### Overview Stand-alone, portable C libraries. Each folder is independent and contains a header and a source file. There is no build, just copy paste *.h *.c files into your project. ### List | Library | Description | |--------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | **[array](array)** | Generic array/vector | | **[buffer](buffer)** | Buffer for encoding/decoding variables, best fit for protocol/serialization implementations| | **[condition](condition)** | Condition wrapper for Posix and Windows | | **[crc32](crc32)** | Crc32c, uses crc32c CPU instruction if available | | **[heap](heap)** | Min heap which can be used as max heap/priority queue as well | | **[ini](ini)** | Ini parser | | **[linked list](linked-list)** | Intrusive linked list | | **[logger](logger)** | Logger | | **[map](map)** | A high performance hashmap | | **[math](math)** | Utility functions | | **[memory map](memory-map)** | Mmap wrapper for Posix and Windows | | **[mutex](mutex)** | Mutex wrapper for Posix and Windows | | **[option](option)** | Cmdline argument parser. Very basic one | | **[perf](perf)** | Benchmark utility to get performance counters info via perf_event_open() | | **[queue](queue)** | Generic queue which can be used as dequeue/stack/list as well | | **[rc4](rc4)** | Random number generator | | **[signal](signal)** | Signal handler & signal safe snprintf (handling CTRL+C, printing backtrace on crash etc) | | **[socket](socket)** | Pipe, TCP sockets, Epoll/Kqueue/WSAPoll for Posix and Windows | | **[string](string)** | Length prefixed, null terminated C strings. | | **[thread](thread)** | Thread wrapper for Posix and Windows. | | **[time](time)** | Time and sleep functions for Posix and Windows | | **[timer](timer)** | Hashed timer wheel implementation for fast poll / cancel ops | | **[uri](uri)** | A basic uri parser | ### Test Although I use on Linux mostly, CI runs with some combination of
OS         : Linux, MacOS, FreeBSD and Windows  
Compilers  : GCC, Clang, MSVC  
Arch       : x64, aarch64, armv6, armv7, ppc64le, s390x  
Sanitizers : valgrind and clang/gcc sanitizers(address, undefined, thread)
To run all tests :
#with valgrind
mkdir build; cd build;
cmake .. && make && make check

#with address sanitizer
mkdir build; cd build;
cmake .. -DSANITIZER=address && make && make check

#with undefined sanitizer
mkdir build; cd build;
cmake .. -DSANITIZER=undefined && make && make check