 李昂 liang6516@outlook.com * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "PikaCompiler.h" #include "BaseObj.h" #include "PikaObj.h" #include "PikaParser.h" #include "dataQueue.h" #include "dataQueueObj.h" #include "dataStack.h" #include "dataStrs.h" /* const Pool output redirect */ static void __handler_constPool_output_file(ConstPool* self, char* content) { /* to ram */ uint16_t size = strGetSize(content) + 1; self->arg_buff = arg_append(self->arg_buff, content, size); /* to flash */ __platform_fwrite(content, 1, size, self->output_f); } /* instruct array output redirect */ static void __handler_instructArray_output_none(InstructArray* self, InstructUnit* ins_unit) { /* none */ } static void __handler_instructArray_output_file(InstructArray* self, InstructUnit* ins_unit) { /* to flash */ __platform_fwrite(ins_unit, 1, instructUnit_getSize(), self->output_f); } /* need implament : __platform_fopen() __platform_fwrite() __platform_fclose() */ int pikaCompile(char* output_file_name, char* py_lines) { ByteCodeFrame bytecode_frame = {0}; FILE* bytecode_f = __platform_fopen(output_file_name, "wb+"); /* main process */ /* step 1, get size of const pool and instruct array */ byteCodeFrame_init(&bytecode_frame); bytecode_frame.const_pool.output_f = bytecode_f; bytecode_frame.instruct_array.output_f = bytecode_f; bytecode_frame.instruct_array.output_redirect_fun = __handler_instructArray_output_none; Parser_parsePyLines(NULL, &bytecode_frame, py_lines); uint16_t const_pool_size = bytecode_frame.const_pool.size; uint16_t instruct_array_size = bytecode_frame.instruct_array.size; byteCodeFrame_deinit(&bytecode_frame); /* step 2, write instruct array to file */ __platform_fwrite(&instruct_array_size, 1, 2, bytecode_f); byteCodeFrame_init(&bytecode_frame); bytecode_frame.const_pool.output_f = bytecode_f; bytecode_frame.instruct_array.output_f = bytecode_f; /* instruct array to file */ bytecode_frame.instruct_array.output_redirect_fun = __handler_instructArray_output_file; Parser_parsePyLines(NULL, &bytecode_frame, py_lines); byteCodeFrame_deinit(&bytecode_frame); /* step 3, write const pool to file */ __platform_fwrite(&const_pool_size, 1, 2, bytecode_f); char void_ = 0; /* add \0 at the start */ __platform_fwrite(&void_, 1, 1, bytecode_f); byteCodeFrame_init(&bytecode_frame); bytecode_frame.const_pool.output_f = bytecode_f; bytecode_frame.instruct_array.output_f = bytecode_f; /* const pool to file */ bytecode_frame.const_pool.output_redirect_fun = __handler_constPool_output_file; /* instruct array to none */ bytecode_frame.instruct_array.output_redirect_fun = __handler_instructArray_output_none; Parser_parsePyLines(NULL, &bytecode_frame, py_lines); byteCodeFrame_deinit(&bytecode_frame); /* deinit */ __platform_fclose(bytecode_f); /* succeed */ return 0; }; /* need implament : __platform_fopen() __platform_fread() __platform_fwrite() __platform_fclose() */ int pikaCompileFileWithOutputName(char* output_file_name, char* input_file_name) { Args buffs = {0}; Arg* input_file_arg = arg_loadFile(NULL, input_file_name); if (NULL == input_file_arg) { return 1; } char* lines = (char*)arg_getBytes(input_file_arg); /* replace the "\r\n" to "\n" */ lines = strsReplace(&buffs, lines, "\r\n", "\n"); /* clear the void line */ lines = strsReplace(&buffs, lines, "\n\n", "\n"); /* add '\n' at the end */ lines = strsAppend(&buffs, lines, "\n\n"); pikaCompile(output_file_name, lines); arg_deinit(input_file_arg); strsDeinit(&buffs); return 0; } int pikaCompileFile(char* input_file_name) { Args buffs = {0}; char* output_file_name = strsGetFirstToken(&buffs, input_file_name, '.'); output_file_name = strsAppend(&buffs, input_file_name, ".o"); pikaCompileFileWithOutputName(output_file_name, input_file_name); strsDeinit(&buffs); return 0; } LibObj* New_LibObj(Args* args) { LibObj* self = New_TinyObj(NULL); return self; } void LibObj_deinit(LibObj* self) { obj_deinit(self); } /* add bytecode to lib, not copy the bytecode */ void LibObj_dynamicLink(LibObj* self, char* module_name, uint8_t* bytecode) { if (!obj_isArgExist(self, module_name)) { obj_newObj(self, module_name, "", New_TinyObj); } PikaObj* module_obj = obj_getObj(self, module_name); obj_setStr(module_obj, "name", module_name); obj_setPtr(module_obj, "bytecode", bytecode); } /* add bytecode to lib, and copy the bytecode to the buff in the lib */ int LibObj_staticLink(LibObj* self, char* module_name, uint8_t* bytecode, size_t size) { if (!obj_isArgExist(self, module_name)) { obj_newObj(self, module_name, "", New_TinyObj); } PikaObj* module_obj = obj_getObj(self, module_name); /* copy bytecode to buff */ obj_setBytes(module_obj, "buff", bytecode, size); /* link to buff */ LibObj_dynamicLink(self, module_name, obj_getBytes(module_obj, "buff")); return 0; } int LibObj_staticLinkFile(LibObj* self, char* input_file_name) { Args buffs = {0}; /* read file */ Arg* input_file_arg = arg_loadFile(NULL, input_file_name); char* module_name = strsGetLastToken(&buffs, input_file_name, '/'); /* cut off '.py.o' */ module_name[strlen(module_name) - (sizeof(".py.o") - 1)] = 0; /* push bytecode */ LibObj_staticLink(self, module_name, arg_getBytes(input_file_arg), arg_getBytesSize(input_file_arg)); /* deinit */ strsDeinit(&buffs); arg_deinit(input_file_arg); return 0; } static int32_t __foreach_handler_listModules(Arg* argEach, Args* context) { if (argType_isObject(arg_getType(argEach))) { PikaObj* module_obj = arg_getPtr(argEach); __platform_printf("%s\r\n", obj_getStr(module_obj, "name")); } return 0; } void LibObj_listModules(LibObj* self) { args_foreach(self->list, __foreach_handler_listModules, NULL); } static int32_t __foreach_handler_writeBytecode(Arg* argEach, Args* context) { FILE* out_file = args_getPtr(context, "out_file"); if (argType_isObject(arg_getType(argEach))) { PikaObj* module_obj = arg_getPtr(argEach); char* bytecode = obj_getPtr(module_obj, "bytecode"); size_t bytecode_size = obj_getBytesSize(module_obj, "buff"); size_t aline_size = aline_by(bytecode_size, sizeof(uint32_t)) - bytecode_size; char aline_buff[sizeof(uint32_t)] = {0}; __platform_fwrite(bytecode, 1, bytecode_size, out_file); __platform_fwrite(aline_buff, 1, aline_size, out_file); } return 0; } static int32_t __foreach_handler_writeIndex(Arg* argEach, Args* context) { FILE* out_file = args_getPtr(context, "out_file"); if (argType_isObject(arg_getType(argEach))) { PikaObj* module_obj = arg_getPtr(argEach); uint32_t bytecode_size = obj_getBytesSize(module_obj, "buff"); char buff[LIB_INFO_BLOCK_SIZE - sizeof(uint32_t)] = {0}; bytecode_size = aline_by(bytecode_size, sizeof(uint32_t)); char* module_name = obj_getStr(module_obj, "name"); __platform_memcpy(buff, module_name, strGetSize(module_name)); __platform_fwrite(buff, 1, LIB_INFO_BLOCK_SIZE - sizeof(bytecode_size), out_file); __platform_fwrite(&bytecode_size, 1, sizeof(bytecode_size), out_file); } return 0; } static int32_t __foreach_handler_getModuleNum(Arg* argEach, Args* context) { if (argType_isObject(arg_getType(argEach))) { args_setInt(context, "module_num", args_getInt(context, "module_num") + 1); } return 0; } int LibObj_saveLibraryFile(LibObj* self, char* output_file_name) { FILE* out_file = __platform_fopen(output_file_name, "wb+"); Args context = {0}; args_setPtr(&context, "out_file", out_file); args_setInt(&context, "module_num", 0); /* write meta information */ char buff[LIB_INFO_BLOCK_SIZE] = {0}; args_foreach(self->list, __foreach_handler_getModuleNum, &context); /* meta info */ char magic_code[] = {0x7f, 'p', 'y', 'a'}; uint32_t version_num = 1; uint32_t module_num = args_getInt(&context, "module_num"); /* write meta info */ const uint32_t magic_code_offset = sizeof(uint32_t) * 0; const uint32_t version_offset = sizeof(uint32_t) * 1; const uint32_t module_num_offset = sizeof(uint32_t) * 2; __platform_memcpy(buff + magic_code_offset, &magic_code, sizeof(uint32_t)); __platform_memcpy(buff + version_offset, &version_num, sizeof(uint32_t)); /* write module_num to the file */ __platform_memcpy(buff + module_num_offset, &module_num, sizeof(uint32_t)); /* aline to 32 bytes */ __platform_fwrite(buff, 1, LIB_INFO_BLOCK_SIZE, out_file); /* write module index to file */ args_foreach(self->list, __foreach_handler_writeIndex, &context); /* write module bytecode to file */ args_foreach(self->list, __foreach_handler_writeBytecode, &context); args_deinit_stack(&context); /* main process */ /* deinit */ __platform_fclose(out_file); return 0; } int LibObj_loadLibrary(LibObj* self, uint8_t* library_bytes) { if (0 != ((intptr_t)library_bytes & 0x03)) { return PIKA_RES_ERR_UNALIGNED_PTR; } char* magic_code = (char*)library_bytes; uint32_t* library_info = (uint32_t*)library_bytes; uint32_t version_num = library_info[1]; uint32_t module_num = library_info[2]; /* check magic_code */ if (!((magic_code[0] == 0x7f) && (magic_code[1] == 'p') && (magic_code[2] == 'y') && (magic_code[3] == 'a'))) { __platform_printf("Error: invalid magic code.\r\n"); return PIKA_RES_ERR_ILLEGAL_MAGIC_CODE; } /* check version num */ if (version_num != LIB_VERSION_NUMBER) { __platform_printf( "Error: invalid version number. Expected %, got %\r\n", LIB_VERSION_NUMBER, version_num); return PIKA_RES_ERR_INVALID_VERSION_NUMBER; } uint8_t* bytecode_addr = library_bytes + LIB_INFO_BLOCK_SIZE * (module_num + 1); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < module_num; i++) { char* module_name = (char*)(library_bytes + LIB_INFO_BLOCK_SIZE * (i + 1)); LibObj_dynamicLink(self, module_name, bytecode_addr); uint32_t module_size = *(uint32_t*)(module_name + LIB_INFO_BLOCK_SIZE - sizeof(uint32_t)); bytecode_addr += module_size; } return PIKA_RES_OK; } int LibObj_loadLibraryFile(LibObj* self, char* lib_file_name) { Arg* file_arg = arg_loadFile(NULL, lib_file_name); if (NULL == file_arg) { __platform_printf("Error: Could not load library file '%s'\n", lib_file_name); return PIKA_RES_ERR_IO_ERROR; } /* save file_arg as __lib_buf to libObj */ obj_setArg_noCopy(self, "__lib_buf", file_arg); if (0 != LibObj_loadLibrary(self, arg_getBytes(file_arg))) { __platform_printf("Error: Could not load library from '%s'\n", lib_file_name); return PIKA_RES_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED; } return PIKA_RES_OK; } size_t pika_fputs(char* str, FILE* fp) { size_t size = strGetSize(str); return __platform_fwrite(str, 1, size, fp); } int Lib_loadLibraryFileToArray(char* origin_file_name, char* out_folder) { Args buffs = {0}; Arg* file_arg = arg_loadFile(NULL, origin_file_name); int res = 0; if (NULL == file_arg) { __platform_printf("Error: Could not load file '%s'\n", origin_file_name); return 1; } char* output_file_name = NULL; output_file_name = strsGetLastToken(&buffs, origin_file_name, '/'); output_file_name = strsAppend(&buffs, "__asset_", output_file_name); output_file_name = strsReplace(&buffs, output_file_name, ".", "_"); output_file_name = strsAppend(&buffs, output_file_name, ".c"); char* output_file_path = strsAppend(&buffs, out_folder, "/"); output_file_path = strsAppend(&buffs, output_file_path, output_file_name); FILE* fp = __platform_fopen(output_file_path, "wb+"); char* array_name = strsGetLastToken(&buffs, origin_file_name, '/'); array_name = strsReplace(&buffs, array_name, ".", "_"); __platform_printf(" loading %s[]...\n", array_name); pika_fputs("#include \"PikaPlatform.h\"\n", fp); pika_fputs("/* warning: auto generated file, please do not modify */\n", fp); pika_fputs("PIKA_BYTECODE_ALIGN const unsigned char ", fp); pika_fputs(array_name, fp); pika_fputs("[] = {", fp); char byte_buff[32] = {0}; uint8_t* array = arg_getBytes(file_arg); for (size_t i = 0; i < arg_getBytesSize(file_arg); i++) { if (i % 12 == 0) { pika_fputs("\n ", fp); } __platform_sprintf(byte_buff, "0x%02x, ", array[i]); pika_fputs(byte_buff, fp); } pika_fputs("\n};\n", fp); res = 0; goto exit; exit: __platform_fclose(fp); strsDeinit(&buffs); arg_deinit(file_arg); return res; } static void __Maker_compileModuleWithInfo(PikaMaker* self, char* module_name) { Args buffs = {0}; char* input_file_name = strsAppend(&buffs, module_name, ".py"); char* input_file_path = strsAppend(&buffs, obj_getStr(self, "pwd"), input_file_name); __platform_printf(" compiling %s...\r\n", input_file_name); char* output_file_name = strsAppend(&buffs, module_name, ".py.o"); char* output_file_path = NULL; output_file_path = strsAppend(&buffs, obj_getStr(self, "pwd"), "pikascript-api/"); output_file_path = strsAppend(&buffs, output_file_path, output_file_name); pikaCompileFileWithOutputName(output_file_path, input_file_path); strsDeinit(&buffs); } PikaMaker* New_PikaMaker(void) { PikaMaker* self = New_TinyObj(NULL); obj_setStr(self, "pwd", ""); return self; } void pikaMaker_setPWD(PikaMaker* self, char* pwd) { obj_setStr(self, "pwd", pwd); } void pikaMaker_setState(PikaMaker* self, char* module_name, char* state) { obj_newMetaObj(self, module_name, New_TinyObj); PikaObj* module_obj = obj_getObj(self, module_name); obj_setStr(module_obj, "name", module_name); obj_setStr(module_obj, "state", state); } void pikaMaker_compileModule(PikaMaker* self, char* module_name) { __Maker_compileModuleWithInfo(self, module_name); /* update compile info */ pikaMaker_setState(self, module_name, "compiled"); } int pikaMaker_getDependencies(PikaMaker* self, char* module_name) { int res = 0; ByteCodeFrame bf = {0}; Args buffs = {0}; byteCodeFrame_init(&bf); ConstPool* const_pool = NULL; InstructArray* ins_array = NULL; char* module_path = strsAppend(&buffs, obj_getStr(self, "pwd"), "pikascript-api/"); module_path = strsAppend(&buffs, module_path, module_name); char* file_path = strsAppend(&buffs, module_path, ".py.o"); Arg* file_arg = arg_loadFile(NULL, file_path); uint8_t offset_befor = 0; if (NULL == file_arg) { res = 1; goto exit; } byteCodeFrame_loadByteCode(&bf, arg_getBytes(file_arg)); const_pool = &bf.const_pool; ins_array = &bf.instruct_array; offset_befor = ins_array->content_offset_now; ins_array->content_offset_now = 0; while (1) { InstructUnit* ins_unit = instructArray_getNow(ins_array); if (NULL == ins_unit) { goto exit; } if (instructUnit_getInstruct(ins_unit) == IMP) { char* imp_module_name = constPool_getByOffset(const_pool, ins_unit->const_pool_index); char* imp_module_path = strsAppend(&buffs, obj_getStr(self, "pwd"), imp_module_name); /* check if compiled the module */ if (obj_isArgExist(self, imp_module_name)) { /* module info is exist, do nothing */ } else { /* module info is not exist */ /* set module to be compile */ FILE* imp_file_py = __platform_fopen( strsAppend(&buffs, imp_module_path, ".py"), "rb"); FILE* imp_file_pyi = __platform_fopen( strsAppend(&buffs, imp_module_path, ".pyi"), "rb"); if (NULL != imp_file_py) { /* found *.py, push to nocompiled list */ pikaMaker_setState(self, imp_module_name, "nocompiled"); __platform_fclose(imp_file_py); } else if (NULL != imp_file_pyi) { /* found *.py, push to nocompiled list */ pikaMaker_setState(self, imp_module_name, "cmodule"); __platform_fclose(imp_file_pyi); } else { __platform_printf( " [warning]: file: '%s.pyi' or '%s.py' no found\n", imp_module_name, imp_module_name); } } } instructArray_getNext(ins_array); } exit: ins_array->content_offset_now = offset_befor; if (NULL != file_arg) { arg_deinit(file_arg); } strsDeinit(&buffs); byteCodeFrame_deinit(&bf); return res; } int32_t __foreach_handler_printStates(Arg* argEach, Args* context) { if (argType_isObject(arg_getType(argEach))) { PikaObj* module_obj = arg_getPtr(argEach); __platform_printf("%s: %s\r\n", obj_getStr(module_obj, "name"), obj_getStr(module_obj, "state")); } return 0; } void pikaMaker_printStates(PikaMaker* self) { args_foreach(self->list, __foreach_handler_printStates, NULL); } int32_t __foreach_handler_getFirstNocompiled(Arg* argEach, Args* context) { if (argType_isObject(arg_getType(argEach))) { PikaObj* module_obj = arg_getPtr(argEach); char* state = obj_getStr(module_obj, "state"); if (args_isArgExist(context, "res")) { /* already get method */ return 0; } if (strEqu("nocompiled", state)) { /* push module */ args_setStr(context, "res", obj_getStr(module_obj, "name")); return 0; } } return 0; } char* pikaMaker_getFirstNocompiled(PikaMaker* self) { Args context = {0}; args_foreach(self->list, __foreach_handler_getFirstNocompiled, &context); char* res = args_getStr(&context, "res"); if (NULL == res) { /* remove res in maker */ obj_removeArg(self, "res"); } else { obj_setStr(self, "res", res); } args_deinit_stack(&context); return obj_getStr(self, "res"); } void pikaMaker_compileModuleWithDepends(PikaMaker* self, char* module_name) { pikaMaker_compileModule(self, module_name); pikaMaker_getDependencies(self, module_name); while (1) { char* uncompiled = pikaMaker_getFirstNocompiled(self); /* compiled all modules */ if (NULL == uncompiled) { break; } pikaMaker_compileModule(self, uncompiled); pikaMaker_getDependencies(self, uncompiled); } } int32_t __foreach_handler_linkCompiledModules(Arg* argEach, Args* context) { Args buffs = {0}; if (argType_isObject(arg_getType(argEach))) { LibObj* lib = args_getPtr(context, "__lib"); PikaMaker* maker = args_getPtr(context, "__maker"); PikaObj* module_obj = arg_getPtr(argEach); char* module_name = obj_getStr(module_obj, "name"); char* state = obj_getStr(module_obj, "state"); if (strEqu(state, "compiled")) { char* pwd = obj_getStr(maker, "pwd"); char* folder_path = strsAppend(&buffs, pwd, "pikascript-api/"); char* module_file_name = strsAppend(&buffs, module_name, ".py.o"); char* module_file_path = strsAppend(&buffs, folder_path, module_file_name); LibObj_staticLinkFile(lib, module_file_path); } } strsDeinit(&buffs); return 0; } void pikaMaker_linkCompiledModulesFullPath(PikaMaker* self, char* lib_path) { Args context = {0}; LibObj* lib = New_LibObj(NULL); Args buffs = {0}; __platform_printf(" linking %s...\n", lib_path); args_setPtr(&context, "__lib", lib); args_setPtr(&context, "__maker", self); args_foreach(self->list, __foreach_handler_linkCompiledModules, &context); args_deinit_stack(&context); char* pwd = obj_getStr(self, "pwd"); char* lib_path_folder = strsCopy(&buffs, lib_path); strPopLastToken(lib_path_folder, '/'); char* folder_path = strsAppend(&buffs, pwd, lib_path_folder); folder_path = strsAppend(&buffs, folder_path, "/"); char* lib_file_path = strsAppend(&buffs, pwd, lib_path); LibObj_saveLibraryFile(lib, lib_file_path); Lib_loadLibraryFileToArray(lib_file_path, folder_path); LibObj_deinit(lib); strsDeinit(&buffs); } void pikaMaker_linkCompiledModules(PikaMaker* self, char* lib_name) { Args buffs = {0}; char* lib_file_path = strsAppend(&buffs, "pikascript-api/", lib_name); pikaMaker_linkCompiledModulesFullPath(self, lib_file_path); strsDeinit(&buffs); }