/* ************************************************************************************************************************ * File : cpu_port.c * By : xyou * Version : V1.00.00 * * By : prife * Version : V1.00.01 ************************************************************************************************************************ */ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * INCLUDE FILES ********************************************************************************************************* */ #include <rtthread.h> #include <windows.h> #include <mmsystem.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "cpu_port.h" /* ********************************************************************************************************* * WinThread STRUCTURE * Windows runs each task in a thread. * The context switch is managed by the threads.So the task stack does not have to be managed directly, * although the stack stack is still used to hold an WinThreadState structure this is the only thing it * will be ever hold. * YieldEvent used to make sure the thread does not execute before asynchronous SuspendThread() operation * actually being performed. * the structure indirectly maps the task handle to a thread handle ********************************************************************************************************* */ typedef struct { void *Param; //Thread param void (*Entry)(void *); //Thread entry void (*Exit)(void); //Thread exit HANDLE YieldEvent; HANDLE ThreadHandle; DWORD ThreadID; }win_thread_t; const DWORD MS_VC_EXCEPTION=0x406D1388; #pragma pack(push,8) typedef struct tagTHREADNAME_INFO { DWORD dwType; // Must be 0x1000. LPCSTR szName; // Pointer to name (in user addr space). DWORD dwThreadID; // Thread ID (-1=caller thread). DWORD dwFlags; // Reserved for future use, must be zero. } THREADNAME_INFO; #pragma pack(pop) /* ********************************************************************************************************* * LOCAL DEFINES ********************************************************************************************************* */ #define MAX_INTERRUPT_NUM ((rt_uint32_t)sizeof(rt_uint32_t) * 8) /* * Simulated interrupt waiting to be processed.this is a bit mask where each bit represent one interrupt * so a maximum of 32 interrupts can be simulated */ static volatile rt_uint32_t CpuPendingInterrupts = 0; /* * An event used to inform the simulated interrupt processing thread (a high priority thread * that simulated interrupt processing) that an interrupt is pending */ static HANDLE hInterruptEventHandle = NULL; /* * Mutex used to protect all the simulated interrupt variables that are accessed by multiple threads */ static HANDLE hInterruptEventMutex = NULL; /* * Handler for all the simulate software interrupts. * The first two positions are used the Yield and Tick interrupt so are handled slightly differently * all the other interrupts can be user defined */ static rt_uint32_t (*CpuIsrHandler[MAX_INTERRUPT_NUM])(void) = {0}; /* * Handler for OSTick Thread */ static HANDLE OSTick_Thread; static DWORD OSTick_ThreadID; static HANDLE OSTick_SignalPtr; static TIMECAPS OSTick_TimerCap; static MMRESULT OSTick_TimerID; /* * flag in interrupt handling */ rt_uint32_t rt_interrupt_from_thread, rt_interrupt_to_thread; rt_uint32_t rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag; /* ********************************************************************************************************* * PRIVATE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ********************************************************************************************************* */ //static void WinThreadScheduler(void); void WinThreadScheduler(void); rt_uint32_t YieldInterruptHandle(void); rt_uint32_t SysTickInterruptHandle(void); static DWORD WINAPI ThreadforSysTickTimer(LPVOID lpParam); static DWORD WINAPI ThreadforKeyGet(LPVOID lpParam); static void SetThreadName(DWORD dwThreadID, char* threadName) { #if defined(_MSC_VER) THREADNAME_INFO info; info.dwType = 0x1000; info.szName = threadName; info.dwThreadID = dwThreadID; info.dwFlags = 0; __try { RaiseException( MS_VC_EXCEPTION, 0, sizeof(info)/sizeof(ULONG_PTR), (ULONG_PTR*)&info ); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { } #endif } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * rt_hw_stack_init() * Description : Initialize stack of thread * Argument(s) : void *pvEntry,void *pvParam,rt_uint8_t *pStackAddr,void *pvExit * Return(s) : rt_uint8_t* * Caller(s) : rt_thread_init or rt_thread_create * Note(s) : none ********************************************************************************************************* */ static DWORD WINAPI thread_run( LPVOID lpThreadParameter ) { rt_thread_t tid = rt_thread_self(); win_thread_t *pWinThread = (win_thread_t *)lpThreadParameter; SetThreadName(GetCurrentThreadId(), tid->name); pWinThread->Entry(pWinThread->Param); pWinThread->Exit(); return 0; } rt_uint8_t* rt_hw_stack_init(void *pEntry,void *pParam,rt_uint8_t *pStackAddr,void *pExit) { win_thread_t *pWinThread = NULL; /* * In this simulated case a stack is not initialized * The thread handles the context switching itself. The WinThreadState object is placed onto the stack * that was created for the task * so the stack buffer is still used,just not in the conventional way. */ pWinThread = (win_thread_t *)(pStackAddr - sizeof(win_thread_t)); pWinThread->Entry = pEntry; pWinThread->Param = pParam; pWinThread->Exit = pExit; pWinThread->ThreadHandle = NULL; pWinThread->ThreadID = 0; pWinThread->YieldEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); /* Create the winthread */ pWinThread->ThreadHandle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) thread_run, pWinThread, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &(pWinThread->ThreadID)); SetThreadAffinityMask(pWinThread->ThreadHandle, 0x01); SetThreadPriorityBoost(pWinThread->ThreadHandle, TRUE); SetThreadPriority(pWinThread->ThreadHandle, THREAD_PRIORITY_IDLE); return (rt_uint8_t*)pWinThread; } /*** rt_hw_stack_init ***/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * rt_hw_interrupt_disable() * Description : disable cpu interrupts * Argument(s) : void * Return(s) : rt_base_t * Caller(s) : Applicatios or os_kernel * Note(s) : none ********************************************************************************************************* */ rt_base_t rt_hw_interrupt_disable(void) { if(hInterruptEventMutex != NULL) { WaitForSingleObject(hInterruptEventMutex,INFINITE); } return 0; } /*** rt_hw_interrupt_disable ***/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * rt_hw_interrupt_enable() * Description : enable cpu interrupts * Argument(s) : rt_base_t level * Return(s) : void * Caller(s) : Applications or os_kernel * Note(s) : none ********************************************************************************************************* */ void rt_hw_interrupt_enable(rt_base_t level) { level = level; if (hInterruptEventMutex != NULL) { ReleaseMutex(hInterruptEventMutex); } } /*** rt_hw_interrupt_enable ***/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * rt_hw_context_switch_interrupt() * Description : switch thread's contex * Argument(s) : void * Return(s) : void * Caller(s) : os kernel * Note(s) : none ********************************************************************************************************* */ void rt_hw_context_switch_interrupt(rt_uint32_t from, rt_uint32_t to) { if(rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag != 1) { rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag = 1; // set rt_interrupt_from_thread rt_interrupt_from_thread = *((rt_uint32_t *)(from)); } rt_interrupt_to_thread = *((rt_uint32_t *)(to)); //trigger YIELD exception(cause context switch) TriggerSimulateInterrupt(CPU_INTERRUPT_YIELD); } /*** rt_hw_context_switch_interrupt ***/ void rt_hw_context_switch(rt_uint32_t from, rt_uint32_t to) { if(rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag != 1) { rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag = 1; // set rt_interrupt_from_thread rt_interrupt_from_thread = *((rt_uint32_t *)(from)); } // set rt_interrupt_to_thread rt_interrupt_to_thread = *((rt_uint32_t *)(to)); //trigger YIELD exception(cause contex switch) TriggerSimulateInterrupt(CPU_INTERRUPT_YIELD); // make sure the event is not already signaled win_thread_t *WinThread = (win_thread_t *)rt_interrupt_from_thread; ResetEvent(WinThread->YieldEvent); /* * enable interrupt in advance so that scheduler can be executed.please note that interrupt * maybe disable twice before. */ rt_hw_interrupt_enable(0); rt_hw_interrupt_enable(0); // wait to suspend. WaitForSingleObject(WinThread->YieldEvent, INFINITE); } /*** rt_hw_context_switch ***/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * rt_hw_context_switch_to() * Description : switch to new thread * Argument(s) : rt_uint32_t to //the stack address of the thread which will switch to * Return(s) : void * Caller(s) : rt_thread schecale * Note(s) : this function is used to perform the first thread switch ********************************************************************************************************* */ void rt_hw_context_switch_to(rt_uint32_t to) { //set to thread rt_interrupt_to_thread = *((rt_uint32_t *)(to)); //clear from thread rt_interrupt_from_thread = 0; //set interrupt to 1 rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag = 1; //start WinThreadScheduler WinThreadScheduler(); //never reach here! return; } /*** rt_hw_context_switch_to ***/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * TriggerSimulateInterrupt() * Description : Trigger a simulated interrupts handle * Argument(s) : t_uint32_t IntIndex * Return(s) : void * Caller(s) : Applications * Note(s) : none ********************************************************************************************************* */ void TriggerSimulateInterrupt(rt_uint32_t IntIndex) { if((IntIndex < MAX_INTERRUPT_NUM) && (hInterruptEventMutex != NULL)) { /* Yield interrupts are processed even when critical nesting is non-zero */ WaitForSingleObject(hInterruptEventMutex, INFINITE); CpuPendingInterrupts |= (1 << IntIndex); SetEvent(hInterruptEventHandle); ReleaseMutex(hInterruptEventMutex); } } /*** TriggerSimulateInterrupt ***/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * RegisterSimulateInterrupt() * Description : Register a interrupt handle to simulate paltform * Argument(s) : rt_uint32_t IntIndex,rt_uint32_t (*IntHandler)(void) * Return(s) : void * Caller(s) : Applications * Note(s) : none ********************************************************************************************************* */ void RegisterSimulateInterrupt(rt_uint32_t IntIndex,rt_uint32_t (*IntHandler)(void)) { if(IntIndex < MAX_INTERRUPT_NUM) { if (hInterruptEventMutex != NULL) { WaitForSingleObject(hInterruptEventMutex, INFINITE); CpuIsrHandler[IntIndex] = IntHandler; ReleaseMutex(hInterruptEventMutex); } else { CpuIsrHandler[IntIndex] = IntHandler; } } } /*** RegisterSimulateInterrupt ***/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * PRIVATE FUNCTION ********************************************************************************************************* */ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * WinThreadScheduler() * Description : Handle all simulate interrupts * Argument(s) : void * Return(s) : static void * Caller(s) : os scachle * Note(s) : none ********************************************************************************************************* */ #define WIN_WM_MIN_RES (1) void WinThreadScheduler(void) { HANDLE hInterruptObjectList[2]; HANDLE hThreadHandle; rt_uint32_t SwitchRequiredMask; rt_uint32_t i; win_thread_t *WinThreadFrom; win_thread_t *WinThreadTo; /* * Install the interrupt handlers used bye scheduler itself */ RegisterSimulateInterrupt(CPU_INTERRUPT_YIELD, YieldInterruptHandle); RegisterSimulateInterrupt(CPU_INTERRUPT_TICK, SysTickInterruptHandle); /* * Create the events and mutex that are used to synchronise all the WinThreads */ hInterruptEventMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); hInterruptEventHandle = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if((hInterruptEventMutex == NULL) || (hInterruptEventHandle == NULL)) { return; } /* * Set the priority of this WinThread such that it is above the priority of the WinThreads * that run rt-threads. * This is higher priority is required to ensure simulate interrupts take priority over rt-threads */ hThreadHandle = GetCurrentThread(); if(hThreadHandle == NULL) { return; } if (SetThreadPriority(hThreadHandle, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST) == 0) { return; } SetThreadPriorityBoost(hThreadHandle, TRUE); SetThreadAffinityMask(hThreadHandle, 0x01); /* * Start the thread that simulates the timer peripheral to generate tick interrupts. */ OSTick_Thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ThreadforSysTickTimer, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &OSTick_ThreadID); if(OSTick_Thread == NULL) { //Display Error Message return; } SetThreadPriority(OSTick_Thread, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL); SetThreadPriorityBoost(OSTick_Thread, TRUE); SetThreadAffinityMask(OSTick_Thread, 0x01); /* * Set timer Caps */ if (timeGetDevCaps(&OSTick_TimerCap, sizeof(OSTick_TimerCap)) != TIMERR_NOERROR) { CloseHandle(OSTick_Thread); return; } if (OSTick_TimerCap.wPeriodMin < WIN_WM_MIN_RES) { OSTick_TimerCap.wPeriodMin = WIN_WM_MIN_RES; } if(timeBeginPeriod(OSTick_TimerCap.wPeriodMin) != TIMERR_NOERROR) { CloseHandle(OSTick_Thread); return; } OSTick_SignalPtr = CreateEvent(NULL,TRUE,FALSE,NULL); if(OSTick_SignalPtr == NULL) { // disp error message timeEndPeriod(OSTick_TimerCap.wPeriodMin); CloseHandle(OSTick_Thread); return; } OSTick_TimerID = timeSetEvent((UINT ) (1000 / RT_TICK_PER_SECOND) , (UINT ) OSTick_TimerCap.wPeriodMin, (LPTIMECALLBACK ) OSTick_SignalPtr, (DWORD_PTR ) NULL, (UINT ) (TIME_PERIODIC | TIME_CALLBACK_EVENT_SET)); if(OSTick_TimerID == 0) { //disp CloseHandle(OSTick_SignalPtr); timeEndPeriod(OSTick_TimerCap.wPeriodMin); CloseHandle(OSTick_Thread); return; } /* * Start OS Tick Thread an release Interrupt Mutex */ ResumeThread(OSTick_Thread); ReleaseMutex( hInterruptEventMutex ); //trigger YEILD INTERRUPT TriggerSimulateInterrupt(CPU_INTERRUPT_YIELD); /* * block on the mutex that ensure exclusive access to the simulated interrupt objects * and the events that signals that a simulated interrupt should be processed. */ hInterruptObjectList[0] = hInterruptEventHandle; hInterruptObjectList[1] = hInterruptEventMutex; while (1) { WaitForMultipleObjects(sizeof(hInterruptObjectList) / sizeof(HANDLE), hInterruptObjectList, TRUE, INFINITE); /* * Used to indicate whether the simulate interrupt processing has necessitated a contex * switch to another thread */ SwitchRequiredMask = 0; /* * For each interrupt we are interested in processing ,each of which is represented * by a bit in the 32bit CpuPendingInterrupts variable. */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_INTERRUPT_NUM; ++i) { /* is the simulated interrupt pending ? */ if (CpuPendingInterrupts & (1UL << i)) { /* Is a handler installed ?*/ if (CpuIsrHandler[i] != NULL) { /* Run the actual handler */ if (CpuIsrHandler[i]() != 0) { SwitchRequiredMask |= (1UL << i); } } /* Clear the interrupt pending bit */ CpuPendingInterrupts &= ~(1UL << i); } } if(SwitchRequiredMask != 0) { WinThreadFrom = (win_thread_t *)rt_interrupt_from_thread; WinThreadTo = (win_thread_t *)rt_interrupt_to_thread; if ((WinThreadFrom != NULL) && (WinThreadFrom->ThreadHandle != NULL)) { SuspendThread(WinThreadFrom->ThreadHandle); SetEvent(WinThreadFrom->YieldEvent); } ResumeThread(WinThreadTo->ThreadHandle); } ReleaseMutex(hInterruptEventMutex); } } /*** WinThreadScheduler ***/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * ThreadforSysTickTimer() * Description : win thread to simulate a systick timer * Argument(s) : LPVOID lpParam * Return(s) : static DWORD WINAPI * Caller(s) : none * Note(s) : This is not a real time way of generating tick events as the next wake time should be relative * to the previous wake time,not the time Sleep() is called. * It is done this way to prevent overruns in this very non real time simulated/emulated environment ********************************************************************************************************* */ static DWORD WINAPI ThreadforSysTickTimer(LPVOID lpParam) { (void)lpParam; //prevent compiler warnings for(;;) { /* * Wait until the timer expires and we can access the simulated interrupt variables. */ WaitForSingleObject(OSTick_SignalPtr,INFINITE); ResetEvent(OSTick_SignalPtr); /* * Trigger a systick interrupt */ TriggerSimulateInterrupt(CPU_INTERRUPT_TICK); } return 0; } /*** prvThreadforSysTickTimer ***/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * SysTickInterruptHandle() * Description : Interrupt handle for systick * Argument(s) : void * Return(s) : rt_uint32_t * Caller(s) : none * Note(s) : none ********************************************************************************************************* */ rt_uint32_t SysTickInterruptHandle(void) { /* enter interrupt */ rt_interrupt_enter(); rt_tick_increase(); /* leave interrupt */ rt_interrupt_leave(); return 0; } /*** SysTickInterruptHandle ***/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * YieldInterruptHandle() * Description : Interrupt handle for Yield * Argument(s) : void * Return(s) : rt_uint32_t * Caller(s) : none * Note(s) : none ********************************************************************************************************* */ rt_uint32_t YieldInterruptHandle(void) { /* * if rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag = 1 yield already handled */ if(rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag != 0) { rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag = 0; /* return thread switch request = 1 */ return 1; } return 0; } /*** YieldInterruptHandle ***/ /* system entry */ extern int rtthread_startup(void); int wmain(int argc, char* argv[]) { /* disable interrupt first */ rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); /* startup RT-Thread RTOS */ rtthread_startup(); } #pragma comment(linker, "/subsystem:console /entry:wmainCRTStartup")