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<h1 align="center" style="margin: 30px 0 30px; font-weight: bold;">PikaPython</h1>
<h4 align="center">跨平台的超轻量级嵌入式 Python 引擎</h4>
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<a href="https://pikadoc.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%20BSP%20%E5%B7%A5%E7%A8%8B.html">BSP</a> |
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# 1.简介
PikaPython 是一个完全重写的超轻量级 python 引擎,零依赖,零配置,可以在 **Flash ≤ 64KB,RAM≤ 4KB** 的平台下运行(如 stm32g030c8 和 stm32f103c8),极易部署和扩展,具有大量的中文文档和视频资料。
PikaPython 也称 PikaScript、PikaPy。
<img src="document/image/147799764-5db2cb30-ee74-4cde-a2bd-b91c358ae3d9.png" width="500"/>
PikaPython 具有框架式 C 模块开发工具,只要用 Python 写好调用 API ,就能够自动连接到 C 模块,非常方便快捷。不用手动处理任何全局表、宏定义、等等。
所有的工具也是全部开源的,在 tools 目录下。
PikaPython 也支持 MDK、iar、RT-studio 等常见 ide 开发,能够轻松地调试 C 模块。
# 定制服务
商务洽谈: 李工 深圳皮卡派科技有限公司 16643685017 (微信同号)
# 最新资讯
- [2022 年 PikaPython 年终总结](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/cWtujWF8EuJnuXuVUeWNKw)
- [【快讯】PikaScript 合并进入 LVGL 主线文档,创始人Gabor 这样说...](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/2vcZfRfAAmAqPfyOm7CqUg)
# 获取 PikaPython:
## 使用在线图形化工程生成器
## 使用 Pika 包管理器[PikaPackage.exe](https://pikadoc.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/%E5%8C%85%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E5%99%A8%E4%B8%8E%E6%A8%A1%E5%9D%97%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86.html)
1. 直接运行[PikaPackage.exe](https://pikadoc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/%E5%8C%85%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E5%99%A8%E4%B8%8E%E6%A8%A1%E5%9D%97%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86.html), 自动下载并更新pikapython主仓库(文件在当前磁盘的/tmp/pikapython文件夹)
2. 将[requestment.txt](/bsp/stm32g070cb/pikapython/requestment.txt)放在[PikaPackage.exe](https://pikadoc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/%E5%8C%85%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E5%99%A8%E4%B8%8E%E6%A8%A1%E5%9D%97%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86.html)同一文件夹下, 运行[pikaPackage.exe](https://pikadoc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/%E5%8C%85%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E5%99%A8%E4%B8%8E%E6%A8%A1%E5%9D%97%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86.html), 自动在当前目录下安装[内核](../../tree/master/src)、[预编译器](../../tree/master/tools/pikaCompiler)与[模块](../../tree/master/package)。
3. 已发布的模块列表:[packages.toml](/packages.toml)
# 快速上手
开发板基于 STM32G030C8T6 小资源 MCU,仅 64kB Flash,8kB RAM 即可运行完整解释器,和完整的外设驱动(GPIO、TIME、IIC、UART、ADC、PWM、RGB、KEY、LCD)。板载 CH340 USB 转串口芯片,Type-C 接口,支持串口下载 python 脚本,板载4颗 RGB 灯,可选配[LCD屏幕](https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-c.w4002-23991764791.12.16f97c58fsLjVk&id=660745643102)。
# 开发手册
### [点此进入文档中心](http://pikascript.com/doc)
# 视频教程
### [点此进入视频中心](https://space.bilibili.com/5365336/channel/seriesdetail?sid=1034902)
# 交流论坛
### [点此进入论坛](https://whycan.com/f_55.html)
## 文件目录
[src](../../tree/master/src) - 内核源码
[bsp](../../tree/master/bsp) - 裸机芯片/板卡支持
[port](../../tree/master/port) - 操作系统和包管理器支持
[test](../../tree/master/port/linux/test) - 单元测试
[document](../../tree/master/document) - 开发文档
[examples](../../tree/master/examples) - 示例脚本
[package](../../tree/master/package) - 模块目录
[pikaCompiler](../../tree/master/tools/pikaCompiler) - 使用 rust 编写的预编译器
[pikaPackageManager](../../tree/master/tools/pikaPackageManager) - 使用 go 编写的模块管理器
# 2.平台支持列表
## MCU support
|MCU |bsp|gpio|time|uart|pwm|adc|i2c|dac|
|--- |---|--- |--- |--- |---|---|---|---|
|stm32g030c8 |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ | |
|stm32g070cB |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ | |
|stm32f103c8 |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ | |
|stm32f103rb |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ | |
|stm32f103ze |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ | |
|stm32f103rc |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ | |
|stm32f401cc |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ | |
|stm32f411ce |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ | |
|stm32f407ze |√ | | | | | | | |
|stm32f407zg |√ | | | | | | | |
|stm32h750vb |√ | | | | | | | |
|stm32f051r8 |√ | | | | | | | |
|air32f103cb |√ |√ |√ | | | | | |
|ch582 |√ |√ |√ |√ | |√ |√ | |
|ch32v103r8t6 |√ |√ |√ | | | | | |
|cm32m101a |√ | | | | | | | |
|w806 |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ |√ | |
|apm32f030r8 |√ | | | | | | | |
|apm32e103vb |√ | | | | | | | |
|bl-602 |√ |√ | | |√ |√ | |√ |
|bl-706 |√ | | | | | | | |
|Raspberry Pico |√ | | | | | | | |
|ESP32C3 |√ |√ |√ | | | | | |
|TC264D |√ | | | | | | | |
|devc |√ | | | | | | | |
|visual-studio |√ | | | | | | | |
|EC600N |√ | | | | | | | |
|mm32f5277e9p |√ |√ | | | | | | |
|xr806(openharmony)|√ | | | | | | | |
## Board support
## OS support
|vsf|√|√| | |
|OS|port|Google Test|Benchmark|
## 相关开源项目
- ▶️ [pikapython Binding For LVGL](https://github.com/lvgl/lv_binding_pikascript)
- ⭐ [pikapython Bluepill Demo In PlatformIO — Python-like REPL 🐍🔌](https://github.com/maxgerhardt/pikascript-pio-bluepill)
- ⭐ [pikapython Bluepill Demo In GCC 🐍](https://github.com/Chandler-Kluser/pikascript_gcc_bluepill)
# 3.特性
### (1)运行环境
支持裸机运行,可运行于 **RAM ≥ 4kB** ,**FLASH ≥ 64kB** 的mcu中,如stm32g030, stm32f103c8t6,esp8266。
### (2)开发环境
支持串口下载 Python 脚本。
<img src="document/image/134841230-85de6734-8467-4245-93a5-d452b5022b42.gif" width="400" alt="微信交流群"/><br/>
支持 Keil、IAR、rt-thread studio、segger embedded studio 等IDE开发。
支持 CMake、makeFile、Scons 等构建工具
支持跨平台,可在 linux 环境开发内核。
### (3)语法特性
使用 python3 标准语法的子集。
在编译时支持 python 类和方法定义,完整支持封装、继承、多态、模块功能 - 基于 [Pika 预编译器](../../tree/master/tools/pikaCompiler)。
在运行时支持 python 方法调用、变量定义、对象构造、对象释放、控制流(if\while) - 基于 [Pika 运行时内核](../../tree/master/src)。
|模块定义 |√|-|-|
|模块导入 |√|√|√|
|类定义 |√|√|√|
|类继承 |√|√|√|
|方法定义 |√|√|√|
|方法重载 |√|√|√|
|方法调用 |√|√|√|
|参数定义 |√|√|√|
|参数赋值 |√|√|√|
|对象新建 |√|√|√|
|对象销毁 |√|√|√|
|对象嵌套 |√|√|√|
|控制流 |√|√|√|
#### Operator
| + | - | * | / | == | > | < | >= | <= | % | ** | // | != | & | >> | << | and | or | not | in | += | -= | *= | /= |
#### Control flow
| Syntax | State |
| --- | --- |
| if | √ |
| while | √ |
| for in [list] | √ |
| for in range(a, b) | √ |
| for in [dict] | √ |
| if elif else | √ |
| for break/continue | √ |
| while break/continue | √ |
#### Module
| Syntax | Python Module | C Module |
| --- | --- | --- |
| import [module] | √ | √ |
| import [module] as | √ | - |
| from [module] import [class/function>]| √ | - |
| from [module] import [class/function>] as | √ | - |
| from [module] import * | - | PikaObj Module Only |
#### List/Dict
| Syntax | State |
| --- | --- |
| l = list() | √ |
| l = [a, b, c] | √ |
| d = dict() | √ |
| d = {'a':x, 'b':y, 'c':z} | √ |
#### Exception
| Syntax | State |
| --- | --- |
|try:| √ |
|except:| √ |
|except [Exception]:| - |
|except [Exception] as [err]: | - |
|except: ... else:| - |
|raise:| √ |
|raise [Exception]:| - |
|finally:| - |
#### Slice
| Syntax | str | bytes | list |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| test[i] | √ | √ | √ |
| test[a : b] | √ | √ | √ |
| test[a :] | √ | √ | √ |
#### Other keywords/Syntax
| yield | is | comprehensions |
| --- | --- | --- |
| - | √ | - |
### (4)源码规范
完整的 googletest 单元测试。
# 4.交流与技术支持:
## Tencent QQ Group:
<img src="document/image/136304186-e49610e4-ce01-4524-99b6-b56842d56411.png" width="300" alt="微信交流群"/><br/>
## E-mail: liang6516@outlook.com
# 5.Demo展示
## Demo 01 GPIO
``` python
import PikaStdLib
import STM32G0
mem = PikaStdLib.MemChecker()
io1 = STM32G0.GPIO()
time = STM32G0.Time()
print('hello pikapython')
print('mem.max :')
print('mem.now :')
while True:
![Hnet-image (2)](document/image/132943428-f2b365ca-140e-42f4-936c-db6a7d9f8dee.gif)
## Demo 02 USART
``` python
import PikaStdLib
import STM32G0
time = STM32G0.Time()
uart = STM32G0.UART()
while True:
readBuff = uart.read(2)
print('read 2 char:')
![Hnet-image (3)](document/image/132943365-0f7059b3-4f9d-4989-a5ec-2cce72b0cc96.gif)
## Demo 03 ADC
``` python
import PikaStdLib
import STM32G0
time = STM32G0.Time()
adc1 = STM32G0.ADC()
while True:
val = adc1.read()
print('adc1 value:')
## Demo 04 PWM output
``` python
import PikaStdLib
import STM32G0
time = STM32G0.Time()
pwm = STM32G0.PWM()
while True:
## Demo 05 RGB
``` python
import STM32G0
import PikaPiZero
import PikaStdLib
rgb = PikaPiZero.RGB()
mem = PikaStdLib.MemChecker()
print('hello 2')
print('mem used max:')
while True:
## Demo 06 Snake(Need LCD)
``` python
from PikaObj import *
import PikaStdLib
import PikaPiZero
import STM32G0
# hardware init
lcd = PikaPiZero.LCD()
key = PikaPiZero.KEY()
time = STM32G0.Time()
x_max = 120
y_max = 150
# snake init
s = PikaPiZero.Point()
w = 9
h = 9
s.x = 50
s.y = 10
len = 0
while len < 3:
b = s
i = 0
while i < len:
b = b.next
i = i + 1
b.next = PikaPiZero.Point()
b.next.x = b.x - 10
b.next.y = b.y
b.next.prev = b
len = len + 1
# ring link
b.next = s
s.prev = b
i = 0
b = s
while i < len:
lcd.fill(b.x, b.y, w, h, 'blue')
b = b.next
i = i + 1
print('snake lengh')
# fruit init
f = PikaPiZero.Point()
f.x = 30
f.y = 20
lcd.fill(f.x, f.y, w, h, 'green')
# memory check
mem = PikaStdLib.MemChecker()
print('mem used max:')
# main loop
d = 0
isUpdate = 1
isEat = 0
while True:
if isUpdate:
# isUpdate = 0
# check eat fruit
if f.x == s.x and f.y == s.y:
# have eat fruit
isEat = 1
f.x = f.x + 30
if f.x > x_max:
f.x = f.x - x_max
f.y = f.y + 30
if f.y > y_max:
f.y = f.y - y_max
lcd.fill(f.x, f.y, w, h, 'green')
# move snake by the direction
if d == 0:
x_new = s.x + 10
y_new = s.y
if x_new > x_max:
x_new = 0
elif d == 1:
x_new = s.x
y_new = s.y - 10
if y_new < 0:
y_new = y_max
elif d == 2:
x_new = s.x
y_new = s.y + 10
if y_new > y_max:
y_new = 0
elif d == 3:
x_new = s.x - 10
y_new = s.y
if x_new < 0:
x_new = x_max
if isEat:
isEat = 0
b_new = PikaPiZero.Point()
b_new.x = x_new
b_new.y = y_new
b_new.prev = s.prev
b_new.next = s
s.prev.next = b_new
s.prev = b_new
s = b_new
len = len + 1
print('snake lengh')
print('mem used max:')
# drow the snake and fruit
# clear last body
lcd.fill(s.prev.x, s.prev.y, w, h, 'white')
# new body
s.prev.x = x_new
s.prev.y = y_new
# head is last body
s = s.prev
lcd.fill(s.x, s.y, w, h, 'blue')
b = s
i = 0
# scan key
key_val = key.get()
if key_val == 0:
d = 0
isUpdate = 1
elif key_val == 1:
d = 1
isUpdate = 1
elif key_val == 2:
d = 2
isUpdate = 1
elif key_val == 3:
d = 3
isUpdate = 1
这几个 Demo 占用的 RAM 最大值只有3.56K,把1K的堆栈也算上就是4.56K,Flash 最大占用是30.4K,以 STM32F103C8T6 的 20K RAM 和 64K Flash 为标准,RAM 才用掉不到25%,Flash 才用掉不到50%。
我们可以简单对比一下 micropython 的常用芯片 STM32F405RG 和这次跑 pikapython 的芯片STM32G070CB
## RAM资源对比
## Flash资源对比
## 参考价对比(以2021年9月11日立创商城10片售价为参考)
## 拓展能力如何呢?
除了设备驱动之外,为 mcu 开发自定义的 python 脚本绑定在 pikapython 的开发框架下非常轻松,下面两个 Demo 就是自定义的C模块拓展,这个 Demo 基于 ARM-2D 图像驱动库开发了一些 python 脚本接口。
## 几个小方块~
![Hnet-image (7)](document/image/132945282-bfd310df-8063-456d-b90c-6b798a2c8ed5.gif)
## 几个旋转太阳~
![Hnet-image (6)](document/image/132945107-e473a2cc-9fbc-47f9-aaed-a28d3ad1048c.gif)
# 6.内核测试与开发
## 在 Docker 中测试 (recommend)
[ Docker 开发环境搭建指南 ](https://pikadoc.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/get-start_linux.html)
# 7.贡献者
## [如何参与贡献](https://pikadoc.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/%E5%A6%82%E4%BD%95%E5%8F%82%E4%B8%8E%E7%A4%BE%E5%8C%BA%E8%B4%A1%E7%8C%AE.html)
| 贡献者 | [成就勋章](document/achivement_zh.md) |
| ----------------------------------------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------- |
| [甜航](https://github.com/easyzoom) | <img src="assets/26.png" alt="26" width="80" /> |
| 千帆(微信名) | <img src="assets/26.png" alt="26" width="80" /> |
| [ Meco Jianting Man](https://github.com/mysterywolf) | <img src="assets/22.png" alt="12" width="80" /><img src="assets/26.png" alt="26" width="80" /><img src="assets/23.png" alt="23" width="80" /><img src="assets/15.png" alt="15" width="80" /><img src="assets/11.png" alt="15" width="80" /><img src="assets/41.png" alt="41" width="80" />|
| [liuduanfei](https://github.com/liuduanfei) | <img src="assets/26.png" alt="26" width="80" /> |
| [ sjy](https://gitee.com/shanjiayang) | <img src="assets/26.png" alt="26" width="80" /><img src="assets/13.png" alt="13" width="80" /> |
| 沧御 | <img src="assets/26.png" alt="26" width="80" /> |
| [versaloon](https://github.com/versaloon) | <img src="assets/26.png" alt="26" width="80" /><img src="assets/13.png" alt="13" width="80" /> |
| 刘延(微信名) | <img src="assets/36.png" alt="36" width="80" /><img src="assets/41-16594077379821.png" alt="41" width="80" /> |
| [GorgonMeducer](https://github.com/GorgonMeducer) | <img src="assets/25.png" alt="25" width="80" /><img src="assets/22.png" alt="22" width="80" /><img src="assets/21.png" alt="21" width="80" /><img src="assets/33.png" alt="33" width="80" /><img src="assets/41-16594077379821.png" alt="41" width="80" /> |
| [unsigned](https://gitee.com/unsigned0) | <img src="assets/26.png" alt="26" width="80" /><img src="assets/23.png" alt="23" width="80" /> |
| [梦程MI](https://gitee.com/dreamcmi) | <img src="assets/36.png" alt="36" width="80" /><img src="assets/23.png" alt="23" width="80" /><img src="assets/41-16594077379821.png" alt="41" width="80" /> |
| [Maximilian Gerhardt](https://github.com/maxgerhardt) | <img src="assets/12.png" alt="12" width="80" /> |
| [purewind7](https://gitee.com/purewind7) | <img src="assets/24.png" alt="24" width="80" /><img src="assets/31.png" alt="31" width="80" /><img src="assets/33.png" alt="33" width="80" /><img src="assets/41-16594077379821.png" alt="41" width="80" /> |
| [ onceday](https://gitee.com/onceday) | <img src="assets/24.png" alt="24" width="80" /><img src="assets/13.png" alt="13" width="80" /> |
<div class="log"></div>
### 贡献记录 (2023 年)
| 贡献记录 | 贡献者 |
| --- | --- |
|CH307开发板、BL618开发板 | [VeriMake](https://space.bilibili.com/356383684) |
|VM instruction extension framework | [GorgonMeducer](https://github.com/GorgonMeducer) |
|iotcloud module|[梦程MI](https://gitee.com/dreamcmi) |
|implement shell filter | [GorgonMeducer](https://github.com/GorgonMeducer) |
|修复socket模块在lwip中fcntl的参数数量错误|[梦程MI](https://gitee.com/dreamcmi) |
|support GPIO pika_hal for BLMCU|[codercmd](https://gitee.com/codercmd)|
|Fix Typo on PikaVM.c|[Ikko Eltociear Ashimine](https://gitee.com/eltociear)|
|Fix type assert on dataArgs.c|[itschina](https://gitee.com/itschina)|
|add examples/Device/KEY_POLL.PY|[codercmd](https://gitee.com/codercmd)|
| hmac hashlib base64 aes modules | [梦程MI](https://gitee.com/dreamcmi) |
|fix pikaCompiler build error on macos|[梦程MI](https://gitee.com/dreamcmi) |
<details><summary>贡献记录 (2022 年)</summary>
| 贡献记录 | 贡献者 |
| --- | --- |
| request module | [onceday](https://gitee.com/onceday) |
| mqtt module | [FlintJ](https://gitee.com/flintj) |
| Donate:500¥ | [hardsofttech](https://gitee.com/hardsofttech) |
| Donate:500¥ | [edmund_wz](https://gitee.com/edmund_wz) |
| Donate:500¥ | [Meco Jianting Man](https://github.com/mysterywolf) |
| Donate:500¥ | [hardsofttech](https://gitee.com/hardsofttech) |
|PikaNN module| [Renzhihan](https://github.com/Renzhihan) |
| re module | [eglwang](https://gitee.com/eglwang) |
| PikaMath.Quaternion() | [purewind7](https://gitee.com/purewind7) |
| contrubute to PikaCV | [purewind7](https://gitee.com/purewind7) |
| xr806(openharmony) bsp |[sjy](https://gitee.com/shanjiayang)|
| ESP32 package |沧御|
| MM32F5277E9P package |[unsigned](https://gitee.com/unsigned0)|
| mm32f5277e9p BSP |[unsigned](https://gitee.com/unsigned0)|
| Add [CMSIS-PACK](https://pikadoc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/get-start_cmsis-pack.html) | [GorgonMeducer](https://github.com/GorgonMeducer) |
| donate: air32f103 board * 20 | 合宙 [xinxi204](https://gitee.com/xinxi204) |
| contrubute to PikaMath.Math() | [onceday](https://gitee.com/onceday) |
| add support for Unix Time | [onceday](https://gitee.com/onceday) |
| contrubute to PikaStdLib.String() | [purewind7](https://gitee.com/purewind7) |
| Add [PLOOC](https://github.com/GorgonMeducer/PLOOC) support for pikapython Core | [GorgonMeducer](https://github.com/GorgonMeducer) |
| Donate:500¥ (ctypes 相关) | 蒋太平 |
| fix linux install script | [Maximilian Gerhardt](https://github.com/maxgerhardt) |
| ch582 package | [梦程MI](https://gitee.com/dreamcmi) |
| ch582 BSP | [梦程MI](https://gitee.com/dreamcmi) |
| Donate:EC600X QuecPython Develop board| 移远通信 武加玉 |
| Performance Point: 900->1400 | [GorgonMeducer](https://github.com/GorgonMeducer) |
| stm32f051r8 BSP |[unsigned](https://gitee.com/unsigned0)|
| stm32f407ze BSP |[unsigned](https://gitee.com/unsigned0)|
| devc BSP |[unsigned](https://gitee.com/unsigned0)|
| TC264D BSP |[unsigned](https://gitee.com/unsigned0)|
| PikaVM improvement | [GorgonMeducer](https://github.com/GorgonMeducer) |
| W801Device package | 刘延(微信名) |
| W806 bsp | 刘延(微信名) |
| Donate:ESP32C3 5pic,linker|启明云端 沧御|
| Donate:LS1C101 mcu 10pic, LS1c101 develop board,debuger|龙芯俱乐部 石南|
| PikaVSF OS package | [versaloon](https://github.com/versaloon) |
| ESP32C3 BSP |沧御|
<details><summary>贡献记录 (2021 年)</summary>
| 贡献记录 | 贡献者 |
| --- | --- |
| Donate:ESP32 board、ink lcd*4 | name(微信名) |
| Donate:smartloong board | 龙芯俱乐部 石南 |
| package/STM32F1 | [sjy](https://gitee.com/shanjiayang) |
| package/STM32F103RBBooter | [sjy](https://gitee.com/shanjiayang) |
| bsp/stm32f103rb | [sjy](https://gitee.com/shanjiayang) |
| QEMU ARM-2D simulation proejct | [liuduanfei](https://github.com/liuduanfei) |
| Donate:GD32E103TB2 2 pic | 信息牛(微信名) |
| Rt-thread bsp、port、module| [Meco Jianting Man](https://github.com/mysterywolf) |
| Donate:EC600S-CN 4G| 移远模块 |
| Donate:BL706 board|博流智能 [bouffalolab](https://github.com/bouffalolab)|
| Donate:CM32M101A 开发板| 孟巍(微信名) |
| Donate:APM32F030R8 board | 极海半导体 陈成 |
| Donate:APM32E103VB board | 极海半导体 陈成 |
| Donate:APEX-Link| 极海半导体 陈成 |
| corde format,add gitattributes| [Meco Jianting Man](https://github.com/mysterywolf) |
| demo/simulation-keil | 千帆(微信名) |
| demo/stm32f103zet6/demo01-led-stm32f103zet6 | [甜航](https://github.com/easyzoom) |
| demo/stm32f103zet6/demo02-led-stm32f103zet6_tworoot | [甜航](https://github.com/easyzoom) |
| demo/stm32f407zgt/demo01-led-stm32f407vgt | [甜航](https://github.com/easyzoom) |