class _MQTT: def __init__(self, ip: str, port: int, clinetID: str, username: str, password: str, version: str, ca: str, keepalive: int): ... def __del__(self): ... def setClientID(self, id: str) -> int: pass """Set the ClientID of the MQTTClient.""" def setUsername(self, name: str) -> int: pass """Set the Username of the MQTTClient.""" def setPassword(self, passwd: str) -> int: pass """Set the Password of the MQTTClient.""" def setVersion(self, version: str) -> int: pass """Set the Version of the MQTTClient.""" def setCa(self, ca: str) -> int: pass """Set the Ca of the MQTTClient.""" def setKeepAlive(self, time: int) -> int: pass """Set the KeepAlive of the MQTTClient.""" def setWill(self, topic: str, payload: str, qos: int, retain: int) -> int: pass """Set the Will of the MQTTClient.""" def connect(self) -> int: pass """connect to the mqtt-server.""" def disconnect(self) -> int: pass """disconnect to the mqtt-server.""" def subscribe(self, topic: str, cb: any, qos: int) -> int: pass """subscribe to the mqtt-server.""" def unsubscribe(self, topic: str) -> int: pass """unsubscribe to the mqtt-server.""" def listSubscribeTopic(self) -> list: pass """listSubscribeTopic """ def publish(self,topic: str, payload: str, qos:int) -> int: pass """publish to the mqtt-server.""" def setPort(self, port: int) -> int: """Set the port num of the MQTTClient.""" def setHost(self, host_url: str) -> int: """Set the host_url of the MQTTClient.""" def getMsg(self,signal:int) -> str: pass """callback fun get msg""" def getTopic(self,signal:int) -> str: pass """callback fun get topic""" def getQos(self,signal:int) -> int: pass """callback fun get qos""" def setDisconnectHandler(self,cb: any) -> int: pass """set disconnect callback fun.""" def __del__(): pass