from PikaObj import * class ImageFormat(TinyObj): """The ImageFormat class is used to store the image format enum of an image.""" RGB888: int RGB565: int GRAY: int JPEG: int def __init__(self): ... class Image(TinyObj): """Create a empty image. The image can be filled with data by read a file e.g.: `read()` or load bytes e.g:. `loadRGB888`, `loadRGB565`, `loadGray` or `loadJpeg`""" def __init__(self): ... def read(self, path: str): """Read the image from the specified path, Need implement the `__platform_fopen()`, `__platform_fread()` and `__platform_fclose()`""" ... def write(self, path: str): """Write the image to the specified path, Need implement the `__platform_fopen()`, `__platform_fwrite()` and `__platform_fclose()`""" ... def loadJpeg(self, bytes: any): """Load the image from bytes""" def loadRGB888(self, width: int, height: int, bytes: bytes): """Load the image from bytes""" def loadRGB565(self, width: int, hight: int, bytes: bytes): """Load the image from bytes""" def loadGray(self, width: int, hight: int, bytes: bytes): """Load the image from bytes""" def width(self) -> int: """Get the width of the image""" def hight(self) -> int: """Get the hight of the image""" def format(self) -> int: """Get the format of the image. The format is one of the `ImageFormat` enum, like `ImageFormat.RGB888`""" def data(self) -> bytes: """Get the data of the image""" def getPixel(self, x: int, y: int, channel: int) -> int: """Get the pixel value of the specified channel. For example, if the format of image is `RGB888`, the channel `0`, `1`, `2`, means `R`, `G`, `B`, and for the format of `GRAY8`, the channel is `0` """ def setPixel(self, x: int, y: int, channel: int, value: int): """Set the pixel value of the specified channel. For example, if the format of image is `RGB888`, the channel `0`, `1`, `2`, means `R`, `G`, `B`, and for the format of `GRAY8`, the channel is `0` """ def size(self) -> int: """Get the size of the image by bytes""" def add(self,image:Imgae): """Add two images""" def minus(self,image:Imgae): """Minus two images""" def split(self) -> List: """Split one 3-channels image to three 1-channel""" def merge(self,R:Image,G:Image,B:Image): """Merge three 1-channel image to 3-channels""" class Converter(TinyObj): """The Converter class is used to convert an image from one format to another.""" @staticmethod def toRGB888(image: Image): """Convert the image to RGB888""" @staticmethod def toRGB565(image: Image): """Convert the image to RGB565""" @staticmethod def toGray(image: Image): """Convert the image to Gray""" @staticmethod def toBMP(image: Image): """Convert the image to BMP""" @staticmethod def toBGR888(image: Image): """Convert the image to BGR888""" class Transforms(TinyObj): """The transforms class is used to supply the rotate, flip, and crop operation for an image.""" @staticmethod def rotateDown(image: Image): """Rotate the image """ def threshold(image:Image,thre:int,maxval:int,thresholdType:int): """ 0:THRESH_BINARY 1:THRESH_BINARY_INV 2:THRESH_TRUNC 3:THRESH_TOZERO 4:THRESH_TOZERO_INV 5:OTSU """ def setROI(image:Image,x:int,y:int,w:int,h:int) : """xywh""" def getOTSUthre(image:Image) -> int: """return otsu threshold""" def setOTSU(image:Image): """otsu""" def resize(image:Image,x:int,y:int,resizeType:int): """ resize image 0:NEAREST TODO: 1:BILINEAR """ class Filter(TinyObj): """The Filter class is used to supply some Image Filtering Algorithms .""" def meanFilter(image:Image,ksizex:int,ksizey:int): """ mean filter,ksize is odd"""