mirror of
synced 2025-01-29 17:22:56 +08:00
add pikann
577 lines
22 KiB
577 lines
22 KiB
# Copyright 2022 Sipeed Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
import os,sys
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import time, struct
from PIL import Image
from .tflite_reader import read_tflite
from tflite_reader import read_tflite
# constant
TM_MDL_INT16 = 1
TM_MDL_FP32 = 2
TM_MDL_FP16 = 3
TM_MDL_FP8_143 = 4
TM_MDL_FP8_152 = 5
TM_FP8_143_BIAS = 9
TM_FP8_152_BIAS = 15
TML_FC = 2
#e is fp16 https://docs.python.org/3/library/struct.html
#fp8 https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.02915
#s.e.m and extra exponents bias
mdl_type = TM_MDL_INT8
unit_sizes= [1,2,4,2,1,1]
unit_size = unit_sizes[mdl_type]
w_types = ["b","h","f","e","fp8_143","fp8_152"]
w_type = w_types[mdl_type]
b_types = ["i","i","f","e","fp8_143","fp8_152"]
b_types_np= [np.int32,np.int32,np.float32,np.float16,np.uint8,np.uint8]
b_type = b_types[mdl_type]
b_type_np = b_types_np[mdl_type]
bunit_sizes= [4,4,4,2,1,1]
bunit_size = bunit_sizes[mdl_type]
############################### UTILS FUNCTIONS #####################################
def is_mdl_float(mdl_type):
return ((mdl_type == TM_MDL_FP32) or (mdl_type == TM_MDL_FP16) or (mdl_type == TM_MDL_FP8_143) or (mdl_type == TM_MDL_FP8_152))
def is_mdl_int(mdl_type):
return ((mdl_type == TM_MDL_INT8) or (mdl_type == TM_MDL_INT16))
def align8(x):
return (x+7)//8*8
def cal_buf_size(layers, mdl_type, out_deq):
buf_sizes = []
global unit_sizes
unit_size = unit_sizes[mdl_type]
for l in layers:
if l["is_output"] and out_deq and (mdl_type != TM_MDL_FP32) : #fp16/fp8 also need deq
buf_size = align8(np.prod(l["in_shape"])*unit_size)+align8(np.prod(l["out_shape"])*unit_size)+align8(np.prod(l["out_shape"])*4)
elif (l["name"] == "SOFTMAX"): #reserve float place for deq or middle
buf_size = align8(np.prod(l["in_shape"])*unit_size)+align8(np.prod(l["out_shape"])*4)
buf_size = align8(np.prod(l["in_shape"])*unit_size)+align8(np.prod(l["out_shape"])*unit_size)
if (l["name"] == "RESHAPE"):
buf_size -= align8(np.prod(l["in_shape"])*unit_size) #as reshape is inplace
#print("%s: %d"%(l["name"], buf_size))
buf_size = max(buf_sizes)
return buf_size
#dims: 3,h,w,c; 2,1,w,c; 1,1,1,c
def shape2dims(shape):
dims = [len(shape)] + [1]*(3-len(shape))
return dims
############################### FP8 FUNCTIONS #####################################
# fp32:1.8.23_127, fp16: 1.5.10_15, bf16: 1.8.7_127
# fp8: 1.4.3, 1.5.2
def fp32_to_fp8(fp32, ecnt,mcnt,bias):
buf = np.array(fp32).astype(np.float32).tobytes()
data = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.uint32)[0]
fp32_s = data>>31
fp32_e = (data>>23)&0x0ff
fp32_m = (data&0x07fffff)
#print("fp32 s.e.m=%d, %d, %d"%(fp32_s, fp32_e, fp32_m))
fp8_s = fp32_s
fp8_e = fp32_e-127+bias
fp8_m = ((fp32_m>>(22-mcnt))+1)>>1
if fp8_m>= (1<<mcnt):
if fp8_e > (1<<ecnt)-1:
fp8_e = (1<<ecnt)-1
elif fp8_e < 0:
fp8_e = 0
#print("fp8 s.e.m=%d, %d, %d"%(fp8_s, fp8_e, fp8_m))
fp8 = int((fp8_s<<7)|(fp8_e<<mcnt)|fp8_m)
return fp8
def fp32_to_fp8_batch(fp32s, ecnt,mcnt,bias):
buf = fp32s.astype(np.float32).tobytes()
datas = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.uint32)
fp8s = np.zeros(len(fp32s)).astype(np.uint8)
for i in range(len(datas)):
data = datas[i]
fp32_s = data>>31
fp32_e = (data>>23)&0x0ff
fp32_m = (data&0x07fffff)
#print("fp32 s.e.m=%d, %d, %d"%(fp32_s, fp32_e, fp32_m))
fp8_s = fp32_s
fp8_e = fp32_e-127+bias
fp8_m = ((fp32_m>>(22-mcnt))+1)>>1
if fp8_m>= (1<<mcnt):
if fp8_e > (1<<ecnt)-1:
fp8_e = (1<<ecnt)-1
elif fp8_e < 0:
fp8_e = 0
#print("fp8 s.e.m=%d, %d, %d"%(fp8_s, fp8_e, fp8_m))
fp8 = (fp8_s<<7)|(fp8_e<<mcnt)|fp8_m
fp8s[i] = fp8
return fp8s
def fp8_to_fp32(fp8, ecnt,mcnt,bias):
fp8_s = fp8>>7
fp8_e = (fp8&0x7f)>>mcnt
fp8_m = fp8&((1<<mcnt)-1)
fp32_s = fp8_s
fp32_e = fp8_e-bias+127
fp32_m = fp8_m<<(23-mcnt)
fp32 = (fp32_s<<31)|(fp32_e<<23)|fp32_m
buf = np.array(fp32).astype(np.uint32).tobytes()
fp32 = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.float32)[0]
return fp32
def fill_fp8_data(mdl_type, lbody, data):
if mdl_type ==TM_MDL_FP8_143:
fp8s = fp32_to_fp8_batch(data, 4,3,TM_FP8_143_BIAS)
lbody += struct.pack("%dB"%(fp8s.size), *fp8s)
elif mdl_type ==TM_MDL_FP8_152:
fp8s = fp32_to_fp8_batch(data, 5,2,TM_FP8_152_BIAS)
lbody += struct.pack("%dB"%(fp8s.size), *fp8s)
print("err mdl_type!")
assert 0
return lbody
############################### PACK FUNCTIONS #####################################
def pack_conv2d_dwconv2d(l, mdl_type): #conv2d and dwconv2d
lbody = b''
if is_mdl_int(mdl_type):
ms = l["i_scale"]
mzp= l["i_zeropoint"]
_os= l["o_scale"]
w = l["weight"].transpose(0,3,1,2).flatten() #co,ci,h,w
b = l["bias"].copy() if 'bias' in l else np.zeros((l["out_shape"][-1],))
kw= l["weight"].shape[2]
kh= l["weight"].shape[1]
# fuse mzp to bias #need deal with pad==same
if is_mdl_int(mdl_type):
maxk = l["weight"].shape[1]*l["weight"].shape[2]
mi_c = l["in_shape"][-1] if l["name"] == "CONV_2D" else 1
mo_c = l["out_shape"][-1]
tmp = np.array([np.sum(w[c*mi_c*maxk:(c+1)*mi_c*maxk]) for c in range(mo_c)])
b += (-mzp*tmp)
lbody += struct.pack('B', kw); #kernel_w
lbody += struct.pack('B', kh); #kernel_h
lbody += struct.pack('B', l["stride_w"]); #stride_w
lbody += struct.pack('B', l["stride_h"]); #stride_h
lbody += struct.pack('B', l["dilation_w_factor"]);#dilation_w
lbody += struct.pack('B', l["dilation_h_factor"]);#dilation_h
lbody += struct.pack('H', l["fused_activation_function"]); #0 none, 1 relu, 2 relu1, 3 relu6, 4 tanh, 5 sign_bit
# padding: 0,same; 1,valid
kernel_extent_w = l["dilation_w_factor"] * (kw - 1) + 1;
kernel_extent_h = l["dilation_h_factor"] * (kh - 1) + 1;
if l["padding"] == 0: #same
wpad = kernel_extent_w + (l["in_shape"][2] - 1) // l["stride_w"] * l["stride_w"] - l["in_shape"][2];
hpad = kernel_extent_h + (l["in_shape"][1] - 1) // l["stride_h"] * l["stride_h"] - l["in_shape"][1];
#print("%d,%d,%d; %d; %d,%d\n"%(kernel_extent_w, (l["in_shape"][2] - 1) // l["stride_w"] * l["stride_w"], l["in_shape"][3], wpad,wpad//2,wpad - wpad//2))
assert (wpad>=0 and hpad>=0)
print(" padding same(T,B,L,R): %d,%d,%d,%d"%(hpad//2, hpad - hpad//2, wpad//2, wpad - wpad//2))
lbody += struct.pack('B', int(hpad//2)); #top
lbody += struct.pack('B', int(hpad - hpad//2));#bottom
lbody += struct.pack('B', int(wpad//2)); #left
lbody += struct.pack('B', int(wpad - wpad//2));#right
elif l["padding"] == 1: #valid
lbody += struct.pack('I', 0)
print(" padding valid")
elif l["padding"] == 2: #valid & fuse pad
last_pad = l["pad"]
print(" Fusing PAD and CONV/DWCONV valid")
lbody += struct.pack('BBBB', last_pad[0], last_pad[1], last_pad[2], last_pad[3])
print(" padding (T,B,L,R): %d,%d,%d,%d"%(last_pad[0], last_pad[1], last_pad[2], last_pad[3]))
else: #same #top,bottom,left,right
print("unsupport padding!")
assert 0
lbody += struct.pack('I', 0 if l["name"] == "CONV_2D" else l["depth_multiplier"]);
lbody += struct.pack('I', 0);#pad
# cal ws&w&b oft
ws_oft = LAYERHEAD_SIZE + len(lbody) + 12 #add 4 uint32 oft
ws_size= (mo_c*4+7)//8*8 if is_mdl_int(mdl_type) else 0
w_oft = ws_oft + ws_size
w_size = (w.size*unit_size+7)//8*8
b_oft = w_oft+w_size
b_size = (b.size*bunit_size+7)//8*8
lbody += struct.pack('I', ws_oft); #ws_oft
lbody += struct.pack('I', w_oft); #w_oft
lbody += struct.pack('I', b_oft); #b_oft
assert len(lbody)%8 == 0
# weight scale
if is_mdl_int(mdl_type):
ws = l["w_scale"]
lbody += struct.pack("%df"%(ws.size), *ws)
if ws_size!= ws.size*4:
lbody += bytes(ws_size-ws.size*4) #align to 8bytes
assert len(lbody)%8 == 0
# weight
if mdl_type == TM_MDL_INT8:
lbody += w.astype(np.int8).tobytes()
elif mdl_type == TM_MDL_INT16:
print("INT16 TODO")
assert 0
elif mdl_type == TM_MDL_FP32:
lbody += struct.pack("%df"%(w.size), *w)
elif mdl_type == TM_MDL_FP16:
lbody += struct.pack("%de"%(w.size), *w)
elif mdl_type == TM_MDL_FP8_143:
lbody = fill_fp8_data(mdl_type, lbody, w)
elif mdl_type == TM_MDL_FP8_152:
lbody = fill_fp8_data(mdl_type, lbody, w)
print("unsupport mdl type %d"%mdl_type)
assert 0
if w_size!= w.size*unit_size:
lbody += bytes(w_size-w.size*unit_size) #align to 8bytes
assert len(lbody)%8 == 0
if (mdl_type == TM_MDL_FP8_143) or (mdl_type == TM_MDL_FP8_152):
lbody = fill_fp8_data(mdl_type, lbody, b)
lbody += struct.pack("%d"%(b.size)+b_type, *b)
if b_size!= b.size*bunit_size:
lbody += bytes(b_size-b.size*bunit_size) #align to 8bytes
assert len(lbody)%8 == 0
return lbody
def pack_gap(l, mdl_type):
if list(l["reduce_idx"]) != [0,1]:
print("only support gap now")
assert 0
return b''
def pack_fc(l, mdl_type):
lbody = b''
if is_mdl_int(mdl_type):
ms = l["i_scale"]
mzp= l["i_zeropoint"]
_os= l["o_scale"]
mi_c = l["in_shape"][-1]
mo_c = l["out_shape"][-1]
w = l["weight"].flatten() #co,ci
b = l["bias"].copy() if 'bias' in l else np.zeros((mo_c,))
if is_mdl_int(mdl_type):
tmp = np.array([np.sum(w[c*mi_c:(c+1)*mi_c]) for c in range(mo_c)])
b += (-mzp*tmp)
# cal ws&w&b oft
ws_oft = LAYERHEAD_SIZE + len(lbody) + 16 #add 4 uint32 oft
ws_size= (mo_c*4+7)//8*8 if is_mdl_int(mdl_type) else 0
w_oft = ws_oft + ws_size
w_size= (w.size*unit_size+7)//8*8
b_oft = w_oft+w_size
b_size= (b.size*bunit_size+7)//8*8
lbody += struct.pack('I', ws_oft); #ws_oft
lbody += struct.pack('I', w_oft); #w_oft
lbody += struct.pack('I', b_oft); #b_oft
lbody += struct.pack('I', 0); #reserve, align 8
assert len(lbody)%8 == 0
# weight scale
if is_mdl_int(mdl_type):
ws = l["w_scale"]
lbody += struct.pack("%df"%(ws.size), *ws)
if ws_size!= ws.size*4:
lbody += bytes(ws_size-ws.size*4) #align to 8bytes
assert len(lbody)%8 == 0
# weight
if mdl_type == TM_MDL_INT8:
lbody += w.astype(np.int8).tobytes()
elif mdl_type == TM_MDL_INT16:
print("INT16 TODO")
assert mdl_type!=TM_MDL_INT16
elif mdl_type == TM_MDL_FP32:
lbody += struct.pack("%df"%(w.size), *w)
elif mdl_type == TM_MDL_FP16:
lbody += struct.pack("%de"%(w.size), *w)
elif mdl_type == TM_MDL_FP8_143:
lbody = fill_fp8_data(mdl_type, lbody, w)
elif mdl_type == TM_MDL_FP8_152:
lbody = fill_fp8_data(mdl_type, lbody, w)
print("unsupport mdl type %d"%mdl_type)
assert 0
if w_size!= w.size*unit_size:
lbody += bytes(w_size-w.size*unit_size) #align to 8bytes
assert len(lbody)%8 == 0
if (mdl_type == TM_MDL_FP8_143) or (mdl_type == TM_MDL_FP8_152):
lbody = fill_fp8_data(mdl_type, lbody, b)
lbody += struct.pack("%d"%(b.size)+b_type, *b)
if b_size!= b.size*bunit_size:
lbody += bytes(b_size-b.size*bunit_size) #align to 8bytes
assert len(lbody)%8 == 0
return lbody
def pack_softmax(l, mdl_type):
return b''
def pack_reshape(l, mdl_type):
return b''
############################### PACK FUNCTIONS #####################################
def pack_tmdl(layers, mdl_name, mdl_type, out_deq, in_dims, out_dims, write_c_header=True):
global unit_size,w_type,b_type,b_type_np,bunit_size
#mdl_name = "mnist.tmodel"
fw = open(mdl_name, "wb")
if is_mdl_float(mdl_type) and layers[0]["quant"]:
print("quant type unmatch with tflite type!")
elif is_mdl_int(mdl_type) and not layers[0]["quant"]:
print("quant type unmatch with tflite type!")
# cfg
#mdl_type = quant_type
#out_deq = 1 #output do dequant
input_cnt = 1
output_cnt= 1
layer_cnt = len(layers)
buf_size = cal_buf_size(layers, mdl_type, out_deq)
sub_size = 0
in_dims = shape2dims(in_dims)
out_dims = shape2dims(out_dims)
unit_size = unit_sizes[mdl_type]
w_type = w_types[mdl_type]
b_type = b_types[mdl_type]
b_type_np = b_types_np[mdl_type]
bunit_size= bunit_sizes[mdl_type]
# head
print("================ pack model head ================")
model_size = 0
head = b'MAIX'
head += struct.pack('B', mdl_type); print("mdl_type =%d"%mdl_type)
head += struct.pack('B', out_deq); print("out_deq =%d"%out_deq)
head += struct.pack('H', input_cnt); print("input_cnt =%d"%input_cnt)
head += struct.pack('H', output_cnt);print("output_cnt =%d"%output_cnt)
head += struct.pack('H', layer_cnt); print("layer_cnt =%d"%layer_cnt)
head += struct.pack('I', buf_size); print("buf_size =%d"%buf_size)
head += struct.pack('I', sub_size); print("sub_size =%d"%sub_size)
head += struct.pack('4H', *in_dims); print("in_dims =",in_dims)
head += struct.pack('4H', *out_dims); print("out_dims =",out_dims)
head += bytes(28)
assert len(head)%8 == 0 #print("head not align on 8byte!")
model_size += len(head)
# layers
print("================ pack layers ================")
out_oft = 0
out_flag = 0
out_size = np.prod(in_dims[1:])*unit_size
layer_sizes = []
for index in range(len(layers)):
l = layers[index]
assert l["name"] in layername2type #print("layertype not support!")
tmp = l["in_shape"][1:]; in_dims = [len(tmp)] + [1]*(3-len(tmp)); in_dims.extend(tmp)
tmp = l["out_shape"][1:]; out_dims = [len(tmp)] + [1]*(3-len(tmp)); out_dims.extend(tmp)
print(" ",in_dims, out_dims)
# layer head
layer_type = layername2type[l["name"]]
if l["is_output"]:
if out_flag == 0:
print(" OUTPUT!"); out_flag = 1
print("only support 1 output")
assert 0
layer_size = 0 #dummy
in_size = out_size
if (mdl_type != TM_MDL_FP32 and l["is_output"] and out_deq): #reserve float place for deq #fp16 also need "deq"
out_size = align8(np.prod(out_dims[1:])*unit_size) + align8(np.prod(out_dims[1:])*4)
elif (l["name"] == "SOFTMAX"): #reserve float place for middle
out_size = align8(np.prod(out_dims[1:])*4)
out_size = align8(np.prod(out_dims[1:])*unit_size)
in_oft = out_oft
if (l["name"] == "RESHAPE"): # inplace
out_oft= in_oft
out_oft = 0 if out_oft != 0 else buf_size-out_size
print(" in_oft:%d, size:%d; out_oft:%d, size:%d"%(in_oft, in_size, out_oft, out_size))
if mdl_type == TM_MDL_INT8 or mdl_type == TM_MDL_INT16:
in_s = l["i_scale"]; in_zp = int(l["i_zeropoint"])
out_s = l["o_scale"]; out_zp= int(l["o_zeropoint"])
in_s = 1; in_zp = 0;
out_s = 1; out_zp= 0;
lh = bytearray(0)
lh += struct.pack('H', layer_type);
lh += struct.pack('H', l["is_output"]);
lh += struct.pack('I', layer_size);
lh += struct.pack('I', in_oft);
lh += struct.pack('I', out_oft);
lh += struct.pack('4H', *in_dims);
lh += struct.pack('4H', *out_dims);
lh += struct.pack('f', in_s); #TODO: fast scale
lh += struct.pack('f' if is_mdl_float(mdl_type) else 'i', in_zp)
lh += struct.pack('f', out_s);
lh += struct.pack('f' if is_mdl_float(mdl_type) else 'i', out_zp);
assert len(lh) == LAYERHEAD_SIZE #print("layer head not align on 8byte!")
# layer body
if l["name"] == "CONV_2D" or l["name"] == "DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D":
lbody = pack_conv2d_dwconv2d(l, mdl_type)
elif l["name"] == "MEAN":
lbody = pack_gap(l, mdl_type)
elif l["name"] == "FULLY_CONNECTED":
lbody = pack_fc(l, mdl_type)
elif l["name"] == "SOFTMAX":
lbody = pack_softmax(l, mdl_type)
elif l["name"] == "RESHAPE":
lbody = pack_reshape(l, mdl_type)
print("unsupport layer type %s"%l["name"])
assert 0
# fill layer size
layer_size = len(lh)+len(lbody)
lh[4:8] = struct.pack("I", layer_size)
print(" layer_size=%d"%layer_size)
#write to file
model_size += (len(lh)+len(lbody))
print("================ pack done! ================")
# write c header file
if write_c_header:
hmdl = ".".join(mdl_name.split(".")[:-1])+".h"
fr=open(mdl_name, "rb")
data = fr.read()
with open(hmdl, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fw:
fw.writelines("#ifndef __MODEL_FILE__H\r\n")
fw.writelines("#define __MODEL_FILE__H\r\n\r\n")
fw.writelines("#include <stdint.h>\r\n")
fw.writelines("#define MDL_BUF_LEN (%d)\r\n"%buf_size)
fw.writelines("#define LBUF_LEN (%d)\r\n"%(MDLBINHEAD_SIZE+max(layer_sizes)))
fw.writelines("const uint8_t mdl_data[%d]={\\\r\n\t"%(len(data)))
for i in range(len(data)):
fw.writelines("0x%02x, "%(data[i]))
if i%16 == 15:
print(" model size %.1fKB (%d B) FLASH"%(model_size/1024, model_size))
print(" buffer size %.1fKB (%d B) RAM"%(buf_size/1024, buf_size))
print(" single layer mode subbuff size %.1fKB (%d+%d=%d B) RAM"%\
((MDLBINHEAD_SIZE+max(layer_sizes))/1024, MDLBINHEAD_SIZE, max(layer_sizes), MDLBINHEAD_SIZE+max(layer_sizes)))
print("Saved to tinymaix model to %s" % mdl_name)
if write_c_header:
print("Saved to tinymaix model header to %s" % hmdl)
#!ls -lh $mdl_name
def tflite2tmdl(tflite_name, tmdl_name, mdl_type, out_deq, in_dims, out_dims, write_c_header=True):
layers = read_tflite(tflite_name)
pack_tmdl(layers, tmdl_name, mdl_type, out_deq, in_dims, out_dims, write_c_header=write_c_header)
def print_usage():
print("Usage: python3 tflite2tmdl.py tflite_name tmdl_name mdl_type out_deq in_dims out_dims")
print(" mdl_type: fp32, int8, int16, fp16, fp8_143, fp8_152")
print(" out_deq: if enable output dequant")
print(" in_dims,out_dims: dims except batch dim, max 3dims")
print(" currently only support single input/output convert")
# python3 tflite2tmdl.py tflite/mnist_dw_f.tflite tmdl/mnist_dw_fp16.tmdl fp16 1 28,28,1 10
# python3 tflite2tmdl.py tflite/mnist_dw_q.tflite tmdl/mnist_dw_q.tmdl int8 1 28,28,1 10
# python3 tflite2tmdl.py tflite/mbnet_f.tflite tmdl/mbnet_f.tmdl fp32 1 128,128,3 1000
# python3 tflite2tmdl.py tflite/mbnet_q.tflite tmdl/mbnet_q.tmdl int8 1 128,128,3 1000
# python3 tflite2tmdl.py tflite/mbnet_f.tflite tmdl/mbnet_fp16.tmdl fp16 1 128,128,3 1000
# python3 tflite2tmdl.py tflite/mnist_valid_f.tflite tmdl/mbnet_fp8.tmdl fp8_152 1 28,28,1 10
# python3 tflite2tmdl.py tflite/mbnet_f.tflite tmdl/mbnet_fp8.tmdl fp8_152 1 128,128,3 1000
mdl_type_dict={"fp32":TM_MDL_FP32, "int8":TM_MDL_INT8, "int16":TM_MDL_INT16, "fp16":TM_MDL_FP16, "fp8_143":TM_MDL_FP8_143, "fp8_152":TM_MDL_FP8_152}
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 7:
tflite_name = sys.argv[1]
tmdl_name = sys.argv[2]
mdl_type = mdl_type_dict[sys.argv[3]]
out_deq = int(sys.argv[4])
in_dims = sys.argv[5]
out_dims = sys.argv[6]
in_dims = in_dims.split(",")
in_dims = [int(i) for i in in_dims]
out_dims = out_dims.split(",")
out_dims = [int(i) for i in out_dims]
tflite2tmdl(tflite_name, tmdl_name, mdl_type, out_deq, in_dims, out_dims)