/* * This file is part of the PikaScript project. * http://github.com/pikastech/pikascript * * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2021 lyon 李昂 liang6516@outlook.com * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "dataArg.h" #include "dataArgs.h" #include "dataMemory.h" #include "dataString.h" #include "stdlib.h" void arg_deinit(Arg* self) { arg_freeContent(self); } uint16_t arg_getTotleSize(Arg* self) { return content_totleSize(self); } #if 0 void content_setNext(uint8_t* self, uint8_t* next) { uint8_t* nextDir = self + content_nextOffset(self); uintptr_t* p_next = (uintptr_t*)nextDir; *p_next = (uintptr_t)next; } #endif /** * time33 hash */ Hash hash_time33(char* str) { Hash hash = 5381; while (*str) { hash += (hash << 5) + (*str++); } return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF); } static uint8_t* content_init_hash(Hash nameHash, ArgType type, uint8_t* content, uint32_t size, uint8_t* next) { const uint8_t nextLength = sizeof(uint8_t*); const uint8_t sizeLength = sizeof(uint32_t); uint16_t nameSize = sizeof(Hash); // use hash uint16_t typeSize = sizeof(ArgType); // use enum __arg * self = (__arg *)pikaMalloc(nextLength + sizeLength + nameSize + size + typeSize); self->next = (__arg *)next; self->size = size; self->name_hash = nameHash; if (NULL != content) { __platform_memcpy(self->content, content, size); } else { __platform_memset(self->content, 0, size); } (*(ArgType *)((uintptr_t)(self->content) + size)) = type; return (uint8_t *)self; } static uint8_t* content_init(char* name, ArgType type, uint8_t* content, uint16_t size, uint8_t* next) { Hash nameHash = hash_time33(name); return content_init_hash(nameHash, type, content, size, next); } uint16_t content_totleSize(uint8_t* self) { return ((__arg *)self)->size + sizeof(ArgType) + sizeof(__arg); } void arg_freeContent(Arg* self) { if (NULL != self) { content_deinit(self); } } uint8_t* content_deinit(uint8_t* self) { uint16_t totleSize = content_totleSize(self); pikaFree(self, totleSize); return 0; } uint8_t* content_setContent(uint8_t* self, uint8_t* content, uint16_t size) { if (NULL == self) { return content_init("", TYPE_NONE, content, size, NULL); } Hash nameHash = content_getNameHash(self); ArgType type = content_getType(self); uint8_t* next = content_getNext(self); uint8_t* newContent = content_init_hash(nameHash, type, content, size, next); content_deinit(self); return newContent; } uint8_t* content_setNameHash(uint8_t* self, Hash nameHash) { if (NULL == self) { return content_init_hash(nameHash, TYPE_NONE, NULL, 0, NULL); } __arg * arg = (__arg *)self; arg->name_hash = nameHash; return self; } uint8_t* content_setName(uint8_t* self, char* name) { return content_setNameHash(self, hash_time33(name)); } uint8_t* content_setType(uint8_t* self, ArgType type) { if (NULL == self) { return content_init("", type, NULL, 0, NULL); } __arg * arg = (__arg *)self; (*(ArgType *)((uintptr_t)(arg->content) + arg->size)) = type; return self; } Arg* arg_newContent(Arg* self, uint32_t size) { uint8_t* newContent = content_init("", TYPE_NONE, NULL, size, NULL); arg_freeContent(self); return newContent; } Arg* arg_setContent(Arg* self, uint8_t* content, uint32_t size) { return content_setContent(self, content, size); } Arg* arg_setName(Arg* self, char* name) { return content_setName(self, name); } Arg* arg_setNameHash(Arg* self, Hash nameHash) { return content_setNameHash(self, nameHash); } Arg* arg_setType(Arg* self, ArgType type) { return content_setType(self, type); } ArgType content_getType(uint8_t* self) { __arg * arg = (__arg *)self; return (*(ArgType *)((uintptr_t)(arg->content) + arg->size)); } uint8_t* arg_getContent(Arg* self) { return content_getContent(self); } Arg* arg_setInt(Arg* self, char* name, int64_t val) { return content_init(name, TYPE_INT, (uint8_t *)&val, sizeof(val), NULL); } Arg* arg_setNull(Arg* self) { return content_init("", TYPE_NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); } Arg* arg_setFloat(Arg* self, char* name, float val) { return content_init(name, TYPE_FLOAT, (uint8_t *)&val, sizeof(val), NULL); } float arg_getFloat(Arg* self) { if (NULL == arg_getContent(self)) { return -999.999; } return *(float *)(((__arg *)self)->content); } Arg* arg_setPtr(Arg* self, char* name, ArgType type, void* pointer) { return content_init(name, type, (uint8_t *)&pointer, sizeof(uintptr_t), NULL); } Arg* arg_setStr(Arg* self, char* name, char* string) { return content_init(name, TYPE_STRING, (uint8_t*)string, strGetSize(string) + 1, NULL); } int64_t arg_getInt(Arg* self) { if (NULL == arg_getContent(self)) { return -999999; } return *(int64_t *)(((__arg *)self)->content); } void* arg_getPtr(Arg* self) { if (NULL == arg_getContent(self)) { return NULL; } return *(void **)(((__arg *)self)->content); } char* arg_getStr(Arg* self) { return (char*)arg_getContent(self); } uint16_t content_typeOffset(uint8_t* self) { const uint8_t nextLength = sizeof(uint8_t*); const uint8_t sizeLength = sizeof(uint32_t); uint16_t size = content_getSize(self); uint16_t nameSize = sizeof(Hash); return nextLength + sizeLength + nameSize + size; } Hash arg_getNameHash(Arg* self) { if (NULL == self) { return 999999; } return content_getNameHash(self); } ArgType arg_getType(Arg* self) { if (NULL == self) { return TYPE_NONE; } return content_getType(self); } uint16_t arg_getContentSize(Arg* self) { return content_getSize(self); } Arg* New_arg(void* voidPointer) { return NULL; } Arg* arg_copy(Arg* argToBeCopy) { if (NULL == argToBeCopy) { return NULL; } Arg* argCopied = New_arg(NULL); argCopied = arg_setContent(argCopied, arg_getContent(argToBeCopy), arg_getContentSize(argToBeCopy)); argCopied = arg_setNameHash(argCopied, arg_getNameHash(argToBeCopy)); argCopied = arg_setType(argCopied, arg_getType(argToBeCopy)); return argCopied; }