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synced 2025-02-05 17:28:23 +08:00
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289 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2014 IBM Corp.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
* Contributors:
* Ian Craggs - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#include "MQTTPacket.h"
#include "StackTrace.h"
#include <string.h>
const char* MQTTPacket_names[] = {
const char* MQTTPacket_getName(unsigned short packetid) {
return MQTTPacket_names[packetid];
int MQTTStringFormat_connect(char* strbuf,
int strbuflen,
MQTTPacket_connectData* data) {
int strindex = 0;
strindex = snprintf(strbuf, strbuflen,
"CONNECT MQTT version %d, client id %.*s, clean "
"session %d, keep alive %d",
(int)data->MQTTVersion, data->clientID.lenstring.len,
data->clientID.lenstring.data, (int)data->cleansession,
if (data->willFlag)
strindex += snprintf(
&strbuf[strindex], strbuflen - strindex,
", will QoS %d, will retain %d, will topic %.*s, will message %.*s",
data->will.qos, data->will.retained,
if (data->username.lenstring.data && data->username.lenstring.len > 0)
strindex += snprintf(&strbuf[strindex], strbuflen - strindex,
", user name %.*s", data->username.lenstring.len,
if (data->password.lenstring.data && data->password.lenstring.len > 0)
strindex += snprintf(&strbuf[strindex], strbuflen - strindex,
", password %.*s", data->password.lenstring.len,
return strindex;
int MQTTStringFormat_connack(char* strbuf,
int strbuflen,
unsigned char connack_rc,
unsigned char sessionPresent) {
int strindex =
snprintf(strbuf, strbuflen, "CONNACK session present %d, rc %d",
sessionPresent, connack_rc);
return strindex;
int MQTTStringFormat_publish(char* strbuf,
int strbuflen,
unsigned char dup,
int qos,
unsigned char retained,
unsigned short packetid,
MQTTString topicName,
unsigned char* payload,
int payloadlen) {
int strindex =
snprintf(strbuf, strbuflen,
"PUBLISH dup %d, QoS %d, retained %d, packet id %d, topic "
"%.*s, payload length %d, payload %.*s",
dup, qos, retained, packetid,
(topicName.lenstring.len < 20) ? topicName.lenstring.len : 20,
topicName.lenstring.data, payloadlen,
(payloadlen < 20) ? payloadlen : 20, payload);
return strindex;
int MQTTStringFormat_ack(char* strbuf,
int strbuflen,
unsigned char packettype,
unsigned char dup,
unsigned short packetid) {
int strindex = snprintf(strbuf, strbuflen, "%s, packet id %d",
MQTTPacket_names[packettype], packetid);
if (dup)
strindex +=
snprintf(strbuf + strindex, strbuflen - strindex, ", dup %d", dup);
return strindex;
int MQTTStringFormat_subscribe(char* strbuf,
int strbuflen,
unsigned char dup,
unsigned short packetid,
int count,
MQTTString topicFilters[],
int requestedQoSs[]) {
return snprintf(strbuf, strbuflen,
"SUBSCRIBE dup %d, packet id %d count %d topic %.*s qos %d",
dup, packetid, count, topicFilters[0].lenstring.len,
topicFilters[0].lenstring.data, requestedQoSs[0]);
int MQTTStringFormat_suback(char* strbuf,
int strbuflen,
unsigned short packetid,
int count,
int* grantedQoSs) {
return snprintf(strbuf, strbuflen,
"SUBACK packet id %d count %d granted qos %d", packetid,
count, grantedQoSs[0]);
int MQTTStringFormat_unsubscribe(char* strbuf,
int strbuflen,
unsigned char dup,
unsigned short packetid,
int count,
MQTTString topicFilters[]) {
return snprintf(strbuf, strbuflen,
"UNSUBSCRIBE dup %d, packet id %d count %d topic %.*s", dup,
packetid, count, topicFilters[0].lenstring.len,
#if defined(MQTT_CLIENT)
char* MQTTFormat_toClientString(char* strbuf,
int strbuflen,
unsigned char* buf,
int buflen) {
int index = 0;
int rem_length = 0;
MQTTHeader header = {0};
int strindex = 0;
header.byte = buf[index++];
index += MQTTPacket_decodeBuf(&buf[index], &rem_length);
switch (header.bits.type) {
case CONNACK: {
unsigned char sessionPresent, connack_rc;
if (MQTTDeserialize_connack(&sessionPresent, &connack_rc, buf,
buflen) == 1)
strindex = MQTTStringFormat_connack(strbuf, strbuflen,
connack_rc, sessionPresent);
} break;
case PUBLISH: {
unsigned char dup, retained, *payload;
unsigned short packetid;
int qos, payloadlen;
MQTTString topicName = MQTTString_initializer;
if (MQTTDeserialize_publish(&dup, &qos, &retained, &packetid,
&topicName, &payload, &payloadlen, buf,
buflen) == 1)
strindex = MQTTStringFormat_publish(
strbuf, strbuflen, dup, qos, retained, packetid, topicName,
payload, payloadlen);
} break;
case PUBACK:
case PUBREC:
case PUBREL:
case PUBCOMP: {
unsigned char packettype, dup;
unsigned short packetid;
if (MQTTDeserialize_ack(&packettype, &dup, &packetid, buf,
buflen) == 1)
strindex = MQTTStringFormat_ack(strbuf, strbuflen, packettype,
dup, packetid);
} break;
case SUBACK: {
unsigned short packetid;
int maxcount = 1, count = 0;
int grantedQoSs[1];
if (MQTTDeserialize_suback(&packetid, maxcount, &count, grantedQoSs,
buf, buflen) == 1)
strindex = MQTTStringFormat_suback(strbuf, strbuflen, packetid,
count, grantedQoSs);
} break;
case UNSUBACK: {
unsigned short packetid;
if (MQTTDeserialize_unsuback(&packetid, buf, buflen) == 1)
strindex = MQTTStringFormat_ack(strbuf, strbuflen, UNSUBACK, 0,
} break;
strindex = snprintf(strbuf, strbuflen, "%s",
return strbuf;
#if defined(MQTT_SERVER)
char* MQTTFormat_toServerString(char* strbuf,
int strbuflen,
unsigned char* buf,
int buflen) {
int index = 0;
int rem_length = 0;
MQTTHeader header = {0};
int strindex = 0;
header.byte = buf[index++];
index += MQTTPacket_decodeBuf(&buf[index], &rem_length);
switch (header.bits.type) {
case CONNECT: {
MQTTPacket_connectData data;
int rc;
if ((rc = MQTTDeserialize_connect(&data, buf, buflen)) == 1)
strindex = MQTTStringFormat_connect(strbuf, strbuflen, &data);
} break;
case PUBLISH: {
unsigned char dup, retained, *payload;
unsigned short packetid;
int qos, payloadlen;
MQTTString topicName = MQTTString_initializer;
if (MQTTDeserialize_publish(&dup, &qos, &retained, &packetid,
&topicName, &payload, &payloadlen, buf,
buflen) == 1)
strindex = MQTTStringFormat_publish(
strbuf, strbuflen, dup, qos, retained, packetid, topicName,
payload, payloadlen);
} break;
case PUBACK:
case PUBREC:
case PUBREL:
case PUBCOMP: {
unsigned char packettype, dup;
unsigned short packetid;
if (MQTTDeserialize_ack(&packettype, &dup, &packetid, buf,
buflen) == 1)
strindex = MQTTStringFormat_ack(strbuf, strbuflen, packettype,
dup, packetid);
} break;
unsigned char dup;
unsigned short packetid;
int maxcount = 1, count = 0;
MQTTString topicFilters[1];
int requestedQoSs[1];
if (MQTTDeserialize_subscribe(&dup, &packetid, maxcount, &count,
topicFilters, requestedQoSs, buf,
buflen) == 1)
strindex = MQTTStringFormat_subscribe(
strbuf, strbuflen, dup, packetid, count, topicFilters,
} break;
unsigned char dup;
unsigned short packetid;
int maxcount = 1, count = 0;
MQTTString topicFilters[1];
if (MQTTDeserialize_unsubscribe(&dup, &packetid, maxcount, &count,
topicFilters, buf, buflen) == 1)
strindex = MQTTStringFormat_unsubscribe(
strbuf, strbuflen, dup, packetid, count, topicFilters);
} break;
strindex = snprintf(strbuf, strbuflen, "%s",
strbuf[strbuflen] = '\0';
return strbuf;