#define USE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER #include "stm32_p103.h" void SysTick_Handler(void) { GPIOC->ODR ^= 0x00001000; } int main(void) { int last_button_state, new_button_state; uint32_t hclk_ticks_per_sec, ext_clock_ticks_per_sec; init_led(); init_button(); /* The Cortex System Timer (SysTick) clock can be driven by the Cortex * clock (HCLK), which is the output of the AHB prescaler, or from the * external clock, which is HLCK divided by 8. * Call SysTick_Config with the number of ticks between Systick interrupts. * We will choose this value such that there is one second * between interrupts when the external clock (HCLK / 8) is selected. * Initially, the Cortex clock (HCLK) will be selected, which means an * interrupt every 1/8th of a second. */ hclk_ticks_per_sec = SystemCoreClock; ext_clock_ticks_per_sec = hclk_ticks_per_sec / 8; if (SysTick_Config(ext_clock_ticks_per_sec)) { /* If SysTick_Config returns 1, that means the number ticks exceeds the * limit. */ while (1) ; } /* Infinite loop - when the button changes state, toggle the SysTick clock * source. */ last_button_state = GPIOA->IDR & 0x00000001; while (1) { SysTick->CTRL ^= SysTick_CTRL_CLKSOURCE_Msk; } }