# re for pikaScript This module is made for pikaScript, aiming at providing the same usage as the re module in Python. ## import module ``` python import re ``` ## usage The functions in this module have almost the same name and usage as the functions in the re module in python, but some features in the python.re module are not avaliable here, pikaScript does not support default arguments for example. Here we provide some demonstration programs. ### match ``` python import re line = "Cats are smarter than dogs" m = re.match( '(.*) are (.*?) .*', line, re.M|re.I) if m: print("matchObj.group(0) : ", m.group(0)) print("matchObj.group(1) : ", m.group(1)) print("matchObj.group(2) : ", m.group(2)) else: print("No match!!") '''>> runing output matchObj.group(0) : Cats are smarter than dogs matchObj.group(1) : Cats matchObj.group(2) : smarter ''' ``` ### search ``` python print(re.search('www', 'www.runoob.com').span(0)) print(re.search('com', 'www.runoob.com').span(0)) '''>> running output [0, 3] [11, 14] ''' ``` ### sub ```python phone = "2004-959-559 # this is a phone number" num = re.sub('#.*$', "", phone) print("the phone number is: ", num) num = re.sub('\D', "", phone) print("the phone number is: ", num) '''>> running output the phone number is: 2004-959-559 the phone number is: 2004959559 ''' ``` ### findall ``` python # year-month-day pattern = re.compile('(\d{4})-([1-9]|1[0-2])-([1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[01])\b') s = 'date: 2020-1-1, 2022-12-22, 2018-3-31. Wrong format: 2031-13-31, 2032-12-33 ...' result1 = pattern.findall(s) print(result1) result2 = pattern.sub('\1',s) print(result2) '''>> running output [['2020-1-1', '2020', '1', '1'], ['2022-12-22', '2022', '12', '22'], ['2018-3-31', '2018', '3', '31']] date: 2020, 2022, 2018. Wrong format: 2031-13-31, 2032-12-33 ... ''' ``` ## the API This module prototype are likes this: ``` python # flags I: int IGNORECASE:int M: int MULTILINE:int DOTALL: int class Pattern(): def __init__(self): pass def __del__(self): pass def findall(self, subject: str, *flags) -> list: pass def sub(self, repl: str, subjet: str, *flags) -> str: pass def match(self, subject: str, *flags) -> Match: pass def fullmatch(self, subject: str, *flags) -> Match: pass def search(self, subject: str, *flags) -> Match: pass class Match(): def __init__(self): pass def __del__(self): pass def group(self, n: int) -> str: pass def groups(self) -> list: pass def span(self, group_n: int) -> list: pass def findall(pattern: str, subject: str, *flags) -> list:... def sub(pattern: str, repl: str, subjet: str, *flags) -> str: ... def match(pattern: str, subject: str, *flags) -> Match: ... def fullmatch(pattern: str, subject: str, *flags) -> Match: ... def search(pattern: str, subject: str, *flags) -> Match: ... def compile(pattern: str) -> Pattern: ... ```