2022-12-07 18:24:00 +08:00

451 lines
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PikaStdDevice is a standard and abstract device module for PikaScript.
PikaStdDevice supplies the standard device API for users.
Document: https://pikadoc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/PikaStdDevice%20%E6%A0%87%E5%87%86%E8%AE%BE%E5%A4%87.html
from PikaObj import *
class GPIO(BaseDev):
def __init__(self): ...
def setPin(self, pinName: str):
Use the name of the pin to select the GPIO pin.
example: `"PA0"`, `"PA1"` ...
def setId(self, id: int):
Use the id of the pin to select the GPIO pin.
example: 0, 1 ...
def getId(self) -> int:
Get the id of the pin.
def getPin(self) -> str:
Get the name of the pin.
def setMode(self, mode: str):
Set the mode of the pin.
example: "in", "out" ...
def getMode(self) -> str:
Get the mode of the pin.
def setPull(self, pull: str):
Set the pull of the pin.
example: `"up"`, `"down"`, `"none"` ...
def enable(self):
"""Enable the pin."""
def disable(self):
"""Disable the pin."""
def high(self):
"""Set the pin to high."""
def low(self):
"""Set the pin to low."""
def read(self) -> int:
"""Read the pin value."""
def platformHigh(self): ...
def platformLow(self): ...
def platformEnable(self): ...
def platformDisable(self): ...
def platformSetMode(self): ...
def platformRead(self): ...
class Time(BaseDev):
def __init__(self): ...
def sleep(self, s: float):
"""Sleep for s seconds."""
def time(self) -> float:
"""Get the current time."""
def time_ns(self) -> int:
"""Get the current time in nanoseconds."""
def gmtime(self, unix_time: float):
"""Convert unix time to struct_time."""
def localtime(self, unix_time: float):
"""Convert unix time to struct_time."""
def mktime(self) -> int:
"""Convert struct_time to unix time."""
def asctime(self):
"""Convert struct_time to string."""
def ctime(self, unix_time: float):
"""Convert unix time to string."""
def sleep_s(self, s: int): ...
def sleep_ms(self, ms: int): ...
def platformGetTick(): ...
class ADC(BaseDev):
def __init__(self): ...
def setPin(self, pin: str):
Use the name of the pin to select the ADC pin.
example: `"PA0"`, `"PA1"` ...
def enable(self):
"""Enable the ADC."""
def disable(self):
"""Disable the ADC."""
def read(self) -> float:
"""Read the ADC value."""
def platformEnable(self): ...
def platformRead(self): ...
def platformDisable(self): ...
class UART(BaseDev):
def __init__(self): ...
def setBaudRate(self, baudRate: int):
"""Set the baud rate."""
def setId(self, id: int):
"""Set the id of the UART."""
def enable(self):
"""Enable the UART."""
def disable(self):
"""Disable the UART."""
def write(self, data: str):
"""Write string to the UART."""
def writeBytes(self, data: bytes, length: int):
"""Write bytes to the UART."""
def read(self, length: int) -> str:
"""Read string from the UART."""
def readBytes(self, length: int) -> bytes:
"""Read bytes from the UART."""
def platformEnable(self): ...
def platformWrite(self): ...
def platformWriteBytes(self): ...
def platformRead(self): ...
def platformReadBytes(self): ...
def platformDisable(self): ...
class IIC(BaseDev):
def __init__(self): ...
def setPinSCL(self, pin: str):
"""Set the SCL pin."""
def setPinSDA(self, pin: str):
"""Set the SDA pin."""
def setDeviceAddr(self, addr: int):
"""Set the device address."""
def enable(self):
"""Enable the IIC."""
def disable(self):
"""Disable the IIC."""
def write(self, addr: int, data: str):
"""Write string to the IIC."""
def writeBytes(self, addr: int, data: bytes, length: int):
"""Write bytes to the IIC."""
def read(self, addr: int, length: int) -> str:
"""Read string from the IIC."""
def readBytes(self, addr: int, length: int) -> bytes:
"""Read bytes from the IIC."""
def platformEnable(self): ...
def platformWrite(self): ...
def platformWriteBytes(self): ...
def platformRead(self): ...
def platformReadBytes(self): ...
def platformDisable(self): ...
class PWM(BaseDev):
def __init__(self): ...
def setName(self, name: str):
"""Use the device name to select the PWM pin.
exmpale: `"PWM0"`, `"PWM1"` ...
def getName(self) -> str:
"""Get the device name."""
def setChannel(self, ch: int):
"""Set the channel."""
def getChannel(self) -> int:
"""Get the channel."""
def setPin(self, pin: str):
"""Use the name of the pin to select the PWM pin.
example: `"PA0"`, `"PA1"` ...
def setFrequency(self, freq: int):
"""Set the frequency."""
def setFreq(self, freq: int):
"""Set the frequency."""
def setDuty(self, duty: float):
"""Set the duty."""
def enable(self):
"""Enable the PWM."""
def disable(self):
"""Disable the PWM."""
def getFrequency(self) -> int:
"""Get the frequency."""
def getDuty(self) -> float:
"""Get the duty."""
def platformEnable(self): ...
def platformSetFrequency(self): ...
def platformSetDuty(self): ...
def platformDisable(self): ...
class SPI(BaseDev):
def __init__(self): ...
def setPinSCK(self, pin: str):
"""Set the SCK pin."""
def setPinMOSI(self, pin: str):
"""Set the MOSI pin."""
def setPinMISO(self, pin: str):
"""Set the MISO pin."""
def setName(self, name: str):
"""Use the device name to select the SPI pin.
exmpale: `"SPI0"`, `"SPI1"` ...
def setId(self, id: int):
"""Set the id of the SPI.
example: `0`, `1` ...
def setPolarity(self, polarity: int):
"""Set the polarity."""
def setPhase(self, phase: int):
"""Set the phase."""
def setBaudRate(self, baudRate: int):
"""Set the baud rate."""
def enable(self):
"""Enable the SPI."""
def disable(self):
"""Disable the SPI."""
def write(self, data: str):
"""Write string to the SPI."""
def writeBytes(self, data: bytes, length: int):
"""Write bytes to the SPI."""
def read(self, length: int) -> str:
"""Read string from the SPI."""
def readBytes(self, length: int) -> bytes:
"""Read bytes from the SPI."""
def platformEnable(self): ...
def platformWrite(self): ...
def platformWriteBytes(self): ...
def platformRead(self): ...
def platformReadBytes(self): ...
def platformDisable(self): ...
class CAN(BaseDev):
def __init__(self): ...
def setName(self, name: str):
"""Use the device name to select the CAN pin.
exmpale: `"CAN0"`, `"CAN1"` ...
def setId(self, id: int):
"""Use the id to select the CAN pin.
example: `0`, `1` ...
def setBaudRate(self, baudRate: int):
"""Set the baud rate."""
def setMode(self, mode: str):
"""Set the mode.
example: `"normal"`, `"loopback"`, `"silent"`, `"silent_loopback"`
def enable(self):
"""Enable the CAN."""
def disable(self):
"""Disable the CAN."""
def write(self, data: str):
"""Write string to the CAN."""
def writeBytes(self, data: bytes, length: int):
"""Write bytes to the CAN."""
def read(self, length: int) -> str:
"""Read string from the CAN."""
def readBytes(self, length: int) -> bytes:
"""Read bytes from the CAN."""
def addFilter(self, id: int, ide: int, rtr: int, mode: int, mask: int, hdr: int):
"""Add a filter."""
def platformEnable(self): ...
def platformWrite(self): ...
def platformWriteBytes(self): ...
def platformRead(self): ...
def platformReadBytes(self): ...
def platformDisable(self): ...
class BaseDev:
def addEventCallBack(self, eventCallback: any):
""" Add an event callback. """
def platformGetEventId(self): ...