PikaTech PikaScript PikaScript is an ultra-lightweight Python engine with zero dependencies and zero-configuration, that can run with 4KB of RAM and 32KB of flash. It's very easy to bind C function to python module with the help of Pika Pre-compiler.Only write the API of python in .pyi and the bindings are autoly generated by Pre-compiler. https://gitee.com/Lyon1998/pikascript/raw/master/port/cmsis-pack/ https://github.com/pikasTech/pikascript/issues LICENSE https://github.com/pikasTech/pikascript.git - PikaScript v1.13.0 Python MCU Arm Compiler 5 (armcc) or Arm Compiler 6 (armclang). GNU Tools for Arm Embedded Processors. Support All Cortex-M based processors Require CMSIS-CORE Support Compile Cortex-M Processors with GNU Tools for Arm Embedded Processors. Compile Cortex-M Processors with GNU Tools for Arm Embedded Processors. Compile Cortex-M Processors with GNU Tools for Arm Embedded Processors. Compile Cortex-M Processors with GNU Tools for Arm Embedded Processors. The Kernel of the PikaScript The existance of the LVGL The Kernel of the PikaScript The Kernel of the PikaScript an ultra-lightweight Python engine https://pikadoc-en.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html PikaScript Kernel #define RTE_Script_PikaScript The standard library for PikaScript #include "RTE_Components.h" #if !((defined(LV_USE_PIKASCRIPT_BINDING) && LV_USE_PIKASCRIPT_BINDING) || (defined(PIKA_USE_LVGL_BINDING) && PIKA_USE_LVGL_BINDING)) # define PIKA_MODULE_PIKA_LVGL_DISABLE 1 #endif The lvgl module for PikaScript /*! \brief enable PikaScrit Binding */ #define PIKA_USE_LVGL_BINDING 1