2021-11-01 20:33:03 +08:00

453 lines
17 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2006-2021, RT-Thread Development Team
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Change Logs:
* Date Author Notes
* 2021-08-19 RealThread first version
#ifndef __BOARD_H__
#define __BOARD_H__
#include <stm32f4xx.h>
#include <drv_common.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
/*-------------------------- CHIP CONFIG BEGIN --------------------------*/
#define CHIP_NAME_STM32F429ZI
/*-------------------------- CHIP CONFIG END --------------------------*/
/*-------------------------- ROM/RAM CONFIG BEGIN --------------------------*/
#define ROM_START ((uint32_t)0x08000000)
#define ROM_SIZE (2048 * 1024)
#define ROM_END ((uint32_t)(ROM_START + ROM_SIZE))
#define RAM_START (0x20000000)
#define RAM_SIZE (192 * 1024)
/*-------------------------- ROM/RAM CONFIG END --------------------------*/
/*-------------------------- CLOCK CONFIG BEGIN --------------------------*/
#define BSP_CLOCK_SOURCE_FREQ_MHZ ((int32_t)0)
#define BSP_CLOCK_SYSTEM_FREQ_MHZ ((int32_t)180)
/*-------------------------- CLOCK CONFIG END --------------------------*/
/*-------------------------- UART CONFIG BEGIN --------------------------*/
/** After configuring corresponding UART or UART DMA, you can use it.
* STEP 1, define macro define related to the serial port opening based on the serial port number
* such as #define BSP_USING_UART1
* STEP 2, according to the corresponding pin of serial port, define the related serial port information macro
* such as #define BSP_UART1_TX_PIN "PA9"
* #define BSP_UART1_RX_PIN "PA10"
* STEP 3, if you want using SERIAL DMA, you must open it in the RT-Thread Settings.
* RT-Thread Setting -> Components -> Device Drivers -> Serial Device Drivers -> Enable Serial DMA Mode
* STEP 4, according to serial port number to define serial port tx/rx DMA function in the board.h file
* such as #define BSP_UART1_RX_USING_DMA
#define BSP_UART1_TX_PIN "PA9"
#define BSP_UART1_RX_PIN "PA10"
/*-------------------------- UART CONFIG END --------------------------*/
/*-------------------------- I2C CONFIG BEGIN --------------------------*/
/** if you want to use i2c bus(soft simulate) you can use the following instructions.
* STEP 1, open i2c driver framework(soft simulate) support in the RT-Thread Settings file
* STEP 2, define macro related to the i2c bus
* such as #define BSP_USING_I2C1
* STEP 3, according to the corresponding pin of i2c port, modify the related i2c port and pin information
* such as #define BSP_I2C1_SCL_PIN GET_PIN(port, pin) -> GET_PIN(C, 11)
* #define BSP_I2C1_SDA_PIN GET_PIN(port, pin) -> GET_PIN(C, 12)
/*#define BSP_USING_I2C1*/
#ifdef BSP_USING_I2C1
#define BSP_I2C1_SCL_PIN GET_PIN(port, pin)
#define BSP_I2C1_SDA_PIN GET_PIN(port, pin)
/*#define BSP_USING_I2C2*/
#ifdef BSP_USING_I2C2
#define BSP_I2C2_SCL_PIN GET_PIN(port, pin)
#define BSP_I2C2_SDA_PIN GET_PIN(port, pin)
/*-------------------------- I2C CONFIG END --------------------------*/
/*-------------------------- SPI CONFIG BEGIN --------------------------*/
/** if you want to use spi bus you can use the following instructions.
* STEP 1, open spi driver framework support in the RT-Thread Settings file
* STEP 2, define macro related to the spi bus
* such as #define BSP_USING_SPI1
* STEP 3, copy your spi init function from stm32xxxx_hal_msp.c generated by stm32cubemx to the end of board.c file
* such as void HAL_SPI_MspInit(SPI_HandleTypeDef* hspi)
* STEP 4, modify your stm32xxxx_hal_config.h file to support spi peripherals. define macro related to the peripherals
* such as #define HAL_SPI_MODULE_ENABLED
/*#define BSP_USING_SPI1*/
/*#define BSP_USING_SPI2*/
/*#define BSP_USING_SPI3*/
/*-------------------------- SPI CONFIG END --------------------------*/
/*-------------------------- QSPI CONFIG BEGIN --------------------------*/
/** if you want to use qspi you can use the following instructions.
* STEP 1, open qspi driver framework support in the RT-Thread Settings file
* STEP 2, define macro related to the qspi
* such as #define BSP_USING_QSPI
* STEP 3, copy your qspi init function from stm32xxxx_hal_msp.c generated by stm32cubemx to the end of board.c file
* such as void HAL_QSPI_MspInit(QSPI_HandleTypeDef* hqspi)
* STEP 4, modify your stm32xxxx_hal_config.h file to support qspi peripherals. define macro related to the peripherals
* such as #define HAL_QSPI_MODULE_ENABLED
/*#define BSP_USING_QSPI*/
/*-------------------------- QSPI CONFIG END --------------------------*/
/*-------------------------- PWM CONFIG BEGIN --------------------------*/
/** if you want to use pwm you can use the following instructions.
* STEP 1, open pwm driver framework support in the RT-Thread Settings file
* STEP 2, define macro related to the pwm
* such as #define BSP_USING_PWM1
* STEP 3, copy your pwm timer init function from stm32xxxx_hal_msp.c generated by stm32cubemx to the end if board.c file
* such as void HAL_TIM_Base_MspInit(TIM_HandleTypeDef* htim_base) and
* void HAL_TIM_MspPostInit(TIM_HandleTypeDef* htim)
* STEP 4, modify your stm32xxxx_hal_config.h file to support pwm peripherals. define macro related to the peripherals
* such as #define HAL_TIM_MODULE_ENABLED
/*#define BSP_USING_PWM1*/
/*#define BSP_USING_PWM2*/
/*#define BSP_USING_PWM3*/
/*-------------------------- PWM CONFIG END --------------------------*/
/*-------------------------- ADC CONFIG BEGIN --------------------------*/
/** if you want to use adc you can use the following instructions.
* STEP 1, open adc driver framework support in the RT-Thread Settings file
* STEP 2, define macro related to the adc
* such as #define BSP_USING_ADC1
* STEP 3, copy your adc init function from stm32xxxx_hal_msp.c generated by stm32cubemx to the end of board.c file
* such as void HAL_ADC_MspInit(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc)
* STEP 4, modify your stm32xxxx_hal_config.h file to support adc peripherals. define macro related to the peripherals
* such as #define HAL_ADC_MODULE_ENABLED
/*#define BSP_USING_ADC1*/
/*#define BSP_USING_ADC2*/
/*#define BSP_USING_ADC3*/
/*-------------------------- ADC CONFIG END --------------------------*/
/*-------------------------- WDT CONFIG BEGIN --------------------------*/
/** if you want to use wdt you can use the following instructions.
* STEP 1, open wdt driver framework support in the RT-Thread Settings file
* STEP 2, modify your stm32xxxx_hal_config.h file to support wdt peripherals. define macro related to the peripherals
* such as #define HAL_IWDG_MODULE_ENABLED
/*-------------------------- WDT CONFIG END --------------------------*/
/*-------------------------- HARDWARE TIMER CONFIG BEGIN --------------------------*/
/** if you want to use hardware timer you can use the following instructions.
* STEP 1, open hwtimer driver framework support in the RT-Thread Settings file
* STEP 2, define macro related to the hwtimer
* such as #define BSP_USING_TIM and
* #define BSP_USING_TIM1
* STEP 3, copy your hardwire timer init function from stm32xxxx_hal_msp.c generated by stm32cubemx to the end of board.c file
* such as void HAL_TIM_Base_MspInit(TIM_HandleTypeDef* htim_base)
* STEP 4, modify your stm32xxxx_hal_config.h file to support hardwere timer peripherals. define macro related to the peripherals
* such as #define HAL_TIM_MODULE_ENABLED
/*#define BSP_USING_TIM*/
/*#define BSP_USING_TIM15*/
/*#define BSP_USING_TIM16*/
/*#define BSP_USING_TIM17*/
/*-------------------------- HAREWARE TIMER CONFIG END --------------------------*/
/*-------------------------- RTC CONFIG BEGIN --------------------------*/
/** if you want to use rtc(hardware) you can use the following instructions.
* STEP 1, open rtc driver framework(hardware) support in the RT-Thread Settings file
* STEP 2, define macro related to the rtc
* STEP 3, modify your stm32xxxx_hal_config.h file to support rtc peripherals. define macro related to the peripherals
* such as #define HAL_RTC_MODULE_ENABLED
/*-------------------------- RTC CONFIG END --------------------------*/
/*-------------------------- SDIO CONFIG BEGIN --------------------------*/
/** if you want to use sdio you can use the following instructions.
* STEP 1, open sdio driver framework support in the RT-Thread Settings file
* STEP 2, define macro related to the sdio
* such as BSP_USING_SDIO
* STEP 3, copy your sdio init function from stm32xxxx_hal_msp.c generated by stm32cubemx to the end of board.c file
* such as void HAL_SD_MspInit(SD_HandleTypeDef* hsd)
* STEP 4, modify your stm32xxxx_hal_config.h file to support sdio peripherals. define macro related to the peripherals
* such as #define HAL_SD_MODULE_ENABLED
* STEP 5, config your device file system or another applications
/*#define BSP_USING_SDIO*/
/*-------------------------- SDIO CONFIG END --------------------------*/
/*-------------------------- ETH CONFIG BEGIN --------------------------*/
/** if you want to use eth you can use the following instructions.
* STEP 1, define macro related to the eth
* such as BSP_USING_ETH
* STEP 2, copy your eth init function from stm32xxxx_hal_msp.c generated by stm32cubemx to the end if board.c file
* such as void HAL_ETH_MspInit(ETH_HandleTypeDef* heth)
* STEP 3, modify your stm32xxxx_hal_config.h file to support eth peripherals. define macro related to the peripherals
* such as #define HAL_ETH_MODULE_ENABLED
* STEP 4, config your phy type
* such as #define PHY_USING_LAN8720A
* #define PHY_USING_DM9161CEP
* #define PHY_USING_DP83848C
* STEP 5, implement your phy reset function in the end of board.c file
* void phy_reset(void)
* STEP 6, config your lwip or other network stack
/*#define BSP_USING_ETH*/
/*#define PHY_USING_LAN8720A*/
/*#define PHY_USING_DM9161CEP*/
/*#define PHY_USING_DP83848C*/
/*-------------------------- ETH CONFIG END --------------------------*/
/*-------------------------- USB HOST CONFIG BEGIN --------------------------*/
/** if you want to use usb host you can use the following instructions.
* STEP 1, open usb host driver framework support in the RT-Thread Settings file
* STEP 2, define macro related to the usb host
* STEP 3, copy your usb host init function from stm32xxxx_hal_msp.c generated by stm32cubemx to the end of board.c file
* such as void HAL_HCD_MspInit(HCD_HandleTypeDef* hhcd)
* STEP 4, config your usb peripheral clock in SystemClock_Config() generated by STM32CubeMX and replace this function in board.c
* STEP 5, modify your stm32xxxx_hal_config.h file to support usb host peripherals. define macro related to the peripherals
* such as #define HAL_HCD_MODULE_ENABLED
/*-------------------------- USB HOST CONFIG END --------------------------*/
/*-------------------------- USB DEVICE CONFIG BEGIN --------------------------*/
/** if you want to use usb device you can use the following instructions.
* STEP 1, open usb device driver framework support in the RT-Thread Settings file
* STEP 2 define macro related to the usb device
* STEP 3, copy your usb device init function from stm32xxxx_hal_msp.c generated by stm32cubemx to the end of board.c file
* such as void HAL_PCD_MspInit(PCD_HandleTypeDef* hpcd)
* STEP 4, config your usb peripheral clock in SystemClock_Config() generated by STM32CubeMX and replace this function in board.c
* STEP 5, modify your stm32xxxx_hal_config.h file to support usb device peripherals. define macro related to the peripherals
* such as #define HAL_PCD_MODULE_ENABLED
/*-------------------------- USB DEVICE CONFIG END --------------------------*/
/*-------------------------- ON_CHIP_FLASH CONFIG BEGIN --------------------------*/
/** if you want to use on chip flash you can use the following instructions.
* STEP 1 define macro related to the on chip flash
* STEP 2, modify your stm32xxxx_hal_config.h file to support on chip flash peripherals. define macro related to the peripherals
* such as #define HAL_FLASH_MODULE_ENABLED
/*-------------------------- ON_CHIP_FLASH CONFIG END --------------------------*/
/*-------------------------- BSP_USING_SDRAM CONFIG BEGIN --------------------------*/
/* parameters for sdram peripheral */
/* Bank1 or Bank2 */
/* stm32f4 Bank1:0XC0000000 Bank2:0XD0000000 */
#define SDRAM_BANK_ADDR ((uint32_t)0XC0000000)
/* data width: 8, 16, 32 */
/* column bit numbers: 8, 9, 10, 11 */
/* row bit numbers: 11, 12, 13 */
#define SDRAM_ROW_BITS 13
/* cas latency clock number: 1, 2, 3 */
/* read pipe delay: 0, 1, 2 */
/* clock divid: 2, 3 */
/* refresh rate counter */
#define SDRAM_REFRESH_COUNT ((uint32_t)0x02AB)
#define SDRAM_SIZE ((uint32_t)0x2000000)
/* Timing configuration for W9825G6KH-6 */
/* 90 MHz of SD clock frequency (180MHz/2) */
/* TMRD: 2 Clock cycles */
/* TXSR: 7x11.90ns */
/* TRAS: 4x11.90ns */
/* TRC: 7x11.90ns */
/* TWR: 2 Clock cycles */
/* TRP: 2x11.90ns */
#define RPDELAY 2
/* TRCD: 2x11.90ns */
#define RCDDELAY 2
/* memory mode register */
#define SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_LENGTH_1 ((uint16_t)0x0000)
#define SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_LENGTH_2 ((uint16_t)0x0001)
#define SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_LENGTH_4 ((uint16_t)0x0002)
#define SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_LENGTH_8 ((uint16_t)0x0004)
#define SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_TYPE_SEQUENTIAL ((uint16_t)0x0000)
#define SDRAM_MODEREG_CAS_LATENCY_2 ((uint16_t)0x0020)
#define SDRAM_MODEREG_CAS_LATENCY_3 ((uint16_t)0x0030)
/*-------------------------- BSP_USING_SDRAM CONFIG END --------------------------*/
/*-------------------------- BSP_USING_LCD CONFIG BEGIN --------------------------*/
#define LCD_WIDTH 800
#define LCD_HEIGHT 480
#define LCD_HBP 46
#define LCD_VBP 23
#define LCD_HFP 22
#define LCD_VFP 22
/*-------------------------- BSP_USING_LCD CONFIG END --------------------------*/
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __BOARD_H__ */