/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include "output_format.h" #include "pio_disassembler.h" struct c_sdk_output : public output_format { struct factory { factory() { output_format::add(new c_sdk_output()); } }; c_sdk_output() : output_format("c-sdk") {} std::string get_description() override { return "C header suitable for use with the Raspberry Pi Pico SDK"; } void output_symbols(FILE *out, std::string prefix, const std::vector<compiled_source::symbol> &symbols) { int count = 0; for (const auto &s : symbols) { if (!s.is_label) { fprintf(out, "#define %s%s %d\n", prefix.c_str(), s.name.c_str(), s.value); count++; } } if (count) { fprintf(out, "\n"); count = 0; } for (const auto &s : symbols) { if (s.is_label) { fprintf(out, "#define %soffset_%s %du\n", prefix.c_str(), s.name.c_str(), s.value); count++; } } if (count) { fprintf(out, "\n"); } } void header(FILE *out, std::string msg) { std::string dashes = std::string(msg.length(), '-'); fprintf(out, "// %s //\n", dashes.c_str()); fprintf(out, "// %s //\n", msg.c_str()); fprintf(out, "// %s //\n", dashes.c_str()); fprintf(out, "\n"); } int output(std::string destination, std::vector<std::string> output_options, const compiled_source &source) override { for (const auto &program : source.programs) { for(const auto &p : program.lang_opts) { if (p.first.size() >= name.size() && p.first.compare(0, name.size(), name) == 0) { std::cerr << "warning: " << name << " does not support output options; " << p.first << " lang_opt ignored.\n"; } } } FILE *out = open_single_output(destination); if (!out) return 1; header(out, "This file is autogenerated by pioasm; do not edit!"); fprintf(out, "#pragma once\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "#if !PICO_NO_HARDWARE\n"); fprintf(out, "#include \"hardware/pio.h\"\n"); fprintf(out, "#endif\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); output_symbols(out, "", source.global_symbols); for (const auto &program : source.programs) { header(out, program.name); std::string prefix = program.name + "_"; fprintf(out, "#define %swrap_target %d\n", prefix.c_str(), program.wrap_target); fprintf(out, "#define %swrap %d\n", prefix.c_str(), program.wrap); fprintf(out, "\n"); output_symbols(out, prefix, program.symbols); fprintf(out, "static const uint16_t %sprogram_instructions[] = {\n", prefix.c_str()); for (int i = 0; i < (int)program.instructions.size(); i++) { const auto &inst = program.instructions[i]; if (i == program.wrap_target) { fprintf(out, " // .wrap_target\n"); } fprintf(out, " 0x%04x, // %2d: %s\n", inst, i, disassemble(inst, program.sideset_bits_including_opt.get(), program.sideset_opt).c_str()); if (i == program.wrap) { fprintf(out, " // .wrap\n"); } } fprintf(out, "};\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "#if !PICO_NO_HARDWARE\n"); fprintf(out, "static const struct pio_program %sprogram = {\n", prefix.c_str()); fprintf(out, " .instructions = %sprogram_instructions,\n", prefix.c_str()); fprintf(out, " .length = %d,\n", (int) program.instructions.size()); fprintf(out, " .origin = %d,\n", program.origin.get()); fprintf(out, "};\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "static inline pio_sm_config %sprogram_get_default_config(uint offset) {\n", prefix.c_str()); fprintf(out, " pio_sm_config c = pio_get_default_sm_config();\n"); fprintf(out, " sm_config_set_wrap(&c, offset + %swrap_target, offset + %swrap);\n", prefix.c_str(), prefix.c_str()); if (program.sideset_bits_including_opt.is_specified()) { fprintf(out, " sm_config_set_sideset(&c, %d, %s, %s);\n", program.sideset_bits_including_opt.get(), program.sideset_opt ? "true" : "false", program.sideset_pindirs ? "true" : "false"); } fprintf(out, " return c;\n"); fprintf(out, "}\n"); // todo maybe have some code blocks inside or outside here? for(const auto& o : program.code_blocks) { fprintf(out, "\n"); if (o.first == name) { for(const auto &contents : o.second) { fprintf(out, "%s", contents.c_str()); fprintf(out, "\n"); } } } fprintf(out, "#endif\n"); fprintf(out, "\n"); } if (out != stdout) { fclose(out); } return 0; } }; static c_sdk_output::factory creator;