/* * @Author: jiejie * @Github: https://github.com/jiejieTop * @Date: 2019-12-09 21:31:25 * @LastEditTime : 2022-06-12 17:39:43 * @Description: the code belongs to jiejie, please keep the author information * and source code according to the license. */ #include "mqttclient.h" #define MQTT_MIN_PAYLOAD_SIZE 2 #define MQTT_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE \ 268435455 // MQTT imposes a maximum payload size of 268435455 bytes. static void default_msg_handler(void* client, message_data_t* msg) { MQTT_LOG_I("%s:%d %s()...\ntopic: %s, qos: %d, \nmessage:%s", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, msg->topic_name, msg->message->qos, (char*)msg->message->payload); } static client_state_t mqtt_get_client_state(mqtt_client_t* c) { return c->mqtt_client_state; } static void mqtt_set_client_state(mqtt_client_t* c, client_state_t state) { pika_platform_mutex_lock(&c->mqtt_global_lock); c->mqtt_client_state = state; pika_platform_mutex_unlock(&c->mqtt_global_lock); } static int mqtt_is_connected(mqtt_client_t* c) { client_state_t state; state = mqtt_get_client_state(c); if (CLIENT_STATE_CLEAN_SESSION == state) { RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_CLEAN_SESSION_ERROR); } else if (CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED != state) { RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_NOT_CONNECT_ERROR); } RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR); } static int mqtt_set_publish_dup(mqtt_client_t* c, uint8_t dup) { uint8_t* read_data = c->mqtt_write_buf; uint8_t* write_data = c->mqtt_write_buf; MQTTHeader header = {0}; if (NULL == c->mqtt_write_buf) RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_SET_PUBLISH_DUP_FAILED_ERROR); header.byte = readChar(&read_data); /* read header */ if (header.bits.type != PUBLISH) RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_SET_PUBLISH_DUP_FAILED_ERROR); header.bits.dup = dup; writeChar(&write_data, header.byte); /* write header */ RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR); } static int mqtt_ack_handler_is_maximum(mqtt_client_t* c) { return (c->mqtt_ack_handler_number >= MQTT_ACK_HANDLER_NUM_MAX) ? 1 : 0; } static void mqtt_add_ack_handler_num(mqtt_client_t* c) { pika_platform_mutex_lock(&c->mqtt_global_lock); c->mqtt_ack_handler_number++; pika_platform_mutex_unlock(&c->mqtt_global_lock); } static int mqtt_subtract_ack_handler_num(mqtt_client_t* c) { int rc = MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR; pika_platform_mutex_lock(&c->mqtt_global_lock); if (c->mqtt_ack_handler_number <= 0) { goto exit; } c->mqtt_ack_handler_number--; exit: pika_platform_mutex_unlock(&c->mqtt_global_lock); RETURN_ERROR(rc); } static uint16_t mqtt_get_next_packet_id(mqtt_client_t* c) { pika_platform_mutex_lock(&c->mqtt_global_lock); c->mqtt_packet_id = (c->mqtt_packet_id == MQTT_MAX_PACKET_ID) ? 1 : c->mqtt_packet_id + 1; pika_platform_mutex_unlock(&c->mqtt_global_lock); return c->mqtt_packet_id; } static int mqtt_decode_packet(mqtt_client_t* c, int* value, int timeout) { uint8_t i; int multiplier = 1; int len = 0; const int MAX_NO_OF_REMAINING_LENGTH_BYTES = 4; *value = 0; do { int rc = MQTTPACKET_READ_ERROR; if (++len > MAX_NO_OF_REMAINING_LENGTH_BYTES) { rc = MQTTPACKET_READ_ERROR; /* bad data */ goto exit; } rc = network_read(c->mqtt_network, &i, 1, timeout); /* read network data */ if (rc != 1) goto exit; *value += (i & 127) * multiplier; /* decode data length according to mqtt protocol */ multiplier *= 128; } while ((i & 128) != 0); exit: return len; } static void mqtt_packet_drain(mqtt_client_t* c, pika_platform_timer_t* timer, int packet_len) { int total_bytes_read = 0, read_len = 0, bytes2read = 0; if (packet_len < c->mqtt_read_buf_size) { bytes2read = packet_len; } else { bytes2read = c->mqtt_read_buf_size; } do { read_len = network_read(c->mqtt_network, c->mqtt_read_buf, bytes2read, pika_platform_timer_remain(timer)); if (0 != read_len) { total_bytes_read += read_len; if ((packet_len - total_bytes_read) >= c->mqtt_read_buf_size) { bytes2read = c->mqtt_read_buf_size; } else { bytes2read = packet_len - total_bytes_read; } } } while ((total_bytes_read < packet_len) && (0 != read_len)); /* read and discard all corrupted data */ } static int mqtt_read_packet(mqtt_client_t* c, int* packet_type, pika_platform_timer_t* timer) { MQTTHeader header = {0}; int rc; int len = 1; int remain_len = 0; if (NULL == packet_type) RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_NULL_VALUE_ERROR); pika_platform_timer_init(timer); pika_platform_timer_cutdown(timer, c->mqtt_cmd_timeout); /* 1. read the header byte. This has the packet type in it */ rc = network_read(c->mqtt_network, c->mqtt_read_buf, len, pika_platform_timer_remain(timer)); if (rc != len) RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_NOTHING_TO_READ_ERROR); /* 2. read the remaining length. This is variable in itself */ mqtt_decode_packet(c, &remain_len, pika_platform_timer_remain(timer)); /* put the original remaining length back into the buffer */ len += MQTTPacket_encode(c->mqtt_read_buf + len, remain_len); if ((len + remain_len) > c->mqtt_read_buf_size) { /* mqtt buffer is too short, read and discard all corrupted data */ mqtt_packet_drain(c, timer, remain_len); RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_BUFFER_TOO_SHORT_ERROR); } /* 3. read the rest of the buffer using a callback to supply the rest of the * data */ if ((remain_len > 0) && ((rc = network_read(c->mqtt_network, c->mqtt_read_buf + len, remain_len, pika_platform_timer_remain(timer))) != remain_len)) RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_NOTHING_TO_READ_ERROR); header.byte = c->mqtt_read_buf[0]; *packet_type = header.bits.type; pika_platform_timer_cutdown(&c->mqtt_last_received, (c->mqtt_keep_alive_interval * 1000)); RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR); } static int mqtt_send_packet(mqtt_client_t* c, int length, pika_platform_timer_t* timer) { int len = 0; int sent = 0; pika_platform_timer_init(timer); pika_platform_timer_cutdown(timer, c->mqtt_cmd_timeout); /* send mqtt packet in a blocking manner or exit when it timer is expired */ while ((sent < length) && (!pika_platform_timer_is_expired(timer))) { len = network_write(c->mqtt_network, &c->mqtt_write_buf[sent], length, pika_platform_timer_remain(timer)); if (len <= 0) // there was an error writing the data break; sent += len; } if (sent == length) { pika_platform_timer_cutdown(&c->mqtt_last_sent, (c->mqtt_keep_alive_interval * 1000)); RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR); } RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_SEND_PACKET_ERROR); } static int mqtt_is_topic_equals(const char* topic_filter, const char* topic) { int topic_len = 0; topic_len = strlen(topic); if (strlen(topic_filter) != topic_len) { return 0; } if (strncmp(topic_filter, topic, topic_len) == 0) { return 1; } return 0; } static char mqtt_topic_is_matched(char* topic_filter, MQTTString* topic_name) { char* curf = topic_filter; char* curn = topic_name->lenstring.data; char* curn_end = curn + topic_name->lenstring.len; while (*curf && curn < curn_end) { if (*curn == '/' && *curf != '/') break; /* support wildcards for MQTT topics, such as '#' '+' */ if (*curf != '+' && *curf != '#' && *curf != *curn) break; if (*curf == '+') { char* nextpos = curn + 1; while (nextpos < curn_end && *nextpos != '/') nextpos = ++curn + 1; } else if (*curf == '#') curn = curn_end - 1; curf++; curn++; }; return (curn == curn_end) && (*curf == '\0'); } static void mqtt_new_message_data(message_data_t* md, MQTTString* topic_name, mqtt_message_t* message) { int len; len = (topic_name->lenstring.len < MQTT_TOPIC_LEN_MAX - 1) ? topic_name->lenstring.len : MQTT_TOPIC_LEN_MAX - 1; memcpy(md->topic_name, topic_name->lenstring.data, len); md->topic_name[len] = '\0'; /* the topic name is too long and will be truncated */ md->message = message; } static message_handlers_t* mqtt_get_msg_handler(mqtt_client_t* c, MQTTString* topic_name) { mqtt_list_t *curr, *next; message_handlers_t* msg_handler; /* traverse the msg_handler_list to find the matching message handler */ LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE(curr, next, &c->mqtt_msg_handler_list) { msg_handler = LIST_ENTRY(curr, message_handlers_t, list); /* judge topic is equal or match, support wildcard, such as '#' '+' */ if ((NULL != msg_handler->topic_filter) && ((MQTTPacket_equals(topic_name, (char*)msg_handler->topic_filter)) || (mqtt_topic_is_matched((char*)msg_handler->topic_filter, topic_name)))) { return msg_handler; } } return NULL; } static int mqtt_deliver_message(mqtt_client_t* c, MQTTString* topic_name, mqtt_message_t* message) { int rc = MQTT_FAILED_ERROR; message_handlers_t* msg_handler; /* get mqtt message handler */ msg_handler = mqtt_get_msg_handler(c, topic_name); if (NULL != msg_handler) { message_data_t md; mqtt_new_message_data(&md, topic_name, message); /* make a message data */ msg_handler->handler(c, &md); /* deliver the message */ rc = MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR; } else if (NULL != c->mqtt_interceptor_handler) { message_data_t md; mqtt_new_message_data(&md, topic_name, message); /* make a message data */ c->mqtt_interceptor_handler(c, &md); rc = MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR; } memset(message->payload, 0, strlen(message->payload)); memset(topic_name->lenstring.data, 0, topic_name->lenstring.len); RETURN_ERROR(rc); } static ack_handlers_t* mqtt_ack_handler_create(mqtt_client_t* c, int type, uint16_t packet_id, uint16_t payload_len, message_handlers_t* handler) { ack_handlers_t* ack_handler = NULL; ack_handler = (ack_handlers_t*)platform_memory_alloc( sizeof(ack_handlers_t) + payload_len); if (NULL == ack_handler) return NULL; mqtt_list_init(&ack_handler->list); pika_platform_timer_init(&ack_handler->timer); pika_platform_timer_cutdown( &ack_handler->timer, c->mqtt_cmd_timeout); /* No response within timeout will be destroyed or resent */ ack_handler->type = type; ack_handler->packet_id = packet_id; ack_handler->payload_len = payload_len; ack_handler->payload = (uint8_t*)ack_handler + sizeof(ack_handlers_t); ack_handler->handler = handler; memcpy(ack_handler->payload, c->mqtt_write_buf, payload_len); /* save the data in ack handler*/ return ack_handler; } static void mqtt_ack_handler_destroy(ack_handlers_t* ack_handler) { if (NULL != &ack_handler->list) { mqtt_list_del(&ack_handler->list); platform_memory_free(ack_handler); /* delete ack handler from the list, and free memory */ } } static void mqtt_ack_handler_resend(mqtt_client_t* c, ack_handlers_t* ack_handler) { pika_platform_timer_t timer; pika_platform_timer_init(&timer); pika_platform_timer_cutdown(&timer, c->mqtt_cmd_timeout); pika_platform_timer_cutdown(&ack_handler->timer, c->mqtt_cmd_timeout); /* timeout, recutdown */ pika_platform_mutex_lock(&c->mqtt_write_lock); memcpy( c->mqtt_write_buf, ack_handler->payload, ack_handler->payload_len); /* copy data to write buf form ack handler */ mqtt_send_packet(c, ack_handler->payload_len, &timer); /* resend data */ pika_platform_mutex_unlock(&c->mqtt_write_lock); MQTT_LOG_W("%s:%d %s()... resend %d package, packet_id is %d ", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ack_handler->type, ack_handler->packet_id); } static int mqtt_ack_list_node_is_exist(mqtt_client_t* c, int type, uint16_t packet_id) { mqtt_list_t *curr, *next; ack_handlers_t* ack_handler; if (mqtt_list_is_empty(&c->mqtt_ack_handler_list)) return 0; LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE(curr, next, &c->mqtt_ack_handler_list) { ack_handler = LIST_ENTRY(curr, ack_handlers_t, list); /* For mqtt packets of qos1 and qos2, you can use the packet id and type as the unique identifier to determine whether the node already exists and avoid repeated addition. */ if ((packet_id == ack_handler->packet_id) && (type == ack_handler->type)) return 1; } return 0; } static int mqtt_ack_list_record(mqtt_client_t* c, int type, uint16_t packet_id, uint16_t payload_len, message_handlers_t* handler) { int rc = MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR; ack_handlers_t* ack_handler = NULL; /* Determine if the node already exists */ if (mqtt_ack_list_node_is_exist(c, type, packet_id)) RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_ACK_NODE_IS_EXIST_ERROR); /* create a ack handler node */ ack_handler = mqtt_ack_handler_create(c, type, packet_id, payload_len, handler); if (NULL == ack_handler) RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_MEM_NOT_ENOUGH_ERROR); mqtt_add_ack_handler_num(c); mqtt_list_add_tail(&ack_handler->list, &c->mqtt_ack_handler_list); RETURN_ERROR(rc); } static int mqtt_ack_list_unrecord(mqtt_client_t* c, int type, uint16_t packet_id, message_handlers_t** handler) { mqtt_list_t *curr, *next; ack_handlers_t* ack_handler; if (mqtt_list_is_empty(&c->mqtt_ack_handler_list)) RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR); LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE(curr, next, &c->mqtt_ack_handler_list) { ack_handler = LIST_ENTRY(curr, ack_handlers_t, list); if ((packet_id != ack_handler->packet_id) || (type != ack_handler->type)) continue; if (handler) *handler = ack_handler->handler; /* destroy a ack handler node */ mqtt_ack_handler_destroy(ack_handler); mqtt_subtract_ack_handler_num(c); } RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR); } static message_handlers_t* mqtt_msg_handler_create(const char* topic_filter, mqtt_qos_t qos, message_handler_t handler) { message_handlers_t* msg_handler = NULL; msg_handler = (message_handlers_t*)platform_memory_alloc(sizeof(message_handlers_t)); if (NULL == msg_handler) return NULL; mqtt_list_init(&msg_handler->list); msg_handler->qos = qos; msg_handler->handler = handler; /* register callback handler */ msg_handler->topic_filter = topic_filter; return msg_handler; } static void mqtt_msg_handler_destory(message_handlers_t* msg_handler) { if (NULL != &msg_handler->list) { mqtt_list_del(&msg_handler->list); platform_memory_free(msg_handler); } } static int mqtt_msg_handler_is_exist(mqtt_client_t* c, message_handlers_t* handler) { mqtt_list_t *curr, *next; message_handlers_t* msg_handler; if (mqtt_list_is_empty(&c->mqtt_msg_handler_list)) return 0; LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE(curr, next, &c->mqtt_msg_handler_list) { msg_handler = LIST_ENTRY(curr, message_handlers_t, list); /* determine whether a node already exists by mqtt topic, but wildcards * are not supported */ if ((NULL != msg_handler->topic_filter) && (mqtt_is_topic_equals(msg_handler->topic_filter, handler->topic_filter))) { MQTT_LOG_W( "%s:%d %s()...msg_handler->topic_filter: %s, " "handler->topic_filter: %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, msg_handler->topic_filter, handler->topic_filter); return 1; } } return 0; } static int mqtt_msg_handlers_install(mqtt_client_t* c, message_handlers_t* handler) { if ((NULL == c) || (NULL == handler)) RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_NULL_VALUE_ERROR); if (mqtt_msg_handler_is_exist(c, handler)) { mqtt_msg_handler_destory(handler); RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR); } /* install to msg_handler_list*/ mqtt_list_add_tail(&handler->list, &c->mqtt_msg_handler_list); RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR); } static void mqtt_clean_session(mqtt_client_t* c) { mqtt_list_t *curr, *next; ack_handlers_t* ack_handler; message_handlers_t* msg_handler; /* release all ack_handler_list memory */ if (!(mqtt_list_is_empty(&c->mqtt_ack_handler_list))) { LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE(curr, next, &c->mqtt_ack_handler_list) { ack_handler = LIST_ENTRY(curr, ack_handlers_t, list); mqtt_list_del(&ack_handler->list); //@lchnu, 2020-10-08, avoid socket disconnet when waiting for // suback/unsuback.... if (NULL != ack_handler->handler) { mqtt_msg_handler_destory(ack_handler->handler); ack_handler->handler = NULL; } platform_memory_free(ack_handler); } mqtt_list_del_init(&c->mqtt_ack_handler_list); } /* need clean mqtt_ack_handler_number value, find the bug by @lchnu */ c->mqtt_ack_handler_number = 0; /* release all msg_handler_list memory */ if (!(mqtt_list_is_empty(&c->mqtt_msg_handler_list))) { LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE(curr, next, &c->mqtt_msg_handler_list) { msg_handler = LIST_ENTRY(curr, message_handlers_t, list); mqtt_list_del(&msg_handler->list); msg_handler->topic_filter = NULL; platform_memory_free(msg_handler); } // MQTT_LOG_D("%s:%d %s() mqtt_msg_handler_list delete", __FILE__, // __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); mqtt_list_del_init(&c->mqtt_msg_handler_list); } mqtt_set_client_state(c, CLIENT_STATE_INVALID); } /** * see if there is a message waiting for the server to answer in the ack list, * if there is, then process it according to the flag. flag : 0 means it does * not need to wait for the timeout to process these packets immediately. * usually immediately after reconnecting. 1 means it needs to wait for timeout * before processing these messages, usually timeout processing in a stable * connection. */ static void mqtt_ack_list_scan(mqtt_client_t* c, uint8_t flag) { mqtt_list_t *curr, *next; ack_handlers_t* ack_handler; if ((mqtt_list_is_empty(&c->mqtt_ack_handler_list)) || (CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED != mqtt_get_client_state(c))) return; LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE(curr, next, &c->mqtt_ack_handler_list) { ack_handler = LIST_ENTRY(curr, ack_handlers_t, list); if ((!pika_platform_timer_is_expired(&ack_handler->timer)) && (flag == 1)) continue; if ((ack_handler->type == PUBACK) || (ack_handler->type == PUBREC) || (ack_handler->type == PUBREL) || (ack_handler->type == PUBCOMP)) { /* timeout has occurred. for qos1 and qos2 packets, you need to * resend them. */ mqtt_ack_handler_resend(c, ack_handler); continue; } else if ((ack_handler->type == SUBACK) || (ack_handler->type == UNSUBACK)) { /*@lchnu, 2020-10-08, destory handler memory, if suback/unsuback is * overdue!*/ if (NULL != ack_handler->handler) { mqtt_msg_handler_destory(ack_handler->handler); ack_handler->handler = NULL; } } /* if it is not a qos1 or qos2 message, it will be destroyed in every * processing */ mqtt_ack_handler_destroy(ack_handler); mqtt_subtract_ack_handler_num(c); /*@lchnu, 2020-10-08 */ } } static int mqtt_try_resubscribe(mqtt_client_t* c) { int rc = MQTT_RESUBSCRIBE_ERROR; mqtt_list_t *curr, *next; message_handlers_t* msg_handler; MQTT_LOG_W("%s:%d %s()... mqtt try resubscribe ...", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); if (mqtt_list_is_empty(&c->mqtt_msg_handler_list)) { // MQTT_LOG_D("%s:%d %s() mqtt_msg_handler_list is empty", __FILE__, // __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR); } LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE(curr, next, &c->mqtt_msg_handler_list) { msg_handler = LIST_ENTRY(curr, message_handlers_t, list); /* resubscribe topic */ if ((rc = mqtt_subscribe(c, msg_handler->topic_filter, msg_handler->qos, msg_handler->handler)) == MQTT_ACK_HANDLER_NUM_TOO_MUCH_ERROR) { MQTT_LOG_W("%s:%d %s()... mqtt ack handler num too much ...", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); } } RETURN_ERROR(rc); } static int mqtt_try_do_reconnect(mqtt_client_t* c) { int rc = MQTT_CONNECT_FAILED_ERROR; if (CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED != mqtt_get_client_state(c)) rc = mqtt_connect(c); /* reconnect */ if (MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR == rc) { rc = mqtt_try_resubscribe(c); /* resubscribe */ /* process these ack messages immediately after reconnecting */ mqtt_ack_list_scan(c, 0); } MQTT_LOG_D("%s:%d %s()... mqtt try connect result is -0x%04x", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, -rc); RETURN_ERROR(rc); } static int mqtt_try_reconnect(mqtt_client_t* c) { int rc = MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR; /*before connect, call reconnect handler, it can used to update the mqtt * password, eg: onenet platform need*/ if (NULL != c->mqtt_reconnect_handler) { c->mqtt_reconnect_handler(c, c->mqtt_reconnect_data); } rc = mqtt_try_do_reconnect(c); if (MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR != rc) { /*connect fail must delay reconnect try duration time and let cpu time * go out, the lowest priority task can run */ mqtt_sleep_ms(c->mqtt_reconnect_try_duration); RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_RECONNECT_TIMEOUT_ERROR); } RETURN_ERROR(rc); } static int mqtt_publish_ack_packet(mqtt_client_t* c, uint16_t packet_id, int packet_type) { int len = 0; int rc = MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR; pika_platform_timer_t timer; pika_platform_timer_init(&timer); pika_platform_timer_cutdown(&timer, c->mqtt_cmd_timeout); pika_platform_mutex_lock(&c->mqtt_write_lock); switch (packet_type) { case PUBREC: len = MQTTSerialize_ack(c->mqtt_write_buf, c->mqtt_write_buf_size, PUBREL, 0, packet_id); /* make a PUBREL ack packet */ rc = mqtt_ack_list_record( c, PUBCOMP, packet_id, len, NULL); /* record ack, expect to receive PUBCOMP*/ if (MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR != rc) goto exit; break; case PUBREL: len = MQTTSerialize_ack(c->mqtt_write_buf, c->mqtt_write_buf_size, PUBCOMP, 0, packet_id); /* make a PUBCOMP ack packet */ break; default: rc = MQTT_PUBLISH_ACK_TYPE_ERROR; goto exit; } if (len <= 0) { rc = MQTT_PUBLISH_ACK_PACKET_ERROR; goto exit; } rc = mqtt_send_packet(c, len, &timer); exit: pika_platform_mutex_unlock(&c->mqtt_write_lock); RETURN_ERROR(rc); } static int mqtt_puback_and_pubcomp_packet_handle(mqtt_client_t* c, pika_platform_timer_t* timer) { int rc = MQTT_FAILED_ERROR; uint16_t packet_id; uint8_t dup, packet_type; rc = mqtt_is_connected(c); if (MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR != rc) RETURN_ERROR(rc); if (MQTTDeserialize_ack(&packet_type, &dup, &packet_id, c->mqtt_read_buf, c->mqtt_read_buf_size) != 1) rc = MQTT_PUBREC_PACKET_ERROR; (void)dup; rc = mqtt_ack_list_unrecord(c, packet_type, packet_id, NULL); /* unrecord ack handler */ RETURN_ERROR(rc); } static int mqtt_suback_packet_handle(mqtt_client_t* c, pika_platform_timer_t* timer) { int rc = MQTT_FAILED_ERROR; int count = 0; int granted_qos = 0; uint16_t packet_id; int is_nack = 0; message_handlers_t* msg_handler = NULL; rc = mqtt_is_connected(c); if (MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR != rc) RETURN_ERROR(rc); /* deserialize subscribe ack packet */ if (MQTTDeserialize_suback(&packet_id, 1, &count, (int*)&granted_qos, c->mqtt_read_buf, c->mqtt_read_buf_size) != 1) RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_SUBSCRIBE_ACK_PACKET_ERROR); is_nack = (granted_qos == SUBFAIL); rc = mqtt_ack_list_unrecord(c, SUBACK, packet_id, &msg_handler); if (!msg_handler) RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_MEM_NOT_ENOUGH_ERROR); if (is_nack) { mqtt_msg_handler_destory( msg_handler); /* subscribe topic failed, destory message handler */ MQTT_LOG_D("subscribe topic failed..."); RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_SUBSCRIBE_NOT_ACK_ERROR); } rc = mqtt_msg_handlers_install(c, msg_handler); RETURN_ERROR(rc); } static int mqtt_unsuback_packet_handle(mqtt_client_t* c, pika_platform_timer_t* timer) { int rc = MQTT_FAILED_ERROR; message_handlers_t* msg_handler = NULL; uint16_t packet_id = 0; rc = mqtt_is_connected(c); if (MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR != rc) RETURN_ERROR(rc); if (MQTTDeserialize_unsuback(&packet_id, c->mqtt_read_buf, c->mqtt_read_buf_size) != 1) RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_UNSUBSCRIBE_ACK_PACKET_ERROR); rc = mqtt_ack_list_unrecord( c, UNSUBACK, packet_id, &msg_handler); /* unrecord ack handler, and get message handler */ if (!msg_handler) RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_MEM_NOT_ENOUGH_ERROR); mqtt_msg_handler_destory(msg_handler); /* destory message handler */ RETURN_ERROR(rc); } static int mqtt_publish_packet_handle(mqtt_client_t* c, pika_platform_timer_t* timer) { int len = 0, rc = MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR; MQTTString topic_name; mqtt_message_t msg; int qos; msg.payloadlen = 0; rc = mqtt_is_connected(c); if (MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR != rc) RETURN_ERROR(rc); if (MQTTDeserialize_publish(&msg.dup, &qos, &msg.retained, &msg.id, &topic_name, (uint8_t**)&msg.payload, (int*)&msg.payloadlen, c->mqtt_read_buf, c->mqtt_read_buf_size) != 1) RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_PUBLISH_PACKET_ERROR); msg.qos = (mqtt_qos_t)qos; /* for qos1 and qos2, you need to send a ack packet */ if (msg.qos != QOS0) { pika_platform_mutex_lock(&c->mqtt_write_lock); if (msg.qos == QOS1) len = MQTTSerialize_ack(c->mqtt_write_buf, c->mqtt_write_buf_size, PUBACK, 0, msg.id); else if (msg.qos == QOS2) len = MQTTSerialize_ack(c->mqtt_write_buf, c->mqtt_write_buf_size, PUBREC, 0, msg.id); if (len <= 0) rc = MQTT_SERIALIZE_PUBLISH_ACK_PACKET_ERROR; else rc = mqtt_send_packet(c, len, timer); pika_platform_mutex_unlock(&c->mqtt_write_lock); } if (rc < 0) RETURN_ERROR(rc); if (msg.qos != QOS2) mqtt_deliver_message(c, &topic_name, &msg); else { /* record the received of a qos2 message and only processes it when the * qos2 message is received for the first time */ if ((rc = mqtt_ack_list_record(c, PUBREL, msg.id, len, NULL)) != MQTT_ACK_NODE_IS_EXIST_ERROR) mqtt_deliver_message(c, &topic_name, &msg); } RETURN_ERROR(rc); } static int mqtt_pubrec_and_pubrel_packet_handle(mqtt_client_t* c, pika_platform_timer_t* timer) { int rc = MQTT_FAILED_ERROR; uint16_t packet_id; uint8_t dup, packet_type; rc = mqtt_is_connected(c); if (MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR != rc) RETURN_ERROR(rc); if (MQTTDeserialize_ack(&packet_type, &dup, &packet_id, c->mqtt_read_buf, c->mqtt_read_buf_size) != 1) RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_PUBREC_PACKET_ERROR); (void)dup; rc = mqtt_publish_ack_packet( c, packet_id, packet_type); /* make a ack packet and send it */ rc = mqtt_ack_list_unrecord(c, packet_type, packet_id, NULL); RETURN_ERROR(rc); } static int mqtt_packet_handle(mqtt_client_t* c, pika_platform_timer_t* timer) { int rc = MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR; int packet_type = 0; rc = mqtt_read_packet(c, &packet_type, timer); switch (packet_type) { case 0: /* timed out reading packet or an error occurred while reading data*/ if (MQTT_BUFFER_TOO_SHORT_ERROR == rc) { MQTT_LOG_E( "the client read buffer is too short, please call " "mqtt_set_read_buf_size() to reset the buffer size"); /* don't return directly, you need to stay active, because there * is data readable now, but the buffer is too small */ } break; case CONNACK: /* has been processed */ goto exit; case PUBACK: case PUBCOMP: rc = mqtt_puback_and_pubcomp_packet_handle(c, timer); break; case SUBACK: rc = mqtt_suback_packet_handle(c, timer); break; case UNSUBACK: rc = mqtt_unsuback_packet_handle(c, timer); break; case PUBLISH: rc = mqtt_publish_packet_handle(c, timer); break; case PUBREC: case PUBREL: rc = mqtt_pubrec_and_pubrel_packet_handle(c, timer); break; case PINGRESP: c->mqtt_ping_outstanding = 0; /* keep alive ping success */ break; default: goto exit; } rc = mqtt_keep_alive(c); exit: if (rc == MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR) rc = packet_type; RETURN_ERROR(rc); } static int mqtt_wait_packet(mqtt_client_t* c, int packet_type, pika_platform_timer_t* timer) { int rc = MQTT_FAILED_ERROR; do { if (pika_platform_timer_is_expired(timer)) break; rc = mqtt_packet_handle(c, timer); } while (rc != packet_type && rc >= 0); RETURN_ERROR(rc); } static int mqtt_yield(mqtt_client_t* c, int timeout_ms) { int rc = MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR; client_state_t state; pika_platform_timer_t timer; if (NULL == c) RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_FAILED_ERROR); if (0 == timeout_ms) timeout_ms = c->mqtt_cmd_timeout; pika_platform_timer_init(&timer); pika_platform_timer_cutdown(&timer, timeout_ms); while (!pika_platform_timer_is_expired(&timer)) { state = mqtt_get_client_state(c); if (CLIENT_STATE_CLEAN_SESSION == state) { RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_CLEAN_SESSION_ERROR); } else if (CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED != state) { /* mqtt not connect, need reconnect */ rc = mqtt_try_reconnect(c); if (MQTT_RECONNECT_TIMEOUT_ERROR == rc) RETURN_ERROR(rc); continue; } /* mqtt connected, handle mqtt packet */ rc = mqtt_packet_handle(c, &timer); if (rc >= 0) { /* scan ack list, destroy ack handler that have timed out or resend * them */ mqtt_ack_list_scan(c, 1); } else if (MQTT_NOT_CONNECT_ERROR == rc) { MQTT_LOG_W("%s:%d %s()... mqtt not connect", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); } else { break; } } RETURN_ERROR(rc); } static void mqtt_yield_thread(void* arg) { int rc; client_state_t state; mqtt_client_t* c = (mqtt_client_t*)arg; pika_platform_thread_t* thread_to_be_destoried = NULL; state = mqtt_get_client_state(c); if (CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED != state) { MQTT_LOG_W("%s:%d %s()..., mqtt is not connected to the server...", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); pika_platform_thread_stop(c->mqtt_thread); /* mqtt is not connected to the server, stop thread */ } while (1) { rc = mqtt_yield(c, c->mqtt_cmd_timeout); if (MQTT_CLEAN_SESSION_ERROR == rc) { MQTT_LOG_I("%s:%d %s()..., mqtt clean session....", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); network_disconnect(c->mqtt_network); mqtt_clean_session(c); goto exit; } else if (MQTT_RECONNECT_TIMEOUT_ERROR == rc) { MQTT_LOG_W("%s:%d %s()..., mqtt reconnect timeout....", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); } } exit: thread_to_be_destoried = c->mqtt_thread; c->mqtt_thread = (pika_platform_thread_t*)0; pika_platform_thread_destroy(thread_to_be_destoried); } static int mqtt_connect_with_results(mqtt_client_t* c) { int len = 0; int rc = MQTT_CONNECT_FAILED_ERROR; pika_platform_timer_t connect_timer; mqtt_connack_data_t connack_data = {0}; MQTTPacket_connectData connect_data = MQTTPacket_connectData_initializer; if (NULL == c) RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_NULL_VALUE_ERROR); if (CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED == mqtt_get_client_state(c)) RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR); #ifndef MQTT_NETWORK_TYPE_NO_TLS rc = network_init(c->mqtt_network, c->mqtt_host, c->mqtt_port, c->mqtt_ca); #else rc = network_init(c->mqtt_network, c->mqtt_host, c->mqtt_port, NULL); #endif rc = network_connect(c->mqtt_network); if (MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR != rc) { if (NULL != c->mqtt_network) { network_release(c->mqtt_network); RETURN_ERROR(rc); } } MQTT_LOG_I("%s:%d %s()... mqtt connect success...", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); connect_data.keepAliveInterval = c->mqtt_keep_alive_interval; connect_data.cleansession = c->mqtt_clean_session; connect_data.MQTTVersion = c->mqtt_version; connect_data.clientID.cstring = c->mqtt_client_id; connect_data.username.cstring = c->mqtt_user_name; connect_data.password.cstring = c->mqtt_password; if (c->mqtt_will_flag) { connect_data.willFlag = c->mqtt_will_flag; connect_data.will.message.cstring = c->mqtt_will_options->will_message; connect_data.will.qos = c->mqtt_will_options->will_qos; connect_data.will.retained = c->mqtt_will_options->will_retained; connect_data.will.topicName.cstring = c->mqtt_will_options->will_topic; } pika_platform_timer_cutdown(&c->mqtt_last_received, (c->mqtt_keep_alive_interval * 1000)); pika_platform_mutex_lock(&c->mqtt_write_lock); /* serialize connect packet */ if ((len = MQTTSerialize_connect(c->mqtt_write_buf, c->mqtt_write_buf_size, &connect_data)) <= 0) goto exit; pika_platform_timer_cutdown(&connect_timer, c->mqtt_cmd_timeout); /* send connect packet */ if ((rc = mqtt_send_packet(c, len, &connect_timer)) != MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR) goto exit; if (mqtt_wait_packet(c, CONNACK, &connect_timer) == CONNACK) { if (MQTTDeserialize_connack(&connack_data.session_present, &connack_data.rc, c->mqtt_read_buf, c->mqtt_read_buf_size) == 1) rc = connack_data.rc; else rc = MQTT_CONNECT_FAILED_ERROR; } else rc = MQTT_CONNECT_FAILED_ERROR; exit: if (rc == MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR) { if (NULL == c->mqtt_thread) { /* connect success, and need init mqtt thread */ c->mqtt_thread = pika_platform_thread_init( "mqtt_yield_thread", mqtt_yield_thread, c, MQTT_THREAD_STACK_SIZE, MQTT_THREAD_PRIO, MQTT_THREAD_TICK); if (NULL != c->mqtt_thread) { mqtt_set_client_state(c, CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED); pika_platform_thread_startup(c->mqtt_thread); pika_platform_thread_start( c->mqtt_thread); /* start run mqtt thread */ } else { /*creat the thread fail and disconnect the mqtt socket connect*/ network_release(c->mqtt_network); rc = MQTT_CONNECT_FAILED_ERROR; MQTT_LOG_W("%s:%d %s()... mqtt yield thread creat failed...", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); } } else { mqtt_set_client_state( c, CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED); /* reconnect, mqtt thread is already exists */ } c->mqtt_ping_outstanding = 0; /* reset ping outstanding */ } else { network_release(c->mqtt_network); mqtt_set_client_state(c, CLIENT_STATE_INITIALIZED); /* connect failed */ } pika_platform_mutex_unlock(&c->mqtt_write_lock); RETURN_ERROR(rc); } static uint32_t mqtt_read_buf_malloc(mqtt_client_t* c, uint32_t size) { MQTT_ROBUSTNESS_CHECK(c, 0); if (NULL != c->mqtt_read_buf) platform_memory_free(c->mqtt_read_buf); c->mqtt_read_buf_size = size; /* limit the size of the read buffer */ if ((MQTT_MIN_PAYLOAD_SIZE >= c->mqtt_read_buf_size) || (MQTT_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE <= c->mqtt_read_buf_size)) c->mqtt_read_buf_size = MQTT_DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE; c->mqtt_read_buf = (uint8_t*)platform_memory_alloc(c->mqtt_read_buf_size); if (NULL == c->mqtt_read_buf) { MQTT_LOG_E("%s:%d %s()... malloc read buf failed...", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_MEM_NOT_ENOUGH_ERROR); } memset(c->mqtt_read_buf, 0, c->mqtt_read_buf_size); // 清空申请的内存 return c->mqtt_read_buf_size; } static uint32_t mqtt_write_buf_malloc(mqtt_client_t* c, uint32_t size) { MQTT_ROBUSTNESS_CHECK(c, 0); if (NULL != c->mqtt_write_buf) platform_memory_free(c->mqtt_write_buf); c->mqtt_write_buf_size = size; /* limit the size of the read buffer */ if ((MQTT_MIN_PAYLOAD_SIZE >= c->mqtt_write_buf_size) || (MQTT_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE <= c->mqtt_write_buf_size)) c->mqtt_write_buf_size = MQTT_DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE; c->mqtt_write_buf = (uint8_t*)platform_memory_alloc(c->mqtt_write_buf_size); if (NULL == c->mqtt_write_buf) { MQTT_LOG_E("%s:%d %s()... malloc write buf failed...", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_MEM_NOT_ENOUGH_ERROR); } return c->mqtt_write_buf_size; } static int mqtt_init(mqtt_client_t* c) { /* network init */ c->mqtt_network = (network_t*)platform_memory_alloc(sizeof(network_t)); if (NULL == c->mqtt_network) { MQTT_LOG_E("%s:%d %s()... malloc memory failed...", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_MEM_NOT_ENOUGH_ERROR); } memset(c->mqtt_network, 0, sizeof(network_t)); c->mqtt_packet_id = 1; c->mqtt_clean_session = 0; // no clear session by default c->mqtt_will_flag = 0; c->mqtt_cmd_timeout = MQTT_DEFAULT_CMD_TIMEOUT; c->mqtt_client_state = CLIENT_STATE_INITIALIZED; c->mqtt_ping_outstanding = 0; c->mqtt_ack_handler_number = 0; c->mqtt_client_id_len = 0; c->mqtt_user_name_len = 0; c->mqtt_password_len = 0; c->mqtt_keep_alive_interval = MQTT_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL; c->mqtt_version = MQTT_VERSION; c->mqtt_reconnect_try_duration = MQTT_RECONNECT_DEFAULT_DURATION; c->mqtt_will_options = NULL; c->mqtt_reconnect_data = NULL; c->mqtt_reconnect_handler = NULL; c->mqtt_interceptor_handler = NULL; mqtt_read_buf_malloc(c, MQTT_DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE); mqtt_write_buf_malloc(c, MQTT_DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE); mqtt_list_init(&c->mqtt_msg_handler_list); mqtt_list_init(&c->mqtt_ack_handler_list); pika_platform_mutex_init(&c->mqtt_write_lock); pika_platform_mutex_init(&c->mqtt_global_lock); pika_platform_timer_init(&c->mqtt_last_sent); pika_platform_timer_init(&c->mqtt_last_received); RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR); } /********************************************************* mqttclient global * function ********************************************************/ MQTT_CLIENT_SET_DEFINE(client_id, char*, NULL) MQTT_CLIENT_SET_DEFINE(user_name, char*, NULL) MQTT_CLIENT_SET_DEFINE(password, char*, NULL) MQTT_CLIENT_SET_DEFINE(host, char*, NULL) MQTT_CLIENT_SET_DEFINE(port, char*, NULL) MQTT_CLIENT_SET_DEFINE(ca, char*, NULL) MQTT_CLIENT_SET_DEFINE(reconnect_data, void*, NULL) MQTT_CLIENT_SET_DEFINE(keep_alive_interval, uint16_t, 0) MQTT_CLIENT_SET_DEFINE(will_flag, uint32_t, 0) MQTT_CLIENT_SET_DEFINE(clean_session, uint32_t, 0) MQTT_CLIENT_SET_DEFINE(version, uint32_t, 0) MQTT_CLIENT_SET_DEFINE(cmd_timeout, uint32_t, 0) MQTT_CLIENT_SET_DEFINE(reconnect_try_duration, uint32_t, 0) MQTT_CLIENT_SET_DEFINE(reconnect_handler, reconnect_handler_t, NULL) MQTT_CLIENT_SET_DEFINE(interceptor_handler, interceptor_handler_t, NULL) uint32_t mqtt_set_read_buf_size(mqtt_client_t* c, uint32_t size) { return mqtt_read_buf_malloc(c, size); } uint32_t mqtt_set_write_buf_size(mqtt_client_t* c, uint32_t size) { return mqtt_write_buf_malloc(c, size); } void mqtt_sleep_ms(int ms) { pika_platform_timer_usleep(ms * 1000); } int mqtt_keep_alive(mqtt_client_t* c) { int rc = MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR; rc = mqtt_is_connected(c); if (MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR != rc) RETURN_ERROR(rc); if (pika_platform_timer_is_expired(&c->mqtt_last_sent) || pika_platform_timer_is_expired(&c->mqtt_last_received)) { if (c->mqtt_ping_outstanding) { MQTT_LOG_W("%s:%d %s()... ping outstanding", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); /*must realse the socket file descriptor zhaoshimin 20200629*/ network_release(c->mqtt_network); mqtt_set_client_state(c, CLIENT_STATE_DISCONNECTED); rc = MQTT_NOT_CONNECT_ERROR; /* PINGRESP not received in keepalive interval */ } else { pika_platform_timer_t timer; int len = MQTTSerialize_pingreq(c->mqtt_write_buf, c->mqtt_write_buf_size); if (len > 0) rc = mqtt_send_packet(c, len, &timer); // 100ask, send the ping packet c->mqtt_ping_outstanding++; } } RETURN_ERROR(rc); } mqtt_client_t* mqtt_lease(void) { int rc; mqtt_client_t* c; c = (mqtt_client_t*)platform_memory_alloc(sizeof(mqtt_client_t)); if (NULL == c) return NULL; memset(c, 0, sizeof(mqtt_client_t)); rc = mqtt_init(c); if (MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR != rc) return NULL; return c; } int mqtt_release(mqtt_client_t* c) { pika_platform_timer_t timer; if (NULL == c) RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_NULL_VALUE_ERROR); pika_platform_timer_init(&timer); pika_platform_timer_cutdown(&timer, c->mqtt_cmd_timeout); /* wait for the clean session to complete */ while ((CLIENT_STATE_INVALID != mqtt_get_client_state(c))) { // pika_platform_timer_usleep(1000); // 1ms avoid compiler // optimization. if (pika_platform_timer_is_expired(&timer)) { MQTT_LOG_E("%s:%d %s()... mqtt release failed...", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_FAILED_ERROR) } } if (NULL != c->mqtt_network) { platform_memory_free(c->mqtt_network); c->mqtt_network = NULL; } if (NULL != c->mqtt_read_buf) { platform_memory_free(c->mqtt_read_buf); c->mqtt_read_buf = NULL; } if (NULL != c->mqtt_write_buf) { platform_memory_free(c->mqtt_write_buf); c->mqtt_write_buf = NULL; } pika_platform_mutex_destroy(&c->mqtt_write_lock); pika_platform_mutex_destroy(&c->mqtt_global_lock); memset(c, 0, sizeof(mqtt_client_t)); RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR); } int mqtt_connect(mqtt_client_t* c) { /* connect server in blocking mode and wait for connection result */ return mqtt_connect_with_results(c); } int mqtt_disconnect(mqtt_client_t* c) { int rc = MQTT_FAILED_ERROR; pika_platform_timer_t timer; int len = 0; pika_platform_timer_init(&timer); pika_platform_timer_cutdown(&timer, c->mqtt_cmd_timeout); pika_platform_mutex_lock(&c->mqtt_write_lock); /* serialize disconnect packet and send it */ len = MQTTSerialize_disconnect(c->mqtt_write_buf, c->mqtt_write_buf_size); if (len > 0) rc = mqtt_send_packet(c, len, &timer); pika_platform_mutex_unlock(&c->mqtt_write_lock); mqtt_set_client_state(c, CLIENT_STATE_CLEAN_SESSION); RETURN_ERROR(rc); } int mqtt_subscribe(mqtt_client_t* c, const char* topic_filter, mqtt_qos_t qos, message_handler_t handler) { int rc = MQTT_SUBSCRIBE_ERROR; int len = 0; uint16_t packet_id; pika_platform_timer_t timer; MQTTString topic = MQTTString_initializer; topic.cstring = (char*)topic_filter; message_handlers_t* msg_handler = NULL; if (CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED != mqtt_get_client_state(c)) RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_NOT_CONNECT_ERROR); pika_platform_mutex_lock(&c->mqtt_write_lock); packet_id = mqtt_get_next_packet_id(c); /* serialize subscribe packet and send it */ len = MQTTSerialize_subscribe(c->mqtt_write_buf, c->mqtt_write_buf_size, 0, packet_id, 1, &topic, (int*)&qos); if (len <= 0) goto exit; if ((rc = mqtt_send_packet(c, len, &timer)) != MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR) goto exit; if (NULL == handler) handler = default_msg_handler; /* if handler is not specified, the default handler is used */ /* create a message and record it */ msg_handler = mqtt_msg_handler_create(topic_filter, qos, handler); if (NULL == msg_handler) { rc = MQTT_MEM_NOT_ENOUGH_ERROR; goto exit; } rc = mqtt_ack_list_record(c, SUBACK, packet_id, len, msg_handler); exit: pika_platform_mutex_unlock(&c->mqtt_write_lock); RETURN_ERROR(rc); } int mqtt_unsubscribe(mqtt_client_t* c, const char* topic_filter) { int len = 0; int rc = MQTT_FAILED_ERROR; uint16_t packet_id; pika_platform_timer_t timer; MQTTString topic = MQTTString_initializer; topic.cstring = (char*)topic_filter; message_handlers_t* msg_handler = NULL; if (CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED != mqtt_get_client_state(c)) RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_NOT_CONNECT_ERROR); pika_platform_mutex_lock(&c->mqtt_write_lock); packet_id = mqtt_get_next_packet_id(c); /* serialize unsubscribe packet and send it */ if ((len = MQTTSerialize_unsubscribe(c->mqtt_write_buf, c->mqtt_write_buf_size, 0, packet_id, 1, &topic)) <= 0) goto exit; if ((rc = mqtt_send_packet(c, len, &timer)) != MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR) goto exit; /* get a already subscribed message handler */ msg_handler = mqtt_get_msg_handler(c, &topic); if (NULL == msg_handler) { rc = MQTT_MEM_NOT_ENOUGH_ERROR; goto exit; } rc = mqtt_ack_list_record(c, UNSUBACK, packet_id, len, msg_handler); exit: pika_platform_mutex_unlock(&c->mqtt_write_lock); RETURN_ERROR(rc); } int mqtt_publish(mqtt_client_t* c, const char* topic_filter, mqtt_message_t* msg) { int len = 0; int rc = MQTT_FAILED_ERROR; pika_platform_timer_t timer; MQTTString topic = MQTTString_initializer; topic.cstring = (char*)topic_filter; if (CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED != mqtt_get_client_state(c)) { msg->payloadlen = 0; // clear rc = MQTT_NOT_CONNECT_ERROR; RETURN_ERROR(rc); // goto exit; /* 100ask */ } if ((NULL != msg->payload) && (0 == msg->payloadlen)) msg->payloadlen = strlen((char*)msg->payload); if (msg->payloadlen > c->mqtt_write_buf_size) { MQTT_LOG_E( "publish payload len is is greater than client write buffer..."); RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_BUFFER_TOO_SHORT_ERROR); } pika_platform_mutex_lock(&c->mqtt_write_lock); if (QOS0 != msg->qos) { if (mqtt_ack_handler_is_maximum(c)) { rc = MQTT_ACK_HANDLER_NUM_TOO_MUCH_ERROR; /* the recorded ack handler has reached the maximum */ goto exit; } msg->id = mqtt_get_next_packet_id(c); } /* serialize publish packet and send it */ len = MQTTSerialize_publish(c->mqtt_write_buf, c->mqtt_write_buf_size, 0, msg->qos, msg->retained, msg->id, topic, (uint8_t*)msg->payload, msg->payloadlen); if (len <= 0) goto exit; if ((rc = mqtt_send_packet(c, len, &timer)) != MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR) goto exit; if (QOS0 != msg->qos) { mqtt_set_publish_dup( c, 1); /* may resend this data, set the dup flag in advance */ if (QOS1 == msg->qos) { /* expect to receive PUBACK, otherwise data will be resent */ rc = mqtt_ack_list_record(c, PUBACK, msg->id, len, NULL); } else if (QOS2 == msg->qos) { /* expect to receive PUBREC, otherwise data will be resent */ rc = mqtt_ack_list_record(c, PUBREC, msg->id, len, NULL); } } exit: msg->payloadlen = 0; // clear pika_platform_mutex_unlock(&c->mqtt_write_lock); if ((MQTT_ACK_HANDLER_NUM_TOO_MUCH_ERROR == rc) || (MQTT_MEM_NOT_ENOUGH_ERROR == rc)) { MQTT_LOG_W( "%s:%d %s()... there is not enough memory space to record...", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); /*must realse the socket file descriptor zhaoshimin 20200629*/ network_release(c->mqtt_network); /* record too much retransmitted data, may be disconnected, need to * reconnect */ mqtt_set_client_state(c, CLIENT_STATE_DISCONNECTED); } RETURN_ERROR(rc); } int mqtt_list_subscribe_topic(mqtt_client_t* c) { // int i = 0; mqtt_list_t *curr, *next; message_handlers_t* msg_handler; if (NULL == c) RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_NULL_VALUE_ERROR); if (mqtt_list_is_empty(&c->mqtt_msg_handler_list)) { MQTT_LOG_I("%s:%d %s()... there are no subscribed topics...", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); } LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE(curr, next, &c->mqtt_msg_handler_list) { msg_handler = LIST_ENTRY(curr, message_handlers_t, list); /* determine whether a node already exists by mqtt topic, but wildcards * are not supported */ if (NULL != msg_handler->topic_filter) { MQTT_LOG_I("%s:%d %s()...[%d] subscribe topic: %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ++i, msg_handler->topic_filter); } } RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR); } int mqtt_set_will_options(mqtt_client_t* c, char* topic, mqtt_qos_t qos, uint8_t retained, char* message) { if ((NULL == c) || (NULL == topic)) RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_NULL_VALUE_ERROR); if (NULL == c->mqtt_will_options) { c->mqtt_will_options = (mqtt_will_options_t*)platform_memory_alloc( sizeof(mqtt_will_options_t)); MQTT_ROBUSTNESS_CHECK(c->mqtt_will_options, MQTT_MEM_NOT_ENOUGH_ERROR); } if (0 == c->mqtt_will_flag) c->mqtt_will_flag = 1; c->mqtt_will_options->will_topic = topic; c->mqtt_will_options->will_qos = qos; c->mqtt_will_options->will_retained = retained; c->mqtt_will_options->will_message = message; RETURN_ERROR(MQTT_SUCCESS_ERROR); } int mqtt_release_free(mqtt_client_t* c) { // wait for mqtt thread exit while (c->mqtt_thread != NULL) { } /* if(c->mqtt_thread != NULL) { MQTT_LOG("%s:%d %s()..., mqtt mqtt_yield_thread release...", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); pika_platform_thread_stop(c->mqtt_thread); //stop thread network_disconnect(c->mqtt_network); mqtt_clean_session(c); } */ if (CLIENT_STATE_INVALID != mqtt_get_client_state(c)) { mqtt_clean_session(c); } MQTT_LOG_I("%s:%d %s() 1", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); mqtt_release(c); MQTT_LOG_I("%s:%d %s() 2", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); platform_memory_free(c); return 0; }