import os import subprocess import glob folder_name = os.getcwd().split("/")[-1] # 获取当前目录的名称 python_files = [] # 用来保存找到的文件 for folder_item in os.listdir("."): if os.path.isdir(folder_item): # 判断是否为文件夹 for file in os.listdir(folder_item): if file.endswith(".py") or file.endswith(".pyi"): # 判断文件后缀是否为 .py 或者 .pyi # 判断文件是否和当前目录名称相同 if file == folder_item + ".py" or file == folder_item + ".pyi": python_files.append(os.path.join( folder_item, file)) # 将找到的文件添加到列表中 def generate_documentation(path_to_file): # Set the output file path based on the input file name file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path_to_file))[0] output_file = f"doc/API_{file_name}.md" # Create the 'doc' directory if it does not exist if not os.path.exists("doc"): os.mkdir("doc") # Build the command to run rust-msc-latest-linux cmd = ["rust-msc-latest-linux", "--docgen", path_to_file, "-o", output_file] # Run the command and capture the output output =, capture_output=True, text=True) # Print the output print(output.stdout) # Check if there was an error if output.returncode != 0: print(output.stderr) for item in python_files: # 调用 rust-msc-latest-linux --docgen -o generate_documentation(item) def add_title_to_md_files(directory): # 获取目录下所有的md文件路径 md_files = [f for f in os.listdir(directory) if f.endswith('.md')] for md_file in md_files: file_path = os.path.join(directory, md_file) with open(file_path, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() file_name = os.path.splitext(md_file)[0] title = file_name.replace('API_', '') # 在文件开头添加一级标题 lines.insert(0, f'## API\n\n') lines.insert(0, f'# {title} 模块 API 文档\n\n') with open(file_path, 'w') as f: f.writelines(lines) print(f'{len(md_files)}个.md文件已添加标题') # 指定目录路径 directory = 'doc' add_title_to_md_files(directory) # 获取目录下所有的md文件路径 md_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, '*.md')) def remove_prefix(filename): # 如果文件名以“API_”开头,则去掉该前缀 if os.path.basename(filename).startswith("API_"): return os.path.basename(filename)[4:] # 否则返回原文件名 else: return filename md_files_sort = sorted(md_files, key=lambda x: (remove_prefix(x).casefold())) print(md_files_sort) # 生成toctree指令内容 toctree_content = '' for md_file in md_files_sort: # 获取文件名(不包含扩展名) file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(md_file))[0] # 生成toctree指令项 toctree_item = f' {file_name}\n' toctree_content += toctree_item # 生成API文档文件内容 doc_content = f'''模块 API 文档 ============================ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 {toctree_content} ''' # 写入API文档文件 with open('doc/index_api.rst', 'w') as f: f.write(doc_content) # 获得 module list module_list = [remove_prefix(md_file).replace('.md', '') for md_file in md_files] print(module_list) # 收集 ../examples/ 下的所有py文件 for module in module_list: if module == 'PikaStdDevice': module_example = 'Device' elif module == 'pika_lvgl': module_example = 'lvgl' elif module == 'pika_cjson': module_example = 'cJSON' elif module == 'PikaStdLib': module_example = 'BuiltIn' else: module_example = module example_list = glob.glob(f'../examples/{module_example}/*.py') print(example_list) with open(f'doc/API_{module}.md', 'a') as f: f.write('\n\n## Examples\n\n') for example in example_list: with open(example, 'r') as example_file: f.write(f'### {os.path.basename(example)}\n\n') f.write('```python\n') f.write( f.write('\n```\n')